Making Money Online is Easy Because …


I grew up with a mother who was a petty trader and it was normal that I got involved in her kind of business as early as when I was 7. When I was 15, I started my first major business and when I was 21, I went fully into the business world Till when I was 27. Everything I knew about. Building a business was about bricks and mortar. You have to struggle to get an office space, create a product or service and try to create a reasonable market share.


If you’re fortunate to have success in one town or city, then you’ll have the leverage to move to more cities, and if you have reasonable success again, then you can dominate a state and if you continue to grow, you can eventually become a national brand, though only very Few products ever made it to this level, That was the world. I found myself in- the world of bricks and mortar. Until a few weeks to my 28th birthday, A friend who has been building a business on the internet, wrote a book about his business model and asked me to review the book and for the first time I understood how the internet works In today’s video I’ll be Sharing with you, the reason why I think making money on the internet is very easy If you’re new here consider subscribing so that you won’t miss other interesting videos like this. To start with, let’s all agree that nothing in life is easy. This sounds counter-intuitive to the title of this video, but let me explain:




You see, we only use the word- easy or simple when we unconsciously compare one thing to another. Take, for instance, we can say in the year 1907 that it was easier to travel in a car because we’re comparing traveling in a car with traveling on the horseback. However, today we can say that it’s easier to travel by air, because when you compare that with traveling a long distance by road, the difference is clear: Nothing is automatic in life, Nothing happens without effort, but some things are easier, faster and simpler than others. And that’s why, when you think about building a business, it’s easy to build a business on the internet, (having in mind what building a bricks and mortar business means). Why Immigrants succeed in a foreign country To explain how easy it is to make money online? Let’s use the examples of the immigrants, especially those who moved from various tough countries into better countries,


Because these people are coming from a very difficult country, they can easily appreciate what they see in the new countries and take maximum advantage of those things, while the people who grew up in such countries are still making excuses and laying complaints about everything. Similar things happen with the internet. The internet, as we know it today, is mostly appreciated by the people who have tried to build brick and mortar businesses before If you’ve spent like 5 years, trying to build a brick and mortar business, you’ll appreciate what the internet offers. You What does the internet offer you I’ve said it on this platform before and I’ll have to repeat it, because human minds forget things as fast as they hear it build a business. You need three just three simple things. Those three things are attention, trust and products or services With the three assets I mentioned above. Anyone can build either a million-dollars or a billion-dollar company, depending on how big the three assets are Again, every profitable business is built on Attention, Trust and Product


You need people’s attention before you can ever get them to trust you and you need people’s trust to get them to patronize your business, and you need a product or service to make people willing to exchange their money with what you have to offer. So, how is the internet a better place to make money? Why is it easy to make money on the internet? Well, let me start with a simple example: 17 years ago, when some of us were in high school, we only had two or three friends. We talked with these friends while at school and in after school, we had other things to do together, we had to trek to their houses or meet somewhere. Today, if you’re a 16 years old high school student, you probably have more than 100 friends on your social media platforms. I’M not saying that these 100 friends are real or your friendship with them is as important as that of your physical friends. But I’m saying, now you have the attention of 100 people and you can as well increase that number to 1,000


Because you have this huge attention, you can have a few trusts and you can make money provided you’re resourceful I’ll, get into that in a second, Creating Content for Your Product. As I’ve explained a few times. The three assets that make people rich are attention, trust and product, and I claim that it’s easy to make money on the internet, But why is it easy to make money on the internet? Well, it’s easy to make money on the internet because it’s easier to acquire the wealth-creating assets using the internet When it comes to getting attention, trust and converting those to money by selling your products or services. Nothing in the history of the human race makes it easier than the internet


So how do you get these three assets that can make you wealthy? Listen, because I’m about to reveal a great secret, which is not even a secret at all. You see the number. One reason why people go to the internet is that they want to consume content. Consumption is by far the number one reason why people use the internet Think about it. This way, Why do you ever visit? Google? You visited Google only to search for something, mostly content. Why do you visit YouTube? Well, it’s obvious to consume content.



