Sales Automation Tools and Tips

When it comes to automating sales, you’re in a great time to be involved in selling anything. Selling online is fun and exciting because you have access to so much data from your efforts. You can perfect your sales process to the point that it produces tremendous results for you if you’re paying attention to the metrics.


  • Capturing Leads – You can automate your entire lead capturing process by using the right software. For example, you’ll need autoresponder software and a landing page to deliver a freebie. Just set up the autoresponder to deliver the link to the download page after they sign up. You can make this work even better if you use software for your landing pages, such as or, to set up a dynamic lead capturing system.


  • List Building – Building your list is an important thing to do if you want to be successful in marketing online. When you build a list of hungry buyers, you can give yourself a raise anytime you want by making them an offer. Using systems like,, or any autoresponder system that enables you to set up automated messaging, tagging, and segmenting is essential.


  • Communicating – To automate your communication process, use templates to get the work done faster. Once you set up a template, you can use it for all your communication needs, only changing what needs to be changed each time.


  • Qualifying Leads – You can use automated systems to help qualify your leads. Once you capture a lead and they sign up for your list, you can send more information automatically to them via your autoresponder system. Then, based on their behavior, you can tag them all automatically, depending on their behavior.


  • Nurturing Leads – For most people, the easiest thing to understand about automation is the autoresponder, which sends out messages that you loaded in the system in the order you determined was best based on the exact customer’s needs.


  • Following Up – Most transactional and follow up emails can be designed in advance and then delivered right away as soon as the customer needs them. For example, if your customer buys widget A, you’ll send information about widget A and how to use it right away. Only later will you follow up with a recommendation that they buy widget B.


  • Scheduling Meetings and Calls – The other important thing you can automate when it comes to sales is calls and meetings. Let your potential customer fill out a questionnaire and sign up for the exact time they prefer to go to the meeting or participate in the call. When the customer feels in control, they’re more likely to show up, and you can close the sale.


  • Webinars – Webinars are often used in the sales process. You can do one of them live, then automate the remaining ones and run them “as live” to build your list and get more followers. You can run these automatically and pop on at the very end if you want to make that part live and more interactive. An excellent tool to check out if you’re interested in running live and recorded “as live” webinars are


When it comes to automating sales, you can’t go wrong with investing in a good autoresponder service, a webinar service, and/or a funnel-based system like to build your business by capturing leads, building your list, and nurturing your list members with appropriate content every single day.


Home Office Automation Tips

When thinking of automation, you may forget that the work you do in your office is also a place that you can start automating. Yes, you want to automate as much as you can outside the office, too but one of the first places you can streamline your efforts is via office automation. There is more to office automation than going paperless. It’s about removing the human component or at least your need to act to get something done.


  • Design Your Workflow – For every project, you do in your office, there is a process that ensures successful completion. Design a workflow for each project so that you know the full process. You cannot automate anything if you don’t know each step that it takes to get to finished properly.


  • Notice Anything You Do Repeatedly – If you do it again and again, chances are it can be automated. For example, if you always need to transfer data from one place to another to get started with your work, can that task be automated using


  • Ensure Your Office is Compatible with Your Real Life – Most people who work for themselves need their office to travel with them. You’ll want to avoid using any system that is not compatible with mobile devices and systems. You should not have to go to your PC to get it done. The more mobile your tools are, the more likely you are to be able to use automation software too.


  • Check Compatibility with Your Existing Software and Systems – When you choose new tools to use for your business to enhance automation, it needs to work seamlessly with the software and systems you already use to be worthwhile. Of course, the one exception is if you’ve been stubborn about upgrading and using the best tools due to the cost of investment. If you are using older free tools cobbled together, you will have more issues making automation work than if you bite the bullet and invest.


  • Always Test the Results – Each tool that you use has native analytics and reports that you can use to determine if you’re getting the results that you wanted. If you’re not, don’t keep doing the same thing. Use the metrics to inform your next steps. Always make data-centric choices for your business.


  • The Small Stuff Does Matter – Even the smallest thing can change your entire workday. For example, what if you automated your office so that when you walk into your office, the light turns on, and so does your computer? Anything you can reasonably do to cut down on the steps will make you more productive and save tons of time, your most valuable resource.


Automating your office, whether it’s designed to turn on your computer, make you a pot of coffee, or turn on the lights, or it’s using software to let artificial intelligence do the task for you, will all help to make your days go much more smoothly. You’ll save time and be able to stay on top of the important stuff that needs your personal touch.


