The main thing to remember, no matter what you’re setting a goal for, is that your goals should be SMART. That means they need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. If you make a habit of creating goals for all aspects of your life using this acronym, you’ll be a lot more successful – no matter what you do.


But before you get started with your SMART walking goals, let’s talk about some factors to consider as you’re creating your goals.


1) Know Your Fitness Level – Almost everyone can walk. This includes people who are very unhealthy, even if they can only walk for five minutes. Start with your fitness level and set your goals accordingly.


2) Know What You’re Working Toward – Pretend you stuck to everything you are supposed to on this journey; what is the dream goal you’re working toward? Even if it seems crazy, knowing that final goal is essential for designing your plans.

3) Know Your Time Availability – This is part of being realistic because if you have roadblocks to having enough time to devote to walking for health to meet your goals, you may not succeed

Creating SMART Walking Goals


Here is an example of a healthy yet sedentary office worker for you to follow:


* Specific – My goal is to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps per day by the end of six months, starting where I am now at 1000 steps per day.


* Measurable – Every day, I will add 100 steps to my total. It will take me 90 days to reach 10,000 steps per day.


* Attainable – I am overweight but with no health problems, so my goal to walk 10,000 steps a day by the end of 90 days and to maintain it for 6 months is entirely doable in terms of my health.


* Realistic – Adding in 100 steps a day is realistic because I am healthy, and I have enough time. It’ll take me about an hour and a half at my walking pace to reach 10,000 steps. I plan to walk each morning between 7 and 9 am. I also have an indoor place I can walk when the weather is terrible.


* Timely – By adding the goal of reaching 10,000 steps in 90 days, then maintaining that for six months, it makes the goal timely – meaning it has a time limit that you have set for you to reach your goal.

As you see, crafting SMART walking goals will help you set up a plan that is achievable if you simply follow it. Once you have set the plan up, you can put it in your calendar, tell your accountability partner, and then just follow it. You will reach your goal without issue.



One of the things you need to consider if you want to start a walking program for yourself is your footwear. Finding the right shoe for walking is essential because if you have foot pain or problems with your feet, it can cause problems with the rest of your body too – from your legs to your knees to your back and more.


Buy a Walking Shoe


If you’re going to use the shoes for walking, you should buy a walking shoe. Walking shoes are typically lightweight, allow for ventilation to prevent moisture, have outsoles that provide traction, plus they offer the right type of arch support.


You Don’t Have to Buy Expensive Shoes


You really don’t have to buy an expensive walking shoe to protect your feet. You only need to make sure it has the right walking shoe features such as those mentioned above. Look for shoe sales in January and April to get the best deals on walking shoes.

Think About How Your Foot Is Shaped


Everyone is different, so once you start looking at walking shoes you want to figure out what type of foot you have. How wide is your foot? How long is your foot? Do you have a big arch or a small arch? Different walking shoes will fit different criteria.


Ensure That the Shoe Fits


When it comes to walking shoes, you don’t need to “break them in.” They should feel comfortable from the moment you put them on. When trying on the shoes, be sure to wear the type of socks you plan to wear while walking to ensure that they fit the same. Also, try shopping for shoes after you have been walking so that your feet are at their largest size. Get your feet measured too, because you may be wearing the wrong size out of habit.


Don’t Wear Old Shoes

You really do need to buy new shoes more often than you might think. A good walking shoe will last about 400 miles of use, but you can also choose to get rid of them when the outsole is worn (as a guide). The best thing though is to check your mileage, just like you would for your car tires. If the outsole is not in good shape, it can cause a considerable impact on the rest of your body due to not giving you enough traction or cushion for your steps.

Wearing the right walking shoes will prevent issues such as blisters, as well as body pain that can be caused by the shock of your foot hitting the pavement. That’s why a walking shoe is lighter, has good shock absorption due to the way the outsole is made, and good materials inside to cushion the impact of hitting the ground with each step. Your feet will thank you, and your entire body will thank you too.




There isn’t even enough space here to include all the benefits of walking. Walking is simple to do, most healthy people can do it even if it might seem hard at first, and you can do it almost anywhere at any time. The only special equipment you need are good walking shoes, and then you’re in business.


  1. Burns More Calories – Walking burns calories like any other exercise, but without the impact and stress that other forms of exercise can like jogging and running. Even if you’re not feeling well, you can go on a leisurely stroll and still get the benefits of the movement.


