Earning A Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing offers one of the most popular ways to earn a passive income. It is an attractive option for entrepreneurs and small business owners, as the risks are relatively low compared to other forms of business, and the rewards can be substantial. Affiliate marketing involves partnering with another company, website, or product to refer site visitors to their products or services. When a referred visitor makes a purchase, the affiliate earns a percentage of the sale.

Affiliate marketing requires some initial effort and an understanding how the process works. Before launching an affiliate program, you must identify your target market and decide which products or services to promote. Once you have identified the products or services to promote, you must join an affiliate network. An affiliate network is a type of company that markets products from other companies and pays commissions to their affiliates for every sale they make. This is a great way to start earning passive income since each sale you make provides another source of income.

Once you have joined an affiliate network, you can start promoting the products and services. You must create promotional materials such as banner ads, blog posts, press releases, and website content. You may also need to create a personal website in order to track your visitors’ activities and monitor your commission payments. When visitors click on your affiliate link and purchase the product you are promoting, you earn a commission.

The key to making money with affiliate marketing lies in building a large base of subscribers. Subscribers can be acquired through social media, SEO, PPC, and other promotional activities. In order to attract more subscribers, you must regularly send out promotions and offers to your list. You may also need to develop creative content to engage your subscribers.

One of the most effective ways to increase your passive income with affiliate marketing is to take advantage of existing products and services. Rather than creating your own products or services, you can partner with suppliers or manufacturers and sell their products. This will allow you to capitalize on their existing market share and target audience.

It’s important to remember that affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and effort to build a profitable passive income. Affiliate marketing requires promotional skills, such as marketing and content creation, patience, and dedication. However, with effort, you can develop a successful affiliate marketing business and generate a passive income.

Best Places To Earn A Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing

Learn the best places to earn a passive income with affiliate marketing from some of today’s top marketers.

  • Adam Enfory – Is one of the top affiliate marketers today. He makes roughly $200k monthly, mostly in passive income from his website, affiliate links, and his online course.
  • Matt Diggity – Is the owner of 150+ affiliate marketing websites, plus has some of the best SEO tools available such as SurferSEO and LeadsSpring. This affiliate marketing mastermind also holds an affiliate marketing conference every year in Thailand.
  • Neil Patel – Owns the SEO tool Ubbersuggest, which can help with all your keyword research needs. This affiliate marketer also earns a large portion of his passive income through his popular YouTube channel.
  • Jason Brothers – This affiliate marketer owns JBros Financial Freedom and shares some of the best ways to earn a passive income through affiliate marketing. He also adds new content to his website and YouTube channel nearly daily to provide the best help to grow your online business.
  • Income School – These affiliate marketers help people earn a steady passive income from their website within 24 months with their online course. You can also learn more about how to grow your website on their YouTube channel.

Learning from these experience affiliate marketers is the best way to start earning a passive income for yourself.

4 Traffic Tips For Your Online Business

Getting traffic for your online business might be the most important thing you can do to make it grow. No traffic means no commissions, and if you aren’t getting commissions your business cannot succeed.

Use this guide to help you get more traffic and more of the right kind of traffic. Generating more traffic will increase your cash flow and help to grow your online business.

1. Target Audience

Having the right kind of traffic is even more important. Your target audience is the people who will fall in love with the products or services you are offering. That’s why when you start generating traffic you must keep in mind who your target audience is.

Your target audience can mean a couple of different things, but generally, it means someone whose interests, dreams, and struggles align with yours.  You’ll want to join groups and use the platforms that your target audience is in. This way it will become easier for you to connect with them.

The stronger the connection you have with someone, the more likely they are to trust you and earn you commissions. Keep that in mind as you contact your potential leads.

2. Organic Traffic

As a new business, you will not yet have the funds for paid traffic. So where do you begin? By generating organic traffic.

This is free traffic you drive to your offer, usually from social media platforms. It can take some time, but as long as you are consistently posting high-value content for your audience, you will start getting traffic to your site.

One example of this would be using Facebook. From there you can join groups your target audience is in, interact with them, and show them the content you make which points to your business. It will take some time, but organic traffic is how most online businesses get up and running.

