Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

A personal mission statement can help make decision making a lot simpler. When you can make choices with a guide, you can avoid making mistakes of morals, values, and principles. In fact, this is the one thing that can make it easier for you to keep on the right path to success in your life without experiencing burnout.

A personal mission statement is a paragraph or two that defines your personal values, morals, and principles upon which your decisions will be guided. You’ll be able to stay focused to meet short term and long-term goals. More importantly, you’ll be able to avoid shiny objects and other distractions that can separate you from your goals in life and cause burnout.


To write your personal mission statement answer the following questions:


  • What is most important to you? – You may have two or three different goals in mind that are of utmost importance.
  • What are your three biggest goals? – Likewise, list your three biggest life goals. It can help to pretend you have died, and you’re writing your eulogy.
  • What are your greatest strengths? – What are you good at, and why?
  • What are your core values? – What really makes you tick in terms of your core values. For example, achievement, adventure, friendship, and health are all core values.
  • What skills and talents do you have that help you? – What are you good at doing, and how does it impact your mission?
  • What roles are in your life? – Are you a mom, sister, friend, etc…
  • How do you want others to describe you? – Ask some people who are important to you to describe you in one sentence.
  • What mark do you want to leave on the world? – When you die, what do you want your family, friends, or even strangers to say about you?
  • Who do you hope to become? – If you could become anyone else in the world, who would it be and why?


As you answer these questions, you’ll be developing ideas that will be used in your final mission statement, which is going to be short. However, for now, just answer the questions completely. Be true to who you are, and make sure you seek feedback from others by asking them how they view you and what they see as your greatest strengths. Those answers will assist you with insight that will help you with your mission statement.


After you’ve drilled down into who you are and what you want out of your life, you can use this template to fill in the blanks for your mission statement.


My mission in life is to _(Goal)__________, by _(Action)________ in order to __(Impact)______.


For example:


My mission in life is to help others overcome burnout through effective planning in order to stay healthy, mentally, emotionally, and physically.


As you see, the final results of all your work exploring yourself and what you really want out of life can be boiled down into a single sentence. Some mission statements are longer, and some people like to make them for each area of their life. It’s up to you how you create and use your personal mission statement, but once you create it, you can use it as your guide to help make decision making easier for you.

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How to Let Yourself Take a Vacation

One key to avoiding burnout is to take a lot of breaks both during your day and during your year. It depends on the rest of your life, but most people will benefit from taking regular short vacations as well as a long one every year if they plan for it and set themselves up for a real break and real vacation.


Accept That You Deserve a Break


So many people feel guilty about taking vacations or any type of break. They think they have to be busy all the time. The problem with this idea is that it’s just wrong. You, just like anyone else, not only deserve a break, but you need a break to ensure your mental health stays intact and that you can work to your full potential when you are working.

Focus on Results

Budget for The Vacations You Want to Take


Avoid undue stress about money by setting aside a budget for your vacations. One way to look at a budget is called the 50-20-30 plan. This means that 50 percent of your budget goes to needed items, 20 percent for savings and investing. The remaining 30 percent should be spent on something else like vacations, movies, and experiences outside the rest of your budget.


Plan and Schedule the Vacations That You Want to Take


Once you know your budget, even if it’s small, make plans for your breaks and vacations. Even a staycation can be very beneficial if you plan it right and truly take the time off to refresh from your hard work. Don’t wait for the time to be right. Once you have the funds, go ahead, and make the plans.


Set Boundaries for Yourself and Others


One problem with vacations for those who work for themselves or for some parents who don’t have the most supportive spouses is that people like to intrude on our time off. Instead of allowing this to happen, set boundaries for yourself and others. For example, if you really do need to check your email for work, just check it once a day. If you really do need to help your spouse with something, plan for it, so you know when you’re doing it.


Turn Off as Much as Possible During Your Vacations


One problem with truly getting the break you need is that technology has made it possible to take your entire office with you in the form of a laptop or smartphone. Set aside specific times to use this technology but try to keep it off most of the time, especially when you’re doing vacationing things like swimming, hiking, and eating.


