Do love to collect Recipes and put your own twist on them?
Do you go straight to the recipe Section of magazines while in the Store line waiting to check out?
How many times have you see a picture of a Great Looking Chicken Dish but when reading the ingredients you see some stuff in there that you are just not a fan of.
Today I was looking to find a Quick Recipe to feed my husband and 3 Teens, ages 14, 15 and 18.
Looking to see what I had in the house I came up with some Chicken Thighs, Spinach and Fettucine.
This is what I did next.
Opened up my Computer went to Google and searched Recipes with Chicken and Spinach.
I came across a Recipe with a yummy looking picture.
Looking at the Recipe a notice Lemon was one of the Ingredients.
Not a Fan of Lemon in my Cooking.
So what did I do?
Went to the Kitchen and just started cooking,
Using a skillet with Olive Oil I Browned up the Chicken Thighs and starting throwing in Seasonings including garlic, spinach, cherry tomatoes, and Chicken Broth.
While that was Cooking, I got water boiling for the Fettucine.
One of the biggest milestones in our first few years of life is learning how to walk. This activity becomes so habitual it is easy to forget that it is, in fact, exercise. The American Heart Association even calls it “one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active.” A piece on walking from a 2009 Harvard Health School newsletter points out that even though walking is such an automatic human function, “modern man appears determined to walk as little as possible.”
As walking is one of the simplest — and most accessible — forms of exercise, if you begin walking for fitness and are hoping to speed up results and make the activity more challenging, it may seem harmless to just add in some weights. However, carrying weights may be doing more harm than good. Here’s why and what you should be doing instead.
I just had an article come into my inbox that got me thinking.
Have you hit a plateau on your weight loss journey.
The article from My Fitness P
al goes over 7 possible reasons why you may be not hitting your Weight Loss Goals.
Are you working out endlessly only to have the number on the scale never budge — or even worse, go up? This frustrating effect is actually quite common. Before you give up on working out, see if any of these reasons might be to blame
Are you working out endlessly only to have the number on the scale never budge — or even worse, go up? This frustrating effect is actually quite common. Before you give up on working out, see if any of these reasons might be to blame
Make sure your workouts fit your body goals. Take a look at bodybuilders, swimmers, distance runners and cycling sprinters, and you’ll notice their body shapes are very different. The style of your fitness training can dictate whether you’re breaking down tissue or building muscles and which muscle areas are targeted.
Fit bodies need fuel to burn. Having too strict of a diet while engaged in a heavy fitness routine can leave your body in conservation mode. To keep your engine burning, make sure your diet is loaded with high-quality, nutritious foods and balanced meals throughout the day. Try tracking your intake to make sure your daily calorie deficit is not too large.
It is no surprise to people in the marketing world that Videos are a great way to display your content. But what are the Ideal lengths for your videos?
In today’s post, I review what Hubspot reveals as the best video lengths for the four Native Video Platforms.
30 seconds
30 seconds for Instagram
Why 30 seconds
HubSpot discovered the videos that received the most comment average 26 seconds. Keep your Videos Brief.
45 seconds for Twitter
Why 45 Seconds?
HubSpot calculated Twitter’s #VideoOfTheDay average 43 seconds.
Twitter users are accustomed to short updates so Keep it Short.
1 Minute
1 minute for Facebook.
Why 1 Minute?
HubSpot’s Facebook audience Engages the most with 1-minute long Videos. Users like watching Snappy Videos They can quickly Like and Share and Move on.
2 Minute
2 minutes for YouTubeWhy 2 Minutes?
HubSpot sees the most engagement on Videos that are about 2 minutes.
Users like spending time on YouTube because they can easily find Specific Videos or watch their favorite YouTubers’ Content. Longer Content is Perfect for YouTube.
When a video pops up on your Facebook feed, what do you usually do first? My guess is that you take a peek at its length, ponder whether it’s worth your time, and let that thought process influence whether or not you press play.
