Linkedin Introduction


The Internet’s impact on business over the years has been, and continues to be, profound and common. It has enabled what were once, local and small industries and businesses owners to reach people around the world.

Businesses can no longer define their competition by geographical boundaries or a level playing field where all players are bound by the same rules.

social media apps

Major market disrupters like Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, and Alibaba are turning what were at a time considered A-grade business models into relics of the past.

The impact is set to continue, even more rapidly, over the next several years. For many companies, it will mean an even tougher business environment.

There will continue to be more disrupters emerging, which will become agile and nimble businesses that will dominate the markets.

There will be
more start-ups with savvy entrepreneurial backing that will become overnight successes.

LinkedIn has emerged as one of the main powerhouses on the Internet for business leads and sales and now has more than 500 million users around the world.

The business networking platform was started in 2002, by the founder of PayPal, Reid Hoffman. The company has seen steady growth since its official launch in 2003.

LinkedIn has earned a reputation as the social media platform that entrepreneurs can use to find the right buyers and quality leads online.

LinkedIn stands out from the other social media platforms, because the majority of LinkedIn members log into LinkedIn with the intention of networking with other like-minded individuals.

One of LinkedIn’s greatest benefits is its ability to enable entrepreneurs to connect with small business owners, CEOs, VPs, key decision-makers, other entrepreneurs, and potential customers.

The professional networking platform gives entrepreneurs an effective digital platform for finding and engaging with their ideal customers and to build a sustainable business relationship with them.

Unlike decades past, LinkedIn allows you to research companies and locate the decision makers without having to resort to spending your days cold calling.

LinkedIn allows you to engage with your ideal prospect through groups and recommendations from your first-degree contacts.

This new strategy, also known as social selling, hasn’t been fully embraced by the business world yet. However, those businesses that have embraced social selling and integrated those strategies into their sales process have yielded greater benefits.

Understanding how to utilize LinkedIn as a business can create a substantial difference in the number of highly targeted leads that you can generate.

If you aren’t already using LinkedIn marketing in your online marketing strategy, the following chapters will show you how you can optimize your LinkedIn profile and use its unique features to generate more targeted leads and dramatically increase sales for your business.

The networking opportunities afforded by being a member of LinkedIn are invaluable, and the marketing opportunities are vast.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Crank out new Video Content with Vidnami

Everyone knows that Video marketing is a Powerful Tool.

If you have never done a Video before you may be faced with many Stumbling Blocks.

How should I record the Video?


Do I need special tools to put my video on Youtube.

But if you are like most people the Fear of getting in front of the Camera can Stop you from ever getting started.

I believe it is always great to conquer fears and work on getting into Video marketing.

To get content out quickly using a Software like Vidnami can be a real game changer.

Using Vidnami you can turn a Blog post into a Beautiful Video with a few clicks of the mouse.

Vidnami has just released a new “Viral Meme” style video that is perfect for social media content and video ads.

I have been using the software for many years.


As you know video is now critical for just about every aspect of digital marketing today…

However, because creating videos has always been a laborious, expensive and highly technical process, in the past it’s really only been available to big businesses with BIG budgets.

But finally that’s all changed…

Because Vidnami’s revolutionary new video creation system is SO EASY to use, generating tons of professional videos that produce an avalanche of traffic is now anyone’s game…

And it’s fast, REALLY FAST…


Here are some tips to be able to Crank out New Content Daily.


Content Creation Strategy.

Listen to Good Youtubers, Daily.

Use your Blog to make rough drafts of content you want to create as you get ideas During the day.

Whether it is an Idea you got from a Training, a product review, or just a Rant on something you are experiencing through your journey to a better lifestyle for you and your family.

Put these Ideas on paper or why not go one step further and title a new Blog Post.


Repurpose old blog content into videos

As an Entrepreneur, we never stop our education.

We study tools, Strategies, and personal development daily.

We attend product Webinars, Company training and Live Events,

The notes we have taken should be put into Blog Post and turned into Video.

Everyone knows Video is powerful and should part of our overall marketing plan.

Vidnami Can turn a Blog post into a beautiful  Video in minutes.

This is a Great way to take a new or old Blog post and multi-purpose into a Video and it is Quick.

