Never Quit: Go After Your Breakthrough

To succeed you might have to fail without giving in to the temptation to quit. Have the courage to go after what you want, regardless of the many times you will miss the mark. Seeing your dream come true will bring fulfillment in ways that will overshadow any failure you encounter. Giving up will only bring a lifetime of regrets. So instead of quitting when the going gets tough, push forward and claim your victory.


shoot for the moon

The myths around failure.

When people commit to their dream, the expectation is that passion coupled with excellent planning will prevent failure. The truth, however, is nothing worth pursuing is that predictable. Many unforeseen circumstances can still cut your legs from under you, even with all the glorious plans. You could expect setbacks and still be ill-prepared to handle them. Certain things might catch you off-guard. You need to accept that reality if you are to build resilience in the face of adversity.

At ten, doctors diagnosed Kieran Behan, a young boy with a dream to become an Olympic gymnast with a cancerous tumor on his thigh. The doctors decided on an operation to remove the tumor, but it went so bad that he suffered nerve damage. He received the news that he would never walk again. With great determination, Kieran started his journey of recovery. After fifteen months in a wheelchair, he found his way back to the gym, only to slip from a top bar a few months later. He sustained a head injury that took him out of school for a year. His determination to become a professional gymnast saw him retraining his brain to get his co-ordination back. Years later, he persisted and qualified for the European Championships. Unfortunately, the strain he had put on himself had caused several fractures and a blown knee. The youthful man was ready to give in until he remembered his goal. He pushed himself past the pain to become the Challenge World Cup floor champion in 2011. He realized his dream of competing at the Olympics when he qualified as a contender in 2012. Though he never won the gold medal, the young man’s resilience brought him where the doctors had never envisioned he could ever go after facing all the physical trauma and pain.

Failure does not always mean that you should rethink the vision. Sometimes, it means your methods did not work the way you thought they would. It could be the right indicator towards a better way of tackling the work ahead. Do not quit because you failed once. Instead, give yourself room to fail a few more times before throwing in the towel. Somewhere along the way lies victory. Don’t miss it just because you encounter a few stumbling blocks.

How to stay motivated when quitting seems easier. 

  • Remind yourself why you started.

Remember the excitement you developed upon discovering your passion? Everything seemed so possible, so within reach until you encountered the first few hurdles that showed you it would not be a walk in the park. When you doubt yourself and your ability to perform well in your endeavors, take time to remind yourself why you chose that dream. Remind yourself of the strides made so far and how those achievements validated your pursuit. Remind yourself of how it felt to see things falling into place and it will encourage you to jump right back into it.


the journey

  • Keep your eyes on the prize. 

Many people lose sight of the bigger picture when things take a sticky turn. This loss of focus is dangerous as it amplifies failures. It becomes easier to compare your progress with your peers, and comparison seldom yields any good. Keeping the end goal within your sights will help the vision seem closer and more attainable. Visualize the feeling of contentment you will get once the rewards come through and it will motivate you to pull through towards your victory.

  • Take the road less traveled.

Successful people are often risk-takers. They will do what no one else is comfortable doing. Whatever seems daunting to the ordinary person is fodder for a winning mindset. While it is important to plan, one can easily quit at the planning stage because they feel they are not up to the task. If you are going to win, you will need to perfect the art of leaping into tough tasks before you are ready. Do not allow room for stagnancy. It only brings a greater level of discomfort and disappointment in the event of setbacks. Always stretch yourself to build resilience for adverse seasons. Set a few challenging goals that will shake off complacency and gear you up for tough times.

  • When it’s overwhelming, ask for help.

No man is an island. Whilst it is ideal to pursue your passion alone, dreams are better achieved with the help of others. Surround yourself with a healthy support system. The kind that does not clip your freedom to try things and that is available to help build your confidence back up when things are not going your way. Find people who can provide a safe space in which you can discuss your fears with no fear of judgment or ridicule. Reach out to people who have gone ahead of you and find out how they stayed the course when faced with challenges of their own.

When quitting is tempting, look at yourself in the mirror and repeat “I will not quit until I am living the life I dream of!”




10 Simple Steps to Building a Blog on Word Press.

When building your first blog you really have to figure out what do you want to write about?

Follow these 10 Simple Steps when Building your Blog with Word press.

Wordpress Blogger

Make a blog about something you are passionate about.

