Do you Like to Try New Recipes

I love Cooking when I have the time.

To me, Cooking is a Stress Reliever.

When I am looking for a recipe I look for Simple.

Do love to collect Recipes and put your own twist on them?

Do you go straight to the recipe Section of magazines while in the Store line waiting to check out?

How many times have you see a picture of a Great Looking Chicken Dish but when reading the ingredients you see some stuff in there that you are just not a fan of.

Today I was looking to find a Quick Recipe to feed my husband and 3 Teens, ages 14, 15 and 18.

Looking to see what I had in the house I came up with some Chicken Thighs, Spinach and Fettucine.


Chicken, Spinach and Fettucini

This is what I did next.

Opened up my Computer went to Google and searched Recipes with Chicken and Spinach.

I came across a Recipe with a yummy looking picture.

Looking at the Recipe a notice Lemon was one of the Ingredients.

Not a Fan of Lemon in my Cooking.

So what did I do?

Went to the Kitchen and just started cooking,

Using a skillet with Olive Oil I Browned up the Chicken Thighs and starting throwing in Seasonings including garlic, spinach, cherry tomatoes, and Chicken Broth.

While that was Cooking, I got water boiling for the Fettucine.

Be Creative when cooking.


Cooking Should be Fun.

This Recipe was OK I guess.

No Left overs.

That’s it for now.

Go create your own Recipe.