  1. Builds a Strong Heart – Working out always helps your heart because you cause your cardiovascular system to work a little harder, which is good for it when you’re healthy. Keeping your heart strong will keep you alive much longer.


  1. Builds Better Bone Health – As we age, our bones become more brittle and we experience more pain. This can lead to broken bones and other issues. But if you keep walking and moving, you’ll be less likely to develop those problems.


  1. Improves Balance and Coordination – The more you use your body, the more it works for you. Walking more often improves your balance and coordination because your body gets used to standing upright and moving more often. It’s a matter of practice and getting the muscles and ligaments strong.


  1. Improves Your Lung Capacity – Walking, especially fast walking, will get your breathing up and cause you to build your lung capacity. Usually it takes about six to eight weeks of cardiovascular workouts to see the full improvement that you can experience.


  1. Lower Your Blood Sugar – People with high blood sugar can see huge benefits from walking and burning off that extra sugar in their blood. It’s not a cure for type 1 diabetes but it can help people with type 2 tremendously, and it can help people with type 1 lower their insulin requirements.


  1. Eases Joint Pain – As people age, they tend to get joint pain, often caused by arthritis. It might seem counter-intuitive to keep moving through that pain, but pain from arthritis absolutely can be reduced from more movement. This is because arthritis causes build-up of scar tissue in the joints from lack of movement, so if you move more it can stop that problem.


  1. Bosts Your Immunity – Getting your blood pumping and your cardiovascular system working will also boost your immunity from regular common illnesses like colds.


  1. Energizes You – Anytime you’re feeling tired for no reason, try going on a fast, ten-minute walk and you’ll find that you have much more energy. This is one reason a fast walk is an excellent way to wake up in the morning.


  1. Improves Your Mental Health and Mood – A nice walk in nature can vastly improve your mental health and mood. If you are feeling down, getting out in nature for a leisurely walk can help. If you’re feeling anxious, try a fast walk (even on a treadmill) to burn that extra energy.


  1. Helps You Live Longer and Healthier – When you incorporate daily exercise into your life, it will extend your life. Not only that, you’ll also enjoy your life much longer because you won’t be as sick or in as much pain.


  1. Strengthens and Tone Your Leg Muscles – There is no hiding the fact that walkers have good legs, but it does also improve muscle tone all over your body – especially if you work on getting your arms in on the action and pay close attention to your glutes and core muscles.

The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success

  1. Boosts Your Creativity – Anytime you’re having a glut of good ideas for anything you’re trying to accomplish, going for a walk without technology, just you and nature (or just you and the treadmill), you’ll get a boost of creativity that will carry you through.

Walking is something almost anyone can do. Because of that fact, it makes it the perfect exercise to start if you want to get healthier and improve your life in every single way. When are you going to start your walking program?

Questions to Ask Yourself to Figure Out What You Want

Let’s step back and think about your life and what you really want out of it as you design your business to work with your life. Most people don’t think about designing their life or their business to work best with the life they want to live.


Instead, they generally get training and get an entry-level job or start a business thinking it’s normal to work all the time and still not have anything extra to have fun with or invest in the future with.


The truly empowering and exciting fact is life doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to settle. You can change your life from right now moving forward if you simply understand what you want and figure out how to get what you want from your true starting point using goal setting techniques that require you to act.


  • Why Do You Exist? – This may seem like an essential question but answer it in terms of what you want to do supposedly for the rest of your life. Perhaps you exist to experience hiking every US hiking trail known? How does that tie into your business needs? Well, it means you need a business that allows you the time and resources to go hiking a lot.


  • What Do You Most Want to Achieve in the World? – Do you want to end hunger, stop pet abuse, or something else? It doesn’t have to tie directly into the business you start but sometimes how you earn money can be impacted by what you most want to achieve. It’s okay to make money from your achievements.

Get better

  • What Do You Want to Be Remembered For? – Try writing your obituary to get your mind around how you want to be remembered. Sometimes it can help to design your obit for more than one audience to highlight different aspects of your personality in your heart and mind.


  • What Excites You? – What was the last thing you did in your life that made you forget time and just forget all your worries? Was it that time you wrote a short story in high school? What about that time you learned to build a database? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Love Most? – Is there something out there already that you really love doing? Do you like gaming? Do you like watching movies? Reading books? Spending time with the elderly? Helping the less fortunate? Mountain biking? List all the things you really love doing.