Be Ready for Interruptions but Focus on Your Break


When you work for yourself, the truth is, you may get interrupted during your break. Fires may have to be put out. However, for each time that this happens, try to figure out a solution to avoid it next time. As you perfect your break taking, you’ll find that you really probably can just let most fires go after all and end up in the same place.


If you have felt guilty in the past for taking breaks much less a vacation, it’s essential for you to accept that the lies you’ve been telling yourself are wrong. You deserve to take a vacation, and it’s not lazy or self-indulgent. In fact, taking vacations can help you become much more productive and successful because you will avoid problems with burnout, which can set you back a lot more than a few days off to clear your mind and take a break.

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A Job Done is Worth a Reward


When you become a parent, or if you’re already a parent, you know that reward systems really work to help change the behavior of a child. In fact, studies show that rewards win out against punishment for most children in terms of successfully changing a child’s behavior.

work environment

Guess what? The idea of rewards for a job done works for adults too, and what’s more, rewards don’t have to be something someone else sets up. You can set up a reward system for yourself that motivates you and helps you get more done every single day.


Not only is a reward system fun, but it really works. To get started, you’ll want to follow these steps.


  • Set Your Goals
  • Set Up the Time Period Between Rewards
  • Choose the Rewards in Advance
  • Celebrate Receiving Your Rewards
  • Keep Doing It


Set Your Goals


The very first thing you have to know is what your goals are and what signifies ‘done’ for the sake of the rewards. State your goals and specifically spell out what constitutes done for the purpose of the prize. Learn about how to set SMART goals to ensure you get this part right.


Determine How Often You’ll Reward Yourself


You can set up as many rewards as you want to. For example, if you get up in the morning and do your 20-minute fast walk before your coffee as planned, you can choose a reward such as getting to spend a few minutes doing something you genuinely enjoy, like spending some downtime reading a good book.


Choose the Rewards in Advance


As you set up your reward system, you’ll want to know exactly what the reward will be for each activity you’re going to reward yourself for. There is no right or wrong reward as long as the reward motivates you and does not roadblock you. For example, don’t reward yourself with something dangerous or unhealthy. Set up some small ones for each day and some bigger ones for longer-term goals.


Celebrate Receiving Your Reward


There is more to the reward than the thing itself. It’s also the idea that you finished, which should also feel significant to you. When you meet a goal, it feels good by itself too, so spend some time being happy and thankful about that without the reward but then go ahead and brag to yourself about the fun or the experience of the reward.


Finally, don’t give up. Keep going. Don’t try it for just a month and then give up. Try your system out for at least a year to find out if it really works for you or not.

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Avoiding Burnout by Doing What You Love

Maybe when you started your business, you thought you would love it, but you don’t love it, and that reality is causing you to become burned out. So how do you manage when what you thought was your passion turns into burnout?


Keep a Journal


The more you know yourself, the more you can figure out the things in life that make you feel satisfaction and joy instead of anxiety and burnout. Try different types of journals to determine the type that will work best for you.

Do what you love

You may prefer a bullet journal, or you may want to use an emotional journal to help you get to the bottom of your feelings. It’s up to you. You may find ways to use different types of journaling to help you resolve issues with or avoid burnout.


Take Time to Reflect


Every day as you are cleaning up your desk to end your workday, reflect on what you have accomplished as well as what you want to accomplish tomorrow based on your overall business and life plans. It can help to look at metrics that show progress so you can make better decisions every day.


Develop a More Realistic Routine


As you study your use of time, you may want to develop a more realistic routine that helps you achieve all your goals. For example, instead of working traditional hours, you note that you’re much more energetic after 10 am, so you stop working before 10 am. You can adjust your schedule accordingly to fit your energy levels.


Find Your Own Version of “Balance”


There is a lot of talk, especially with women, on finding “balance,” but maybe a balance in the way you think of it does not exist. Most people picture a scale that they try to make even. A little work here, a little fun here – but that doesn’t always work because sometimes work will need you more than home. Instead, try to create your own version of balance that feels harmonious to you.


