Avoid Burnout: Reassess Your Goals

The only way you can be sure that anything you do works is to test it and look at the data. Once you do that, you may discover that a goal you made was the wrong goal for you to be shooting for in the first place. After all, as you learn, grow, and change throughout your life, it’s normal for your priorities also to change.

Passion post

When you were in your teenage years, you probably underestimated how challenging and all-encompassing parenthood would be. Even if you don’t yet have your own children as you experience your peers going through parenthood, you learn by watching them, and that will also change your perspective in ways that can be life-changing, causing you to reevaluate your priorities.


This is okay. It doesn’t mean you’re indecisive or that you are a hypocrite. You simply just don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. That’s a mouth full, I know, but it’s the truth. Because of this fact, it’s imperative that you periodically reassess your goals to avoid burnout.


Evaluate Your Original Goals


Ask yourself whether the goal is something you even care about at all at this point in your life. It might be easy to determine to stop pursuing it right off the bat. You may have to dig deeper to discover the answers, but you can ask yourself a few questions to help.


  • Is this goal still attainable?
  • Do I need to adjust the timeline?
  • Is the goal even important to me?
  • Do I have the tactics and techniques right for achieving the goal?


Examine Your Process for Reaching Each Goal


When you set goals the SMART way, you’ll end up with several smaller goals with smaller daily steps that help you reach the goal. Did you set up the initial process in a way that really will ensure you are successful? You may need to adjust the process for reaching the goal to make it desirable or possible for you to keep pursuing it.

Go back through the process of setting SMART GOALS.

Click here SMART Goal blog post for each of the goals you’re examining to help you ensure that you’ve done all you can to facilitate success.

Track Your Progress

If you have not been tracking your progress until now, it’s essential that you set up some form of goal tracking.

Some people like using project management systems like Trello.com, Basecamp.org, and others to set milestones and track progress even if they’re doing all the work alone. This is highly recommended to help you stay on track with your goals.


Finally, ensure that any goal you set advances your path toward your overall life mission. You don’t want to do things that set you back from reaching your ultimate mission in life.

When you know what that path is, you’ll have a much easier time saying yes or no to any additions on your plate. This will be one of the main ways you can avoid experiencing burnout throughout your life.


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