  • Who Do You Want to Be Like? – Is there someone else that you really think has done all the things you wish you could have done? If someone has already achieved what you want, it helps follow them and learn about them.


  • What Do You Dislike? – Sometimes, if you cannot think of what you like, it’s easier to think about what you do not like. Make a list of things you know for a fact you dislike doing or thinking about. Dislike politics? Dislike running? Dislike filing? Dislike talking on the phone? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Know You Do Not Want? – Like writing what you don’t like helps, so will writing what you know you do not want. For example, “I do not want to work more than 20 hours per week earning money.”


  • What’s Your Tag Line? – Create a tagline for your business but also create one for your life. This tag line can be posted prominently so that you can remember what you stand for and let that guide your choices.


  • How Much Time Do You Have? – When you decide on any new goal in life, it’s important to consider how much time you really have to achieve it. If you’re 50 today, that means you have less time than if you’re 20.


  • How Much Free Time Do You Need? – As you’re choosing a business to help fund your ideal life, think about how much free time you really want and need to be happy. Do you like being able to rest on the weekends, reading, watching movies, or do you like having a busier life?


  • Who Do You Wish to Spend Your Time With? – Think about the average day that you’re not working. Who do you like being around? Think about working. If you had to work with others, what type of people do you want to be around? Describe the attitude, morals, values, and principles of the people you want to spend time with.


  • What Do You Like Doing for Fun? – Make a list of activities you like doing for fun and recreation. These activities take time, money, and skill. It’s important for you to have the resources to do them.


  • What Do You Like Spending Money on Without Guilt? – When you spend money, what makes you not think about it? If you spend money on something and you dislike it, consider whether you need to or not. If you don’t mind, consider what type of budget you need for it.


  • What Does Your Ideal Life Look Like in Five Years? – If you started right now with what you have and what you know, what will your life look like in five years, ideally? Describe it using as many descriptive words as you can.


  • Which Famous Quote Defines Your Moral Perspective? – You can have more than one quote that resonates and describes your moral perspective. Collect a few so that you can look at them when you need a reminder.


Answering these questions is just the start. The answers give you insight into the goals you will set for your business and your life. These goals can work together simultaneously to help you build a business that really does work with your life.


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What Resources Do I Need to Live the Good Life?

As you plan your future business and get ready to create your business plan, you need to understand what resources you need to live the good life you want. You don’t want your business to interfere with it. In fact, you want your business to provide the good life you want. It’s not an either-or choice if you think about all this in advance.


What is a resource? A resource can be either internal or external. For example, you have internal resources such as your own knowledge, skills, qualities, habits, techniques, your own funds, and things you’ve learned over time. External sources may include your access to people in the know, books, software, funds, and so forth.


When you look at your vision board and the goals you’ve set for each of the eight areas of life, what resources do you really need? Some resources you come across will be required, and some will be desired but not out and out required.


Let’s remember the eight areas of life and show an example of the possible resources you need for each area. I included some ideas for you to get you started. This is not comprehensive because it’s hard to know what any one person may have or need as this is very individual, so try to answer this for yourself using the example.


Career and Business


Resources I have:

  • Coaching Certification
  • Time Management Skills
  • Networking Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Computer
  • Coaching Software
  • Online Communities
  • Mastermind Group
  • $5000 Start-Up Funding


Resources I need:

  • Programming Skills
  • Email Marketing Software
  • A Website
  • An Office Space
  • Clients


Health and Fitness


Resources I have:

  • A Good Mindset
  • Gym Membership
  • Good Shoes
  • My Best Friend (Motivation)
  • $400 Monthly Budget


Resources I need:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Regular Dental Care
  • Healthy Grocery Budget
  • Full House Water Filter


Relationships and Social Life


Resources I have:

  • A supportive spouse
  • Three great kids
  • Backyard Pool
  • A Healthy Outlook
  • Good Communication Skills


Resources I need:

  • Bigger Dining Room Table
  • A Vacation Home
  • Time




Resources I have:

  • $5000 Startup Cash
  • A Business Idea
  • A Personal Budget


Resources I need:

  • Bookkeeping Software
  • A CPA
  • A Business Plan
  • A Retirement Plan


Personal and Spiritual Development


Resources I have:

  • My church
  • My book club group
  • My community
  • My health


Resources I need:

  • Books
  • Counselor
  • Like-Minded People


Hobbies and Fun


Add what you have and what you need to ensure you can do your hobbies and have fun.


