Day 6 Real Growth Requires You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone


Can you think back on a time of real life-changing Growth, be it in-home business, in your individual life, or anywhere else? Did you need to get out of your comfort zone?

More than likely, you had to step out of a place where you are comfortable for that growth to occur.

Yes, we can make progress by doing what we have actually always done.

danger zone

It will be slow as well as much more notably, by staying within your comfort zone, you are limiting your possible development.

It’s when we step out of that area, try something new, take a little bit of danger, and allow for personal and skills growth that we start to see big changes for the better.

Let’s say your goal is to grow your reach and also increase your target audience.

What you’ve done so far and what really feels comfy is creating a blog post a week and afterwards sharing it on social networks.

Yes, some readers will certainly discover you.

Yes, if you increase workload, publishing even more blog posts per week as well as sharing regularly across all your social media accounts, you will see some increased growth in your business.

However, you’re remaining in your comfort zone.


What if instead of increasing the same types of tasks you switched it up a bit.

Why not explore writing as a guest blogger on another blog for more exposure?

How about finally facing your fears and start a YouTube, Channel?

Youtube is a perfect way to repurpose some old blog post.

Once you produce your video on the Blog topic you can embed it on your blog post to give new life to your Blog.

Including Video in the mix of your weekly workload increases your chances of being found and building your community.

Recording a series of video clips provides you with the opportunity to get to a totally different part of your target market.

There are lots of people who would rather view video web content to typed out articles on a Blog.

There are people that spend hrs daily on YouTube who would never come across you and your blog otherwise.

Investing money on paid ads can sound like a terrifying idea but once you find something that works, convert well and you if you have a budget it may be time to scale with advertising.

Note this should not be done without knowing what your conversions are.

If you decide to put your money into paid ads make sure are tracking your results

I would like to mention everyone feels awkward when starting something new.

Remember your first Blog post?

How long did it take you to finally hit the publish button?

When you start anything it may seem hard or awkward but with consistent work, it does get easier.

So jump out of your comfort zone.

If you need to set up a Youtube do it today!

Then do your first video.

Good luck.