How to Get through the Holidays while grieving a Loss

For anyone experiencing the Loss of a loved one, the Holidays can be very hard.

This is something I started to write last December but found it too painful.

It does not really matter when the loss occurred as the Holidays approach a feeling of loss and sadness can be overwhelming.

Our family has had many family members pass and each loss represents sadness that can be triggered with the senses like hearing a bird singing in the morning, a song on the radio, the smell of a spring day, the hot summer days or the feel of a cold winter day.

Through all tough times it is important to ask for help from the people who really care.

On December 14th, 2019 I got a call from a loved one who has stood by me through the years saying their beautiful daughter Amy had passed.

We have gone through the process of saying goodbye to Amy and now the time of unbelievable loss and sadness is so overwhelming.

I have no words to help my Best friend Jan and her wonderful husband, Dan.

I have been searching for some words to help and did come across a blog.

Sometimes no words can help.


Sometimes you just feel like you want to die.

Christmas Loss

Life is so short and we never know when tragedy may strike.

If you see someone struggling the best we can do is maybe give a kind word or just let them know they are not alone.

Be Grateful for your loved ones and let them know you appreciate them.