Most people don’t know, but the reason why we use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc is to consume content. You like to read what other people write You like to see their photos and videos. Thats why you use social media When you chat with your friends on social media. Guess what You’re still consuming content, so I might not be wrong to say that 90 % of the reason why we use the internet is to consume content. If you agree with that figure, then you may want to ask me: how is that important to me? Well, it’s important that you know what people are consuming on the internet so that you can know what to give them, because if you can give people what they love for free, you may get their attention and if you can get their attention, you will earn their Trust and if you can earn their trust, they will be willing to open their wallet and give you their money in exchange for your product and service.


Again, how do I get the attention Create content, because the content is the number one reason why people use the internet Create content, valuable contents and get people to consume them. This has earned you the attention. A reasonable percentage of the people who consume your content will like you, while some will love and trust you With this trust, you can sell valuable services or products that will help your audience. At this point, a few people may have some problems. There may be questions like what kind of content should I create What kind of product should I sell? What, if my customers don’t search the internet for my content or even what platforms should I use to distribute content? Let me explain with some personal examples:






I built an Agric Technology company and our products are purely Agricultural related, and that was my first successful business thanks to the internet. What we did was to create a blog wrote, tons of blog posts related to different areas of Agriculture. We didn’t spend money on Newspapers, TV or anything like that. Google ranked our content for free and whenever people search for topics related to what we have, Google suggested our posts When people land on our website, we educate them via our contents and politely tell them. “, Hey, we have experts who can help you further .”. Most people won’t buy what you’re selling for a hundred different reasons, but a few percentages will not and that few percentages – maybe 1-5 %, maybe enough to make you some good money depending on what you sell and how smart you do. It


We later started making videos to promote the same company on YouTube and till today we still make money from these two channels, I’m not a fan of social media, and that has reflected on the way I do my business. Yes, some people say that YouTube is social media, but I don’t think so. While YouTube may be social media by definition, it’s a library or a school for some of us


So I use YouTube a lot for my business and personal consumption of contents. What else should I tell you here, Ok? Look at this Being Resourceful is Important. Most people are not resourceful because of our dumb school system. Most people don’t read, learn or get curious about the life around them. Most people have never read ordinary 10 books about entrepreneurship, marketing negotiation or anything like that, and they want to make money online. You have to know what most people don’t know before you can do. What they can’t do Again, the three most important assets to make a lot of money are attention, trust and product. In that order You need people to know. You exist, (attention, ). You need some of these people to trust you and you need to know how to sell to them valuable products or services. Nothing in the history of the human race makes it easier to get all these assets than the internet.


I also analyzed in this video that most people visit the internet to consume content, Because most people visit the internet to consume content. The best way to get their attention is by creating content. I seriously hope that this video helps you If you like this video you’ll, like our new channel, where we share with you some inspiring stories and biographies of the most successful people in the world, even the villains, We call it FAME TV Kindly look at the description Box to join the FAME TV, We Love You

What 3 Key Questions to Ask about Online Marketing

Online marketing is interesting, difficult, and confusing. It can make or break your internet service profession and yet many individuals who depend on web marketing don’t have a complete grasp of the fundamentals involved in online marketing.

shoot for the moon

Lots of entrepreneurs waste a Great deal of time, energy, and momentum due to the fact that they do not totally understand internet marketing. Don’t let this absence of comprehending undermine your earnings potential.

In order for you to better understand online marketing and its impact on your internet organisation you must understand the answers to these 3 essential concerns:

1. What Is Internet Marketing?
2. What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?
3. What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

What Is Internet Marketing?

Marketing is in fact rather easy. Marketing is communication about an idea, product, service, or company. Marketing for that reason encompasses marketing, promo and sales in addition to the different methods and forms of communication used to market, offer and promote.

Marketing is more comprehensive than simple advertising or promotion in that it consists of researching the marketplace to discover what customers want and then setting out to meet their requirements with the proper product, cost, and distribution method. Marketing consists of marketing research, choosing products and rates, marketing promoting dispersing and offering.

Marketing likewise covers all the activities associated with moving services and products from the source to the end-user including making clients knowledgeable about services and products, attracting brand-new customers to a product and services, keeping existing consumers thinking about a service or product, and building and preserving a consumer base for a product and services.

Internet marketing consists of these exact same activities but also draws in numerous internet tools including web sites, email, ezines, banner advertising, blogging, RSS, text links, search engine optimization, affiliates, autoresponders, and other eCommerce applications.

What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?

The variety of expenses for internet marketing is substantial. There are a variety of marketing and marketing ventures that can cost you nothing or just pennies a day while other advertising efforts can cost you thousands a day.

It is necessary to consider your goals– both long-lasting and short-term– as well as how much each prospective customer is worth to you. This will help you figure out a realistic budget plan for your marketing campaign.

Numerous internet promotions are free, you can establish a website and/or blog for $250 a year, and you can drive traffic to the site. Posting Quaility content on your site for your subscribers will build long term relationships.

The very best program is to start inexpensive and slowly test to see what is working and learning what is successful for your market and product. There is no ideal advertising solution that works wonders for everyone. Each product and each marketer has a different formula.

What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing uses more benefits than lots of standard marketing mediums. The very nature of web sites and blogs is that they continue working to promote and market your product long after your preliminary marketing effort is over. Many advertising efforts, such as ezines, newsletters, banners, and text links also continue to increase in power over time.

Email marketing can be a significant surge in contacts and sales and uses the capability to individualize your message, in addition, to reach a targeted audience so your possibility for sales increases tremendously.

500 dollar days

The other significant advantage of web marketing is that it provides benefit and immediate fulfilment. That is the power of web marketing.

Now that you have the responses to these 3 key questions, you are all set to start your own online marketing campaign– and be successful with your internet business.

Building a business is a Journey and takes consistent purposeful daily action.

Marketing is communication about a concept, company, service, or item. Online marketing provides more advantages than numerous conventional marketing mediums. The very nature of websites and blog sites is that they continue working to promote and market your product long after your preliminary marketing effort is over. The other significant advantage of internet marketing is that it provides convenience and immediate complete satisfaction. That is the power of marketing online.

6 Reason to Join a Proven Affiliate System

the journey

6 Reasons To Sign up with The Plug-in Earnings Program

There are a number of various internet marketing programs and training courses a newbie can get into on the internet. It has benefited thousands of individuals in their internet marketing space, and after a number of years is still going strong.

Keep it Simple
Step by Step

1. Quick to start

If you are new to marketing online, time is the most Challenging element you will deal with. You can cut your learning curve down by months or years by modelling what 6 and 7 figure earners are doing.

If you aspire to become successful and want a fast set up, with a plug-in revenue site, you can save hours by joining an existing proven marketing system.

2. Affiliate programs/Membership sites

Among the most noteworthy are programs with monthly ongoing training with a monthly membership fee collected from active affiliates.

3. Free adjustable website

Because of the tasks and numerous duties that it takes to get going on the internet it can be overwhelming for the Newbie.

The plug-in earnings site assists with the ideal start by giving you a personalized revenue website that you can work with and make your own.

While you will want to change it as much as possible to fit your needs and your company, it is an excellent tool to get you started.

4. Internet marketing tools

There is no other program on the internet that offers a new affiliate the example you will receive from plug-in profit.

Going with a trusted affiliate program with ongoing training allows you to earn while you work on increasing your marketing skills.

5. Residual income

In case you are totally new to this marketing digital world, residual income is when you do something once and have the opportunity to make multiple streams of income. With all good affiliate programs, you can make residual earnings because commissions are given for bringing new customers.

Goal setting


6. You are Never alone. 

Possibly the number one advantage of the plug-in earnings type of System is the support you can and will get from some of the best internet marketers around.

Unlike numerous web marketing programs, everyone in plug-in revenue is willing to help a beginner and get them started on the ideal track due most remember when they were just starting out and are eager to help.

There are a number of different web marketing programs and training courses.

There is no other program on the internet that gives a brand-new affiliate the kind of things you will receive from plug-in revenue.

My recommendation for a new person starting out is a company that does have a track record of helping others in their success Journey. 



How to Turn Negative Self Talk into More Productive Energy

Today I came across an interesting Article on negative Self Talk.

My Take on the Article

Whether it’s feeling bad about not hitting goals or feeling your not picking a Skill Set up as Quickly as others.

Do you find yourself saying I will never figure this out?

Nothing is working out I may as well Quit Trying.

I am too old to figure it all out.

