Using LinkedIn as a marketing tool is a great start for generating new leads and increasing sales. LinkedIn is used by over half a billion people, with 40 per cent of the members in positions of decision making.
Between the mergers with LinkedIn and other useful business ideas and the purchase of LinkedIn by Microsoft, LinkedIn is set to become even bigger and reach more people, providing you and your business the opportunity to dramatically increase the number of leads you receive.

Creating an engaging and informative profile is critical for turning a casual browser into a highly targeted and qualified lead.
Your profile photo, along with a complete and detailed profile section and published content can help you build your brand credibility and establish you as an industry leader and encourage more people to look to you and your business for the best, quality solutions to their needs.
The use of content marketing will not only help you to build leads and make sales, but it will also allow you to build stronger relationships and create loyal customers as well.
Click Here: For more information on Content Creation
Upgrading to a premium account will allow you to go farther in marketing your company. With the many tools and features included in premium accounts, like access to advanced searches and suggested profiles based on saved searches, you can create, target, distribute, and analyze your marketing materials and makes your audience more streamlined and easier to manage.
Using a premium account can also help to show stability in your company.
Now that you’ve gained more information about the many features and tools you can utilize to generate more leads on LinkedIn and increase sales, the next step is for you to take this information and apply it to your business. Get started on creating a killer profile and gather your marketing data so you can create a solid brand strategy that will help you generate even more leads and increase your company sales.
PS: Check out Income # 3 in the 30 Minute Work Day System: