Day 7 Stacking Your Efforts in your Business Planning

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day Business Plan Challenge.

Business planning helps create an explosive way to develop traffic, customers, and most importantly income.


Much of what we’ve reviewed so far has been actionable tasks:

  1. Listing your objectives and business Goals
  2. Developing a winning attitude
  3. Take on new Tasks. Get Out of your Comfort Zone.

Let’s Review some Marketing Strategies:

  • Blogging about niche topics
  • Budget money for advertising
  • Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to your Blog
  • Explore new marketing strategies out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Set up a Youtube Channel


Change is a Choice

Video is fast becoming the main source for getting your Brand Known

On day 3 when we discussed increasing website traffic, subscribers, as well as clients to add to our profits.

Today we broaden on this whole concept.

Continue with Social Media, Blogging and include Video into your Marketing Plan.

The idea is to make progress on your goals and stack them in a manner that offers you greater success.

Below’s an example.

Set a goal which is to grow your current part-time income by $1,500 a month so you can quit your day job.

Meet business objective by expanding your web traffic to build your community.

If Reaching your $1,500 your goal allows you to leave a job.

Set more enthusiastic goals and include one more strategy to increase your profit to $6,000.

Using some of the profits it is time to Scale your business.

  1. Take a percentage per month to play around with Facebook ads.
  2. Time to outsource some task contracting out several of the continuous tasks that hold you back.


Hire a Virtual Assistant to help with tasks and now you’re truly making progress.


Contact entrepreneurs in your specific niche and collaborate with each other.

Do you see how this works?

One goal improves on the other as well as stacking objectives to generate crazy growth.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Always be stretching yourself pushing for Bigger Goals

My point is this …

If you start to think strategically keeping one eye on your next few objectives, you can start to stack your efforts.

Plan for that explosive growth in a lot less time than you may think.

Try it!

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day tips to making use of a well thought out business plan.

Let’s increase customers, as well as most notably a growing income.

To Recap:

One goal will build on the next and they all work with each other to create rapid growth.

My point is this …

  • Believe in yourself
  • Have Written Goals
  • Review your Goals often
  • Track your Progress Daily
  • Have a Daily Method of Operation
  • Get out of your Comfort Zone
  • Try new things.
  • If doing Video Scares you. It is time to do it.
  • Work on developing your Marketing Skills (The Home Business Academy)

Follow these steps consistently. Doing this will create explosive growth for your business.