Studies do show Changing negative Dialogue Is needed to develop a more Productive Energy.

If you are guilty of Calling yourself Names or Don’t Stretch yourself to try something new for fear of failure, here’s how to deal with your Negative Thoughts.


1. Recognize Your Negative Thoughts
So if you have Negative thoughts like I am too old, too fat or I will not be successful because _____Fill in the Blank.

Many of your thoughts are automatic. They just pop into your head without any conscious effort.

Evaluate your thoughts so you can recognize thoughts that are unrealistic, unproductive, or irrational.

2. Look for Evidence That Your Thought Is True
Just because you think something doesn’t make it true.

“What’s the evidence this is true?”

Sticking with The I am Too old example.

You may be slower to grasp some of today’s Technology,

Skillsets are taking you a long time to master.


3. Look for the Evidence Your Thought Isn’t True
Then, create a list of reasons why your thought might not be true.

Although you have not developed a level of competency you were hoping for yet your courage to keep going is moving you forward.

If you struggle to find evidence–which is common when your emotions run high–ask yourself, “What would I say to a friend who had this problem?” If your co-worker said, “I’m not improving as hard as I try. ,” you’d likely be able to find some kind words to help the situation, so be nice to yourself.

4. Reframe Your Thought Into Something More Realistic
Once you’ve looked at the evidence on both sides of the equation, develop a more realistic statement.

Telling yourself, I am moving forward daily on goals and I learn something new Every day.


5. Ask Yourself How Bad Would It Be If Your Thoughts Were True?

Ask yourself, “How bad is it really if it takes me longer to gain this skill.” Then, spend a few minutes thinking how you’d respond.

I wanted to have the right skills to achieve my goals in Business and so what if it takes longer. If it is going to take 1yr or more isn’t it worth the Journey.

Practice Replacing Negative Self-Talk
You might never get rid of your negative self-talk completely–and that’s fine.

The more you practice replacing your negative self-talk the better you will get at it.

Beating yourself up Is never a Good Thing.

Read the Full Article Here

More from Inc.


Affiliate Marketing Explained for Beginners

The introduction of affiliate marketing may be very overwhelming for beginners.

If you are just beginning you may be easily distracted by all the different strategies available for marketing.

However, if you plan your actions and focus on this, you will make a difference. But first, you need to realize that affiliate marketing takes a lot of time and effort to build your affiliate business, and you need to focus on this; otherwise, you will end up frustrated.

Membership marketing for beginners can be confusing, but when you develop an action plan and focus on this time, it will become easier. So here are things you need to have:

Affiliate Marketing
Stay focused

Thousands of affiliate programs will attract you to join them, and promise to obtain huge profits with very low investment. If you participate in fierce competition, please expect to spend precious time around fictitious profit margins.


You must learn the correct method of internet marketing to get actual profits. Internet novices have a major advantage: they can buy off-the-shelf products that can be sold to generate cash immediately. With this method, you can now earn about $10,000 per month.


Find a good mentor before entering affiliate marketing.


There are hundreds of sites and thousands of online marketing opportunities. Search engines provide a way to attract traffic or buyers interested in products. If the buyer does not see the page you want to advertise, it does not mean that the buyer does not get what they want.


You can be sure that other websites are selling at your cost, just make the web-page appear in front of the seller at the exact time when the seller is looking for the product. This is only one example of how member products are marketed.



Online marketing is a scientific process that constantly changes as technology advances. Unless your business plan clarifies the entire marketing blueprint and you have a sufficient understanding of the processes and changes to be implemented, you will likely compete for high positions in search engines.


Ideally, you should look for an excellent mentor to teach you the basics in an easy-to-understand and implementable way without the technical knowledge required to sell products.


If you want to learn about member marketing for beginners, please follow the success stories and recommendations published on marketing forums, review sites, and rank based on the published member sales revenue. The good news is that if you follow the instructions provided, you can use several genuine programs that can bring you a lot of benefits.


Treat affiliate marketing as a serious business.


You may have heard that only 5% of affiliate marketers actually made money. The reason is simple. If you are not suitable to run a business and complete the processes required for profit, then you will not make money.


