Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

If you just don’t know what niche to start selling products in.

Affiliate marketers have made millions of dollars selling other people’s products as an affiliate marketer.

You don’t need any inventory to get started you don’t need any money to get started, and anybody can do this it’s very simple.

If you’re just a complete beginner and have no idea where to get started let’s get into it.

It’s a great way to make a lot of money online especially if you have zero capital and zero skills to start with now you’re just kind of just completely green a total newbie and let’s get right into this now.

Start with a mass-market niche. Now a lot of folks in affiliate marketing start with some sort of make money niche but there are many other niches other than that.

Keep in mind almost everything is bought over the internet now I mean 2020 has been a turning point people are buying more products than ever through the internet.

You could be a part of that and make some of that money in all of the transactions that are floating around the big three niches in affiliate marketing are health, wealth, and relationships.

7 reasons not loosing weight

I have a product called The Home Business Academy which you can make money with and that’s in the wealth niche right but health and relationships are even bigger health is probably the biggest niche of them all because most people actually aren’t concerned with necessarily making more money most people tend to be fairly comfortable with their incomes.

Many just want to look better or they want to feel better or they want to be skinnier or more beautiful and that kind of falls under the health niche right fitness weight loss beauty all kind of fit under that general headline.

Next, you have the relationships niche which is probably the thing that people care most about and there are a lot of products out there where people can now learn how to be better in relationships also about dating websites which is a very very large niche online.


The great thing about health, wealth, and relationships is these are niches that are always going to be around.

These are problems that people always are going to want to have solved people are always for the next hundred years for the next thousand years for a thousand years.

People desire to be in relationships people for thousands of years and for thousands of years moving forward have a desire to look better and be healthier, make more income whatever that is to sustain their lives so ultimately these are niches that are not going to go away.

I suggest you start off in them because there is always going to be this need for them so you know that

If you are promoting something to help people make more money, to help people be healthier or to help people get in relationships or be in better relationships you really marketing to a problem.

If you can’t sell products in that niche then it’s not that people don’t need what you have to sell it’s that you’re marketing it wrong.

Selling products in either of these three monster niches as long as you go into one of them now.

The second tip i have for you is to interact with the audience in your niche before you start marketing it.

Before you start your youtube channel where you’re talking about how people can make money or before you start your Instagram where you’re motivating people to get fit or before you start your Pinterest where you’re displaying images or advice on how to get in better relationships or to get on more dates interact with that audience.

Many marketers tend to be introverts many people become marketers and affiliate marketers in particular because they don’t want to actually talk to people they just want to make money online

If you are an introvert  just don’t want to talk to people and make money online

The best way to get good at marketing and selling to these folks is to actually talk to them and hear their pain points in person hear what their problems are.

You need to find out why making money is important, hear why they don’t believe they’re getting in the right relationships.

Talk to them and hear what’s holding them back from sticking to their diet or their fitness programs and you’ll get very valuable information that you can use.

Talk to your audience on a very personal one-to-one level in order to help them succeed and that will help you build your audience on Instagram,  youtube, Facebook or help you do your advertising. on the same sorts of networks now.

Be a constant question asker

You must keep drilling down to get information.

Asking people about their lives

What they believe is holding them back.

Let your audience know you care.

Keep expanding your circle of influence all the time

Asking people about their side hustles to make money.

Ask why they don’t believe they are where they think they should be

If you are in the Make money online niche understands there are other money categories such as Real Estate. Crytocurrency,  stock trading money, mlm money etc

Build trust by giving away some sort of free report or white paper or guide or calendar whatever it s to help people in your particular niche.

Many marketers go into any of these niches and just try to push affiliate products and remain no different from other marketers.

You will stand out by giving value and solving problems, offer a sort of report or guide or step by step  training video or calendar that is jam-packed with value

For example, let’s say you want to sell products in the sleeping niche. you could give away a calendar that helps people chart their sleep or you could give away a free ebook that goes over advice on how to help people get better sleep.

You could have links to multiple affiliates offers that help people get better sleep

You can find a lot of sleep-related products on amazon like apps to help you sleep, sleep pillows, mattresses, bedsheets all products that help people get a more restful sleep.


there are supplements that help for people get better sleep and what you can advise in your guide or ebook or calendar.

You could have links to all of these products every step of the way so that you can make money from a dozen sleep related products.

You could do this through amazon’s affiliate program just to give an example now if you’ve created a good guide that people draw value from and people are relying on they’ll buy from your links.

Now just like PewDiePie which is a popular video gaming YouTuber has a number of affiliate links to the chair he sits in and the headset he wears and the games he plays in his video description.

You could also start a youtube channel and just talk about sleep-related activities and let that be your free value and then put affiliate links underneath your description.

For example, check out one of PewDiePie’s videos and you’ll see affiliate links you’ll see how he does affiliate marketing.

I hope you got some value from this Blog


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