Where to Find Contractors for Outsourcing

No automation plan is complete without an outsourcing plan. Outsourcing means that you find other experts to do tasks for you. If you outsource to a contractor, they are not employees because you can only make requirements on the deliverables but not on how they use their time creating and making the deliverables. Combined with automation, outsourcing is very powerful.


  • Your Network – When you want to work with someone, the first thing you should do is survey your network to find out if you already know someone who is an expert, uses experts or knows who you can use. The person recommended by trusted sources will almost always perform better than if you hire a total stranger.


  • Your Customers – When you have fleshed out the tasks you want someone else to do for you, send out a message to your current customers and audience who have signed up for your list already. You never know who is already in love with your offerings that can make them even better for you.
  • – Don’t be fooled by the name. Most of the time, if you want someone who is an expert, you’re not really going to get it done for five bucks. However, there are some amazing people who use as their storefront that you can hire to do various jobs, from editing video to coding. The sky is the limit.


  • – This is a job board where, for a fee, you can place an advertisement for your position. Ensure that you figure out everything you want the contractor to do so that you are clear about your deliverables.


  • – This is another worksite much like, but it’s also an excellent place to find contractors for your needs. You can hire all kinds of people for any virtual position or project that you have open.


  • Advertising on Your Website – Once you know what you need, you can put your job right on your website. Using the same promotional methods, you use for blog posts and other content, you can get the word out about your openings.


  • – This is a great site that enables you to list your needs or go through and find someone offering what you need already.


  • Amazon Mechanical Turk ( – This has been around a long time and is still working great. People list the work they do and make offers on the system. You just need to search for what you want.


  • – If you want to hire people to do a task in person or virtually, PPH is an excellent resource for you. Workers list their offers, and people who need projects done also list their needs.



Outsourcing, like automation, saves money and time because it takes things off your plate that you aren’t an expert at doing, so you can focus elsewhere. Using a combination of experts and automation in your business will boost your productivity exponentially.






The Ultimate Boost in Productivity: Automation and Outsourcing

Being productive is an essential element in any business owner’s life. Business owners are busy and need to use every moment given to them as fruitfully as possible. Most business owners continually research ideas that will boost their productivity. They research organizing so that they can be more productive, but the truth is the ultimate boost in productivity will come from a combination of automation and outsourcing.


  • Inexpensive – Automation is very inexpensive, and outsourcing is less expensive than hiring someone in house to do the same thing. Using automation where you can, and outsourcing everywhere else is inexpensive and offers an amazing ROI.


  • Easy to Get Started – It’s not as hard as you might think to get started with either automation or outsourcing. Learn how it works by reading the software website and the manuals. For example, if you join, you can learn about applets, or zaps, that other people have already created and simply copy theirs. When you outsource today, you can go to a platform like or even to find qualified people.


  • Increases Capabilities – Even if you don’t have a skill, you can find it in software or find it in an individual or company. This means that a one-person business can perform like a larger business due to increased capabilities.


  • Better Quality – Believe it or not, the work you produce will be much better when you work with technology and contractors to see your vision come to reality.


  • Contributes to Lean Practices – Most businesses these days need to run as lean as possible, whether it’s the busy season or not. Automation and outsourcing give you flexibility when it comes to your budget.


  • Get More Done – You’re simply going to get more done when you have more help. If you can automate most things, outsource the few remaining tasks, that means you have that much more time to do more of what matters to you.


  • Reduce Mistakes – If you don’t know how to do something, you’re going to make mistakes as you learn. But if you hire an expert, they’re going to make fewer mistakes. If you use technology and set it up right, there will be no mistakes.


  • Develop Improvable Business Processes – When you want to outsource or automate something, you will need to write down the process so that you can visualize every single step, including the impact of the steps. This is going to create a situation where you improve every single process you have.


  • Make Better Decisions – When you have better facts, you can make better choices and decisions for your business needs. Setting up automatic reports that appear in your Dropbox the moment you need to review them will blow your mind, but it will help you make better decisions since you won’t be fishing for the info at the last minute.


  • Creates New Opportunities – When you have more time to judge how your business is performing, and you’ve developed each process to be the most efficient possible, you’re going to have more doors open for you just when you need them.


To set up more outsourcing and automation, you’ll need to know what your business goals are, understand your core business, audit your internal processes, and learn how you can integrate what you already own with new technology that can help you with automation and outsourcing.