Once you do actually press play, how many times have you abandoned the video just a few seconds in and scrolled down to the next post? I know I have. I don’t finish half the Facebook videos I start.
It seems impossible to hold people’s attention nowadays. Phones buzz with distracting notifications and promise instant gratification, tempting people to check their screens every five minutes. This has diminished the human attention span so much, some studies claim it’s now shorter than a goldfish’s.
But marketers must innovate further because users expect different video lengths on different platforms. Odds are, they’re more willing to watch a 2-minute long video on YouTube than on Twitter.
If you don’t customize video length for each platform, then you’re not fully catering to your audience. Sooner or later, the attention they give to your brand will wither away.
That’s why we decided to create this handy, bookmarkable infographic about the optimal video length for the most popular video channels. To help you better engage your audience on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, we extracted insights from HubSpot’s own social and YouTube data, and combined it with existing research in the area.
We also provided a video example for each channel, if you ever need some inspiration.
So check out the infographic below and start creating optimized videos for these four native video platforms!
Everyone knows there are benefits to losing weight but there can be some low points.
I found this article on My fitness pal and thought it was a good read.
When we begin a weight-loss journey, we often have a vision of what our body and life will be like when we reach our goal weight. But the reality is typically different.
“Weight loss is something that, for people who need it, can make a huge positive impact in their lives, physically and psychologically. But weight is such a complicated and publicly visible matter that sometimes weight loss is a mixed blessing,” says Patrick O’Neil, PhD, director of the Medical University of South Carolina Health Weight Management Center.
Here is how to handle eight typical consequences of losing weight that nobody tells you about:
Weight loss side effects
Dropping a lot of weight can lead to loose skin. “If you’re losing a significant amount of body fat, that body fat has been under your skin protruding and helping to keep the skin taut,” O’Neil explains. Depending on your genes, age and how much weight you lost, your skin will recover somewhat, he adds. Resistance training to build muscle can help some, so try that first. You may also choose to talk to a plastic surgeon about surgery to remove the skin.
When you grow up being teased for being heavier, “you incorporate that as part of your self image,” says Sofia Rydin-Gray, PhD, behavioral health director at Duke Diet and Fitness Center. “When you lose weight, unless you develop a realistic image of yourself, you may continue to think of yourself as a bigger person.” Movement is a great way to help tune into your body, she adds. Or consider keeping one piece of larger clothing and putting it on to see how much bigger it is now. Looking at photos of you at your starting weight may also help you see the changes in your body.
Are you working daily to improve your beliefs and attitudes to support the outcome in business and in life that you desire?
To be a Top Producer you need to work on your beliefs and values needed to accomplish your best outcome for Success.
Leadership requires a belief in others. If you want a strong team of people around you it is crucial that you learn about what is important to your team members and you must believe in their abilities.
Here are some steps you can use to change limiting beliefs.
First, recognize the belief.
Example: You Don’t believe you can accomplish a specific task.
You can Redefine:
1. There is always a way if committed to the result.
2. Don’t be afraid of failure as Success comes from learning from outcomes.
3. Celebrate your successes
4. Talk in positive phrases, you can be a blessing to many
Look for a Counter-Example:
You believe you are to shy to be able to make a video explaining to someone a training you did and showing what you experienced.
Well, a counterexample would be finding a Leader who was also painfully shy but overcame this and continued on to be a Great Leader.
Use of Affirmations to change limiting Beliefs
I am working daily on myself to become a better person
I show up daily with enthusiasm ready to receive all that is good into my life.
I am Successful
I attract Success and Good Fortune
I attract into my life people who are Successful and Like Minded
Lifestyle design is an entirely new approach to business and life that can make you happier, freer and richer. Right now, thousands of people around the world are adopting the principles of lifestyle design and using it to travel, to spend more time with their families and to do work they love, the way they want to do it.
