Five Profitable Live Streaming Businesses to Start Today

Top streamers on big platforms such as have reported making nearly five million dollars just in one year through donations, sponsored streams, affiliate links, and more. If you enjoy entertaining people and have something unique and valuable to bring to a target audience through live streaming, you can likely turn a profit creating a live streaming business. The more you stream and gain viewers to grow a community, the more potential you can earn a profit or large return on investment.


Here are five profitable live streaming business ideas to get started today:


Video Game Walkthrough

Speed runs, play-through with friends, or providing your own tips on how to master each level of your favorite game is by far the most popular live-streaming business idea there is. Viewers love to watch streamers unlock rewards and master their favorite levels as they gain new knowledge that can help them do better as they play their own games. Not only that, watching video games is fun, sometimes funny, and highly entertaining.


How-To or Live Tutorials

By far, the most valuable time of live streaming content is tutorials. You don’t need to pre-record a video to teach your important audience information. In fact, many customers thrive for the live-action of products they are looking to purchase with the opportunity to get questions answered quickly.

Live Commentary or Reporting

Another popular live streaming business idea is to report on common new events or topics happening worldwide. For example, if your show is mostly about politics, then reporting on local elections while they are happening is a successful option.


Live Cooking Show

People enjoy food. It’s just part of human nature. The more food, the better. They love to watch, consume, and play with it until it’s the perfect flavor and has just the right mouthfeel. So naturally, this means doing a live cooking show will drive the traffic and profits exponentially.


Fitness or Yoga Class

Finally, but certainly not least, another highly profitable streaming channel to run includes a live fitness or yoga channel. Videos lose the motivation that in-person training can provide but streaming it makes it much easier to participate. A virtual physical call means your audience no longer has the excuse to avoid exercise.


There are numerous business ideas that can be started by live streaming on popular platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook Gaming. As you can see, you don’t just need to play video games to be successful with live streaming, even if it is the most popular and profitable business idea to get started. If you have something entertaining to offer, thrive in front of the camera, and have a large audience, live streaming may be your business model.