Successful affiliate sales come from frequent and meaningful connections with your tribe. Reaching out and promoting the goods, services, and products you endorse isn’t just one and done. You’ve got to be consistent and persistent to make sure your people hear the good news.
Being an affiliate is more than giving someone a shout out. It’s important to have a marketing campaign with a goal-focused outcome. Taking consistent action will help ensure you capture as much of the market as you can. Here are some do’s and don’ts for being a happy affiliate.
Do: Commit to a campaign- Many affiliate programs offer swipe copy that you can use to market through emails and social media. Pay attention to any marketing advice the product owner offers during the campaign. Commit to consistently promoting the product through the life of the campaign and pay attention to what methods seem to work well. Rinse and repeat.
Do: Pay attention to what is selling- If your audience is loving a specific product, make the offer again throughout the year. Offering products that have worked with your audience in the past can help make future sales even easier and less of a gamble.
Make sure you are only promoting good quality products that will help your community.
Do: Use contests to motivate you- Many affiliate programs offer contests for the most sales or reaching certain milestones. This can invigorate you and help you stay focused and committed to the campaign. If you are competitive and love contests this can help you become an excellent and happy affiliate.
Don’t: Promote what you haven’t seen- It’s important to purchase the product yourself. Invest your own money to check the quality of the product and make sure it meets your standards and expectations. If you’ve experienced the product firsthand, it’s even easier to promote!
Don’t: Bypass the customer experience- You’ll want to know firsthand what the buying and delivery experience is like. Be sure to go through the funnel yourself so you can discover any glitches or problems, plus having done the exact thing your customers will do helps you if they run into any hassles. You can help them out rather than reaching out to customer service.
Check out all Products before doing any promotions:
Don’t: Ask for special treatment- Generally, the product owner has put a lot of thought into creating their affiliate program. They are confident in how it works and how they want to engage their affiliates. Be mindful of their protocols and avoid asking for special or unusual accommodations especially if they don’t know you.
Being an affiliate is a great way to promote goods, services, and products you know matter to your tribe. Making money by sharing your enthusiasm and support for a program is a win-win. Be mindful of the do’s and don’ts that can make or break your happiness as an affiliate and you’ll thoroughly enjoy the opportunity.
My number one Recommendation for getting started in Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing will Make you Money and you may also find some life long Friends.
Standing out in your industry is important. No matter who you are, it’s important to keep reaching for more – more exposure, more credibility, more income, and more friends! Promoting other people’s work is a wonderful strategy for all of this and more. As a matter of fact, promoting other people’s work is a great way to get noticed by product owners and other collaborators. Want to capture someone’s attention? Promote their stuff and make them money!
What’s in it for them?
Product owners rely on their affiliates to offer their products to their tribes. The collective reach that affiliates have far exceeds their own and makes it possible for them to connect with new customers with very little effort. In the same way you benefit from making income without creating products, they make income without having to market their products. It’s a win-win.
If you have a successful affiliate sale the product owner is making money. Their products are selling and reaching more people. Many product owners discover large groups of people they never knew that want to consume their products. Making these new connections can create new opportunities to collaborate and make additional products. Essentially, the more you sell, the more they notice.
What’s in it for you?
As an affiliate marketer, you benefit your tribe by offering them additional goods and services that enhance your other offerings. Additionally, using affiliate sales can widen the variety of and increase the frequency for making sales. This creates multiple streams of income that help you earn more while doing less.
One of the collateral benefits is making connections with product owners you may not have access to otherwise. These connections can open doors for collaborations or other opportunities that are professionally or socially beneficial.
You never know, a simple affiliate collaboration could launch a new partnership or friendship that takes your business to a whole new level.
It feels great to know that someone endorses your work.
Each time you promote a product owner you are giving them your stamp of approval for their goods, services, or products.
That means a lot. Promoting other people’s work will make you money, but more importantly it could make some great new friends as well. If you are particularly fond of the product or the person who created it, be sure to let them know.
You never know if your connection might open a door to a wonderful new partnership or friendship.
Have you been working on your Blog and trying to do Videos to maximize exposure?
Here are some tips I use to be able to Crank out New Content Daily.
As an Entrepreneur, we never stop our education.
We study tools, Strategies, and personal development daily.
We attend product Webinars, Company training and Live Events,
The notes we have taken should be put into Blog Post and turned into Video.
Everyone knows Video is powerful and should part of our overall marketing plan.
To Start Branding yourself you should have a blog where can begin getting your valuable content out.
In addition to your Blog you should think about using Youtube to increase your Audience.
Here is what I do to have endless content to increase my Brand Awareness.
Content Creation Strategy.
Listen to Good Youtubers, Daily.
Use your Blog to make rough drafts of content you want to create as you get ideas During the day.