Get Support from Others


Even as a business owner, and maybe especially as a business owner, you should not do everything yourself. Get support in life from others for business, for family, and friends. You need the comradery to help you cope with life’s ups and downs.


Find Ways to Do More with Less

Minimalism isn’t about doing without; it’s about doing more with less. For example, if you have set aside four hours a day to work on your business, you can get a lot more done in that four hours if you automate everything you can and outsource anything that doesn’t require your personal touch. Likewise, if you never use your dining room for dining, is it really a dining room?


Put Your Health First


Regardless of anything else you want to accomplish in life, whether business or personal, the truth is, without your health, you have nothing. It may seem trite to say it, but it’s very true. Put your body’s need for sleep, hydration, exercise, and nutrition before business.


The thing you have to accept is that you’re only human due to the fact human beings need certain things to be healthy. Learn about the areas of life that you need to focus on to live a full and well-rounded life full of joy and accomplishment in business and life. Body, mind, relationships, business, finance, and spirituality are a few of the most essential areas of life in which you need to find your own version of harmony and balance.

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What is Bitcoin

dollar bitcoin



Bitcoin is a digital monetary system. Instead of “dollars,” the unit of currency is referred to as a “Bitcoin.” Like traditional money, bitcoins can be used to store and transfer value among other bitcoin users within the bitcoin community. Bitcoin is considered a cryptocurrency. The currency utilizes cryptography for management and creation of the currency.

There is a bitcoin protocol, which resides primarily on the internet. It’s possible to utilize the protocol on your smartphone, computer, tablet, and other computing devices. It’s easily accessible to anyone with common available technology.

Essentially, anything that can be done with conventional currencies can be done with bitcoins. It’s possible to buy and sell goods and services, give money to other individuals or organizations, or even provide credit to others. Bitcoins can be bought, sold, and exchanged for other currencies.

Bitcoin is considered by many to be the ideal currency. It’s secure, free from borders, and very fast.

Bitcoins are virtual. There are no physical bitcoins to be found anywhere in the world. The bitcoins are merely an idea to convey value. All that’s required is that other bitcoin users accept the same premise.

Interestingly, bitcoins are a peer-to-peer system. There is no central authority, computer server, or control point.


As with the founding of Facebook, the history of bitcoin is a little fuzzy, but these are the high points:

  1. In 2008, someone named “Satoshi Nakamoto” published a paper titled, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” To the best of anyone’s knowledge, the author’s name is an alias. It has even been suggested that several people wrote the article.
  • The premise combined the previous technologies and philosophies of HashCash and b-money. The idea was to create an electronic monetary system that was completely decentralized.
  • The primary innovation was a global accounting process that would take place every 10 minutes. This would allow the entire network of users to reach a consensus regarding the previous 10 minutes of transactions worldwide. The advantage of this process is the elimination of users double spending their currency.
  • Previous attempts and electronic currency dealt with the double-spend issue by clearing transactions through a centralized clearing system. This is considered a weakness because a centralized location could be hacked.
  1. The actual bitcoin network was launched in 2009. The first issuance of bitcoins was 50 coins. The value of the coins was negotiated by the users at that time.
  2. The first notable transaction was 10,000 bitcoins for two Papa John’s pizzas. The transaction was indirect and did not include Papa John’s as one of the involved parties. The first bitcoins weren’t worth much!
  3. There has only been one significant exploited vulnerability. In 2010, 184 billion bitcoins were created. The transaction was quickly noticed, reversed, and the flaw was removed from the system.
  4. By the beginning of 2013, over 1,000 merchants were accepting bitcoins as payment. Many charities also began accepting bitcoins for donations. The Internet Archive gave employees the option to receive their salaries in the form of bitcoins.
  5. Bitcoins have ranged in value from less than a penny to over $1,200. The value of a bitcoin is very volatile. The value in November 2015 was roughly $400. Who knows where it will be in a few months?
  6. The first government seizure of bitcoins occurred in June of 2013. The DEA seized 11.02 bitcoins as part of a raid and listed the bitcoins as a seized asset.
  7. Also in 2013, Vancouver, Canada became the location of the first bitcoin ATM. The ATM allowed the purchasing of bitcoins.
  8. Many larger companies are now accepting bitcoins. These include Overstock, Zynga, and several Las Vegas casinos. There is even a bitcoin financial product on the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.