26 Things You Can Automate in Your Business

There are numerous things you can automate in your business. Some things you may have already thought about or started, such as email marketing. But others you may not have thought of yet, such as auto file generation, event registration, and more.


  1. Social Media Marketing – Use software like to set up social media marketing sharing and engagement.


  1. Blogging – Set up your email marketing software and social media platforms using software like to generate applets that will automatically share any blog you publish with your email subscribers and social media platforms using the right size image and everything.


  1. Research – Use a combination of artificial intelligence, surveys, behavioral emails, tagging, and other tools to automatically deliver reports to you based on the criteria you set.


  1. Tracking and Measuring – Set up Google Analytics or platform analytics to track and measure and create automated reports. You can use to automatically create a document that is filed away for you to check when it’s time.


  1. Remarketing – Set up a pixel that autocrinally tells your customers when they left their shopping carts or that sends an advertisement just to them based on their behavior in your cart.


  1. Event Registration – Let your customers sign themselves up for your events using the tools included with platforms like or connect software using and another tech.


  1. Customer Care – Set up chatbots, customer questionnaires, and a self-service kiosk right on your site. Chatbots can be programmed to speak in your brand voice in a conversational manner and offer an amazing ROI.


  1. Email Responses – Set up triggers within your email autoresponder software that delivers the right information that you’ve preloaded into the system to your customers just when they need it most.


  1. Transactional Emails – Preload all transactional emails to your autoresponder so that they’re delivered based on what your customer does.


  1. General Email – Set up automation in your email so that when someone signs up for your list or buys something, they get periodic emails based on their interests.


  1. Invoicing and Reminders – Set up your invoicing tools to generate automatic invoices based on the criteria you set up, as well as sends auto-reminders. Most bookkeeping software will do this these days if you set it up.


  1. Payroll – If you have employees, invest in payroll software or work with a payroll firm. They’ll provide the tools that allow your employees to enter their time and control various aspects of their pay independently.


  1. Storing Records and Receipts – Purchase software that enables you to take a picture of your records and receipts so that it’s always there when you need it.


  1. Bookkeeping – A lot of bookkeeping software today, even Go Daddy’s version, will automatically book your purchases and income for you. This can save hours, depending on the number of transactions you have daily.


  1. Customer / Client Appointment Scheduling – If you’re a coach or someone who has to interact with customers and clients via appointments, let them make their own. Software like lets your customers self-serve in more ways than one.


  1. Bill Paying – If you have bills to pay, you can set up automatic payments for all sorts of bills so that you don’t have to think of them every month. You can do this via your bank.


  1. File Backups – Everyone should be backing up all the time. Having an external drive isn’t really good enough now. Buy file storage online. It’s much safer, and set everything up so that it backs up automatically.


  1. Calendar Sharing – You can automate your calendar sharing by using the right type of software for your needs. For example, if you work with a team that is spread out over the country, using Google Calendar that you can all view and see will help. You can also use project management software like for this.


  1. Email Inbox Management – Use software like to help you keep spam out of your inbox. You can also set up to organize your files for easier consumption.


  1. To-Do List Development – Using, you can turn your emails or other accounts like Slack and Trello into a to-do list with the right commands.


  1. Digital Product or Freebie Delivery – Set up your sales page so that when your customer signs up, they’ll receive the product automatically.


  1. Lead Gen and Nurturing – When your customer gets their freebie, you can automatically deliver emails that build the relationship using or other autoresponder services.


  1. Contact Management – Use a system that allows you to scan your contacts into your customer relationship management software along with tagging so that you can set up networking ops fast.


  1. File Creation – Set up or to create files and add them to your Dropbox from tasks, emails, and other triggers.


  1. Help Desk – Use software like to set up an automated helpdesk for your customers.


  1. Surveying Customers – Use behavioral triggers on your website, in email, and on social media to deliver a survey to your customers.


Now that you’ve seen this list of ways to start automating, did it give you some good ideas? What do you want to automate? If you’re not sure about how to automate something in your business, I can probably help if you contact me.



8 Things You Should Outsource in Your Business

As you learn more about business automation, it’s important to realize there is another way to automate your business, and that is by hiring someone else to do the work for you. Hiring experts to deliver work for you on your behalf is called outsourcing.