Are you interested in helping people find Financial and Time Freedom?

It is very important that you figure out what you really feel you could blog about on a consistent basis.

First step: Who is Your Audience?

You must figure out who is your target audience so you can deliver super-targeted messages on a regular basis.


It is very important to know who your target audience is. You need to create content your audience is looking for.

Second Step: What is your Purpose for starting your Blog.

You must understand what your reason is for starting a Blog.

There is a ton of work involved so your intention must be cemented in your mind.

Step Three: Choosing a name for your Blog.

Naming your Blog and seeing if name is available.

Step Four: Branding you.

Figure out what your look is all about. The Colors, the font, be yourself, you want people to recognize that your blog represents what you are all about.

Step Five: Installing the WordPress application.

There will be many different options. Most business owners should have a self-hosted Blog.

I would definitely recommend a self-hosted WordPress Blog, this is basically you going to a hosting provider like GoDaddy or Host Gator and buying hosting and installing WordPress on top of it.


Step Six: Choose a Theme. You will be shown some themes pick a theme that you feel best shows your Brand.

Step Seven: Installing Plugins.

These are little add ons to your website.

Click on Plugins and then Add new.

Then it’s gonna show you some of the featured plugins here, then you can go to popular plugins and see if any resonate with you.

We definitely want people to find your website so we’ll install Yoast SEO here, and click install and then activate.


Step Eight: Make your First Post.

Go to the Left-hand side of Dashboard and click on Post, Add New.


WP dashboard


Put your Title in and then move to where the body of your Content is placed.

Start typing the Content you want your Audience to see.


Title and Content




Step Nine: Images and Featured Image.

One of the most important things to think about with your post is to have a featured image.

So when you have your site right and it’s not just text you have that little image there to capture it – Okay!

– Make sure you’re on the document tab go down to featured image set featured image.

You can go to sites like Pexels and Pixabay to find some Free images. Make sure they are Free to use.

Step Ten: Widgets and how to use them.

Go to appearances and then widgets, this is a place for all the content you can have on your sidebar and on your footer.

The sidebar is a good place to put your products using the Widget

You may want to list your Published post on the sidebar.


Some additional things to consider when using your Blog. 

So let’s check out your website. So again just click the my blog that little shortcut to get to your website.

You may see Create your Menu Here at the top right corner.

We need to create a new menu here so that menus can be a navigation button like your home links, your about me page,  contact page, Tools Needed for business and all that good stuff.

You can either click it there if you’re on the front of site or if you’re in the dashboard click appearance and then menus, You can add your stuff here. It may look like we have a menu already kind of created we have home and then sample page,

We will definitely want to create some other tabs So First remove the Sample page, then Click create menu.

Once you do you’ll see at the bottom here it shows menu settings.

You can auto add pages so if want an About me or Contact page it’ll automatically come up here, so you can auto add and then display location primary menu is so it will actually appear up there.

Every post has a category so you could have how to build a Busines online.

So by default WordPress doesn’t know what to put so it’s gonna have an uncategorized category, so you go to post categories and then just click quick edit we’re gonna just type in-home business here make it nice and simple,

But as you add posts one of the issues with having a blog is potentially the amount of spam you might get, there are BOTS out there that just go out and just basically add just nonsense posts trying to get links back to their can add content here, for categories or inside the post itself.

So there’s a few things you can do, so most of the time WordPress will come pre-installed with the plug-in called Akismet Anti-Spam you can sign up and do that, otherwise you can do like a captcha plug-in that make sure that they’re an actual person on your website and commenting plugins like Disqus which is like facebook login or Twitter login is definitely good to help prevent some of that stuff too.






How do YouTubers Make Money?

Good Morning, John, At the very first VidCon I was being interviewed by a television reporter who, at one point, was surprised by something I said, and she said to me: “ You can make money on YouTube. How does that work? And I was a little tired And I was also like super high on VidCon Like I was so excited about online video and all the stuff that had come together and so like. I did I did not censor myself. Well,


I said something to the effect of Um advertising. My show has more viewers than yours does, Which I did not intend to be a sick burn. It just came out Like that was the thing that were true, But the answer to that question is complicated and since I think about YouTube a lot and I think that we should all be more open about how all of these things work lets do it lets Talk about how YouTubers make their money Different kinds of content have to have different kinds of support Like this right here very low budget. This is just two guys We could probably subsist on what we call adsense and much Adsense works for every YouTuber as long as you’re not like philosophically opposed to advertising. You click a little box when you upload your video YouTube will sell an ad against it, and then it will split the revenue with you. You get 55 %. This is kind of wonderful. It is not a common thing among social media sites, though they have started to share some revenue, YouTube started doing it way back in like 2007 and 2008.