The product breaks the Blog or an article into small amounts of Text onto beautiful Slides which you are able to Edit.

Positive Action


This is how it works:

Automatic Captions

Vidnami automatically transcribes your clips and effortlessly creates captions.

Clip Selection

Vidnami uses artificial intelligence to ‘read’ your text and automatically selects video clips from our library of 790,000+ clips.

No Video Editing Necessary

Vidnami automatically combines your text, clips, voice track and music. No video editing experience needed

Make It Your Own

Easily add your logo, choose colors, select fonts, and insert your own clips/images/music to make your video unique.

Music For Every Occasion

With over 30,000 royalty-free music tracks from Storyblocks to choose from, you’ll always have the perfect sound track for your videos.

None of this will work if you are not constantly learning and taking action in your Business.

Make sure you are writing 3-5 blog posts ideas down a Day.

If you are new to working your business this may seem like a lot but just start.

Get a Blog, start keeping track of ideas and then turn them into Videos.

Try Vidnami for Free:

Video Tool


Exploring and Developing Additional Income Streams


Exploring and developing additional income streams are worth your time and effort. As a person who cares about your financial affairs, surely you’ve tried to think of different methods and strategies to keep money flowing in. After all, the more income streams you have, the better life you can live and the more prepared for the future you’ll be.


So how do you go about trying to find ways to bring in more money on a regular basis?

Keep learning

Use these ideas as your inspiration to discover your own strategies for getting additional income streams flowing into your bank account:


  1. Do a thorough self-evaluation. List every talent or skill you have. Be open-minded during your self-evaluation. Then, explore how you can earn money using these skills.
  • Are you good with numbers? A fast typist?
  • Have you often written lyrics to songs or recorded your original short stories?
  • Maybe you can sew, make a yard look great, or think creatively.
  1. Consider how you might use the internet to bring in money. You can start your own website with only a few extra dollars.


  • Get a domain name and hosting and use for excellent, easy, and free website management software to set up and run your site. A domain name at costs less than $15 and you can host your website at for only a few dollars per month. There are plenty more excellent places to acquire domain names and hosting as well.
  • Add on advertising to bring in some income.
  • If you like to write poems or report on local news, you can write articles and post them at one of a number of websites and earn money for your page views.
  1. Also using the internet, take on work you can do on your computer during your spare time. The number of worksites online is mind-boggling.
  • Sites such as oDesk, Elance, and others provide listings of work that is available immediately.
  • If statistical typing, writing short blurbs, or helping internet entrepreneurs to organize their website information are skills you have or can develop, your financial future is rich with opportunity using the internet.
  • Bringing in steady money online is a realistic income stream to start developing today.
  1. Consider turning your hobbies into income streams. Maybe you sew well or can design and make purses to sell. Or maybe you’re a fix-it person and actually like doing repairs for others. Arts and crafts projects also sell well.
  • Even 4 or 5 hours per week of a marketable hobby will provide an additional income stream.
  • Plus, you’ll improve your skills and level of creativity by continuing to make and sell your crafts.
  1. The key is to think out of the box. Refuse to allow your anxieties to get in the way of trying something new or different to get an income stream going.
  2. Be brave. If something doesn’t build the way you hoped, start another new income stream.
    Confidence is an important aspect of finding and developing additional income streams.
  • Remember that when it comes to the internet, the possibilities for earning money are endless. Keep working at it and don’t give up.

Open your mind to the many possibilities that you have all around you for additional income streams. If you push yourself to go forward and start 2 or 3 different activities to bring in a trickle of cash and keep it going, a few years from now you’ll be surprised at the impact you can make on your budget as each income stream grows.


Explore and develop at least two additional income streams over the next year and watch your income soar.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Pursue Your Dreams And Silence The Noise

I know a young and successful entrepreneur whose mother told for the longest time that she would not amount to anything but would get pregnant early and throw away her future.

She constantly heard it being said to her that she was a bad example to her younger siblings and that her mum wished she had never brought her into her home when she remarried.

Maya (the lady in question) was born as a result of her mother’s first unhappy marriage and perhaps that was the reason she became a victim of all that emotional abuse.