You can outsource to contractors, or you can hire employees. It’s up to you and depends on the type of business you want. Outsourcing to contractors allows you to hire experts for parts of projects without keeping them on payroll long term and is focused just on deliverables. In contrast, hiring employees puts you in charge of their time and gives you the ability to direct them more closely.


  1. Legal Work – Most small business owners will not hire a legal person to work on their team as an employee. Instead, they hire a law firm on retainer and use them only when necessary. If you do have a lot of contracts and other needs for a legal team, this is your best answer to those annoying legal issues. It’s also nice to have someone on call that you can ask simple questions of and check over contracts.


  1. Finance – Most small business owners can save a boatload of time, stress, and money if they find someone to help them with taxes, bookkeeping, payroll, and other issues with money and accounting. You can hire a bookkeeper, a CPA, an EA, or even an admin person to do the data entry to help remove some of these responsibilities, but this is where you really do need an expert, at least at first.


  1. Technology Needs – Most small business owners hire people and use automation technology when it comes to their websites. Building websites, using automation software, and all that technology really does need someone who understands it all in a professional sense.


  1. Marketing – Whether it’s social media marketing or some other type of marketing, hiring an expert will pay off. Experts know how to use the software available and know all the tricks of the trade to ensure the process works. When you outsource marketing, you free up time to do something you’re more knowledgeable and skilled at doing.


  1. Graphic Design – Giving a designer ideas for your graphics is so much easier than trying to design them yourself. Even if you think you can deliver good ideas using software like, it’s not going to be as excellent as an expert can make it, and letting someone else do the design will save an enormous amount of time.


  1. Customer Care – No business owner should be handling their own customer care because it’s just too hard. You’re too close to your product or your service, and it’s too easy to get upset about issues. But an expert can help set up your customer care in a way that takes it off your plate for a lot less than you may realize.


  1. Administrative Tasks – Track the admin tasks you do every day, and you can likely save a few hours a day if you hire a virtual assistant to do the administrative stuff all business owners have to do. Whether it’s managing events, performing personal errands, or other tasks as directed by you, this is a substantial time saving and can really turn your business on like nothing else.


  1. Writing – Your business needs a lot of content for customer education, product information, and so forth. Whether it’s blog content, article content, sales page content, or internal content, a professional writer can help you with it.


Whether sales, marketing, finance, accounting, customer service, or helping manage a team, you need to outsource in your business. You may not have enough resources to outsource it all right away, but you should consider creating earning benchmarks that signal the time to outsource the task. When you outsource more, you free up your time to focus on what you do best.



How to Do More with Less

Many folks in western society have been taught by word and deed that being busy makes them a good person. The truth is, being busy does not mean that you are productive. You can be busy doing the wrong things. Getting more done with less implies that the impact you make is more significant than your effort.


Some ways to get more done with less:


  • Understand your key objectives – For any task, what is the point of doing it? Does this task actually impact any of your critical business objectives or the objective of the one task?
  • Automate – If you can document the steps you do for a task, you can likely automate a lot of it. From using macros within your documentation to implementing new automation tech, there is likely a way to do it.
  • Outsource – If you cannot automate it, you can likely get someone else to do it for you. As a business owner, you should actually make it your goal to outsource or automate almost every task in your business, with few exceptions.
  • Batch tasks – Once you’ve figured out what tasks you really do need to do, batch things together that make sense. The fewer steps you can take, the better. For example, if you need to do bookkeeping, save all your booking entries to do one day a week instead of doing it daily.
  • Avoid multitasking – When you are doing a task, do that task. Don’t do anything else that will take away your focus. No human really can multitask anyway.
  • Create realistic schedules – When you write your tasks into your calendar, it should make sense. If a task takes four hours, you need to ensure you really have four hours and not one. For example, include set up time, drive time, and all the time needed to finish the task as scheduled completely.
  • Do the hard things first – If there is one thing on your list you really don’t want to do, but you cannot eliminate it, automate it, or outsource it, get that out of the way first thing.
  • Track your time – When you first start doing things, it helps to track your time so that you stay mindful of how you’re spending it and so that you know how long any given thing really takes you.
  • Focus on money-making tasks – Note which tasks you do that generate invoicing or money in your pocket. These need to be done first thing.
  • Cut distractions – Set up your workspace to eliminate distractions and interruptions. Turn off notifications, your phone, the TV, or anything that can take your mind off what you are doing.
  • Use the right tools – Don’t skimp on investing in the tools of your trade. If a tool exists to use that helps streamline your business and eliminate busywork, you need it.
  • Know your top five – Everyone has off days, but if you create a list of the top five money-making must-dos for a basic day, then even when you have issues, you can focus on those top five tasks.