So, is online marketing effective? The Internet is a rapidly developing and vibrant atmosphere. The membership plan you join must provide technical expertise, back-end support, and must keep pace with the times. For example, e-books on product marketing must provide up-to-date information to help users follow the ethical process used to promote products.


As long as you find the right program, are willing to learn, and find the right mentor, membership marketing is very easy for beginners.

Purpose and Focus
Affiliate Marketing Staying focused

Promote something


The purpose of becoming a member is to promote others’ products, so you need to decide what you want to promote. When deciding on the product to promote, please take some time to understand the product, get as much information about the product as possible, and understand the product. In this way, it can improve your credibility, your readers can feel your sincerity, and people will know if you are talking about something.


Promote your product somewhere


Member marketing for beginners involves many aspects, including building a web page, a website, any form of the login page, squeeze page, or just a blog. Many times, affiliates are at this stage because they are afraid of the process involved in building a web page. However, if you think about it, the construction site these days has become very easy to use, and if I can add, the price is lower. Not to mention the ease of creating a website. To make it easier for you, you can simply create a simple blog using free resources.


Build traffic to your web-page/blog or website.


Don’t just let nature follow its course. You need to do something to help  people find your website and attract attention. Member marketing for beginners now involves different marketing types that have recently emerged, so there is no reason to keep your website free of traffic. Compared to previous types of advertising, you need to pay per click so that you can advertise your website, and now you can use other free resources to generate a lot of traffic for your website. This is what they call backlinks. The popularity of a website now depends on the number of backlinks a website has.


How to find good products to promote


One of the most important components of affiliate marketing is to choose the right products for promotion. The fact is that even if your offers are flooded in, you won’t see many sales if the products you choose to promote are not worth a dime. In a worse case, you may even damage your reputation in the niche market by recommending poor products.


So, how to find good products to promote? Before deciding on a product, the following four factors need to be considered:


1) Demand-Is there a demand for products?


In the afternoon, many products were put together, and there was not much research done at all. If the demand for the product is insufficient, please discard it. Looking for products that many people want and need. These can take the form of tutorials, memberships, user guides, videos, etc.


2) What is the commission-commission structure?


What is your bottom line commission? It’s best to check the final amount you will get, not just the percentage provided. I believe you will agree that a 30% commission for 100 USD is better than a 75% commission for a 10 USD product. In addition, you may want to consider whether the product is a regular payment or a one-time payment. Sometimes, it’s worth promoting a regular $10 commission instead of a one-time $50 commission.


3) Conversion-Is the sales letter of the product convincing?


Is the order button visible? Also, check the bonus provided by the product owner. Whether these bonuses are tempting, or just a pile of useless materials makes it likely that no one will care. If the sales letter is not convincing, you will have difficulty converting visitors into buyers.


4) Tools- Have any tools been created for members?


Although I don’t recommend you to use the “canned” ads that come with the affiliate tool, good graphics, testimonials, backstory, etc. are very useful for your marketing. Having a range of membership tools can also be a good indicator of how important product owners are in supporting their members.


Affiliates introduce or sell company products in exchange for commissions. You need to understand this basic concept. This is very similar to selling products offline, the difference is that the sales process becomes faster and has a wider reach, just because millions of Internet users are using their computers or laptops every day to find online product.


Types of affiliate marketing


Today, affiliate marketing programs are becoming more and more popular for making money online. There are many reasons for this situation, the most common reason is that the business has great potential, can obtain profits at a very low cost, and is very simple to start the company. Member marketing now plays a vital role in the internet marketing world. Alliance members can choose different types of programs and start making money online.




Pay-per – click is the most common affiliate marketing model for members of small websites, and can be the fastest way to make money. It is a practice for members to position product ties on retailer websites on their websites. Whenever someone visits the merchant’s website by clicking a link on the member’s website, the member receives a certain commission. The Commission shall be paid on the basis of the number of visits to the Member’s website. Normally, the company doesn’t make a lot of money for participants, so the reward sum is very low.



PPS is the most common model in member marketing programs today. In this model, advertisers pay commissions for the sale of their products. In this type of model, website owners place advertisements on their websites, and if any visitor clicks on an advertisement and purchases a product, the website will receive a sales commission.