She however always felt it in her heart that she was going to be a great person, well-known in society and that she became.


Positive Action

When asked how she managed to see a picture so beautiful and totally different from the one painted by her mum she replied, “Of course I was deeply hurt by the daily negative words but with time I learned to tone down her voice.

It took me convincing myself that the unkind things said to me were untrue to finally succeed in phasing them out of my imagination”

Why parents, guardians, and sometimes siblings feel the need to crush the very people they should be supporting is a broad topic worth thoroughly researching but reality shows that for different reasons they do.

You may have had first-hand experience of such down-talking that got you so demotivated you stopped trying to become the success you initially thought you could be.

Maybe you even saw yourself slowly fit into the ugly mold they crafted for you with their words but there is good news for you: you can learn to silence the noise that was administered into your mind which later began to affect your imagination.

You can learn instead to create your beat and begin to dance to the tune you enjoy.

Dare to challenge the soundness of the things you have been told by other people.

Most people voice their opinions coming from biased perspectives, why then would you let your life be shaped by these?

You have the final say concerning the direction your life takes and your destiny?

In the fight to realize the picture you have of yourself and your future, you need to discard all other images that don’t align with your belief. Decide what your truth is and count all contradicting statements as lies.

Sometimes the problem causing you to lean so much on what other people say to you is lack of confidence or thinking too highly of them than you should.

When you believe they are wiser, more observant, or better judges of character then it follows that you begin to take what they say as true.

Why don’t you believe yourself to be those things instead? Why won’t you take on a new mentality that assumes that you are powerful, wise, and certain of what you want in life?

Noise may come from within sometimes. Some people are champions at taking shots at themselves!

If that is you then now is the time to stop.

You can consciously decide what you entertain in your thoughts and what needs to be fired from them immediately.

If for example you are working out and eating healthy so that you lose weight and yet daily you tell yourself that you are fat and unattractive then you are shooting yourself in the foot.

Indeed it may be that you aren’t even aware of the disempowering thoughts and words you have about yourself because you have repeated them enough times that they have somehow become a part of you.

Take time today to assess the thoughts you have of yourself and actively discard all the negative ones.

Be merciless when it comes to shutting out all the noise within and without.

Have you ever tried to listen to a radio station a couple of Hertz out of its perfect frequency?

The unwanted noise competing with the ‘good’ noise you wanted to hear was agitating, wasn’t it? Increasing the volume didn’t help either because it made the noise louder as well.

It is the same thing in your life. You need to silence the noise that competes with the melody of your dreams.

This, like most things in life, is a process.

Your diligence determines your speed in the sense that if you chase away a thousand negative thoughts meant to cripple and dissuade you from running your race today, tomorrow you may need to cast away nine hundred and ninety such thoughts.

The following day they would become less as your mind got accustomed to the new way of thinking that is positive and progressive.

You cannot give up until you get to that place where the dominating notions are positive.

Consistently declare the goodness you want to see in your life even when negativity stares you in the eye.

Do not be intimidated.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…



It Pays To Persevere

‘Your success in any endeavor depends on your willingness to never give up, even when the reward is delayed.’ – Harvey Mackay.


don't quit

Susan B Anthony was an advocate for American women’s rights to vote in the late 1800s. The majority opinion was that women didn’t have to vote or be equal to men. They labeled anyone who wanted to change that notion a troublemaker. For that reason, some admired Susan whilst some traditionalists despised her. She let nothing deter her, soldiering on until she had a significant following. At one gathering thrown in honor of her work, she received flower bouquets and joked about a certain time in her political career when people had thrown plenty of things at her which were not flowers. Before her death, people asked Susan if her pursuits had been worth all the things she had gone through. Her answer was a definite yes. They enacted the law allowing women to vote around 1920, several years after her death. American women and the rest of the world in general will always attribute their ability to vote in the present and future times to Susan’s persistence and determination to fight the system on their behalf.

Perseverance separates the success stories from failures. It demarcates the winners from the quitters. Any exceptional person significant enough to write about in the world’s history books has faced tremendous challenges in their various pursuits. What clinches success is the determination to win despite those challenges. We should never leave success to chance or luck. Hard work, persistence, and an attitude that refuses to take no for an answer shapes it.