Whether it is an Idea you got from a Training, a product review, or just a Rant on something you are experiencing through your journey to a better lifestyle for you and your family. Put these Ideas on paper or why not go one step further and title a new Blog Post.
If you are in moment and have time create a Blog on the Fly.
If you are tight on time just get that Idea in your Idea bucket and Revisit it at another time.
Now my answer for Creating Videos is a Tool I found a couple of years that has helped me make Videos in Minutes.
Vidnami (Formerly Content Samurai) Can turn a Blog post into a beautiful Video in minutes.
This is a Great way to take a new or old Blog post and multi-purpose it into a Video and it is Quick.
The product breaks the Blog or an article into small amounts of Text onto beautiful Slides which you are able to Edit. Royalty Free Images are included but you can also upload your own images.
You can decide on a music track or put your voice on the Video.
None of this will work if you are not constantly learning and taking action in your Business.
Make sure you are writing 3-5 blog posts ideas down a Day.
If you are new to working your business this may seem like a lot but just start.
Get a Blog, start keeping track of ideas and then turn them into Videos.
I will include links in the description for a Free Trial to Vidnami
I grew up with a mother who was a petty trader and it was normal that I got involved in her kind of business as early as when I was 7. When I was 15, I started my first major business and when I was 21, I went fully into the business world Till when I was 27. Everything I knew about. Building a business was about bricks and mortar. You have to struggle to get an office space, create a product or service and try to create a reasonable market share.
If you’re fortunate to have success in one town or city, then you’ll have the leverage to move to more cities, and if you have reasonable success again, then you can dominate a state and if you continue to grow, you can eventually become a national brand, though only very Few products ever made it to this level, That was the world. I found myself in- the world of bricks and mortar. Until a few weeks to my 28th birthday, A friend who has been building a business on the internet, wrote a book about his business model and asked me to review the book and for the first time I understood how the internet works In today’s video I’ll be Sharing with you, the reason why I think making money on the internet is very easy If you’re new here consider subscribing so that you won’t miss other interesting videos like this. To start with, let’s all agree that nothing in life is easy. This sounds counter-intuitive to the title of this video, but let me explain:
You see, we only use the word- easy or simple when we unconsciously compare one thing to another. Take, for instance, we can say in the year 1907 that it was easier to travel in a car because we’re comparing traveling in a car with traveling on the horseback. However, today we can say that it’s easier to travel by air, because when you compare that with traveling a long distance by road, the difference is clear: Nothing is automatic in life, Nothing happens without effort, but some things are easier, faster and simpler than others. And that’s why, when you think about building a business, it’s easy to build a business on the internet, (having in mind what building a bricks and mortar business means). Why Immigrants succeed in a foreign country To explain how easy it is to make money online? Let’s use the examples of the immigrants, especially those who moved from various tough countries into better countries,
Because these people are coming from a very difficult country, they can easily appreciate what they see in the new countries and take maximum advantage of those things, while the people who grew up in such countries are still making excuses and laying complaints about everything. Similar things happen with the internet. The internet, as we know it today, is mostly appreciated by the people who have tried to build brick and mortar businesses before If you’ve spent like 5 years, trying to build a brick and mortar business, you’ll appreciate what the internet offers. You What does the internet offer you I’ve said it on this platform before and I’ll have to repeat it, because human minds forget things as fast as they hear it build a business. You need three just three simple things. Those three things are attention, trust and products or services With the three assets I mentioned above. Anyone can build either a million-dollars or a billion-dollar company, depending on how big the three assets are Again, every profitable business is built on Attention, Trust and Product
You need people’s attention before you can ever get them to trust you and you need people’s trust to get them to patronize your business, and you need a product or service to make people willing to exchange their money with what you have to offer. So, how is the internet a better place to make money? Why is it easy to make money on the internet? Well, let me start with a simple example: 17 years ago, when some of us were in high school, we only had two or three friends. We talked with these friends while at school and in after school, we had other things to do together, we had to trek to their houses or meet somewhere. Today, if you’re a 16 years old high school student, you probably have more than 100 friends on your social media platforms. I’M not saying that these 100 friends are real or your friendship with them is as important as that of your physical friends. But I’m saying, now you have the attention of 100 people and you can as well increase that number to 1,000
Because you have this huge attention, you can have a few trusts and you can make money provided you’re resourceful I’ll, get into that in a second, Creating Content for Your Product. As I’ve explained a few times. The three assets that make people rich are attention, trust and product, and I claim that it’s easy to make money on the internet, But why is it easy to make money on the internet? Well, it’s easy to make money on the internet because it’s easier to acquire the wealth-creating assets using the internet When it comes to getting attention, trust and converting those to money by selling your products or services. Nothing in the history of the human race makes it easier than the internet
So how do you get these three assets that can make you wealthy? Listen, because I’m about to reveal a great secret, which is not even a secret at all. You see the number. One reason why people go to the internet is that they want to consume content. Consumption is by far the number one reason why people use the internet Think about it. This way, Why do you ever visit? Google? You visited Google only to search for something, mostly content. Why do you visit YouTube? Well, it’s obvious to consume content.
Most people don’t know, but the reason why we use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc is to consume content. You like to read what other people write You like to see their photos and videos. Thats why you use social media When you chat with your friends on social media. Guess what You’re still consuming content, so I might not be wrong to say that 90 % of the reason why we use the internet is to consume content. If you agree with that figure, then you may want to ask me: how is that important to me? Well, it’s important that you know what people are consuming on the internet so that you can know what to give them, because if you can give people what they love for free, you may get their attention and if you can get their attention, you will earn their Trust and if you can earn their trust, they will be willing to open their wallet and give you their money in exchange for your product and service.
Again, how do I get the attention Create content, because the content is the number one reason why people use the internet Create content, valuable contents and get people to consume them. This has earned you the attention. A reasonable percentage of the people who consume your content will like you, while some will love and trust you With this trust, you can sell valuable services or products that will help your audience. At this point, a few people may have some problems. There may be questions like what kind of content should I create What kind of product should I sell? What, if my customers don’t search the internet for my content or even what platforms should I use to distribute content? Let me explain with some personal examples:
I built an Agric Technology company and our products are purely Agricultural related, and that was my first successful business thanks to the internet. What we did was to create a blog wrote, tons of blog posts related to different areas of Agriculture. We didn’t spend money on Newspapers, TV or anything like that. Google ranked our content for free and whenever people search for topics related to what we have, Google suggested our posts When people land on our website, we educate them via our contents and politely tell them. “, Hey, we have experts who can help you further .”. Most people won’t buy what you’re selling for a hundred different reasons, but a few percentages will not and that few percentages – maybe 1-5 %, maybe enough to make you some good money depending on what you sell and how smart you do. It
We later started making videos to promote the same company on YouTube and till today we still make money from these two channels, I’m not a fan of social media, and that has reflected on the way I do my business. Yes, some people say that YouTube is social media, but I don’t think so. While YouTube may be social media by definition, it’s a library or a school for some of us
So I use YouTube a lot for my business and personal consumption of contents. What else should I tell you here, Ok? Look at this Being Resourceful is Important. Most people are not resourceful because of our dumb school system. Most people don’t read, learn or get curious about the life around them. Most people have never read ordinary 10 books about entrepreneurship, marketing negotiation or anything like that, and they want to make money online. You have to know what most people don’t know before you can do. What they can’t do Again, the three most important assets to make a lot of money are attention, trust and product. In that order You need people to know. You exist, (attention, ). You need some of these people to trust you and you need to know how to sell to them valuable products or services. Nothing in the history of the human race makes it easier to get all these assets than the internet.
I also analyzed in this video that most people visit the internet to consume content, Because most people visit the internet to consume content. The best way to get their attention is by creating content. I seriously hope that this video helps you If you like this video you’ll, like our new channel, where we share with you some inspiring stories and biographies of the most successful people in the world, even the villains, We call it FAME TV Kindly look at the description Box to join the FAME TV, We Love You
Today’s Topic is Shiny Object Syndrome. (Stopping the Cycle)
In this video I am going to explain 3 Reasons why this continues to plague so many marketers.
Do you need help with Jumping from one thing to another?
Would you love to identify the 3 Reasons this continues to distract you from getting the Success you Desire?
How much Money have you wasted Jumping from Niche to Niche?
We are bombarded with new Opportunities daily.
Emails are pushing the new Next Best Opportunity.
Mentors are showing you a New Launch.
It may be an MLM Opportunity, New Marketing System, New Cryptocurrency, selling Affiliate Program, or E Commerce.
I am so familiar with the SOS Cycle.
I have chased so many new Opportunities.
But really I needed to take a step back and Realize that all of these Opportunities may be Great and some people are making a killing but the Real Truth is:
It is not the Opportunity but the Skills needed to Market the Opportunity.
Stop The Maddness of Jumping from one thing to the next.
Invest in You and learn the Skills needed to Market
Focus on what you want to Market and stick to it.
If this makes Sense to you Let’s do this together.
So Here we go let’s Stop Chasing next new Opportunity.
This is also true for chasing every new platform that is being touted as the best new Marketing Platform.
Pick one and learn everything you need to be Great on that Platform before starting on a new platform.
So Let’s Focus on What we can do to improve on our Business.
Don’t Chase the Shiny Object. The Grass is not any greener.
Learn and perfect the skills needed to promote your niche, tool or affiliate Program.