But lifestyle design goes beyond that. It’s also about changing our approach to our work-life-balance. It’s about embracing the promise of modern technology. It’s a movement and a cultural change and it’s very likely going to be instrumental in shaping the future.
Sound Unrealistic or Crazy? Allow me to explain exactly what lifestyle design is and why it’s so important…
Lifestyle design simply means that you are designing your lifestyle. It sounds simple and it sounds obvious but it’s something that most of us never do.
When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself what you wanted life to be life? What you wanted your daily routine to be like? And how you intended to get there?
If you’re like most people, then you will have fallen into a job (because you had no other option and that was what you were taught to do) and probably just kind of ‘survived’ until then. You’ll live within your means, you’ll work the hours you’re set and you’ll even probably have chosen where you want to live based on your work.
So right now, you have not chosen your life. You have no choice about where to live, you have no choice about how to spend the hours between 8am and 6pm (taking into account your commute) and you probably have limited choice how you spend the rest of your time due to time and budget constraints.
Adding insult to injury, you are probably also an employee, which basically means you’re doing what someone else says and exchanging your time for money. As an employee, you’ll probably be given set work to do during the week and you’ll probably be reprimanded if you don’t do it in time. This is the part that I personally find hardest to stomach: you’ll be reprimanded.
Like a child.
You’ll also be told what you can and can’t wear and how you’re allowed to decorate your desk. And a lot of the rules will be petty and arbitrary.
Oh and you also get into trouble for talking in most offices. Seriously, this couldn’t be farther from freedom. And it’s not just the hours you spend actually working that affect you either. Just as bad is the time that you lose out on at home. When you only have a few hours (and more importantly – very little energy) in order to do anything useful once you get home, it can make it very hard to spend the time you want to with your family, to spend time working out and getting into shape, to spend time outdoors. Even just to read that book or play that video game that you’ve been wanting to experience for a while now.
It’s so bad that we end up just looking forward to the time when we’re old enough to retire. You know something is wrong when we’re actively looking forward to being so old and that we can’t move around properly without being in a lot of pain…
Making a Change
But here’s the thing: it really doesn’t have to be like that anymore. These days it’s possible to communicate with anyone from around the world without leaving the comfort of your home. You can accept money transferred wirelessly, you can get any information you need and generally it’s possible to earn money from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.
With all this in mind, why don’t more companies offer flexitime and allow their staff to work from anywhere? Or at times that suit them? Sometimes it comes down to requirements of the job: perhaps you need to be in the office in order to answer the phone. But a lot of the time it simply comes down to the fact that a lot of businesses are stuck in the past and unwilling to try new approaches.
But you don’t have to work for a company at all any more. You can provide a service freelance online and that could mean:
• Writing
• Creating websites
• Being a proof reader
• Providing consultation of some sort
• Being a personal trainer or counsellor
• Writing music
• Taking photos
• Buying and selling products
• Creating physical products to sell
• Data entry
• Running a blog
• Sports commentary
• Programming
All these jobs and many more can be performed online with no need for you to be present in person and this is something that anyone can handle on their own with no need to have a ‘boss’ of any sort.
Once you start doing that, you can then set the hours you want to work. If you want more money, you can work longer hours. If you want more time to spend with your family, you can choose to work a little less. Likewise, you can decide precisely the kind of work you want to do and you can direct your business to do things in your way – and get the pride that comes from that.
Working online also means you don’t have to commute anywhere. This means you can live anywhere in the world that you like – or even travel the globe! Likewise, it also means that you can forget about losing an hour or more every day just to travel. It means you can wear whatever you like and in general it means that you can start dictating how you want to live your life instead of having it dictated to you.
You’re now in a position to choose how and when you work and that means that you can choose to design your work to fit the lifestyle you want. It’s a subtle shift but it makes a profound difference.
But as we’re going to see in the next chapter, lifestyle design doesn’t just mean working online so that you can work outside the office. Otherwise this book would be called ‘Working Online’. Rather, this book represents an attitude shift and this can affect you in all manner of different ways.