Why perseverance is important.

Everyone wants success in whatever they set their minds to do, but we forget the hardships lying in the path to that success. We are human enough to fall short of our goals a couple of times, despite our meticulous planning and goal-getter mindset. Any failure you encounter will chip away at your confidence and self-belief. It becomes easier to believe that you do not have what it takes, and that results in a great temptation to throw in the towel and settle for something less risky.

The road to success is not a straight line. It requires a level of alertness to navigate the bumps and steer clear of the failure-sized manholes waiting for your fall. Perseverance takes you to your destination despite those setbacks. What guarantees you of success is getting up after every fall. Determination and persistence mean you will fight for your dream, despite the temptation to give up. It means that you know that the journey is rough but will risk the discomfort to get the rewards when you reach your destination.

Rewards of perseverance.

  • Reaping the fruit of your labor.

Agricultural metaphors can represent the story of success. There is a lot of groundwork before you can see the harvest. The planning stage is preparing the land. Next, you plant something to reap. Part with something of yourself in your pursuit of success, pouring it into the ground and waiting for it to yield fruit. After that, nurture the plant by watering it constantly and weeding out whatever is hindering it from growing. Invest in your dream by watering it with the required resources. See what has the potential to choke or compete with your dream and weed it out. All processes involved are not glamorous. They demand hard work and persistence. Only then can you expect fruit to break forth. You also need to be patient, as fruits will not grow overnight. Pour what you can into your dream and be patient before you quit.

  • Building confidence for future

Accomplishing a hard task will bring you a lot of confidence when you tackle the next leg of your journey. Your excitement to take on more tasks comes from knowing that you persevered in previous endeavors, including those that seemed impossible. You develop the confidence to deliver better on your goals. This also does wonders for your repertoire. You can give your clientele reasons to choose you over your competitors when you articulate your past successes. Eventually, you come highly recommended in your sphere, which is the greatest reward for anyone whose dreams offer a service to others. Persevering and winning because of it will always open doors for the future.

  • You learn more about who you

The journey to achieving your goals is often long and trying. Being determined to succeed teaches you a lot about who you really are. If you quit easily, you get to know your low threshold for patience. If you persevere you also get to learn about your strengths and limitations, so you can work the strengths to your advantage and find ways through your limitations.

Rewards are not always instant, but with perseverance, they are a guarantee.

Be willing to persist in the face of challenges and you will be well on your way to success.

Never give up if you know you are right.

Remain courageous and confident when you know the odds are against you.

Permit no one to intimidate you or shake your belief in yourself.

Take new courage and resolve from the many successful people who faced great challenges to find greatness.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


Creating Passive Income When You Have a Full-Time Job

Learning to balance work and other activities is important. It’s especially difficult to put in a full day at your regular job and then go home and work some more. But if you want to create passive income, it will require some additional effort.

recognize opportunities

Creating passive income can greatly enhance your financial well-being. If you have any desire to break free of your full-time job, it will require you to put in some quality time at home getting those passive income projects up and running.


Consider these ideas for creating passive income when you’re working full-time:


  1. Think about the best times to work. Maybe waking up earlier each morning is a viable option. Perhaps you can work through your lunch break. Are evenings best? Would you rather work all weekend and have your evenings free?


  • There isn’t a perfect strategy, but you need a starting point if you want to achieve success.
  1. Set a schedule. A common misstep is thinking that you can work on passive income streams whenever you have free time. But “free” time is hard to come by. Therefore, it’s helpful to create a specific schedule and stick to it.


  • Treat your pursuit of passive income sources as you would any other regular job.
  1. Eliminate distractions. We all have our ways of distracting ourselves, whether it’s with TV, the computer, or food. Others get sleepy when faced with work they’d prefer to avoid. Do whatever is necessary to stay focused on the work at hand.
  2. Make a list. Before you go to bed each night, make a list of the things you want to accomplish the following day. When it’s time for those tasks, avoid working on anything else. Keep working until you’ve completed all the items on your daily list.
  3. Take advantage of breaks in your day. Ideally, you’ll have some things you can do when you have a few extra minutes. Maybe you can make a few phone calls or respond to emails.
  4. Avoid working on your passive income activities at work. It can be tempting to spend some of your regular work hours on your passive income projects, but avoid doing so. Many companies monitor internet usage and emails.