Pay-for-performance is another popular membership model in the industry, it is the highest salary model for members. In this model, merchants only pay affiliate members when their recommendation is turned into action (that is, the recommended visitor actually purchases products from the merchant’s website or when the visitor becomes a potential customer). This means that merchants make a lot of money.


Paying by potential customers


The membership model of paying by potential customers is often used by financial and insurance companies engaged in the development of potential customers of the company. In this model, the visitor, through the efforts of the member, pays the member when the visitor fills out the registration form or similar documents or provides any type of personal information on the merchant’s website.



Pay per link


Members place links to merchant products on their websites. The owner pays based on the number of links you put and the amount of traffic generated.



Pay per registration


After redirecting from your website, the number of people who will register at the merchant’s site or quote for their offer is considered “registered.” For each registration provided by your website, you will get paid

If you want to make money through affiliate marketing, you must study it carefully and consider whether you are willing to spend time making it work. In addition, please carefully study the types of products you want to sell. Check various providers and compare the commissions provided by each provider for each sale.

This has been a lot of information to take in all at once.

In the coming weeks I plan to break it down.

Will you start your own membership site?

Will you Create your own digital product?

Or will you study other Creators Valuable Products?




7 Easy Steps to Start an Online Business

Starting An Online Internet Business

7 Tips To Make It Easier

For several years I did research online to find the real internet “gurus” to learn how to start an online business. Everything that I saw I had to learn about. The problem was, I was trying to learn too many things at once.


Quick note: The more I tried to learn the more confusing it all seemed. I had to slow down to make any progress at all.

There are many ways to earn money online. Among the most popular are online stores, affiliate marketing, internet auctions and selling information products or e-books. I have subscribed to newsletters, read e-books and even listened to tele-seminars to learn about all of these and more. In the process of learning, guess what happened? I was reading about the success of others and becoming very frustrated with my lack of success. I have learned some lessons along the way. Here are some tips, I hope you will find helpful:

1. Start a Blog. A blog is a necessary tool in starting your online business. Your blog is your business home. Blogs help you to brand yourself and when you get the skills to sell your products or if you choose to sell affiliate products your customers will know you.

  • When you have a blog you are seen as a person with authority.
  • Customers get to know and trust you.

You do need your own word press blog. Don’t use a Free Blog as it limits what you can do with it and it could be shut down.

2. Create a business around something you are passionate about.

What are your Interests?

  • Health and Wellness
  • Pets
  • Personal development
  • Ebay
  • Selling info products
  • Travel

3. Set realistic goals that are well defined. Keep it simple, especially if you are just starting out. For example, you could set a goal of seven days.

  • Purchase a Domain Name that Brands you
  • Set up a Blog
  • Do your First Blog Post
  • Develop your Products (what do you want to sell)

I had so many broad, complicated goals that  I could not reach them.  I may as well have had no goals at all.

You must Clearly define what you want to accomplish in this business of yours

4. Decide on a budget for your business…There is no such thing a get rich quick.

You must treat business as a business and you have to know how you will drive traffic to your business Hub (Your Blog)

Here is a Great Place to Start

What Tools will you need?

  • Blogging Platform
  • Autoresponder

How will you learn the skills needed to build a sucessful business?

  • Purchase Courses
  • Hire a coach

How will you promote your Business?

  • Social Media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
  • Paid Advertising (Google, Bing, Facebook ads)

5. How will you follow up with your customers?

Content Marketing is a Great way to attract and continue building relationships.

The definition of Content Marketing straight from The Content Marketing Institute describes perfectly what we are looking to accomplish in our business.

Content marketing is used throughout the whole selling process.

  • Attract new visitors to Blog
  • Engage the Audience
  • Generate leads
  • Convert leads into Customers
  • The Upsell (sell additional products to existing customers.

6. Have a positive mindset! If you think you are going to fail, most likely you will. Avoid listening to others who tell you that you can’t do it.  Talk with others about your business who are positive.  Believe me, it really helps!

Instead of speaking negative thoughts like I am overwhelmed why not say I am learning something new and this Feels Great.

Learn New things Daily and then practice and show others.

Surround yourself with a group of successful people.

7. Take action! One of the biggest mistakes that I made was doing so much research, that is all I was doing.

Bring out the child in yourself. Make it a game.