Home and Environment


What do you have already that makes your home environment the way you want it, and what do you need to improve it based on your lifestyle goals?


Community Involvement


The same thing goes here, list all the resources you have and that you need to achieve the results you desire.


Some of the resources you need you may not have yet, or you may not even be sure what they are yet, but as you move along, you’ll discover what is needed, and you can add those to the list of resources you need. Make sure you create your resource list based on what you have available first and then what you need to acquire for each of the areas of life you want to design and improve.


Understanding exactly what you need for success in each of the eight areas of life will help you ensure that you are working toward your goal in a way that makes it possible to succeed. If you don’t have the resource yet, you can use the information you’re gathering to set up a plan to get those resources.

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Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques


Stress management techniques that help you avoid burnout are important to understand and implement into your life. Burnout is characterized by the inability to be effective and productive while also being stressed out, tired, and even angry when just thinking about the workday, business, or relationship.


Sleep 7 to 9 Hours a Night


The human body, with very few exceptions, needs at least 7 hours of sleep each night. There are some people who need less due to a genetic condition, but this is not really that common. If you aren’t sleeping enough each night due to being overworked or due to suffering from insomnia, try to find a way to put sleep as a priority in your life.


Exercise Every Day


Moving every single day, whether it’s walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or something else, is an important way to help your body regulate itself and reduce anxiety and stress. If you get up and move anytime you feel anxious, you’ll reduce your stress exponentially. Shoot for moderate exercise, at least 150 minutes a week, and you’ll be much less anxious and stressed.


Eat Right and Stay Hydrated


If you know which diet is most healthy for you, it’s important to practice it at least 80 per cent of the time. Not only will you feel better mentally and physically due to sticking to something, but it will also pay off by keeping you healthy and sickness free.


Take Up Meditation or Yoga


Doing slow exercises or clearing your mind at least 10 to 20 minutes every day is a great way to reduce stress. Many people like to combine exercise with mindfulness using a Yoga practice.


Ground Yourself


Anytime you are feeling stressed, find a way to ground yourself. The way you do this is that you start pointing out objects around you in your mind to help yourself become more mindful of right now. You can also go for a barefoot walk in the grass to help you connect with nature.


Create an Organized Environment


Studies are definitive about having clutter around – it’s not good for your mind, and it is terrible for productivity. If you really want to be successful, find an organizational method that works for you, and practice it religiously. Many people swear by The Fly Lady. (


Develop a Realistic Schedule


Learning how to schedule yourself for maximum productivity without overworking yourself is an essential skill that you can learn. Try taking some time management courses or learn how to use a particular type of scheduling like block scheduling, for example.


Keep a Daily Reflection Journal


Journaling is always an excellent method for helping you deal with stress. One way to do that is to write a daily reflection journal that describes what you did right and what you’d do differently, along with your thoughts about your feelings for the day.


Developing habits that are healthy such as sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night, eating right, and moving daily are all important techniques that will help you avoid the stress that can lead to burnout. It’s imperative that you practice self-awareness so that you can mitigate any of the signs of burnout before they become too serious.  No one is immune to burnout. If you work too hard without the right care, you will get burned out. It’s human nature, and the only way to avoid it is by using proper burnout busting stress management techniques.


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Avoid Burnout: Reach Out and Find Someone to Talk To

The truth is that productivity has zero to do with being busy. You can be ultra-productive without doing a thing yourself. For example, you can pay someone else to build your website while you design your product. You can even pay someone else to design your product, build your website, advertise your product, and pretty much everything that needs to be done – all while you sit at the beach doing nothing but financing it.

Figure out where the Burnout is coming from

Such is the case for numerous people in the investment class. But, if you’re used to being working class, it can be hard to understand that productivity is about the impact you make and not about the energy you personally expend to make that impact. This discrepancy in mindset can cause burnout.


The main reason for this inconsistency is that you’ve been taught, as someone in the working class, to work. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s great to have a good work ethic, but it is a mind shift to move from the idea that being busy is being productive to ensuring that you avoid burnout as a business owner. It can help to talk to someone.