Bitcoins have a somewhat shady history. If you recall, the infamous Silk Road drug website relied on the use of bitcoins. However, the use of bitcoins is becoming more accepted, and even mainstream companies are now getting involved. Even the US stock market has investment options for those interested in bitcoins.

“I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential  to do something like change the world.”

– Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of Paypal

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Avoid Burnout: Building Motivation into Your Life

Even if you love what you do, burnout can still happen. Most of the time, burnout is related to a feeling of mental and physical exhaustion and being unable to do all that you need to do to get to a place of rest.


Burnout can happen for numerous reasons that are not necessarily controllable for workers, but the main reason it happens to entrepreneurs is a lack of planning and an unrealistic view of how much one can do in a day. If you have nothing of pleasure to look forward to, it’s hard to stay motivated.


You can fix this problem and avoid burnout by building motivation into your life by planning for it.

Feeling Extra negative

Take More Breaks During the Workday


The mind works at a high rate of efficiency for about 90-minute increments, according to science. Try implementing short ten to twenty-minute breaks between 90 minutes of hard work incrementally throughout the day.


Plan More Weekend Getaways


Don’t put off time away from work, especially on weekends. Alternatively, if you have a business where you’re needed more on weekends and less during the week, you can make your own weekend getaway midweek work. Try hard to take at least two days in a row off every week.


Plan for More Long-Term Vacations


Everyone deserves a vacation. Taking a vacation does not mean that you have a poor work ethic or that you’re lazy. In many wealthy industrialized countries around the world, 30 days a year vacation is not uncommon. Use that as your guide and plan at least one, two or more-week vacation per year to recharge and experience the fruits of your hard work.


Disconnect Digitally Every Day


You have to have an ending tie every day. Even as an entrepreneur, you need a time of the day that is just for your friends, family, and yourself and time that is just for work. You should be able to disconnect digitally at least two to three hours before bedtime every night. Science shows that eliminating this digital connection before sleeping will improve your rest.


Do Something That Interests You


Even on days that you are working, you should do something outside of work that is interesting a few times a week too. What is interesting to you that you want to learn, experience, or understand? Want to learn a new language, make it happen. Want to learn how to bake, make it happen.


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Get Bored Sometimes


Accepting that it’s okay to be bored or get bored is hard for some people to do. Most of us have been so brainwashed into constant and continual productivity that we never get bored. Due to that lack of boredom, we may start feeling less than creative. It’s okay to take some time each day to just do nothing and be bored so that you can explore other ideas.


Focus on Impact and Meaning


When you do things, it’s essential to focus on the impact and meaning of the actions you take. While the intent is also important, the true measure of effect is the impact you create.


All exhaustion and malaise are not necessarily caused by burnout, though. Make sure you double-check with your doctor if you implement burnout busting measures and still don’t feel differently. You may need a physical that includes blood tests to ensure that you are healthy since many diseases can also cause symptoms of burnout, such as low iron or vitamin B12 levels.

My Two Recommendations for building your Business.

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Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Many people who experience burnout had one thing in common: poor time management. Everyone is given the same number of hours in the day, but some people tend to seem super productive, while others seem to run in circles being very busy but not accomplishing anything.


The thing to remember is that productivity is not about how busy you are but about how many things you accomplish.  Productivity is all about results. If you want to have more achievements and thus be more productive, you’ll need to learn how to schedule your life in a way that lends itself to your entire life, including downtime and breaks.


Understand Your Limitations


Feeling Overwhelm


It’s easy to compare yourself to others. If you use that other successful people are working 100 hours a week, it’s tempting to think you must. However, you really don’t need to do that, nor should you.


There are 24 hours in a day, and you need to sleep at least 7 of those hours, exercise about an hour, and eat for about three hours a day. Then you may want to spend time with your family, friends, and yourself learning and exploring.


If you really want to fit it all in, you’ll have to be realistic about time and your own limitations in terms of resources financially, mentally, and physically.