Create value around your skills and share it with others. There is truly enough for all of us.
Remember it is the Skills and not the Opportunity that produces the Money needed to live a Flawless Freedom Lifestyle.
What is your real reason for wanting to have a home business?
Would you love to be bill free?
Stay Focused on learning the skills needed.
Would you love to have the Freedom to spend more time with Family and Friends?
If you would like to see more Videos like this Subscribe to the Channel where I will be putting up more videos like this.
This Channel is for you and will be providing Reviews on Products, Motivation and Belief that you have it within you to have the life you Desire.
So, let’s Recap it is not the Opportunity but the Skills needed to market it.
Improve on getting your Skills and you can promote most any Opportunity.
CBD oil is used to improve overall health, promote a better night’s sleep, may help with joint discomfort, promote healthy weight loss, support healthy skin, promote a healthy digestion system, and help in maintaining a stable mood.
• lack of appetite
• separation anxiety
• excessive barking
• nausea from car rides
• lack of vitality and energy
• muscle spasms or seizures
• chronic pain
• recovery from illness or surgery
• pacing or inability to settle or relax
• fear of thunderstorms, fireworks or loud noises
The CBD Industry is set to explode and grow to $7.1 Billion by 2020
This is the PERFECT time to start a CBD Business
This is an amazing time to build a CBD business. CBD products for people and pets are being used worldwide, and people are seeing instant, life-changing results with this miracle plant. CBD is quickly becoming a VIRAL product. We are a leader in the Cannabis industry, offering the most powerful and potent Hemp Products on the market.
Do you have a wellness practice, pet grooming store, pet bakery or dispensary where you would like to have products available for purchase from your office or storefront? Find out about our bulk wholesale program. According to Forbes, the Cannabis industry is expected to grow 700% by 2020. Don’t miss out — get started now!
One of the best skill sets as an online marketer is to master the art of generating sales from your warm market contacts. A warm market is simply people who have already been exposed to your business and marketing plan. It can be described as “breaking the ice” with your potential customers.
The best way to generate a warm market is with lead generation marketing tools.
A marketing tool is a tool that people use to create what we call lead Capture. If you are not using one of the Many lead capture systems, you are not making money with your online business.
With lead generation marketing tools you may decide to create several lead capture pages which are designed to generate interest from prospects on your business.
The pages will contain a place to enter their contact information i.e. (name, telephone number, and email).
In the software You decide if you want to get phone numbers or not.
Hint: the less information you ask for the more likely the reader will fill out the Form.
This is also called a lead capture form.
After the information is filled out on the lead capture form, the individual is redirected to a URL that contains your main site.
This sounds very easy to do, and it is, however when marketing online, most opportunities have a lack of effective lead capture systems and worse, a lack of professional presentations.
The goal is to seek powerful lead generation marketing tools and presentations that capture leads and allow proper follow-up no matter the opportunity presented.
Seek out professional designers and ad copy writing services that can create professional lead capture pages and the software to manage it all.
Also conduct follow-up marketing with the Auto responder systems that follows up with every lead that fills out your capture page.
Next, search for a robust prospect manager to properly manage your hot-response leads.
Remember, your warm market is created as soon as the prospect enters their information on your lead generation page.
You should experience an increase in sales from using this marketing approach.
Wealth Principles of the Rich and Why everyone should own their own Business.
Why are most people Struggling with debt?
The real difference between the affluent and non-affluent is Education.
The cost of living goes up all the time. Yearly raises still can’t keep up with inflation.
Taxes are another killer for the average person trying to get ahead.
We do need taxes but it is important to not overpay your taxes.
The Wealth Builders pay themselves first and Invest their money to have work for them.
Taxes Come right off the top of your wages and you have mounting debt.
Taxes and debt take so much of your money and there is no money to invest.
Your money is going to make someone wealthy will it be you.
If you are doing all the work why are you getting so little of the money.
You must start Paying yourself First.
How can you find a way to increase your financial situations.
You need to learn a strategy on how to generate Positive Cash Flow.
If you can make 45K a year but your bills 4K a month your gonna have some debt created.
You made 45K but it cost 48K a year live even without more inflation your going to rack up some debt.
Now if you can increase you money to 60K and keep your bills the same you would then have money to invest.
You need to educate yourself on setting up a home Business.
This will help with finding a Strategy on how to increase your income.
Increasing your incoming money will allow you to pay down debt and have the ability to accumulate assets.
It is ok to have a job. You should be grateful for your job.
But you should be looking to move from the Highest Tax Bracket which is W2, to a middle bracket which is Owning a Business to the Lowest Tax Bracket Capital Gains.
Again I believe there is nothing wrong with having a Jobs but your Job should help Fund your Dreams.
If you would like more information on Wealth Strategies and how to be Debt Free