Describe Your Ideal Customer or Client: Create a Customer Avatar

One of the parts of your business plan that is essential is to describe your ideal customer or client. As you get to know your customers, you’ll find answers to questions such as: Who are they? Where do they hang out? What do they want? What do they need? What are their pain points? What keeps them up at night. Where do they get their information?


One practice that has become popular due to the fact that it works is to create a customer avatar from the information you collect that best describes your ideal customer. When you first begin, you’re going to create one avatar that best describes your most ideal customer. You’ll use that information to inform all the products that you create.


A customer avatar is simply one document that succinctly describes who your customer is, how they live their lives, and what they want and need in terms of your expertise.


The information you need to complete a customer avatar is as follows:


  • List Places Your Customers Get Their Information – Make a list of websites, journals, magazines, blogs, newspapers, books, and so forth that comprise where your ideal customer likes to get their information. These are all excellent options for networking and advertising.


  • List Your Ideal Customer’s Goals – Make a list of your customers’ goals for the solution you are trying to sell to them. The goals have to be in line with your expertise and your offers. For example, if you’re a Keto Coach, their goals will be about succeeding on a Keto way of life.


  • List Your Ideal Customer’s Values and Principles – Most people make decisions based on their morals, values, and principles. It’s the way they judge if something is true or not. The more you can relate to these values and principles with your words and actions, the better.


  • Describe Your Ideal Customer’s Demographics – Demographic information includes things like age, race, income, education, and so forth. Include everything relevant that will help you with targeting ads and content.


  • List Your Ideal Customer’s Pain Points or Challenges – As it relates to your experience and offering, list their pain points and challenges. What wakes your customers up at night? If you’re a Keto Coach, maybe your customers have diabetes, but maybe they just want to lose weight. You may have more than one ideal customer, too, but you should differentiate them so you can laser target the information you provide.


  • List Any Objections Your Customer Might Have at The Point of Purchase – Take the time to go through and make a list of each objection your customer may have based on who they are. When you list the objections, find facts and information that can overcome the objection.


You’re going to have to ask and answer numerous questions to fully gather all the information you need to create a well thought out and effective customer avatar. Once you do that, you should give your ideal customer a true persona and name. You can draw a picture of them, or you can cut out pictures from a magazine or use clips online to build your customer avatar. It’s up to you, but you want the avatar document to be as specific as possible. Once you start your business and start to collect more data information, you’ll be able to create more avatars based on their buying journey.


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What Methods Work Best to Ensure You Make Your Goals?

As you work through developing goals for your business and your happy life, you may notice that you need to change what you’re doing now. In fact, as you move along in your business, whatever is in your business plan now might change. As you gain experience, some of the assumptions you made in the past will be thrown out for the reality of what really works and what doesn’t work per your metrics.


Learn How to Create SMART Goals


The main issue with goals is that many times excited entrepreneurs don’t set goals that will work. A goal needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. If it’s not all of these, more than likely, you will not succeed. It might seem like extra work for you to focus on the minutia to set goals. However, the proof is in the pudding.


Did you know that, according to, businesses that create well-researched business plans and then use those plans to develop each goal and the steps to reach each goal are 80 percent more likely to experience success? Because of this, SMART goal setting for your life and your business will be one of the practices that pay off for you the most.


Write Specific Goals


For a goal to be specific, it needs to spell out the result and how you’re going to do it. For example, if you want to list 100 products a week on your Poshmark and 100 on your eBay platform, you have to set it up so that it can happen. “I will list 20 products each evening from 8 to 10 PM.” Describe what constitutes done, so you know when you met the goal. Remember, if you don’t set aside the time to do it, it won’t happen.


Make Sure Each Goal is Measurable


As you noticed, the specific goal above mentions numbers. It states that you’ll list 100 products within five workdays by listing 20 products each day Monday – Friday between the hours of 8 and 10 PM. Knowing this information, you also need to set up the rest of our day to ensure you have the time to devote.