It’s also part of why it’s such an appealing place to make stuff and also part of why it’s become harder to break in. Because if there’s a way to make money, then people will spend money to make their content look better so that they can compete on the platform Anyway. YouTube AdSense, pretty much stays on the same level and everybody has access to that which is really amazing. But at higher levels you start talking about brand deals. Maybe, endorsement deals, maybe really good tech stuff And even eventually getting support from someone else to help realize your vision Crash Course and SciShow were both funded by grants from YouTube because they wanted more high quality stuff. On the site, so advertisers would be more likely to advertise. Those systems are really hard to democratize and make available to everybody. Now brand deals are a little bit different.




They have started to be available to creators, sort of in the middle class Brand deals. Basically anytime. Somebody pays you to talk about something in a video whether that’s like an ballot at the end, or it can be a big elaborate production, and your entire video is about the topic that the brand wants you to talk about YouTube advertising is available to everybody And it comes in, and you don’t have to worry about whether or not its gon na come in, but its a really low rate In order to supplement income a lot of. In addition to having you know, regular jobs also live in Los Angeles, where it’s easier to get gigs, acting or hosting, and TV commercials or shows, And if you have more social media followers these days, it can be easier to get that kind of work which is Interesting Some YouTubers also make money by touring whether they’re, comedians or musicians. Sometimes creators will license their content to other platforms. Sometimes videos go on TV and you make some money that way And then you have some creators like Rooster Teeth, building their own subscription platforms.

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And then, if you don’t want to make people subscribe, you can also ask them to subscribe through services like Patreon, which is extremely important for shows like Sexplanations, for example, that gets really bad YouTube ad rates, because advertisers don’t want to be next to the word. “Sex.” Without the support of Patreon patrons that show couldn’t happen at all. The thing to remember is that different kinds of content work better with different kinds of monetization. Unlike what I said to that lady at VidCon 2010, its not simple, Its gotten a lot more difficult to make your way on this platform, and it has become more complicated, Which is one of the reasons why I recently started a thing called the Internet Creators Guild With the goal of being a resource to connect creators together to give them information and to let them have a unified voice when talking about when things go wrong and what they would like to make them happier.


To be clear, I started this thing, but I really don’t want to run it. I don’t think that I should run it and I definitely can’t Honestly. I think that I’m too biased to be in charge so I’m looking forward to eventually stepping back after helping Laura Chernikoff, who is one of the most effective people I’ve ever met, get established as the executive director of the organization. There is a lot of value. That’s created by online video and as different systems evolve for capturing, at least some of that value. It just gets more complicated And, as those barriers rise, we need to create systems that keep the benefits of this revolution accessible to the most people possible, and I hope that the Internet Creators Guild can play a part in that


Thanks everybody for listening to this, Hopefully it wasn’t too inside baseball John Ill, see you on Tuesday..

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is from the Hemp Plant and Unlike THC that comes from the Marijuana Plant CBD does not have psychoactive effects.

For more info Check out this short Video


CBD oil is used to improve overall health, promote a better night’s sleep, may help with joint discomfort, promote healthy weight loss, support healthy skin, promote a healthy digestion system, and help in maintaining a stable mood.


pets CBD


• lack of appetite
• separation anxiety
• excessive barking
• nausea from car rides
• lack of vitality and energy
• muscle spasms or seizures
• chronic pain
• recovery from illness or surgery
• pacing or inability to settle or relax
• fear of thunderstorms, fireworks or loud noises

The CBD Industry is set to explode and grow to $7.1 Billion by 2020
This is the PERFECT time to start a CBD Business


This is an amazing time to build a CBD business.  CBD products for people and pets are being used worldwide, and people are seeing instant, life-changing results with this miracle plant. CBD is quickly becoming a VIRAL product. We are a leader in the Cannabis industry, offering the most powerful and potent Hemp Products on the market.

Do you have a wellness practice, pet grooming store, pet bakery or dispensary where you would like to have products available for purchase from your office or storefront?  Find out about our bulk wholesale program.  According to Forbes, the Cannabis industry is expected to grow 700% by 2020.  Don’t miss out — get started now!