  • Be cautious and avoid jeopardizing your job.


  1. Get involved with smaller passive income projects. It may be difficult to find a good 200 unit apartment complex for a great price, get commercial financing, hire management, and oversee the project when you’re already working 40+ hours a week. Start small and build from there.


  1. Take planned breaks. Every few weeks, consider taking a week off from your passive income activities, even though it might seem like you’re losing ground. Your productivity will be about the same, but you’ll be less overwhelmed and much happier.
  • Studies have shown that marathon runners will finish a race faster if they walk for one mile after running four. It’s the same idea.


  1. Keep your projects to yourself. You might want to refrain from discussing your other passive income activities at your full-time place of employment. Many bosses take exception to the idea of you earning extra money outside of your regular job, thinking your free time ought to be spent working harder for them.
  2. Learn to meditate. Meditation is a great way to give your mind a break. It’s one of the few times your brain gets to rest. As long as you’re thinking, your mind is still working. Learn to relax and focus.

It’s challenging to manage a full-time job along with other activities. Limit yourself to the most important tasks and use your time wisely. Passive income takes some time and effort to create. Ensure you’re giving yourself adequate time to manage it all.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Overcoming Burnout Blog Recap

Over the last 30 days, you’ve learned a lot about overcoming burnout by learning how to eliminate, automate, and delegate. This post offers you a link to each blog post, starting with the overview and ending with today’s post. You can save today’s post in order to have all the links to every blog post shared in this 30-Day Overcoming Burnout Challenge.

Changing routine

In this challenge, you’ll learn the importance of:


  • Creating SMART Goals
  • Why You Need a Business Plan
  • How to Create Harmony in Your Life
  • Develop Your Personal Mission Statement
  • And More


Any time you need to work on one of these issues, just go to the right blog post, and you can remind yourself what you needed to know to accomplish that goal. I hope you enjoyed the challenge and that you’re closer to experiencing a life in harmony than before the challenge.


Here is a list of all the posts and their links. [ LINK TO YOUR POSTS: If you changed any of the titles remember to change them here too]

Stop Burnout Now: Overview of the 30 Day Avoiding and Overcoming Burnout Challenge

Block Burnout: Develop SMART Goals

Develop a Realistic Business Plan

Signs of Burnout to Watch Out For

Journaling Tips for Burnout Prevention

Say No More Often: Purge Your To Do List

How to Take Personal Time Off as An Entrepreneur

Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Avoiding Burnout by Doing What You Love

A Job Done is Worth a Reward

How to Identify Over the Top Goals to Make Them Reasonable

10 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Productive or Just Busy?

Overcoming Burnout with Meditation Activities

Avoid Burnout: How to Exercise and Sleep More

How to Let Yourself Take a Vacation

Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

Tips to Help You Practice Positive Thinking

How to Accept Failure and Mistakes

Avoid Burnout: Reassess Your Goals

Avoid Burnout: Burnout Signs to Know and Watch

Unexplained Fatigue and Insomnia: Burnout or Something Else?

Burnout Experienced More by People Pleasers

Avoid Burnout: Reach Out and Find Someone to Talk

Setting Boundaries Helps Avoid Burnout

Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Make Time for What Matters

Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques

Overcoming Burnout Blog Recap

These 30 blog posts are designed to help you overcome burnout as well as set up your life to avoid burnout. Let me know what you think about any of the posts by commenting directly on them. I love to hear what you think as well as share ideas for recognizing, avoiding, and solving burnout.

Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques


Stress management techniques that help you avoid burnout are important to understand and implement into your life. Burnout is characterized by the inability to be effective and productive while also being stressed out, tired, and even angry when just thinking about the workday, business, or relationship.


Sleep 7 to 9 Hours a Night


The human body, with very few exceptions, needs at least 7 hours of sleep each night. There are some people who need less due to a genetic condition, but this is not really that common. If you aren’t sleeping enough each night due to being overworked or due to suffering from insomnia, try to find a way to put sleep as a priority in your life.