Remember that being organized in your business is part of what a business owner does. Business owners reduce risk in their business by organizing, planning, and generating new ideas that create new opportunities.

Information You Need to Know for Your Business Plan


There are many reasons to write a business plan. You may need a plan to borrow money, attract investors, or to validate your ideas. Plus, creating a business plan helps work out operating procedures and can put your business at a strategic advantage over other businesses.


To create your business plan, work on collecting the following information and documentation.


  • A Description of Your Business – This is simply what you do, who you do it for, why you do it, how you do it, and when you do it.


  • Describe the Problem(s) Your Customer Has That You Solve – Make a list of each problem you solve for your customer. Describe them fully and why they need to be solved. It can help to attach the product to the problem for reference.


  • Describe Your Solution – Explain how this solution solves the problem for your ideal customer. Try to write this from their perspective to ensure that you are putting the customer in a central place.


  • Describe Your Target Customer – You may need to describe more than one target depending on your products and services, especially if you have different levels of products, depending on their place in the customer buying journey. This is a good place for customer avatars.


  • Describe Your Competitive Advantage – This is all about how you are different from the competition. It may be due to price, service, innovation, operation, or something else. Some people also describe this as a unique selling point or unique selling proposition. It’s all about your place in the market and how you can leverage it to your advantage.


  • Describe Your Selling Process – Website, storefront, affiliates, distributors or salespeople, door-to-door, or something else? For example, perhaps you’ll set up a squeeze page with a freebie to build your list then nurture your relationship with them in email. Be specific and thorough.


  • Describe Your Business Model – This is a list of your revue streams and how you’re going to make money. If you have no revenue stream potential, you have no business. For example, starting a blog is not a business until you monetize it.


  • Describe Your Start-Up Costs – What are the funds you need to get started? List each expense and why you need it.


  • Describe Your Goals and Benchmarks – If you don’t set deadlines, it won’t happen, so make sure you match a deadline or benchmark to each of the goals you’ve set for your business. For example, “I will get 100 new customers each week by hosting two-hour long webinars each week.”


  • Describe Your Business Setup – For example, if you’re a sole proprietor who outsources to contractors, state that; if you are an employer with a management team, state so. If you plan to buy human resources, as time goes forward, mention those benchmarks so you know when this will happen.


  • Describe Resources You Have and Need – Make a list of the resources you have available now and how you’ll use them and a list of resources you need to buy, and when you’ll do so based on benchmarks.


As you work on creating your business plan, it can help to understand fully all the information and data that you need to complete a business plan that is useful for you. Use this list of information you need for your business plan to guide you as you create the plan and build your business.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…



Describe Your Ideal Customer or Client: Create a Customer Avatar

One of the parts of your business plan that is essential is to describe your ideal customer or client. As you get to know your customers, you’ll find answers to questions such as: Who are they? Where do they hang out? What do they want? What do they need? What are their pain points? What keeps them up at night. Where do they get their information?


One practice that has become popular due to the fact that it works is to create a customer avatar from the information you collect that best describes your ideal customer. When you first begin, you’re going to create one avatar that best describes your most ideal customer. You’ll use that information to inform all the products that you create.


A customer avatar is simply one document that succinctly describes who your customer is, how they live their lives, and what they want and need in terms of your expertise.


The information you need to complete a customer avatar is as follows:


  • List Places Your Customers Get Their Information – Make a list of websites, journals, magazines, blogs, newspapers, books, and so forth that comprise where your ideal customer likes to get their information. These are all excellent options for networking and advertising.


  • List Your Ideal Customer’s Goals – Make a list of your customers’ goals for the solution you are trying to sell to them. The goals have to be in line with your expertise and your offers. For example, if you’re a Keto Coach, their goals will be about succeeding on a Keto way of life.


  • List Your Ideal Customer’s Values and Principles – Most people make decisions based on their morals, values, and principles. It’s the way they judge if something is true or not. The more you can relate to these values and principles with your words and actions, the better.


  • Describe Your Ideal Customer’s Demographics – Demographic information includes things like age, race, income, education, and so forth. Include everything relevant that will help you with targeting ads and content.