Know Your Priorities


When you look at your overall life plan and goals, what are your actual priorities? You have priorities for all the different areas of your life, including spiritually, personal development wise, health-wise, romantically, socially, family, business, career, and so forth.


Determine Your Daily Energy Levels


Everyone has their own daily rhythm to life that works best for them. Some of us are night owls, and some of us are more productive in the morning. Know where you fit in so that you can schedule the most physically or mentally taxing tasks to the right time frame.


Delegate and Automate When Possible


You shouldn’t do everything yourself in business or life. Instead, get help either by using automation technology or outsourcing or both. It costs a lot less than you think to hire someone to handle your customer service emails or to install automation that saves lots of time.


For automation and outsourcing ideas, look at your accounting, bookkeeping, administrative tasks, customer service, data entry, marketing, tech support, web design, web maintenance, content writing, and so forth. If the task does not need your personal touch or smiling face, let go of it.


Set Up and Organize Properly


It cannot be overstated how important using the right tools for the job can save you time and frustration. This is true whether you’re cooking a nice dinner or if you’re setting up customer service options with software. If you don’t invest in the right tools, you’re not going to get the best result.


Avoiding burnout requires that you be very honest with yourself and others about your capabilities. No one really needs to work 80 hours a week. The human body was not designed for that. Therefore, you will need to learn how to schedule yourself to accomplish your goals without overworking because you’re not here to simply work and make money. You’re also here to have a full and well-rounded life that includes downtime, vacations, family, friends, and joy.

Focus and Find a Good Mentor

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How to Take Personal Time Off as An Entrepreneur

If you thought it was hard to take personal time off as an employee, you might be shocked that it’s even harder to take time off as an entrepreneur. After all, it’s your business, so there is more work than can ever be done even if you worked twenty-four-seven 365 days a year.


Knowing that it’s hard to take time off, but if you want to avoid burnout, you need to take personal time off or pay the price mentally and physically.  You are probably not going to be surprised that the way you take personal time off as an entrepreneur without worrying is to plan in advance so that you can postpone, automate, and delegate the tasks that need to keep happening even when you’re off the clock.


Plan in Advance


If you really want to take time off, it’s not going to happen without planning for it in advance. You’ll need to prepare not only yourself to rest and relax, but your business to run without you for short periods of time.

Your Lack of opportunity


The more you set up your business to be hands-off, the more likely you’ll be able to take the time you need without adversely affecting your business. That may include automation, outsourcing, and other technology that makes business and life much more straightforward.


Postpone, automate, or delegate


Everything you do doesn’t have to keep going while you’re on vacation or taking a day off. Some things are helpful, such as checking in on social media with your audience, but they can stop for a while without affecting anything significant.


You can also set up pre-scheduled content to appear in your blog or on social media, even if you’re not really there. The more you have automated, the better because you can keep email marketing, social media marketing, and more while you’re not there, and no one will even notice because of the automation possibilities with technology today.


You can also delegate specific tasks to your virtual assistant or others while you’re gone. For example, you can ask your VA to post or answer more questions in your private group while you’re gone than normal.


Disconnect but Set Realistic Check-in Periods


As a business owner, it may be impossible for you to totally disconnect for weeks at a time, but you can certainly check in fewer times. For example, you can go on a weeklong vacation and agree that you’ll only check your email once every 48 hours, in which case you’ll delegate any fires to your VA.


By setting a realistic check-in period times, you can reduce the stress of the unknown while also enjoying your vacation without checking in during the times you’re disconnected. Turn off your technology from business notifications during the disconnect times and only turn it on during the prescheduled check-in periods.


It can be difficult as an entrepreneur to take personal time off, but if you start now setting up your business to run as much as possible without you using technology and human resources to get things done, you’ll be glad you did. Try taking short times off to start and then work yourself up to taking off a month at a time.


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Say No More Often: Purge Your To-Do List

The telltale signs of burnout are feelings of overwhelming exhaustion, cynicism, and detachment. You may also feel as if you are ineffective and are not accomplishing anything in your life while simultaneously feeling irreplaceable and as if no one else can do what you do and help you.