Beginner Friendly, no Experience needed and No Inventory!

Join The Power Team!

Do you Like to Try New Recipes

I love Cooking when I have the time.

To me, Cooking is a Stress Reliever.

When I am looking for a recipe I look for Simple.

Do love to collect Recipes and put your own twist on them?

Do you go straight to the recipe Section of magazines while in the Store line waiting to check out?

How many times have you see a picture of a Great Looking Chicken Dish but when reading the ingredients you see some stuff in there that you are just not a fan of.

Today I was looking to find a Quick Recipe to feed my husband and 3 Teens, ages 14, 15 and 18.

Looking to see what I had in the house I came up with some Chicken Thighs, Spinach and Fettucine.


Chicken, Spinach and Fettucini

This is what I did next.

Opened up my Computer went to Google and searched Recipes with Chicken and Spinach.

I came across a Recipe with a yummy looking picture.

Looking at the Recipe a notice Lemon was one of the Ingredients.

Not a Fan of Lemon in my Cooking.

So what did I do?

Went to the Kitchen and just started cooking,

Using a skillet with Olive Oil I Browned up the Chicken Thighs and starting throwing in Seasonings including garlic, spinach, cherry tomatoes, and Chicken Broth.

While that was Cooking, I got water boiling for the Fettucine.

Be Creative when cooking.


Cooking Should be Fun.

This Recipe was OK I guess.

No Left overs.

That’s it for now.

Go create your own Recipe.




Adding Weights to Your Walking Routine


The Pros and Cons of Walking With Weights


One of the biggest milestones in our first few years of life is learning how to walk. This activity becomes so habitual it is easy to forget that it is, in fact, exercise. The American Heart Association even calls it “one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active.” A piece on walking from a 2009 Harvard Health School newsletter points out that even though walking is such an automatic human function, “modern man appears determined to walk as little as possible.”

As walking is one of the simplest — and most accessible — forms of exercise, if you begin walking for fitness and are hoping to speed up results and make the activity more challenging, it may seem harmless to just add in some weights. However, carrying weights may be doing more harm than good. Here’s why and what you should be doing instead.

Read the full Article here

I enjoyed the The Article and often get a lot of tips from MyFitnessPal.

Keep on Moving Forward….


Quick and Easy Turkey Chili

Turkey Chili

My Husband and I love a good hearty soup.

This is my go-to Chili recipe.  It is quick and Easy and oh so Tasty.

Turkey Chili
Easy Crock Pot Turkey Chili


Turkey Chili with beans

1 Tablespoon olive oil

1 small Diced onion

1 small red pepper diced

1 pound Ground Turkey

2 14 oz diced Tomatoes

1 jar medium salsa

1 can of Corn

1 16oz can of Red Kidney Beans

1 tablespoon Chili powder

1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

½ tsp of garlic powder

Salt to taste

Heat oil in cast iron pan and brown the ground Turkey

Mix Turkey and all ingredients in Crockpot.

Cover and cook 8 hours on low or 4 hours on high.


If you don’t like it too spicy you can cut back on the Chili powder and Red Pepper Flakes


Are your Beliefs and Attitudes in Alignment with your Success Outcome?

Is Self Sabotage something you struggle with?

Are you working daily to improve your beliefs and attitudes to support the outcome in business and in life that you desire?

To be a Top Producer you need to work on your beliefs and values needed to accomplish your best outcome for Success.



Leadership requires a belief in others. If you want a strong team of people around you it is crucial that you learn about what is important to your team members and you must believe in their abilities.

Here are some steps you can use to change limiting beliefs.

First, recognize the belief.

Example: You Don’t believe you can accomplish a specific task.

You can Redefine:

1.   There is always a way if committed to the result.

2.  Don’t be afraid of failure as Success comes from learning from outcomes.

3.  Celebrate your successes

4.  Talk in positive phrases, you can be a blessing to many

Look for a Counter-Example:

You believe you are to shy to be able to make a video explaining to someone a training you did and showing what you experienced.

Well, a counterexample would be finding a Leader who was also painfully shy but overcame this and continued on to be a Great Leader.


Use of Affirmations to change limiting Beliefs

I am working daily on myself to become a better person

I show up daily with enthusiasm ready to receive all that is good into my life.