Work Only for Attainable Goals


If you want to list more products because you know that getting more listings up means that you have the opportunity to earn more money, it’s important to be realistic about the number.


If you don’t have the funds to buy 100 products a week, you’re not going to be able to list them. If you don’t really sit down each evening to process the products, it won’t happen. Don’t make the goal so impossible to reach that it doesn’t take into consideration the reality of your life and the goals you’ve made for the rest of your life too.


If you really only have 2 hours, it’s possible you will not have enough time to list 20 products, so you’ll have to lower your goal so that it’s actually attainable. Also, there may be outside influences that make your goal impossible, for example, if it’s against the terms of service or somehow against the law or other rules.


Ensure Your Goal is Realistic in The First Place

Outsourcing: The Key to Success for The Life Affirming Entrepreneur

Don’t make impossible goals. It’s fun to dream about being a billionaire but don’t start with that goal. Start with a goal of making enough money to maintain your current lifestyle, then add to that as you go. Also, think about other aspects of your life that might make the goal, while attainable, unrealistic for you.


For example, if you have a chronic illness, you may need to modify some of your goals to ensure you can meet them. The easiest way to succeed is to stop trying to do things that can’t be done and do things that can be done by studying the situation to make sure it’s real and a sensible goal to set for your situation.


Always Assign Yourself (and anyone who works with you) Deadlines to Make Them Time-Bound


No goal will ever be done on an ongoing basis to see real results if you don’t set deadlines. When you set deadlines, always take the time to understand how long it really takes. Don’t try to be faster than others. Take the time it really takes to do a good job, regardless of what it is. Some people have found success using something called Block Scheduling. This is where you state you’ll do XYZ during a particular block of time.


When you learn good goal setting technique, you’ll be amazed at how much better you become at succeeding. It doesn’t matter what you want to do. Using SMART goal setting techniques will make a difference.

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Can You Describe Your Business?

One of the things you need to do to write a useful business plan is to describe your business. It might seem simple on the surface, but you want to be careful how you describe your business so that it is crystal clear what you do, who you do it for, how you’ll do it, and why you’re the right one to do it.


  • Be Specific – When you choose the wording for your business description, you want to ensure that you are as specific as possible. You must use the right terms that the audience understands best to get the information to them clearly. Hint, you may need more than one description if you have created more than one client avatar, to ensure that they truly understand.

10 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience Better

  • Describe Your Customers – Your customers are your business. For this reason, it’s imperative that you can succinctly describe who your primary ideal customer is. You need to be able to describe them as if they’re a person sitting right in front of you. Include demographics and even how they look. You can even give them a basic name. It also helps to learn your customer’s buying journey so you can describe your customer at each stage of their decision-making process.


  • Describe Your Products – Do the same thing about each of your products. List them all and describe who the product is for what problems it solves, and how and why it will work. Do this for all your products, whether it’s a paid product or a lead magnet. One trick is to list the features of each of your products and then connect that feature to how it benefits your ideal customer that it’s meant for.


  • Describe Your Services – If you have services and products or instead of products, you will want to describe each service fully. One way to do this is to focus on the result or impact that the service will have for them and their ideal customer.


  • Describe Your Talents as Related to Your Business – Include information about your education and expertise related to what you do in your business. If you have others involved, you’ll include their information too. You can even ask them to write their own short description, especially if they’re contractors since they likely already have that ready in their own business plan.


  • Describe Other Experts and Tools That Will Work With You – If you have contractors, employees, or other resources that help you do what you say you will for your ideal customers. Whether it’s people, specialized software, or something else, describe what you will use to get the job done and why they’re right for it.


  • Why Do You Want to Do This? – Why are you the right person to do this and to create or make these solutions? This is a great time to talk about a pivotal moment in your life that made you want to do this. What unique insight and talent set you apart from the competition?


The more you can make this section complete, the more you can feel proud when someone wants to know about your business. The act of creating the executive summary solidifies in your mind what it is that you do, who you do it for, why you do it, and how you do it.