The funny thing is, most of the information I read told me to take action but I didn’t listen. I had a million reasons why I couldn’t just go ahead and start making money online. I didn’t know enough yet or I had not saved enough money. I learned the most by actually doing what I had only been dreaming about before.

By following these tips, I know you will find success online even if you just want to earn some extra money. If you make some mistakes, and you probably will, learn from them and use it as a tool to become more successful.

How to Build your Business Part Time When Life gets in the Way.

If you are Building your online Business part-time  It can be tough.

There may be times when hours in your day to day Job that pays the bills demands more of your time.

On those days you may only have 15-20 minutes to work your business.


Just know it happens to everyone and the important thing to remember is you will get another 24hour tomorrow.

Pace yourself and realize you are unique and should go at the pace you desire.

You should be working on your goals daily and stretching yourself but don’t let it stress you so much that you let your relationships suffer.

Find Balance and include your family in what you are doing.

When your daily goals aren’t achievable for one day don’t beat yourself up.

Check on them weekly and as long as you are moving forward congratulate yourself and re-adjust.

You may find you can prepare for next week during some downtime.

I find my less hectic days come in spurts and that is the time I use to get a little more work done.

When you find bigger chunks of Time you can devote to your business work on writing some emails, blog post or video concepts for the upcoming week.

Record keeping
Plan to Win

I found this helps reduce the Stress when trying to work a full time job  and  get tasks done in your home business.


Always Stay Positive and joyfully continue on your Journey.


That’s it for today.

Thank you for stopping by.


P.S.  You can Work Less and Live More.  And remember… you’re dream lifestyle is always just 30 minutes away!


Get Your Freedom Escape Plan


Why Join Newbies on Fire: Review

Why join Newbies on Fire?

Totally Newbie Proof.


Baby Boomer

Newbies on Fire has great training.

Entry point anyone can afford starting at low price of $25 plus $5 admin fee.

Newbies on Fire

-This is the lowest admin fees I have ever seen anywhere.


Newbies on Fire have 4 Levels with the Level one Entry Price $30


What is included in Starter package. $25 + $5 one time

  • Custom Designed Seo Powered Blogging Platform
  • Video #1 – Introduction
  • Video #2 – Personal Vs Company Branding
  • Video #3 – Invoke Emotions
  • Video #4 – Branding Introduction
  • Video #5 – Name Creation
  • Video #6 – Color Psychology
  • Video #7 – Company Colors
  • Video #8 – Color Theme
  • Video #9 – Custom Logo Creation
  • Video #10 – Custom Mascot Creation



UNLOCKS: Starter and Basic Package.

Training in the Package

BASIC LEVEL: How to find Buyers

  • Video #1 – Introduction and Overview
  • Video #2 – Research Your Competition
  • Video #3 – Basics of Profiling
  • Video #4 – Gathering More Intel
  • Video #5 – Shortcuts
  • Video #6 – A Typical Day?
  • Video #7 – Media Mapping
  • Video #8 – Buying Habits
Members Only Facebook Community


UNLOCKS all lower levels





After reviewing the Product here’s Why I joined Newbies on Fire


-This is a DOUBLE ONE UP! 2nd and 4th goes up to you the sponsor!

-( If YOU are Elite and sponsor just ONE Elite that fills their pass ups.

That is $2, 250 to YOU! )

-We have a 1 time payment for LIFE! -We get paid immediately.

-We get to pick how WE want to get paid!

– We have lower mid and upper levels. (UPPER gives you lower levels and commissions )

– The company NEVER holds our money, EVER!

-This is Worldwide! -ALL pages and sales funnels are in ENGLISH AND SPANISH!

-We have effective Capture Pages! -We have Sales Page ( Voice over by Todd Gross! )

-We have autoresponder emails that WORK!


-This is literally COPY AND PASTE TRAINING! -We have a FB support group with HAPPY and ACTIVE MEMBERS! : 0)

Check out Newbies on Fire

Day 7 Stacking Your Efforts in your Business Planning

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day Business Plan Challenge.

Business planning helps create an explosive way to develop traffic, customers, and most importantly income.


Much of what we’ve reviewed so far has been actionable tasks:

  1. Listing your objectives and business Goals
  2. Developing a winning attitude
  3. Take on new Tasks. Get Out of your Comfort Zone.