3. Content Creation

Creating content is the best way to drive organic traffic to your business. The content can be in the form of posts or videos.

Right now vertical short-form videos, called reels or shorts, are the fastest way to reach a large number of people. Take advantage of this by creating short videos that provide value to your audience and point them toward your business.

When you create videos (or write a post) you need to have an attention grabber at the beginning. This can be a crazy statement or ask a question. Once you have their attention you move on to the main part of your content.

Personal stories that tie into your business are a great way to make content. Another way would be addressing a struggle, and how your business is the solution. Or mentioning a dream, and how your business can help to make that dream a reality.

Next, end it with a call to action. This could be to say comment below for more details, or you can tell them to click on your link for more info. You need to tell your audience exactly what you want them to do next.

4. Know, Like, Trust

People are more likely to listen to you and buy from you if they know who you are, like you as a person, and trust you. That is why building know, like, and trust with your audience is one of the key factors that will determine if your business becomes successful or not.

The more someone sees your face and hears your voice, the easier it is for them to trust you. They see you as a person and start to like your personality.

When you talk to someone and get to know them it will build a stronger relationship than just pitching a product. Having an actual conversation is another great way to build know, like, and trust.


Getting traffic can be a difficult part when starting an online business. Especially when you don’t have the funds to pay and have to rely on organic traffic.

Hopefully, some of these tips can help you along the way and help your business grow.

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

If you just don’t know what niche to start selling products in.

Affiliate marketers have made millions of dollars selling other people’s products as an affiliate marketer.

You don’t need any inventory to get started you don’t need any money to get started, and anybody can do this it’s very simple.

If you’re just a complete beginner and have no idea where to get started let’s get into it.

It’s a great way to make a lot of money online especially if you have zero capital and zero skills to start with now you’re just kind of just completely green a total newbie and let’s get right into this now.

Start with a mass-market niche. Now a lot of folks in affiliate marketing start with some sort of make money niche but there are many other niches other than that.

Keep in mind almost everything is bought over the internet now I mean 2020 has been a turning point people are buying more products than ever through the internet.

You could be a part of that and make some of that money in all of the transactions that are floating around the big three niches in affiliate marketing are health, wealth, and relationships.

7 reasons not loosing weight

I have a product called The Home Business Academy which you can make money with and that’s in the wealth niche right but health and relationships are even bigger health is probably the biggest niche of them all because most people actually aren’t concerned with necessarily making more money most people tend to be fairly comfortable with their incomes.

Many just want to look better or they want to feel better or they want to be skinnier or more beautiful and that kind of falls under the health niche right fitness weight loss beauty all kind of fit under that general headline.

Next, you have the relationships niche which is probably the thing that people care most about and there are a lot of products out there where people can now learn how to be better in relationships also about dating websites which is a very very large niche online.


The great thing about health, wealth, and relationships is these are niches that are always going to be around.

These are problems that people always are going to want to have solved people are always for the next hundred years for the next thousand years for a thousand years.

People desire to be in relationships people for thousands of years and for thousands of years moving forward have a desire to look better and be healthier, make more income whatever that is to sustain their lives so ultimately these are niches that are not going to go away.

I suggest you start off in them because there is always going to be this need for them so you know that

If you are promoting something to help people make more money, to help people be healthier or to help people get in relationships or be in better relationships you really marketing to a problem.

If you can’t sell products in that niche then it’s not that people don’t need what you have to sell it’s that you’re marketing it wrong.

Selling products in either of these three monster niches as long as you go into one of them now.

The second tip i have for you is to interact with the audience in your niche before you start marketing it.

Before you start your youtube channel where you’re talking about how people can make money or before you start your Instagram where you’re motivating people to get fit or before you start your Pinterest where you’re displaying images or advice on how to get in better relationships or to get on more dates interact with that audience.

Many marketers tend to be introverts many people become marketers and affiliate marketers in particular because they don’t want to actually talk to people they just want to make money online

If you are an introvert  just don’t want to talk to people and make money online

The best way to get good at marketing and selling to these folks is to actually talk to them and hear their pain points in person hear what their problems are.

You need to find out why making money is important, hear why they don’t believe they’re getting in the right relationships.

