Find and Close your Prospects using Linkedin

Your marketing efforts are what draws prospective clients to your LinkedIn profile and company website, but getting them to buy from you is another story. Showing the right leads what you have to offer at the right time starts the buying cycle for your clients, but how can you ensure that their cycle ends with you becoming their supplier?


Most of the time, consumers are advertisements, call to actions, and people wanting to sell to them all the time. Marketing can help you stand out in the noise, however, even the best marketing campaigns don’t have the ability to get clients who aren’t looking for the solution that you are offering at the time that they see your ad to buy what you are selling if they don’t need it, regardless of the size of their business.

Small businesses can’t waste their money on a product or service that they don’t need, and larger businesses have to justify the expense. At this point you need to find the contacts that are in the market for your offering at the right time to see your message.
LinkedIn can help you and your team do just that. Targeting on LinkedIn is a good place to gather your leads because there are so many professionals on the site. Conversion on LinkedIn ads happens three times as much as other ads, and you can track your conversion rate with the click of your mouse.

Ask for Introductions

LinkedIn, is first and foremost, a professional network, which means that you probably have someone already in your contacts that is somehow connected to the lead you are interested in. Ask your connections to introduce you. Around 50 percent of business opportunities arise from a recommendation or knowing someone who knows someone. If you have a solid idea or solution, don’t be afraid to ask others for introductions. Many times, previous satisfied customers have no problem facilitating connections that benefit both parties.

Join Groups

Join the groups that appeal to your prospects. When you do this you can see their profile, even if you aren’t a first-degree connection. It will also give you a way to keep up with news and changes in their industry, and you can request a connection based on being in the same group. Answering questions posed by group members will establish thought leadership and authority on the subject, which will allow a good relationship to begin and build trust between you and your prospects.

Publish Content

News leads can also come from the content that you publish on the site. When you or your company publish content on LinkedIn, take a look at who viewed it, who shared it, and who commented. Look at the words that they use in the comment or share, and you can easily turn it into a conversation starter.

Monitor Your Competitors

Keeping up with the reviews posted about your competitors can help you monitor where they are missing their opportunities and pick up their slack. You can approach their former customers in a way that show you as the better solution to their needs. On the other hand, if your competitors are successful, you can also see what’s working for them and expand on it.

Follow Influencer’s Pages

Another great way to generate leads is by following the pages of influencers. Influencers talk about the hot topics in their field and talk with the best people in their field. Look at their companies, and the demographics, and track down what their needs are. If your niche fits in with theirs, you’ve opened up opportunities.
Identify the key people, those who are most likely to be part of the buyer’s circle for the company.

Create a Compelling Call to Action

Your call to action is key for generating new leads. If you have a clear, simple form available, or a subscribe button, or an easy registration process, the number of leads you get will increase. Having a compelling call to action works like a beacon to potential customer.

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