How to Easily Crank out Content Daily

Have you been working on your Blog and trying to do Videos to maximize exposure?

Here are some tips I use to be able to Crank out New Content Daily.

As an Entrepreneur, we never stop our education.

We study tools, Strategies, and personal development daily.

We attend product Webinars, Company training and Live Events,

The notes we have taken should be put into Blog Post and turned into Video.

Everyone knows Video is powerful and should part of our overall marketing plan.

To Start Branding yourself you should have a blog where can begin getting your valuable content out.

In addition to your Blog you should think about using Youtube to increase your Audience.

Here is what I do to have endless content to increase my Brand Awareness.

Content Creation Strategy.

Listen to Good Youtubers, Daily.

Use your Blog to make rough drafts of content you want to create as you get ideas During the day.

Whether it is an Idea you got from a Training, a product review, or just a Rant on something you are experiencing through your journey to a better lifestyle for you and your family. Put these Ideas on paper or why not go one step further and title a new Blog Post.

If you are in moment and have time create a Blog on the Fly.

If you are tight on time just get that Idea in your Idea bucket and Revisit it at another time.

Now my answer for Creating Videos is a Tool I found a couple of years that has helped me make Videos in Minutes.

Vidnami (Formerly Content Samurai) Can turn a Blog post into a beautiful  Video in minutes.

This is a Great way to take a new or old Blog post and multi-purpose it into a Video and it is Quick.

The product breaks the Blog or an article into small amounts of Text onto beautiful Slides which you are able to Edit. Royalty Free Images are included but you can also upload your own images.

You can decide on a music track or put your voice on the Video.

None of this will work if you are not constantly learning and taking action in your Business.

Make sure you are writing 3-5 blog posts ideas down a Day.

If you are new to working your business this may seem like a lot but just start.

Get a Blog, start keeping track of ideas and then turn them into Videos.

I will include links in the description for a Free Trial to Vidnami

Vidnami Free Triali

That’s all for Today!

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