Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques


Stress management techniques that help you avoid burnout are important to understand and implement into your life. Burnout is characterized by the inability to be effective and productive while also being stressed out, tired, and even angry when just thinking about the workday, business, or relationship.


Sleep 7 to 9 Hours a Night


The human body, with very few exceptions, needs at least 7 hours of sleep each night. There are some people who need less due to a genetic condition, but this is not really that common. If you aren’t sleeping enough each night due to being overworked or due to suffering from insomnia, try to find a way to put sleep as a priority in your life.


Exercise Every Day


Moving every single day, whether it’s walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or something else, is an important way to help your body regulate itself and reduce anxiety and stress. If you get up and move anytime you feel anxious, you’ll reduce your stress exponentially. Shoot for moderate exercise, at least 150 minutes a week, and you’ll be much less anxious and stressed.


Eat Right and Stay Hydrated


If you know which diet is most healthy for you, it’s important to practice it at least 80 per cent of the time. Not only will you feel better mentally and physically due to sticking to something, but it will also pay off by keeping you healthy and sickness free.


Take Up Meditation or Yoga


Doing slow exercises or clearing your mind at least 10 to 20 minutes every day is a great way to reduce stress. Many people like to combine exercise with mindfulness using a Yoga practice.


Ground Yourself


Anytime you are feeling stressed, find a way to ground yourself. The way you do this is that you start pointing out objects around you in your mind to help yourself become more mindful of right now. You can also go for a barefoot walk in the grass to help you connect with nature.


Create an Organized Environment


Studies are definitive about having clutter around – it’s not good for your mind, and it is terrible for productivity. If you really want to be successful, find an organizational method that works for you, and practice it religiously. Many people swear by The Fly Lady. (http://www.flylady.net/)


Develop a Realistic Schedule


Learning how to schedule yourself for maximum productivity without overworking yourself is an essential skill that you can learn. Try taking some time management courses or learn how to use a particular type of scheduling like block scheduling, for example.


Keep a Daily Reflection Journal


Journaling is always an excellent method for helping you deal with stress. One way to do that is to write a daily reflection journal that describes what you did right and what you’d do differently, along with your thoughts about your feelings for the day.


Developing habits that are healthy such as sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night, eating right, and moving daily are all important techniques that will help you avoid the stress that can lead to burnout. It’s imperative that you practice self-awareness so that you can mitigate any of the signs of burnout before they become too serious.  No one is immune to burnout. If you work too hard without the right care, you will get burned out. It’s human nature, and the only way to avoid it is by using proper burnout busting stress management techniques.


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