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What Do You Need to Change to Succeed?

One thing is evident when you do the work to research your niche, your industry, and your audience so that you can build your life-affirming business: there are things that you need to change. That’s even more true when you get real about who you are, what skills you have or lack, and are honest about your deficiencies. There is always going to be something that you need to change so that you can succeed.


As you work through developing your life-affirming business plan, an exercise that will help you move forward is to note where you are right now and where you want to go. Don’t just draw a line from point A to point B, though. Instead, you need to take the time to write down the steps involved in getting to point B.


For example, let’s say you’re a married mom of three children under nine years old. You have a 2-year-old, a five-year-old, and an 8-year-old. Your husband works away from home 60 hours a week, including travel time. You work outside the home 50 hours a week, including travel time.


You usually are home on weekends, but your spouse works odd hours sometimes on weekends, nights and is not reliable to help out with the kids or anything else around the house very often. You are trying to build a reselling business on Amazon FBA,,, and other platforms. Your first goal is to replace your $38,000 yearly income so that you can stop going to that job.


There is nothing wrong with the above scenario. If you look at it realistically, you can see clearly that you will need to create a plan uniquely designed for you, the time you have available, your budget, your goals, and other considerations to find time to build your business the way you want it to be.


You note that you have every intention to work for two hours a night taking pictures and making listings after you get the kids to bed by 8:30 PM weeknights and 10 PM on weekends. You also want to work four hours a day on Saturday and Sunday, shopping for and sourcing new products. But you find yourself not doing any of it. You get home, do your household chores, spend time with the kids, put them to bed, and veg on the couch until you pass out, or you find things to do that aren’t your business like laundry, dishes, mopping, and so forth.


Meanwhile, your business goes nowhere. What do you need to change?


In this case, you need to change your mindset. There is no reason you have to cook home-cooked meals or clean the house yourself. Enlist the children’s help and assign chores to your husband when he’s home. If you can, consider hiring someone to come in and help.


Try getting up two hours earlier and doing the listings and pictures before you’re tired from the day. That way, you get it done while you’re alert before you’ve given all you have at work. Change to only sourcing once a week on Saturday morning for as long as it takes you to spend your budget up to 5 hours, then on Sunday spend four hours organizing for pictures and listing during the week.


Even if you don’t get it all done during the time constraints you’ve set, you will get it done over time. Remember, there are no rules about how much you need to do each day other than meeting your goals. If it’s too hard to meet, reset your goals to be more realistic.


As you see, the main point of all this is to figure out where you are, where you want to be, and then working with what you have and your personality to design a path to get you to your destination. In this case, it’s going to start with listing goals, and then once you meet those, you can focus on your income goals.

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You Really Can Design Your Life the Way You Want It

When most people grow up, they end up with about the same finances and lifestyle as the family they are raised with. Very few people do better than their parents or change that much about their lives compared with their folks.

Failure is

It’s not a bad thing, but if you want to do something different, it can seem daunting. However, you really can design your life the way you want it. It doesn’t matter who you are now or where you are from, or what situation you were born to. If you understand who is really in control of your life, (you) you can do amazing things.


  • Begin Where You Are – Some people are born with more resources than others due to their family or place in life. Others are born with more challenges. In the scheme of life, this only matters if you don’t believe you can improve your life based on your birth. If you believe you can, and take the steps necessary to do it based on the situation’s reality, you will be more successful. Maybe you have to work two part-time minimum wage jobs while working your side hustle to pull it off for five years – it doesn’t matter – whatever it takes to reach your goals is what’s important.


  • Figure Out What Your Morals, Principles, and Values Are – No one can make good choices in life about anything if they have no idea what guides them. When you know who you are deep down, you don’t need any outside forces to guide you. Try writing a mission statement for your life and your business to help set up that guide.


  • Summarize What You Want – Take the time to go through the eight areas of life “The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success” that you need to design and write a summary of the ultimate end goal that you want to achieve in each of the areas. As you develop your goals, you may need to get more in-depth with each area for the goal to be well thought out with steps set up for achievement.


