6 Steps Creating Passive income with Affiliate Marketing

-Why do Affiliate Marketing?

If you are brand new to trying to make money online Affiliate Marketing is the place to start.

You can make money without creating your own products.

The fact that you can make money without creating your own products is exactly what makes affiliate marketing so attractive.

No Customer Service Problems.

All you need to get started is to find products and services that help in building business.

I love the make money online niche and enjoy finding the best tools and training available fo use and review for building my business.

Affiliate marketing is one of the true passive income business models out there.

You are an affiliate. You are not the owner of the product, so you don’t have to create products and services.

So setting up an affiliate marketing business is very hands-off.

Since you’re not the company you’re only the affiliate, you only promote for them, you can just focus on marketing and sales..

Another perk of the business, you don’t have to worry about customer service, dealing with refunds, or exchanges.

There are no headaches, there’s no hassle, there’s a lot that goes with having your own company.

The Best part of making money as an affiliate is you can avoid all the Headaches of producing product or services.

There are many affiliate programs ranging from as little as 1%-10% for sites like Amazon Marketplace, Target, Walmart or many other companies offering 20%-40% and rare cases of 80% commissions. Just search for products you may be interested in an search the site to see if they offer affiliate commission.

Let’s start listing steps to getting your business going.


Step One: Find a Niche you are interested in. Recommend only Products you love.

Step Two: Sign up to be an affiliate of Click Bank, JVzoo, Amazon and Commission Junction.

Step Three: Set up a Website, this is your online Real Estate. This can be done on a budget.Blog

Step Four: Start your Youtube Channel. Where you can review Products and Funnel traffic to your Website.

Step Five: Build your Email list daily. Offer a Free Giveaway in exchange for their email

Step Six: Use a Funnel Builder. My Recommended Funnel Builder Affiliate Program with and 80 % Commission.


It is important to have your own word press blog. This is your major Business hub.


Content marketing is the key to getting traffic to your Business.

That’s it for Today.

Thanks for stopping by:

In the next couple of weeks I will blog about:

Step by step detail on how to start your own word press Blog that you control.

Step by step Making Money on Click Bank.

How to set up your Youtube Channel.

To Get a fast start: Click Here