4 Traffic Tips For Your Online Business

Getting traffic for your online business might be the most important thing you can do to make it grow. No traffic means no commissions, and if you aren’t getting commissions your business cannot succeed.

Use this guide to help you get more traffic and more of the right kind of traffic. Generating more traffic will increase your cash flow and help to grow your online business.

1. Target Audience

Having the right kind of traffic is even more important. Your target audience is the people who will fall in love with the products or services you are offering. That’s why when you start generating traffic you must keep in mind who your target audience is.

Your target audience can mean a couple of different things, but generally, it means someone whose interests, dreams, and struggles align with yours.  You’ll want to join groups and use the platforms that your target audience is in. This way it will become easier for you to connect with them.

The stronger the connection you have with someone, the more likely they are to trust you and earn you commissions. Keep that in mind as you contact your potential leads.

2. Organic Traffic

As a new business, you will not yet have the funds for paid traffic. So where do you begin? By generating organic traffic.

This is free traffic you drive to your offer, usually from social media platforms. It can take some time, but as long as you are consistently posting high-value content for your audience, you will start getting traffic to your site.

One example of this would be using Facebook. From there you can join groups your target audience is in, interact with them, and show them the content you make which points to your business. It will take some time, but organic traffic is how most online businesses get up and running.

3. Content Creation

Creating content is the best way to drive organic traffic to your business. The content can be in the form of posts or videos.

Right now vertical short-form videos, called reels or shorts, are the fastest way to reach a large number of people. Take advantage of this by creating short videos that provide value to your audience and point them toward your business.

When you create videos (or write a post) you need to have an attention grabber at the beginning. This can be a crazy statement or ask a question. Once you have their attention you move on to the main part of your content.

Personal stories that tie into your business are a great way to make content. Another way would be addressing a struggle, and how your business is the solution. Or mentioning a dream, and how your business can help to make that dream a reality.

Next, end it with a call to action. This could be to say comment below for more details, or you can tell them to click on your link for more info. You need to tell your audience exactly what you want them to do next.

4. Know, Like, Trust

People are more likely to listen to you and buy from you if they know who you are, like you as a person, and trust you. That is why building know, like, and trust with your audience is one of the key factors that will determine if your business becomes successful or not.

The more someone sees your face and hears your voice, the easier it is for them to trust you. They see you as a person and start to like your personality.

When you talk to someone and get to know them it will build a stronger relationship than just pitching a product. Having an actual conversation is another great way to build know, like, and trust.


Getting traffic can be a difficult part when starting an online business. Especially when you don’t have the funds to pay and have to rely on organic traffic.

Hopefully, some of these tips can help you along the way and help your business grow.