Exercise Every Day


Moving every single day, whether it’s walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or something else, is an important way to help your body regulate itself and reduce anxiety and stress. If you get up and move anytime you feel anxious, you’ll reduce your stress exponentially. Shoot for moderate exercise, at least 150 minutes a week, and you’ll be much less anxious and stressed.


Eat Right and Stay Hydrated


If you know which diet is most healthy for you, it’s important to practice it at least 80 per cent of the time. Not only will you feel better mentally and physically due to sticking to something, but it will also pay off by keeping you healthy and sickness free.


Take Up Meditation or Yoga


Doing slow exercises or clearing your mind at least 10 to 20 minutes every day is a great way to reduce stress. Many people like to combine exercise with mindfulness using a Yoga practice.


Ground Yourself


Anytime you are feeling stressed, find a way to ground yourself. The way you do this is that you start pointing out objects around you in your mind to help yourself become more mindful of right now. You can also go for a barefoot walk in the grass to help you connect with nature.


Create an Organized Environment


Studies are definitive about having clutter around – it’s not good for your mind, and it is terrible for productivity. If you really want to be successful, find an organizational method that works for you, and practice it religiously. Many people swear by The Fly Lady. (


Develop a Realistic Schedule


Learning how to schedule yourself for maximum productivity without overworking yourself is an essential skill that you can learn. Try taking some time management courses or learn how to use a particular type of scheduling like block scheduling, for example.


Keep a Daily Reflection Journal


Journaling is always an excellent method for helping you deal with stress. One way to do that is to write a daily reflection journal that describes what you did right and what you’d do differently, along with your thoughts about your feelings for the day.


Developing habits that are healthy such as sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night, eating right, and moving daily are all important techniques that will help you avoid the stress that can lead to burnout. It’s imperative that you practice self-awareness so that you can mitigate any of the signs of burnout before they become too serious.  No one is immune to burnout. If you work too hard without the right care, you will get burned out. It’s human nature, and the only way to avoid it is by using proper burnout busting stress management techniques.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…




Make Time for What Matters

The first time you hear the phrase “you make time for what matters,” it’s likely your mom telling you that when you tell her you can’t make it for Sunday Dinner this week. Because of that, you may have mixed feelings about the concept of truly being able to make time for what matters.

Balance in life


However, no matter how much it hurts, it’s the truth. If you really wanted to go to that dinner, you would be there. If you want to know how to make more time for what really matters to you, follow these tips.


Know Who You Are


Before you can know how you want to spend your time, you need to know who you are and accept who you are. If you’re a family person, then you want to spend time with family, but if you’re a sports person, you’re going to want to spend time doing sports. Whatever it is, it’s not wrong, and you must accept it and make it a priority.


Know Your Life Mission


When you choose to spend your time doing A over B, do you know why? Does it fit in with and advance your life mission? For example, if you’ve determined that spirituality is important to you, and you’ve made it part of your life mission, but you don’t spend time learning and exploring your spirituality, will you ever reach your goals?


Know Your Goals


Speaking of goals, make sure you have a running list of goals as well as a list of steps you need to take to reach those goals. For example, if you are writing a 50,000-word novel and you have a deadline for it, what do you need to spend time doing today to ensure that you reach that goal?


Set Your Schedule


Once you have a list of activities and things you really want to spend your time doing, put them in your schedule first. Then the other stuff will have to fit around those things you really want to do. For example, if the nightly family meal is important to you as a family, you’re going to want to avoid business meetings or work during mealtimes.


Stick to Your Schedule


Once you set your schedule, don’t be too flexible with it. The only exception is if it’s extra stuff that doesn’t advance your mission or help you reach your goals. For example, if Tuesday night, you added to your schedule that you want to watch a TV show, but your child gets sick, obviously, you’re going to change things.


Adjust Your Schedule as Needed


Once you set your schedule, you can adjust it as needed to ensure it works best to actually help you do the things you want to do. So, for example, let’s say you really do want to spend your time at Sunday Dinner with mom, but it seems like every week it’s not working out. Find ways to adjust your schedule or ask mom to adjust hers to help you make it work.