  • Set Realistic Goals – Based on what you want from life, set goals using the SMART Goal setting technique. Each of your goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Instead of something like “I want to get rich and retire,” you will explain what this means. “I will have 2.5 million saved by the time I am 45 years old. I will do this by saving a specific amount each month that I earn by doing a specific thing each day.” Write it out exactly as you will do it.


  • Figure Out What You Have – Develop a resource list of all the resources you have as they’re related to each of your goals. For example, if one of your goals is to be fit and healthy at 80, what steps are necessary to be more likely to experience success with that goal? Probably time for self-care, money for regular health care appointments, funds for dental work, gym membership – whatever it is that you have that will help you succeed, list it. It may be a person, place, or thing that is the resource, or it may just be a skill you possess.


  • Figure Out What You Need – As you determine what resources you need to achieve each goal, you’re going to realize that you already have some of the resources but that you don’t have some of the others. When you identify the resources you need that you don’t have, it’s time for you to search for them either by paying for them, outsourcing, or creating them.


  • Create a Resource List Associated with Your Goals – Now that you know what you have and what you need, make a resource list. Define what you have, what you need, and the budget for the things you need to pay for. For example, there is a budget associated with healthcare, groceries, and the like. There is also a monetary number associated with every single thing on your resource list. And remember, time is money.


  • Set Your Daily Schedule for Success – Once you know what you want to do and have identified the resources to get you there, it’s time to set up your daily schedule for achieving the goals you’ve set. If you have more time available due to more resources, you’ll experience success faster, but even if you take twice as long, you will make it if you set it up and follow your plan.


  • Evaluate Regularly – As you age, you’re going to change. Those changes will be more than physical they will be mental, emotional, and spiritual. You cannot even imagine the type of changes you’re going to experience in the next 20 to 30 years of your life. Due to this fact, take the time to evaluate your plan regularly to ensure you’re on the right path that makes you feel happy about your life.


Designing a life that works for you and gives you the balance you want in terms of work-life balance requires that you first accept the truth of where you are, what you have to work with, and where you want to go. It might take you longer than someone born on third base, but you can still accomplish whatever you set your mind to if you understand what it takes to achieve the results you desire.

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The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success

Let’s start strong and talk about the areas of life you need to design to ensure your success. Often people never think about how each decision affects how their life will actually look and be in practice. If you want a particular lifestyle, you must think about how each choice impacts your desires.

the purpose

There are eight areas of life that you need to design purposefully for success:


  • Career and Business – What you do for money will have a massive impact on your life. It will inform every single choice you make. It will make the difference on whether you can afford the lifestyle you desire or not, and even whether you can maintain your health or not realistically.


  • Health and Fitness – Your health and fitness level are important because if you’re unhealthy and not fit in the right way for the life you want to experience, it’ll be hard to do. For example, if you want to spend the weekends camping and boating, you’ll want to maintain a healthy weight so you can keep doing it.


  • Relationships and Social Life – What kind of social life do you envision, and can you afford to have that life? What about your significant relationships, such as your life partner, spouse, or your relationship with your children? These are all impacted by the rest of your life choices due to how it affects your health, finances, and so forth.


  • Finances – Did you choose the right career or business to fund the type of lifestyle you desire? What about time? Do you have enough time left after earning money to do the things that are important to you?


  • Personal and Spiritual Development – Do you have time to work on your personal life and spiritual and emotional development? Everyone needs time for self-care, including learning about themselves and taking care of themselves through eating right, exercise, going to the doctor regularly, and even doing things that are considered optional, like getting facials or massages.


  • Hobbies and Fun – What type of things do you want to do for fun, and what hobbies, if any, would you like to participate in? Does your business or career allow you to accomplish having fun and doing your hobbies too?


  • Home and Environment – What type of home do you want to live in? Do you want to live in the city in a condo, a house, or do you want to live in the country? Do you prefer to rent, or do you want to buy? What type of environment do you want?


