Perseverance Requires Persistence

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” The slogan ‘’press on!’’ has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.

Don’t Give Up….Keep moving Forward Daily.

These words which were said by Calvin Coolidge who was the 30th president of the United States to me are the most realistic description of what persistence entails, its importance in the lives of each of us.

Persistence is defined as the act of not giving up, and having a firm and obstinate continuance in a course of action you have decided upon despite difficulties. I would go on and define it as one of the fundamental building blocks to a firm and anchored foundation to success. Nothing entails more success than to keep hammering on that idea that you chose to put into action, to keep investing all your efforts and time into one particular plan that you are working on until you get the desired results.


Do the work

Consistency forms a large part persistence as it is the action of redoing. The other building block that brings our persistence into being is self-discipline. The fuel behind consistency is self-discipline. As humans, we are automatically drawn to take the easier path, therefore when anything becomes less enjoyable our instinct is to quit. When barriers and huddles are presenting themselves before us, we pick the easy road. Self-discipline reprograms our mind to be consistent and to keep soldiering on in the face of adversity. It makes us persistent.

Perseverance and persistence, are words that resemble each other in character and depth. They are often used interchangeably but there sure is a thin line that separates them. Perseverance means to abide strictly by something, to be immovable, and unshaken. Persistence is tenacity, the strength to hold on even when it is unbearable.

Perseverance is acting upon a choice until it becomes a lifestyle, you look past instant gratification and rewards and keep going even when everything around you is shouting otherwise until you reach your goal. It becomes the fundamental differentiating factor between being successful in your endeavors and failing. Even in the face of failure, the more you persist the better the chances you will have of winning because in the process you are learning all you did wrong and you get more insight on what you should be doing right.

We cannot call it persistence if we just continue doing what we like doing, being in our comfort zone, and facing no trials whatsoever. Perseverance only comes where challenges are involved, that means pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and developing a resilience mindset.

For perseverance and persistence to be part of you, you need to take your time to work on it. Take your time to figure out what you want, give yourself a time limit, and refuse to back down until you realize your goal. Take a leap, and get to it without allowing the fear of failure to paralyze you. After taking a step towards your goal make sure you surround yourself with things and people that boost your confidence and strength. When you encounter challenges along the way and they knock you down, give yourself time to analyze and reevaluate where you went wrong and then get back to your feet.


To make it easier to tackle mishaps and challenges prepare yourself for them beforehand, anticipate potential setbacks in your plan, and find a way to counter them in advance. Through it all, you have to remain focused on the goals to be accomplished and on the reward it will all come with. A well- visualized goal fueled with enough passion, perseverance, and persistence, brings about inevitable success.

Purpose and Focus

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