When building your first blog you really have to figure out what do you want to write about?
Follow these 10 Simple Steps when Building your Blog with Word press.

Make a blog about something you are passionate about.
Are you interested in helping people find Financial and Time Freedom?
It is very important that you figure out what you really feel you could blog about on a consistent basis.
First step: Who is Your Audience?
You must figure out who is your target audience so you can deliver super-targeted messages on a regular basis.
It is very important to know who your target audience is. You need to create content your audience is looking for.
Second Step: What is your Purpose for starting your Blog.
You must understand what your reason is for starting a Blog.
There is a ton of work involved so your intention must be cemented in your mind.
Step Three: Choosing a name for your Blog.
Naming your Blog and seeing if name is available.
Step Four: Branding you.
Figure out what your look is all about. The Colors, the font, be yourself, you want people to recognize that your blog represents what you are all about.
Step Five: Installing the WordPress application.
There will be many different options. Most business owners should have a self-hosted Blog.
I would definitely recommend a self-hosted WordPress Blog, this is basically you going to a hosting provider like GoDaddy or Host Gator and buying hosting and installing WordPress on top of it.
Step Six: Choose a Theme. You will be shown some themes pick a theme that you feel best shows your Brand.
Step Seven: Installing Plugins.
These are little add ons to your website.
Click on Plugins and then Add new.
Then it’s gonna show you some of the featured plugins here, then you can go to popular plugins and see if any resonate with you.
We definitely want people to find your website so we’ll install Yoast SEO here, and click install and then activate.
Step Eight: Make your First Post.
Go to the Left-hand side of Dashboard and click on Post, Add New.

Put your Title in and then move to where the body of your Content is placed.
Start typing the Content you want your Audience to see.

Step Nine: Images and Featured Image.
One of the most important things to think about with your post is to have a featured image.
So when you have your site right and it’s not just text you have that little image there to capture it – Okay!
– Make sure you’re on the document tab go down to featured image set featured image.
You can go to sites like Pexels and Pixabay to find some Free images. Make sure they are Free to use.
Step Ten: Widgets and how to use them.
Go to appearances and then widgets, this is a place for all the content you can have on your sidebar and on your footer.
The sidebar is a good place to put your products using the Widget
You may want to list your Published post on the sidebar.
Some additional things to consider when using your Blog.
So let’s check out your website. So again just click the my blog that little shortcut to get to your website.
You may see Create your Menu Here at the top right corner.
We need to create a new menu here so that menus can be a navigation button like your home links, your about me page, contact page, Tools Needed for business and all that good stuff.
You can either click it there if you’re on the front of site or if you’re in the dashboard click appearance and then menus, You can add your stuff here. It may look like we have a menu already kind of created we have home and then sample page,
We will definitely want to create some other tabs So First remove the Sample page, then Click create menu.
Once you do you’ll see at the bottom here it shows menu settings.
You can auto add pages so if want an About me or Contact page it’ll automatically come up here, so you can auto add and then display location primary menu is so it will actually appear up there.
Every post has a category so you could have how to build a Busines online.
So by default WordPress doesn’t know what to put so it’s gonna have an uncategorized category, so you go to post categories and then just click quick edit we’re gonna just type in-home business here make it nice and simple,
But as you add posts one of the issues with having a blog is potentially the amount of spam you might get, there are BOTS out there that just go out and just basically add just nonsense posts trying to get links back to their site.you can add content here, for categories or inside the post itself.
So there’s a few things you can do, so most of the time WordPress will come pre-installed with the plug-in called Akismet Anti-Spam you can sign up and do that, otherwise you can do like a captcha plug-in that make sure that they’re an actual person on your website and commenting plugins like Disqus which is like facebook login or Twitter login is definitely good to help prevent some of that stuff too.