It may take some adjusting to ensure that you really can do all that you want to do with the time you have available. But, over time, as you eliminate, automate, and delegate more, you’ll soon be able to fit in the things that really matter to you. When you do that, you’re going to avoid burnout and enjoy your life that much more.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Loving yourself these days almost seems like a practice in narcissism. So many websites that promote self-love do it in a way that appears only to glorify capitalism and not really true self-love, much less acceptance. I mean, it’s easy to accept yourself if you’re perfect, right?

Create a community of entrpreneurs

If you really want to practice self-love, it has nothing to do with how much money you spend but about how you feel about yourself and, by extension, others.


  • Positive Affirmations – Every single day when you get up, and right before you go to sleep, tell yourself positive things. It can be about your looks, your thoughts, or your actions. It can be about how you want to behave tomorrow or how you behaved today by way of celebrating your success.


  • Healthy Diet – Whatever you consider a healthy diet is an important component of self-love and acceptance. After all, if you really love yourself, you’ll provide yourself the right nutrition that you need to thrive, right?


  • Exercise Regularly – Again, if you really love yourself, you’ll get moving every single day at least 20 to 30 minutes for a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise to maintain your health and avoid problems.


  • Stay Hydrated – Drinking enough fresh filtered water is also part of loving yourself enough to be healthy. When you are healthy all the way through, you’re going to make better choices and automatically feel more satisfied with life.


  • Dance More – It’s hard to be burned out, sad, or unhappy when you’re dancing. Plus, it’s great exercise that will get your blood pumping and help you feel better about yourself.


  • Surround Yourself with Happy People – They say that birds of a feather, flock together, and this is so true. Find people who act the way you want to act and live in the way you want to live who are also supportive of you.


  • Don’t Compare Yourself – Don’t compare yourself with other people in a bad way. It’s okay to aspire to be something that is possible with hard work, but you can’t be what you’re not no matter what you do.


  • End Toxic Relationships Now – If you’re in a relationship that has more downsides than upsides, find a way to eliminate it or slow it down. It’s hard if it’s a relative, but if someone is dangerous to your happiness, it’s time to separate yourself from them. You can always love them from afar.


  • Celebrate Your Wins Big and Small – When you succeed, celebrate it no matter how small. It’s not pride nor arrogance to talk about doing an excellent job on something. If you set a goal and made it, take time out to celebrate it and talk about it.


  • Get Comfortable with Discomfort – Sometimes, you have to be a little uncomfortable to experience a great change in life. If you really want to be successful, let yourself feel uncomfortable as long as it’s within your principles, morals, or values.


  • Meditate – Take time every day to be quiet and just clear your mind. You can use meditation, prayer, or just silence to accomplish this goal. It will help you more than you know to shut out the world once a day for even ten minutes a day.


  • Get Back to Nature – As often as you can get into nature in order to feed your body vitamin D, your lungs fresh air, and give your mind the beauty of nature. Studies show that humans always feel better when they are grounded to nature at least once a day or as often as humanly possible.


  • Study Your Passions – When you have something that interests you before you get involved, go ahead and permit yourself to study your passions. You can’t know what you like without experiencing different things.


  • Act with Kindness – Not only should you seek to be kind to others but also to yourself. For example, if you are struggling with addiction, it’s not kind to feed it, but it’s also not kind to harshly judge yourself or others.


  • Practice Empathy – Putting yourself into someone else’s shoes and feeling what they might be feeling can be hard if you haven’t had the experience. But you can practice by truly listening to others talk about their experiences, read more books, and expose yourself to more people.


  • Be Grateful – Take out time each day to be grateful for whatever is good in your life right now. Even if nothing is perfect, it never will be, you can recognize what is good and right for now.


  • Practice Radical Forgiveness – Not only should you forgive yourself for doing wrong if you are learning from it and changing, but you should do that for others and take it one step further and forgive those who have wronged you who you don’t even talk to. Forgiveness doesn’t mean letting people keep hurting you, but it does mean to let go of trying to fix it so that you can move on.


Self-love and acceptance don’t actually mean that you become selfish and greedy while stepping on others. No, self-love and acceptance are about acting with kindness to yourself and others to advance your overall life mission and to avoid burnout.

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