In other words, you may be experiencing signs of burnout because you never say no. Purging your to-do list can help. But first, how do you know what to stop doing, and more importantly, how do you stop saying yes to everything?

Burnout Symptoms


Remember these keywords:

Eliminate, automate, and delegate as you rid yourself of extra work and start saying no more.



Whenever you look at a task, you need to first think about whether it’s even required to be done or not. Just because you’ve always done something does not mean it has to be done. Try to anticipate what happens if you just take it off your list completely. Write down the pros and cons of totally letting this task go.

For example, if you are a writer, do you limit how many times you read through and edit any one piece of work? If not, you should. There is always a point at which future editing will just make the work less effective.



Can the task that you need to do be done with software? If you can eliminate a task through automation, taking it off your plate in an affordable way, it’s essential to do it as soon as you can financially accomplish it. There is a technology that exists that you may not even be aware of yet.

It might help to talk to someone aware of the technology available for productivity in your space. The advice will be paramount in helping you move your business forward with as much automation as possible. For example, did you know about IFTTT technology that you can use through platforms like

If This Then That (commonly known as IFTTT



If you can’t let it go entirely, and you can’t automate it, perhaps you can outsource it to someone else? You might want to pay a virtual assistant to help you with customer service, editing, or other things. Maybe you can get your spouse or kids to do more housework, so you have more time for business.

For example, if you are a writer and you know you have to edit your writing, it might work out better for you if you let someone else do the editing and final revisions to ensure it gets done in a timely manner? Or perhaps you cannot yet afford an editor, so instead, you get your spouse to cook dinner so that you have more time to edit in a timely manner.

Finally, once your to-do list is cleaned up, start saying no more often when asked to add something to your plate. Make it a habit to never say yes right away. Instead, tell people (or yourself) that you have to check your schedule. Then determine the benefits and drawbacks of adding that task to your life. If it helps you advance your goals, you can say yes, if it doesn’t do anything to move you forward and only adds stress to your life, say no.

the journey

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Journaling Tips for Burnout Prevention

Numerous studies tout the benefits of journaling for all sorts of issues from helping you lose weight, to helping you build better relationships, and yes, to help you avoid experiencing burnout. Keeping a journal is a great way to get organized as well as dump your thoughts and feelings out to analyze.

Studies are showing that journaling:


  • Reduces symptoms of illness
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Offsets adverse effects of stress


While there are some drawbacks such as tired hands, if you’re handwriting your journal, the disadvantages are easy to overcome now that you can use electronic journals. In fact, journaling is a great way to prevent burnout or reduce the effects from and overcome burnout that pretty much anyone can do even if you have a physical or mental disability.


There are different types of journals you can use depending on the problem you’re trying to solve. Let’s look at a few options.


  • Gratitude Journal – This type of journal is simply for writing in it once or twice a day, one to three things you’re grateful for that has happened or that you experienced. It’s useful to read back when you’re struggling as well as beneficial to bring thoughts and feelings of gratitude to your heart and mind daily.


  • Emotional Release Journal – With this journal, you’re going to write in it when you feel overwhelmed emotionally. It’s a good idea to use this type of journal in private so that you can experience your emotions. You can write or speak your feelings, without judgment, to get them out.


  • Bullet Journal Method – This type of journal is a way to keep a journal without having to write complete sentences. You’ll want to have tabs for each part of your life, business, and work. Then you’ll simply use phrases and words in bullet form to remember the task or information.


  • Personal Planning Journal – This type of journal is great for planning your life and your business. It can help you identify places for improvement in your business and your life. It enables you to gain accountability in all areas of your life.


Depending on the type of journal you want to use, the main point is that you should work on being honest with every entry, and also commit to using the diary for at least thirty days before you even start. The only way a journal works is to use it regularly and continually until it’s as second nature as walking and talking. Choose your type of journal, and your method of entry, then just keep doing it every day for a month. After the month is over, you can evaluate whether it helped you or not.


How to Have A Highly Profitable Online Business in The Next 30 Minutes Without a Website, Without Creating Products, and Even if You Don’t Have a List Yet!