Talk to them and hear what’s holding them back from sticking to their diet or their fitness programs and you’ll get very valuable information that you can use.

Talk to your audience on a very personal one-to-one level in order to help them succeed and that will help you build your audience on Instagram,  youtube, Facebook or help you do your advertising. on the same sorts of networks now.

Be a constant question asker

You must keep drilling down to get information.

Asking people about their lives

What they believe is holding them back.

Let your audience know you care.

Keep expanding your circle of influence all the time

Asking people about their side hustles to make money.

Ask why they don’t believe they are where they think they should be

If you are in the Make money online niche understands there are other money categories such as Real Estate. Crytocurrency,  stock trading money, mlm money etc

Build trust by giving away some sort of free report or white paper or guide or calendar whatever it s to help people in your particular niche.

Many marketers go into any of these niches and just try to push affiliate products and remain no different from other marketers.

You will stand out by giving value and solving problems, offer a sort of report or guide or step by step  training video or calendar that is jam-packed with value

For example, let’s say you want to sell products in the sleeping niche. you could give away a calendar that helps people chart their sleep or you could give away a free ebook that goes over advice on how to help people get better sleep.

You could have links to multiple affiliates offers that help people get better sleep

You can find a lot of sleep-related products on amazon like apps to help you sleep, sleep pillows, mattresses, bedsheets all products that help people get a more restful sleep.


there are supplements that help for people get better sleep and what you can advise in your guide or ebook or calendar.

You could have links to all of these products every step of the way so that you can make money from a dozen sleep related products.

You could do this through amazon’s affiliate program just to give an example now if you’ve created a good guide that people draw value from and people are relying on they’ll buy from your links.

Now just like PewDiePie which is a popular video gaming YouTuber has a number of affiliate links to the chair he sits in and the headset he wears and the games he plays in his video description.

You could also start a youtube channel and just talk about sleep-related activities and let that be your free value and then put affiliate links underneath your description.

For example, check out one of PewDiePie’s videos and you’ll see affiliate links you’ll see how he does affiliate marketing.

I hope you got some value from this Blog


You may want to check out additional post 

6 Steps for Creating Passive income with affiliate Marketing

Why a Brand Community is the Business Strategy You Need

Communities keep your ideal audience all in one place, making it easier to communicate, market, and engage and motivate them to buy your products, use your services, and consume your content. All of this together shows you why communities are a valuable marketing tool and business strategy to adopt if you want to grow your business. Plus, having a brand-centered community is fun too. And who doesn’t want to have a little fun while making money?


The following are the top five crucial reasons to build a brand community:


To Increase Brand Awareness and Recognition


Building a community increases brand awareness and recognition by capturing your audience into a smaller captive unit that you can send information to easier than if they’re all out in the wild. For example, you might have to run an advertisement to capture someone to learn about your new product, but your audience in the community will know about it simply due to being part of the community.


To Engage and Interact with Your Target Audience


When your community is on a platform that you all use to talk to each other, share information, and engage, it makes it so much easier for them to interact with you without the noise from everyone else interfering. In addition, the community is only about what you make it about, so you don’t have to worry about pleasing anyone but your ideal audience.


To Influence, Inspire, or Educate Your Audience


Having a community that enables you to be a lot closer to a smaller portion of the available. Being closer to them makes it easier to influence them to buy your products or try something you think works. In addition, you can educate them better because you’ll get insight into what they need by observing their discussions and actions.


To Foster Trust and Brand Loyalty


Your audience gets to see you more often through the content you share in the group instead of through an advertisement or email. As a result, they feel as if they know you. When they think they know you, they trust you more and become very loyal to your brand.


To Grow and Improve Your Products and Services


One of the best parts about having an involved community of people who want what you are offering and need what you have is that you can get insight into making your products and services better simply by asking questions and listening to the answers.


These reasons should easily explain why building a brand community is the business strategy you should be adopting today. If you have yet to get your most loyal customers together, you are only missing all the potential your business can gain. Strong communities create trust, loyalty, and value that services you and those involved.