Let’s Review some Marketing Strategies:

  • Blogging about niche topics
  • Budget money for advertising
  • Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to your Blog
  • Explore new marketing strategies out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Set up a Youtube Channel


Change is a Choice

Video is fast becoming the main source for getting your Brand Known

On day 3 when we discussed increasing website traffic, subscribers, as well as clients to add to our profits.

Today we broaden on this whole concept.

Continue with Social Media, Blogging and include Video into your Marketing Plan.

The idea is to make progress on your goals and stack them in a manner that offers you greater success.

Below’s an example.

Set a goal which is to grow your current part-time income by $1,500 a month so you can quit your day job.

Meet business objective by expanding your web traffic to build your community.

If Reaching your $1,500 your goal allows you to leave a job.

Set more enthusiastic goals and include one more strategy to increase your profit to $6,000.

Using some of the profits it is time to Scale your business.

  1. Take a percentage per month to play around with Facebook ads.
  2. Time to outsource some task contracting out several of the continuous tasks that hold you back.


Hire a Virtual Assistant to help with tasks and now you’re truly making progress.


Contact entrepreneurs in your specific niche and collaborate with each other.

Do you see how this works?

One goal improves on the other as well as stacking objectives to generate crazy growth.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Always be stretching yourself pushing for Bigger Goals

My point is this …

If you start to think strategically keeping one eye on your next few objectives, you can start to stack your efforts.

Plan for that explosive growth in a lot less time than you may think.

Try it!

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day tips to making use of a well thought out business plan.

Let’s increase customers, as well as most notably a growing income.

To Recap:

One goal will build on the next and they all work with each other to create rapid growth.

My point is this …

  • Believe in yourself
  • Have Written Goals
  • Review your Goals often
  • Track your Progress Daily
  • Have a Daily Method of Operation
  • Get out of your Comfort Zone
  • Try new things.
  • If doing Video Scares you. It is time to do it.
  • Work on developing your Marketing Skills (The Home Business Academy)

Follow these steps consistently. Doing this will create explosive growth for your business.

Day 6 Real Growth Requires You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone


Can you think back on a time of real life-changing Growth, be it in-home business, in your individual life, or anywhere else? Did you need to get out of your comfort zone?

More than likely, you had to step out of a place where you are comfortable for that growth to occur.

Yes, we can make progress by doing what we have actually always done.

danger zone

It will be slow as well as much more notably, by staying within your comfort zone, you are limiting your possible development.

It’s when we step out of that area, try something new, take a little bit of danger, and allow for personal and skills growth that we start to see big changes for the better.

Let’s say your goal is to grow your reach and also increase your target audience.

What you’ve done so far and what really feels comfy is creating a blog post a week and afterwards sharing it on social networks.

Yes, some readers will certainly discover you.

Yes, if you increase workload, publishing even more blog posts per week as well as sharing regularly across all your social media accounts, you will see some increased growth in your business.

However, you’re remaining in your comfort zone.


What if instead of increasing the same types of tasks you switched it up a bit.

Why not explore writing as a guest blogger on another blog for more exposure?

How about finally facing your fears and start a YouTube, Channel?

Youtube is a perfect way to repurpose some old blog post.

Once you produce your video on the Blog topic you can embed it on your blog post to give new life to your Blog.

Including Video in the mix of your weekly workload increases your chances of being found and building your community.

Recording a series of video clips provides you with the opportunity to get to a totally different part of your target market.

There are lots of people who would rather view video web content to typed out articles on a Blog.

There are people that spend hrs daily on YouTube who would never come across you and your blog otherwise.

Investing money on paid ads can sound like a terrifying idea but once you find something that works, convert well and you if you have a budget it may be time to scale with advertising.

Note this should not be done without knowing what your conversions are.

If you decide to put your money into paid ads make sure are tracking your results

I would like to mention everyone feels awkward when starting something new.

Remember your first Blog post?

How long did it take you to finally hit the publish button?

When you start anything it may seem hard or awkward but with consistent work, it does get easier.

So jump out of your comfort zone.

If you need to set up a Youtube do it today!

Then do your first video.

Good luck.