I am Successful

I attract Success and Good Fortune

I attract into my life people who are Successful and Like Minded

Building a Freedom Lifestyle

Lifestyle design is an entirely new approach to business and life that can make you happier, freer and richer. Right now, thousands of people around the world are adopting the principles of lifestyle design and using it to travel, to spend more time with their families and to do work they love, the way they want to do it.
But lifestyle design goes beyond that. It’s also about changing our approach to our work-life-balance. It’s about embracing the promise of modern technology. It’s a movement and a cultural change and it’s very likely going to be instrumental in shaping the future.
Sound Unrealistic or Crazy? Allow me to explain exactly what lifestyle design is and why it’s so important…
Lifestyle design simply means that you are designing your lifestyle. It sounds simple and it sounds obvious but it’s something that most of us never do.
When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself what you wanted life to be life? What you wanted your daily routine to be like? And how you intended to get there?
If you’re like most people, then you will have fallen into a job (because you had no other option and that was what you were taught to do) and probably just kind of ‘survived’ until then. You’ll live within your means, you’ll work the hours you’re set and you’ll even probably have chosen where you want to live based on your work.
So right now, you have not chosen your life. You have no choice about where to live, you have no choice about how to spend the hours between 8am and 6pm (taking into account your commute) and you probably have limited choice how you spend the rest of your time due to time and budget constraints.
Adding insult to injury, you are probably also an employee, which basically means you’re doing what someone else says and exchanging your time for money. As an employee, you’ll probably be given set work to do during the week and you’ll probably be reprimanded if you don’t do it in time. This is the part that I personally find hardest to stomach: you’ll be reprimanded.
Like a child.
You’ll also be told what you can and can’t wear and how you’re allowed to decorate your desk. And a lot of the rules will be petty and arbitrary.
Oh and you also get into trouble for talking in most offices. Seriously, this couldn’t be farther from freedom. And it’s not just the hours you spend actually working that affect you either. Just as bad is the time that you lose out on at home. When you only have a few hours (and more importantly – very little energy) in order to do anything useful once you get home, it can make it very hard to spend the time you want to with your family, to spend time working out and getting into shape, to spend time outdoors. Even just to read that book or play that video game that you’ve been wanting to experience for a while now.
It’s so bad that we end up just looking forward to the time when we’re old enough to retire. You know something is wrong when we’re actively looking forward to being so old and that we can’t move around properly without being in a lot of pain…

Making a Change
But here’s the thing: it really doesn’t have to be like that anymore. These days it’s possible to communicate with anyone from around the world without leaving the comfort of your home. You can accept money transferred wirelessly, you can get any information you need and generally it’s possible to earn money from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.
With all this in mind, why don’t more companies offer flexitime and allow their staff to work from anywhere? Or at times that suit them? Sometimes it comes down to requirements of the job: perhaps you need to be in the office in order to answer the phone. But a lot of the time it simply comes down to the fact that a lot of businesses are stuck in the past and unwilling to try new approaches.
But you don’t have to work for a company at all any more. You can provide a service freelance online and that could mean:
• Writing
• Creating websites
• Being a proof reader
• Providing consultation of some sort
• Being a personal trainer or counsellor
• Writing music
• Taking photos
• Buying and selling products
• Creating physical products to sell
• Data entry
• Running a blog
• Sports commentary
• Programming
All these jobs and many more can be performed online with no need for you to be present in person and this is something that anyone can handle on their own with no need to have a ‘boss’ of any sort.
Once you start doing that, you can then set the hours you want to work. If you want more money, you can work longer hours. If you want more time to spend with your family, you can choose to work a little less. Likewise, you can decide precisely the kind of work you want to do and you can direct your business to do things in your way – and get the pride that comes from that.
Working online also means you don’t have to commute anywhere. This means you can live anywhere in the world that you like – or even travel the globe! Likewise, it also means that you can forget about losing an hour or more every day just to travel. It means you can wear whatever you like and in general it means that you can start dictating how you want to live your life instead of having it dictated to you.
You’re now in a position to choose how and when you work and that means that you can choose to design your work to fit the lifestyle you want. It’s a subtle shift but it makes a profound difference.
But as we’re going to see in the next chapter, lifestyle design doesn’t just mean working online so that you can work outside the office. Otherwise this book would be called ‘Working Online’. Rather, this book represents an attitude shift and this can affect you in all manner of different ways.