  • Community Involvement – Where do you see yourself in terms of your community? Do you want to be involved in your church, or do you want to feed the poor or take care of stray animals in your area? What do you want to have the time and funds to do in your community?


Go through each of these areas and write a summary about how you envision your life in each of these areas. Then be very specific about what it will cost you in terms of time and resources to achieve the ideal life you’re designing for yourself. Do not make assumptions. Look up how much something costs, ask people who have done it how long it takes, and get real information so that you’re not just guessing. The idea is to design a life that you really want to live, but that is realistic for you to achieve.


What Resources Do I Need to Live the Good Life?

As you plan your future business and get ready to create your business plan, you need to understand what resources you need to live the good life you want. You don’t want your business to interfere with it. In fact, you want your business to provide the good life you want. It’s not an either-or choice if you think about all this in advance.


What is a resource? A resource can be either internal or external. For example, you have internal resources such as your own knowledge, skills, qualities, habits, techniques, your own funds, and things you’ve learned over time. External sources may include your access to people in the know, books, software, funds, and so forth.


When you look at your vision board and the goals you’ve set for each of the eight areas of life, what resources do you really need? Some resources you come across will be required, and some will be desired but not out and out required.


Let’s remember the eight areas of life and show an example of the possible resources you need for each area. I included some ideas for you to get you started. This is not comprehensive because it’s hard to know what any one person may have or need as this is very individual, so try to answer this for yourself using the example.


Career and Business


Resources I have:

  • Coaching Certification
  • Time Management Skills
  • Networking Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Computer
  • Coaching Software
  • Online Communities
  • Mastermind Group
  • $5000 Start-Up Funding


Resources I need:

  • Programming Skills
  • Email Marketing Software
  • A Website
  • An Office Space
  • Clients


Health and Fitness


Resources I have:

  • A Good Mindset
  • Gym Membership
  • Good Shoes
  • My Best Friend (Motivation)
  • $400 Monthly Budget


Resources I need:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Regular Dental Care
  • Healthy Grocery Budget
  • Full House Water Filter


Relationships and Social Life


Resources I have:

  • A supportive spouse
  • Three great kids
  • Backyard Pool
  • A Healthy Outlook
  • Good Communication Skills


Resources I need:

  • Bigger Dining Room Table
  • A Vacation Home
  • Time




Resources I have:

  • $5000 Startup Cash
  • A Business Idea
  • A Personal Budget


Resources I need:

  • Bookkeeping Software
  • A CPA
  • A Business Plan
  • A Retirement Plan


Personal and Spiritual Development


Resources I have:

  • My church
  • My book club group
  • My community
  • My health


Resources I need:

  • Books
  • Counselor
  • Like-Minded People


Hobbies and Fun


Add what you have and what you need to ensure you can do your hobbies and have fun.


Home and Environment


What do you have already that makes your home environment the way you want it, and what do you need to improve it based on your lifestyle goals?


Community Involvement


The same thing goes here, list all the resources you have and that you need to achieve the results you desire.


Some of the resources you need you may not have yet, or you may not even be sure what they are yet, but as you move along, you’ll discover what is needed, and you can add those to the list of resources you need. Make sure you create your resource list based on what you have available first and then what you need to acquire for each of the areas of life you want to design and improve.


Understanding exactly what you need for success in each of the eight areas of life will help you ensure that you are working toward your goal in a way that makes it possible to succeed. If you don’t have the resource yet, you can use the information you’re gathering to set up a plan to get those resources.

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What Really Makes Your Life Good?

As you are deciding the type of business you want to start, it’s crucial to think about what, in your opinion, makes your life good and how will this business help you achieve the things that make your life good for you? In some circles, this is called lifestyle design. Lifestyle design basically holds that you are in full control of your own life and your own choices.

Positive thinking

Most people don’t start off thinking about actually constructing their life intentionally. Due to that, they end up suffering the consequences. If you genuinely want to create a life that is precisely what you want, you can, but you need to know what that is first.


Ask yourself the following questions:


  • Why are you here? – This question is really about what your purpose in life is to you? It can help you to create a mission statement. Your purpose should spell out what really matters to you in life.


  • What do you want to achieve? – To answer this question, many people have found it helpful to write their obituary. If you die at the ripe old age of 120, what do you hope you have accomplished? Spell it out as if it happened.


  • What energizes and animates you? – When you’re doing things, what can you point to that you do without complaint? Is there something you’ve been involved in that makes you excited and even forget that you’re working?


  • What do you love to do most? – Can you name one thing you love to do the most out of anything else. Don’t think about money making things when you answer. Think about what makes you feel happy. When you exude joy, it’s obvious you like what you’re doing.


  • Where will you do it? – When you think about doing what makes you most happy, where do you want to be when you do it? Do you envision a lovely home, or do you imagine a penthouse apartment, or do you see something else?


  • Who will you do it with? – What type of people do you want to surround yourself with? Think about partners for work but also think about your personal life and how you see it. Even if the person doesn’t exist, you can describe their personality, principles, morals, and values.


  • What sort of impact do you hope to make doing it? – Ultimately, what impact do you hope to have on your world doing this thing you want to do? What impact will it have on you, your family, your friends, your customers, and the world at large? This is vital information for you to figure out.


Before you can design your ideal business, you need to define your ideal lifestyle and life. Create a vision board for every single aspect of your life so that you have set goals to work toward. When you know what success looks like to you, it will be a lot easier experiencing it.

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18 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

As you get started building your email list, it’s imperative that you work to avoid the problems others have with email marketing. Email marketing is not dead. Email marketing is still “where the money is,” and there is no doubt about that. The stats are clear. Email marketing will, when done right, produce a high return on investment of 38 to 40 times what you spend.

  1. Not Spending Time Writing Better Subject Lines – Each time you create an email, make it a practice to write at least ten potential subject lines. The practice of doing that will help you create more effective subject lines improving opens and conversions.


  1. Avoiding Two-Way Communication from Subscribers – The days of anonymity online is over. If you’re not open about who you are and allow two-way communication in the email, your audience will not trust you.


  1. Focusing on Promotion Over Education – Email marketing doesn’t have to be the hard sell. Instead, it should be a gentle way of educating, informing, and engaging with your audience. When you do that, they trust you and will follow your lead.

Nothing Is Done Until You Track Your Metrics

  1. Not Creating Lead Magnets for Each Stage of The Buyer’s Journey – A generic lead magnet or freebie is not going to cut it. You need to create lead magnets that speak to your ideal customer where they are on their personal journey.


  1. Not Sending Useful Emails Often – Once you get someone to sign up for your list, don’t ignore them. Welcome them, educate them, inform them, and pique their curiosity about your offers with the information you offer.


  1. Forgetting to Include a CTA That Makes Sense – Even emails that aren’t focused on making a sale should include a CTA such as “share,” “respond,” or go read that blog post or something to direct the reader what to do next.


  1. Not Understanding How All Your Content Marketing Works Together – Email marketing is part of your overall content marketing strategy. The content you create in email, your blog, and elsewhere can all be repurposed and used.


  1. Trying to Reinvent the Wheel – There are many experts out there who have already figured out the tricks to get the most out of email marketing. Don’t think you have to do it your own way. Instead, do it the professional way by studying what industry experts do.


  1. Avoiding the Numbers and What They Teach You – The data you collect with analytics is imperative to the success of your business. Use that data that you can collect to get things right.


  1. Not Building an Email List – Some people think you don’t need email today, but you do. Email marketing is an essential component of all businesses today.


  1. Not Setting Then Meeting Subscriber Expectations Early – From the day someone signs up for your list, you should welcome them and let them know what to expect. When you then follow up with what you said you’d do, they start to trust you more.