Automate Your Community Management



Five Google Web Story Content Ideas for Business Success

In 2018, a new competitor to the social media stories game was created and launched by Google; at the time, AMP stories — now referred to as Google Web Stories. It is a powerful feature that draws in more traffic to your WordPress blog through a more interactive and engaging feature for those who use their smartphone to search on Google and scroll through their Discovery page.


They are short virtual clips of content in video or picture with text that teach your audience something or further advertise your website. To attract these new viewers, you need to develop the right content. While the content is consumed in a story-like feature, it is much different than the stories’ function found on Instagram. Meaning the story content, you create for your blog will likely be different.


Here are five Google web story content ideas to utilize for your business to maximize your success and exposure with this feature:


How-To Series or Step-by-Step


By far, the most interactive, educational, and useful Web Stories to create for your target audience are how-to series or step-by-step tutorials. Cooking or baking blogs can easily benefit from this idea. Recipe how-to stories are highly popular, attractive, and engaging.


Top Ten Recommendations


The next powerful Google web story content idea that is highly attractive and shareable among many readers is the top ten recommendations within your industry. This shows your personality as a brand and can further educate your audience on your products without a sales-like approach.


Product Highlights or Promotions


Create a story that is around five to ten frames all-around a specific product or service. Be sure to avoid a sales-like approach. Education and knowledge are power. Tell your audience how and why you created the product or service and that your product solves their problem through your Google web story.


Top Industry or Niche Facts


Are there powerful facts or beneficial tips you know about your industry or niche that will helps your readers or followers? Answering frequently asked questions is a good place to start.


Industry Related Quotes and Inspiration


Step away from your niche for just a moment and inspire and motivate your audience instead. Find a similar subject that gets your audience to act towards the niche with a group of related quotes.


Adding these ideas to your Google web stories content plan is vital if you want to use this feature correctly. Maximizing and enhancing your content is the most important first step in order to attract the right audience and get them interested. Anything worth a long-form post is worth a supporting Google Web story to increase your reach further, traffic, and success on your blog or WordPress website.


Creating a Niche Home Base on Your Blog


Four Fun Ways to Use Instagram Stories Polls and Questions

Social media stories are attractive because they are highly interactive and engaging for you and your target audience. One popular way to increase your engagement while learning more about your audience is using Instagram story poll stickers and questions. Adding polls, stickers, or emojis is an easy and simple process that keeps your audience interested and curious about your business. In addition, polls and questions provide you an opportunity to educate your audience and learn more about them.


To add a sticker or emoji, select the “Polls” icon after taking a picture or recording a video for your story. Next, type the question you would like to ask in the field that appears above “Yes” and “No.” After you input the question, you can even choose your different responses by simply tapping the “Yes” or “No” field to change it. The response fields can only be twenty-two characters long. However, there is no text limit for the question filed. Select “Done” in the top right of the screen to finish the poll.


The following are four ways to use Instagram Stories polls and questions:


Put Your Best Products Up for Battle


Compare your best products and have your audience pick the winner. Be sure to share the results of the polls so your audience can see how they relate to others who follow your business. It will also persuade them to participate more. For example, if you are a food blogger, you can share a story with one cake recipe you made on the top with another of your recipes on the bottom, such as chocolate versus caramel, and see which your viewers pick the most.


Develop a Creative Survey or Quizzes


Get to know your viewers more by asking them different questions related to your business or industry. Think outside of the box to know their most common problems and the goals they would like to achieve in life. You can even make fun quizzes that test their knowledge on the topic you would like to teach them or spread awareness. This is done by using the “Quiz” icon near the “Polls” icon when you swipe up from your story.


Test Your Audience Knowledge with Feedback Questions

Tools and Tips to Help You Automate Engagement

Ask your audience a series of questions to see if you understand their main problem. Not only does this create more engagement with your target audience. It also ensures you know what you can do for them and that you are providing value. Successful business solves problems, and asking them a direct question allows you to be sure you know what it is. Yes or no stickers or the sliding hand sticker where you use text to offer different answers is a great way to further learn about your audience and get them to interact with your stories.


Overall, using the Instagram polls, questions stickers, and slider features is a powerful way to understand and get to know your audience fully. It is not only fun for your audience to participate but gives you valuable information to perfect your craft, product, and services.