  • Hire a Life Coach – There are many mindset coaches out there that can help you work through this problem in your mind. The more you can accept that investing in help to get more done in less time with less work is the best for your business and your lifestyle, the sooner you’ll get over burnout or avoid it in the first place.


  • Hire a Professional Counselor – Today, you can also work with a professional counselor right online with sites like and others. They will work with you on any issue you want to, much like a life coach but from a mental health aspect.


  • Seek Out a Psychiatrist – If you feel your burnout is advanced – you’ve lost work, you’ve experienced relationship failure, or your health is suffering, finding a certified psychiatrist may be your best option as medication might be in order.


  • Join a Mastermind – If you know your problem is the inability to say no, or being a people pleaser, or just not realizing that you don’t have to be busy all the dang time to be successful, a mastermind focused on changing your mindset from a worker bee to a business owner can be immensely helpful.


  • Participate in a Community – There are numerous communities online today through Facebook and other social media platforms devoted to mindset and mind shifts like avoiding burnout and revising the idea of productivity. If you can’t find one, you can even start your own.


  • Study Mindset or Take a Course – Look at sites like and others for courses about productivity and mindset to help you overcome burnout. You may be surprised at how much you can find already out there to help you overcome or avoid burnout. Plus, you’ll find a community that will talk to you and helps you through it too.


Overcoming burnout and avoiding burn out is an important part of life today. So many people have had enough and don’t know how to overcome it. There are so many pressures on people to work more and be busy all the time. People have confused, busy with productivity. They have monetized their entire life and feel the need to be busy at all times. If you do this and fear you’re heading to burnout, find people to talk to as soon as you can.

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Avoid Burnout: Reassess Your Goals

The only way you can be sure that anything you do works is to test it and look at the data. Once you do that, you may discover that a goal you made was the wrong goal for you to be shooting for in the first place. After all, as you learn, grow, and change throughout your life, it’s normal for your priorities also to change.

Passion post

When you were in your teenage years, you probably underestimated how challenging and all-encompassing parenthood would be. Even if you don’t yet have your own children as you experience your peers going through parenthood, you learn by watching them, and that will also change your perspective in ways that can be life-changing, causing you to reevaluate your priorities.


This is okay. It doesn’t mean you’re indecisive or that you are a hypocrite. You simply just don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. That’s a mouth full, I know, but it’s the truth. Because of this fact, it’s imperative that you periodically reassess your goals to avoid burnout.


Evaluate Your Original Goals


Ask yourself whether the goal is something you even care about at all at this point in your life. It might be easy to determine to stop pursuing it right off the bat. You may have to dig deeper to discover the answers, but you can ask yourself a few questions to help.


  • Is this goal still attainable?
  • Do I need to adjust the timeline?
  • Is the goal even important to me?
  • Do I have the tactics and techniques right for achieving the goal?


Examine Your Process for Reaching Each Goal


When you set goals the SMART way, you’ll end up with several smaller goals with smaller daily steps that help you reach the goal. Did you set up the initial process in a way that really will ensure you are successful? You may need to adjust the process for reaching the goal to make it desirable or possible for you to keep pursuing it.

Go back through the process of setting SMART GOALS.

Click here SMART Goal blog post for each of the goals you’re examining to help you ensure that you’ve done all you can to facilitate success.

Track Your Progress

If you have not been tracking your progress until now, it’s essential that you set up some form of goal tracking.

Some people like using project management systems like,, and others to set milestones and track progress even if they’re doing all the work alone. This is highly recommended to help you stay on track with your goals.


Finally, ensure that any goal you set advances your path toward your overall life mission. You don’t want to do things that set you back from reaching your ultimate mission in life.

When you know what that path is, you’ll have a much easier time saying yes or no to any additions on your plate. This will be one of the main ways you can avoid experiencing burnout throughout your life.


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How to Accept Failure and Mistakes

No matter how well you plan or implement, sometimes things aren’t going to work out as you expected. Sometimes you’re going to make mistakes, but sometimes you’re going to experience failure due to nothing you have done. However, it happens, and due to that, it’s essential to learn how to accept failure and mistakes as part of life and not the end of the world.


Feel Your Feelings


One thing to realize upfront is that your feelings are perfect and are ‘allowed’ no matter what. No one has a right to tell you not to feel a certain way. However, understand that your own thoughts are what make you feel something. If you can change the way you think of something, you may be able to affect how you feel about it too.


