Overcoming Burnout with Meditation Activities

Having downtime can help you avoid burnout. Meditation is a type of downtime that is very productive for most people. If you fear you are already experiencing burnout, starting a meditation practice today will help you recover. The good thing about meditation is that you don’t need anything special to do it.


Breathe Correctly


Most people don’t breathe right. Watch a baby breathing, and you’ll note that their diaphragm rises and falls and not their chest. You can use breathing to help empty your mind. As you breathe in through your nose and out slowly from your mouth, use those breaths to clear your mind.


Focus Your Attention


It can help you to get more out of meditation if you can focus your attention on one thing. Some people like to focus attention on each part of their body. For example, you might breathe and then focus your attention in your mind on your neck and how you relax it, your hands, your toes, and so forth throughout your entire body. This will help you clear your mind. You can also use an object if you don’t want to use your own body.


Find a Quiet Setting


Turning off all interruptions, beeps, and clicks are going to help you clear your mind better while meditating. You’ll want to find a quiet setting if you can. If you cannot, you may want to consider getting some noise-canceling headphones that you can wear anytime you want to clear your mind. For example, if you take public transportation home each evening, you can put on those headphones and use your trip to meditate.

Burnout hurts Economy

Get in a Comfortable Position


It’s hard to meditate or relax at all if you’re not comfortable. Find a place to sit or lay down that is comfortable for you. You don’t have to take a particular pose to meditate, and it’s really all about what works for you. Maybe you hang a hammock on your porch so you can use it whenever you need to zone out and turn off.


Keep an Open Mind


By keeping an open mind, this is not to say that you should entertain crazy things that go against your principles, values, and morals – instead, it’s all about not judging yourself or others for having different ideas than you.  Studies show that people who are very judgmental of others are even worse on themselves and a lot more likely to experience burnout.


Repeat a Mantra


An excellent way to clear your mind and focus once you’re comfortable is to create a mantra and start repeating it. If you create a few different ones for different issues, you’ll be able to bring on the feeling of meditation even during the worst meeting by repeating the mantra in your head.


You don’t have to set aside time to meditate that is different from your exercise time if you have too much to do. You can combine meditation with exercise by using the breathing and mind techniques to focus your attention, relax, and keep an open mind so that you can stop passing judgment on yourself and others. As you incorporate meditation into your day, you can overcome and then avoid burnout as a result.


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