Five Lead Magnet Tips to Grow Your Email List

Did you know, nearly four billion people worldwide utilize email almost daily? What is even more interesting is that every second, three million emails are being sent. So that means by the time you finish this sentence, likely eighteen million emails, give or take, just ended up in people’s inboxes, which is no surprise why sixty-four percent of small business owners have reported that using email marketing has been vital to their success and is why they continually strive to grow their email lists.


The most common and powerful way to grow your email lists is through lead magnets. Free or low-cost material that attracts your potential customer into your buyers’ journey or email marketing campaign. Lead magnets will vary depending on your niche and are quite low cost if you can craft and complete the material yourself.


Here are five lead magnet tips for growing your email list:


Use How-To Guides or eBooks

Short guides or how-to eBooks are attractive options to many readers. Most people use the internet to ask questions to solve a common problem and gain more knowledge about their favorite things, which is why eBooks and how-to guides are so attractive. Understanding your audience and their struggles are key to creating an effective eBook or guide that piques their interest. Nearly thirty percent of marketers prefer this option.


Email Courses and Workbooks

Similar to eBooks, yet more direct are email courses and workbooks. These are materials that work together to help your subscriber actively solve or work through a problem. Instead of downloading all the material at once, your readers will receive their course through weekly and timed emails. Again, keeping an audience engaged for a longer period of time is the goal.


Develop Templates and Checklists

Easy, downloadable, and printable material that aids your subscribers in their favorite hobbies or solves their problems are affordable and easy lead magnets to produce. In addition, they can often be used with other paid products for free to incentivize a sale further.


Free Webinar and Trials

Invite your audience to join in on a live webinar and offer a free trial of your products and services. This can be a great way to ask for email addresses to send a link directly to the webinar or free trial. In addition, the hands-on and live material is often more attractive and easier to digest.



Host contests and giveaways and send coupons such as free shipping or birthday discounts to incentivize your subscribers. It is hard to pass up a good deal, especially one that provides so much value and excites your interest.

Putting It All Together And Developing A Routine That Will Keep You On Track

Although lead magnets are usually free, this does not mean they are not good investments. In fact, a wpforms report stated that marketers saw a 50% increase in signups after using and developing valuable lead magnets.





How to Write a Lead Nurturing Email Campaign

One way to grow a loyal audience with a strong relationship that understands your business value is through lead nurturing email campaigns. These are personalized and automated emails sent to subscribers throughout their journey with your business.


It is designed to maximize the potential of your email list and to ensure its sustainability. It’s about not neglecting the leads you worked so hard to get in the first place. Statistics show that it costs a lot more time and money to find new leads than to nurture those you already have.


The following are a few examples and tips to creating lead nurturing email campaigns:

Start with a Welcome Email Series

The moment someone opts in, you should thank them and introduce yourself. This is also a great moment to encourage them to reply by asking them a few questions about themselves and what kind of problems they are dealing with. This opens up the relationships and gives them a basic overview of your value and business goals. Make the reader feel like they made the right decision to opt-in.


Create Weekly and Monthly Newsletter or Updates

Keep your readers up-to-date on trending topics, news, and updates within your business and industry. Please don’t use these messages to sell. Instead, use them to educate and get your readers more engaged in other communities such as your Facebook Group. Tell your audience about new products or services you are working on and any additional valuable information they can use.


Send Segmented Promotional and Educational Campaigns

Use birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates and information to your advantage. List segmentation allows you to send more personalized messages and education to those who care about your content. It also allows you to tailor and target your message better as no two readers will be the same or on the same buyers’ journey.


Always include a Follow-up and Way to Reply or Engage

Send emails that ask for some feedback and a way to engage further or reengage your subscribers. Invite them to other social media pages or tell them to reply to the email. The replies you get can ensure the content you create is valuable and solves their problem.


Don’t let all the hard work of finding your email subscribers waste with these lead nurturing tips. Instead, learn to enable them through the email marketing journey to maximize your results and success better. Don’t be like the average forty-eight percent of salespeople who give up or fail to follow up after the first initial contact.