  1. Creating Unprofessional Sloppy Messages – While you don’t have to be an English professor to craft persuasive messages, do check your spelling and your grammar to ensure that your audience understands. Ensure it also looks appealing the way you have it laid out so that it’s easier to consume.


  1. Being Too Much Like a Stereotypical Used Car Salesperson – While there is a time and place for the hard sell in email marketing, most of the time, you want the messages to be a lot more subtle and not harp on selling but on information instead.


  1. Not Using All the Tools of The Trade – Don’t try to do email marketing with your personal email or your business email platforms. Instead, use a professional platform that is set up to automate that has a good reputation.


  1. Forgetting That Most People Use Mobile Devices Now – Most people check email now using their smartphone, not a PC. Your messages need to be readable on a small screen, and the CTAS needs to work that way too.


  1. Sending Too Many Images – Images are fine but make sure you use the alt text information so that if they have a slow connection, a description shows up around what the image is that encourages them to keep reading.


  1. Not Setting Clear and Realistic Goals – When you start building your list, you need to know why and what you expect the results to be. If you want to get, 1000 subscribers don’t just say 1000 subscribers without setting a time limit and a method for doing it.


  1. Not Monetizing Your Messages – If you don’t monetize your email list, you won’t earn money from it. At least every three or four emails, send something that can earn money from your subscribers that solves a problem for them.


Email marketing is the most effective form of marketing ever created. No matter how big or small your business, email marketing can make all the difference. Start building your email list now because, in the future, it will pay off exponentially.

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Nothing Is Done Until You Track Your Metrics

As you work toward building a strong and highly converting email list, one of the ways you can know you’re doing things effectively is to track the numbers. Your metrics are the key to knowing what works and what doesn’t work for your unique situation. The following metrics should be tracked.

email marketing

  • Click-Through Rate – Knowing how many people who open the email are clicking through to at least look at whatever you’re trying to communicate with them helps you know if your initial messaging is persuasive enough.


  • Conversion Rate – Knowing how many people answer your CTAs compared to how many people are clicking through is a number that is important to know because it helps signal whether you’ve done an excellent job targeting your ideal customer or not.


  • Bounce Rate – How many of your emails are bouncing and not being delivered? That can signal an issue with your email messages and might signal a problem with how you’re collecting email addresses if they don’t work.


  • List Growth Rate – How fast are you growing your list? If you know this number, you can project based on your activity how fast you can grow your list to where you want it to be.


  • Sharing / Forwarding / Engagement – One key performance indicator that helps you know if you’re doing a good job targeting your audience is how many of them want to share, forward, or engage with your messages compared to how many who open them.


  • Return on Investment – How much money can you trace directly to your email messages and email list compared to how much you have invested or spent on the system?


  • Open Rate – Out of all the emails you send, how many are opened on average? If you send out one email to all 1000 subscribers, what percentage opens it? How does this number compare to the industry standard?


  • Unsubscribe Rate – When you send messages to your audience, how likely are they to unsubscribe? Sometimes marketers get nervous about causing their subscribers to unsubscribe and stop sending messages. This is a mistake. You want your messages to segment and weed out uninterested parties. If your unsub rate is high, you may have a targeting issue.


  • Spam Compliance – Your email autoresponder has a way to test each message for spam issues, plus you can look in the back office and find out if anyone’s complained about your messages. Understanding what triggers spam issues can help you avoid this problem.


  • Revenue Per Email – Knowing how much you earn on average for each email you send to your list subscribers can be very motivating to help you send even more useful messages to them.

How to Optimize Your Email Subject Lines

  • Revenue Per Subscriber – How much revenue on average do you earn per subscriber on your list? This number will go up as you get better at targeting and is a great number to be aware of so you can understand how much you need to invest to reach your goals.


Check your numbers before each campaign as well as periodically during the campaign to ensure that you are doing what you can to achieve your goals. The only way to be sure is to get the data because your hypotheses can be wrong. It’s always better to know exactly what is working and what is not working rather than make assumptions.


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