Are you New to Blogging. Tips for Beginners.

Starting a Blog can be so worth it.

When starting a Blog it can be confusing and time-consuming.

You may feel you don’t have valuable information to share with your Audience?

But you would be so very Wrong. If you are working in a particular field and trying to get a message out you would be surprised at how sharing your knowledge on your Blog could help someone along their journey.

If you are passionate about your Dreams and can communicate your knowledge of a particular niche you should be putting that content out daily.


You may still be in a learning phase but that’s ok Entrepreneurs should never stop learning and developing Skills.

I recently was told of a site to get content ideas so I Checked it out.

I plugged in some keywords and it brought up a lot of content for me to review.

I Chose a Blog post with tips for a Beginner Blogger.

This is my Take on the Blog.

The 1st Tip Write about something you are Passionate about. 

I am passionate about all things Marketing and a Blog is part Branding yourself.

Tip # 2  Write from the Heart.  

Imagine you speaking to a friend or a customer who facing a business Challenge and you want to be helping them with a solution to this Problem.

The 3rdTip. Always end with a call to Action.

You may think your Goal is to Educate but you should always Suggest a Next Step. Offer a way to get more information. Don’t let the end of the Blog Post be the End of your Relationship.  If you were speaking to a Friend you would be suggesting when will we talk again. Be yourself.


Tip # 4:  Write 500-1500 word posts or more.

Now depending what other things you may be doing to build your Brand this may or may not be a good rule to follow.

If you post is too Short it may not be indexed by Google.

You could put some of the Content from a Blog Post you are reviewing always given credit where it is Due.

The 5th Tip  Be consistent.

Now this one is very important. You should be in constant communication with your audience. Consistency will help grow your subscriber Base.

Tip # 6 Be patient when starting your blog.

Having a Blog that people want to follow takes time.

There is a lot that goes into Building a Blog. Be Patient and with time your blog will grow a loyal base of Fans.

Tip # 7 Always be Building your Email List

You may not have an email Campaign just yet but you at some point will want to have captured emails from you readership so you can communicate with them in the Future.


Number 8 Write Great Titles.

Good Copywriting is a skill set that will help you gain readership.

The most important part of your Blog is getting it Read.

It is important to Grab the attention of your Subscribers immediately so make the Title Interesting.


Number 9 Put your keywords in the first 100 words.

Google and the Search Engines want to know the content is Relevent to the Search Question..

After Writing to post go back and find a way to add Keywords in a natural way that makes sense. Never put so many keywords that the post that it is obvious you are trying to get an advantage in the Google search.



Number 10 Make your post Referrable.

Make sure the post has Valuable content and something that your Loyal Fans would want to share with their Friends.

This is my take on A Blog Post I found. Titled 10 Blogging Tips For Starters.


If you are interested in finding out how to create your own Economy Check out how others are creating a Freedom Lifestyle.

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