Be Kind to Yourself


There is a vast difference between the notion of being nice and that of being kind. When you are kind, you are mindful of the impact your thoughts and actions have on yourself and others. Think and do kind things, and you’ll end up a happier, healthier person who is not at risk for burnout.


Acknowledge Your Own Mistakes


When you do make a mistake, it’s imperative that you accept responsibility for your actions that lead to the failure but not the things you cannot control. For example, if you missed a deadline because you binge-watched a new TV show, that’s on you. But, if you missed a deadline because you were sick, that’s not on you.


Prepare Yourself Mentally for Failure


Everyone makes mistakes no matter what, and everyone falls short of their goals. This is normal life. If you don’t fail sometimes, it’s likely you’re not even pushing yourself hard enough. Everyone cannot be number one every time, and that includes you. Instead, focus on your effort in proper goal setting to help you avoid failing for that reason.


Learn from The Failure or Mistake


When you do make a mistake or a project or idea fails instead of beating yourself up, figure out what you can learn from the situation. For example, most failures start from day one with goal setting. How could you do this over again differently and get a better outcome? Even if you can’t actually get a do-over, it’s good to explore the reasons.


Develop a Plan for Moving Forward

3 step plan

Once you’ve examined the mistakes you made and figured out why you failed, it’s time to create a plan to move forward. If you can do everything over again, that’s great, but if you can’t, learn from it and move on.


When you take the time to learn from your failure and mistakes, you can actually avoid making the same one twice. When you avoid making the same mistakes again, you will improve your life exponentially as you grow and improve over time. When you keep an open mind about failure and errors, you’ll find that you start being more realistic about the goals you set, the actions you take, and the way you view failure and success.


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Tips to Help You Practice Positive Thinking

Sometimes you might think that the whole focus the world has today on thinking positively is crazy, but the truth is when you can see the good things in the world before you see the bad you’re going to be a happier, healthier, more productive person who is less prone to burnout than the next.


These tips will help you practice more positive thinking without turning you into an unempathetic monster. After all, you probably know one of those toxically positive people who cannot ever accept that sometimes people have bad days. You don’t want to be that person, but you also don’t want to swim in the negativity. Let’s get started.

set up your day


Focus on The Good Things


There is always at least one good thing happening, even when everything else seems horrific. Even during the worst of times, humans can see the good. Find just one good thing to focus on when times are hard to help you avoid burnout.


Practice Daily Gratitude


Set up a gratitude journal and keep notes of the good things that happen to you each day. Then at night before you go to bed, read the positive things you felt and experienced throughout the day so that you go to sleep with the good on your mind.


Let Yourself Laugh


Sometimes things go to heck and back. It’s okay. Learn to see the humorous side of it. Did you have a Zoom chat with your colleagues only to realize that your bra was showing the entire time, or you had spinach in your teeth? Honestly, everyone is human, so it’s okay if this happened, laugh at it, and make fun of yourself.


Spend More Time with Positive People


As they say, “birds of a feather flock together” if you want to be happier and more successful hang around happier, more successful people. When you hang out with negative people, it’s going to rub off on you and contribute to stress and potentially lead to burnout.


Avoid Toxic Positivity


While you do want to focus on the positive, don’t be toxically positive. They think any measure of sadness or negative expression is a sign of permanent negativity. For example, if your mom died, it’s okay to be sad. You don’t have to focus on the good right now. You can focus on the horrific loss right now. Later you can focus on how you’ll live your life without her in a positive way.


Identify Areas of Negativity You can Fix


Take some time to note the things you tend to react negatively toward. For example, if you hate your schedule to be interrupted, find ways not to have it interrupted. Set boundaries for yourself and others. If you tend to get ‘hangry’ if you don’t eat on time, try to schedule your day so you can eat on time to avoid that negative time.


Learn from Failure


Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes people fail even if they did everything to plan. However, there really is no failure if you learn from mistakes. Learn how you went wrong and how you can avoid it in the future.


Focus on Now


The more you can focus on the present, the better your life will become. Yes, you do have to plan for the future, but you have to do the tasks today that build on your future. Don’t become stagnant, keep acting today.


It’s okay to feel negative sometimes. It’s okay not to have a perfect day. The truth is, how you pick yourself up after a bad spell is proof of your resiliency and that resilience is what will protect you from burnout.

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