Five Steps to Starting a Proofreading or Editing Services Business

If you can spot errors from a mile away, have great attention to detail, and have a desire to start a home business but don’t know where to start, then a proofreading or editing business may be a good place. This highly profitable business model can be relatively easy and affordable to start and is in high demand. About any business needs powerful content to stay ahead of their competition these days. So if a business creates content, they need an editor too.


Here are the five steps to starting a profitable proofreading or editing services business:


Step One: Identify Your Niche and Unique Value

How will you differentiate yourself? Before you launch, market research and a S.W.A.T analysis should be performed, and complete a business plan. Each part of your plan will help you outline your values, strengths, and weaknesses compared to your competition. This is helpful information, so you know your idea is profitable and have the tools to market your business effectively.


Step Two: Work with Contracts and Packages

In other words, don’t just edit a few projects here and there. Instead, find clients who are willing to give you months or years of work based on a signed contract. Contracts help protect you and allow you to better prepare for your future as a business. In addition, contracts will enable you to weed out those who are not serious or looking for a long-time partnership—both factors you need to grow a sustainable and profitable editing or writing business.


Step Three: Set the Right Rates

Create competitive prices that make sense to your target audience. Keep in mind the amount of work you need to do and who you might hire to complete more work, such as virtual assistants or other content writers. In fact, the more writers you have on your team, the more profitable your business will be. You don’t have to write if you don’t want to or have the time to. You can outsource it all.


Step Four: Create Brand Awareness

Finally, you must create a marketing strategy designed to find your target audience. If you don’t create brand awareness, it is unlikely anyone will find you for your services. Creating a clear and descriptive website and creating social media posts or ads is important for marketing your brand and creating the awareness you need to succeed.


Make your dreams of starting a home business come true by following these five simple steps. A proofreading and editing service business can be as profitable as you make it. The more work you put in and the more you market your services, the more revenue you generate and the more successful you will become.