  • List Your Ideal Customer’s Pain Points or Challenges – As it relates to your experience and offering, list their pain points and challenges. What wakes your customers up at night? If you’re a Keto Coach, maybe your customers have diabetes, but maybe they just want to lose weight. You may have more than one ideal customer, too, but you should differentiate them so you can laser target the information you provide.


  • List Any Objections Your Customer Might Have at The Point of Purchase – Take the time to go through and make a list of each objection your customer may have based on who they are. When you list the objections, find facts and information that can overcome the objection.


You’re going to have to ask and answer numerous questions to fully gather all the information you need to create a well thought out and effective customer avatar. Once you do that, you should give your ideal customer a true persona and name. You can draw a picture of them, or you can cut out pictures from a magazine or use clips online to build your customer avatar. It’s up to you, but you want the avatar document to be as specific as possible. Once you start your business and start to collect more data information, you’ll be able to create more avatars based on their buying journey.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

You Really Can Design Your Life the Way You Want It

When most people grow up, they end up with about the same finances and lifestyle as the family they are raised with. Very few people do better than their parents or change that much about their lives compared with their folks.

Failure is

It’s not a bad thing, but if you want to do something different, it can seem daunting. However, you really can design your life the way you want it. It doesn’t matter who you are now or where you are from, or what situation you were born to. If you understand who is really in control of your life, (you) you can do amazing things.


  • Begin Where You Are – Some people are born with more resources than others due to their family or place in life. Others are born with more challenges. In the scheme of life, this only matters if you don’t believe you can improve your life based on your birth. If you believe you can, and take the steps necessary to do it based on the situation’s reality, you will be more successful. Maybe you have to work two part-time minimum wage jobs while working your side hustle to pull it off for five years – it doesn’t matter – whatever it takes to reach your goals is what’s important.


  • Figure Out What Your Morals, Principles, and Values Are – No one can make good choices in life about anything if they have no idea what guides them. When you know who you are deep down, you don’t need any outside forces to guide you. Try writing a mission statement for your life and your business to help set up that guide.


  • Summarize What You Want – Take the time to go through the eight areas of life “The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success” that you need to design and write a summary of the ultimate end goal that you want to achieve in each of the areas. As you develop your goals, you may need to get more in-depth with each area for the goal to be well thought out with steps set up for achievement.


  • Set Realistic Goals – Based on what you want from life, set goals using the SMART Goal setting technique. Each of your goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Instead of something like “I want to get rich and retire,” you will explain what this means. “I will have 2.5 million saved by the time I am 45 years old. I will do this by saving a specific amount each month that I earn by doing a specific thing each day.” Write it out exactly as you will do it.


  • Figure Out What You Have – Develop a resource list of all the resources you have as they’re related to each of your goals. For example, if one of your goals is to be fit and healthy at 80, what steps are necessary to be more likely to experience success with that goal? Probably time for self-care, money for regular health care appointments, funds for dental work, gym membership – whatever it is that you have that will help you succeed, list it. It may be a person, place, or thing that is the resource, or it may just be a skill you possess.


  • Figure Out What You Need – As you determine what resources you need to achieve each goal, you’re going to realize that you already have some of the resources but that you don’t have some of the others. When you identify the resources you need that you don’t have, it’s time for you to search for them either by paying for them, outsourcing, or creating them.


  • Create a Resource List Associated with Your Goals – Now that you know what you have and what you need, make a resource list. Define what you have, what you need, and the budget for the things you need to pay for. For example, there is a budget associated with healthcare, groceries, and the like. There is also a monetary number associated with every single thing on your resource list. And remember, time is money.


  • Set Your Daily Schedule for Success – Once you know what you want to do and have identified the resources to get you there, it’s time to set up your daily schedule for achieving the goals you’ve set. If you have more time available due to more resources, you’ll experience success faster, but even if you take twice as long, you will make it if you set it up and follow your plan.


  • Evaluate Regularly – As you age, you’re going to change. Those changes will be more than physical they will be mental, emotional, and spiritual. You cannot even imagine the type of changes you’re going to experience in the next 20 to 30 years of your life. Due to this fact, take the time to evaluate your plan regularly to ensure you’re on the right path that makes you feel happy about your life.


Designing a life that works for you and gives you the balance you want in terms of work-life balance requires that you first accept the truth of where you are, what you have to work with, and where you want to go. It might take you longer than someone born on third base, but you can still accomplish whatever you set your mind to if you understand what it takes to achieve the results you desire.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…