The Three Keys to Optimizing Your Email Content

Maximizing your profits and effectively communicating to your audience is required today to be successful in business. Without quality content, email marketing would be dead. Without content to engage with, there would be no reason to use it as it wouldn’t correctly engage, educate and persuade your audience. Without it, you can’t convert them into paying or loyal customers. Therefore, you need to learn and understand how to optimize your email content to maximize your email marketing success.


The following are the three key pieces required to optimize your email marketing funnels fully:



The point of emails is always to find ways to educate and add value to your subscribers’ life. Education is the best way to persuade or direct your audience to make a purchase. You don’t need to and shouldn’t constantly be selling to them. In fact, if the title looks like an obvious sales pitch, they are unlikely to open.


Only about one out of every four sales emails is opened. However, if your readers know that they will gain value every single time they open your email, they won’t want to leave. They understand that you need to sell products or services at the end of the day to see a return on investment. If they find value in your content, products, and services, it will come around. In other words, don’t make sales your only point of focus.


Engaged and Personable

All content should be engaging and personable. This means your readers feel like they are talking to a human and are forming a deep connection. It inspires or drives them to take action and makes them feel more involved or important while reading your email. The more interactive and humanized the content, the more trust, and credibility you establish that grows your audience and conversions.



You may feel like you can’t write. But the truth is if you simply write as if you are talking to a friend or loved one, you’ll do better. Write how you speak and edit later. A natural conversation with automated personalized features like adding their name goes a long way. Not making an effort to use personalization will be obvious to your subscribers. When you don’t personalize, you make your readers feel unimportant and that you are only there to get something from them instead of providing value in return. Personalization shows you value them as an individual and strengthens the customer experience and relationship.


Be sure to follow these three keys to optimizing your email content if you want to see more conversions. Increasing your click-through rate and return on investment is reliant on valuable, engaging, and personalized content. Commit to always getting to know your audience, tracking your metrics, and asking for feedback to improve your content and increase your email marketing success.


 10 Content Marketing Tips for Email Marketing Success


Important Email Marketing Key Performance Indicators to Track

When running an email marketing campaign, you must perform audits to ensure you get the most out of your time and effort. One of the key steps to running an email audit includes keeping track of vital key performance indicators or KIPs and metrics. These metrics allow you to pinpoint areas you need to improve on while also highlighting where you excel to improve your overall email marketing conversions and communication with your audience.

How to Repurpose Your Influencer Marketing Content

Here are five important email marketing metrics you should be tracking:


Email Delivery or Bounce Rate

This is the rate at which your emails are delivered to your customers and make it to their email box. You want to keep track of this to ensure you have corrected and updated information on your leads and that your internet service provider is safe and secure to prevent rejection. This can be improved by using double-opt-in forms and authenticating your email address.


Open Rate

This number indicates how often your subscribers are opening your emails. An open rate of twenty percent or higher is a vital goal to maintain, as your email marketing goals can’t be achieved if your subscribers don’t open your emails. In addition, be sure your opt-ins are targeted to the right audience and that your titles are crafted to hook in and persuade your readers.


Click-Through Rate

Click-through rate or CTR indicates that your subscribers are clicking the links or call-to-actions within the email copy after opening it. It is recommended to keep your CTR at four percent or higher to see proper results. CTR can be improved by enhancing the copy and call-to-action.


Click-To-Open Rate

A highly undervalued metrics that gives you a clear indication of how well your content is performing. It measures the number of unique clicks by the number of unique opens to determine how unique or interesting your content is to your subscribers. This metric can vary and should be around twenty to thirty percent, if not higher, if you truly know your audience and develop amazing content. Getting to know your audience and keeping up with the latest industry trends work together to help you produce better email copy.


Unsubscribe Rate

This rate shows how many people have unsubscribed or removed themselves from your email campaign. If your unsubscribe rate is high, this can tell you a few things. Either you are sending too many emails, not enough emails, or the content is poor or not up to expectations for those who chose to follow from the opt-in form.


Don’t neglect or ignore your key performance indicators. As you can see, metrics provide a lot of information to help you make good choices. If you know what the numbers mean and how to read them correctly, the data will help you. For example, proper click-through rates, low bounce rates, and high conversions are essential to email marketing success.