Capitalism is good! Learn Wealth Principles of the Rich.

Wealth Principles of the Rich and Why everyone should own their own Business.

Why are most people Struggling with debt?

The real difference between the affluent and non-affluent is Education.

The cost of living goes up all the time. Yearly raises still can’t keep up with inflation.

Taxes are another killer for the average person trying to get ahead.

We do need taxes but it is important to not overpay your taxes.

The Wealth Builders pay themselves first and Invest their money to have work for them.

Taxes Come right off the top of your wages and you have mounting debt.

Taxes and debt take so much of your money and there is no money to invest.

Your money is going to make someone wealthy will it be you.

If you are doing all the work why are you getting so little of the money.

You must start Paying yourself First.

How can you find a way to increase your financial situations.

You need to learn a strategy on how to generate Positive Cash Flow.


If you can make 45K a year but your bills 4K a month your gonna have some debt created.

You made 45K but it cost 48K a year live even without more inflation your going to rack up some debt.

Now if you can increase you money to 60K and keep your bills the same you would then have money to invest.

You need to educate yourself on setting up a home Business.

This will help with finding a Strategy on how to increase your income.

Increasing your incoming money will allow you to pay down debt and have the ability to accumulate assets.

It is ok to have a job. You should be grateful for your job.

But you should be looking to move from the Highest Tax Bracket which is W2, to a middle bracket which is Owning a Business to the Lowest Tax Bracket Capital Gains.

Again I believe there is nothing wrong with having a Jobs but your Job should help Fund your Dreams.

If you would like more information on Wealth Strategies and how to be Debt FreeĀ 

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