Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Loving yourself these days almost seems like a practice in narcissism. So many websites that promote self-love do it in a way that appears only to glorify capitalism and not really true self-love, much less acceptance. I mean, it’s easy to accept yourself if you’re perfect, right?

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If you really want to practice self-love, it has nothing to do with how much money you spend but about how you feel about yourself and, by extension, others.


  • Positive Affirmations – Every single day when you get up, and right before you go to sleep, tell yourself positive things. It can be about your looks, your thoughts, or your actions. It can be about how you want to behave tomorrow or how you behaved today by way of celebrating your success.


  • Healthy Diet – Whatever you consider a healthy diet is an important component of self-love and acceptance. After all, if you really love yourself, you’ll provide yourself the right nutrition that you need to thrive, right?


  • Exercise Regularly – Again, if you really love yourself, you’ll get moving every single day at least 20 to 30 minutes for a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise to maintain your health and avoid problems.


  • Stay Hydrated – Drinking enough fresh filtered water is also part of loving yourself enough to be healthy. When you are healthy all the way through, you’re going to make better choices and automatically feel more satisfied with life.


  • Dance More – It’s hard to be burned out, sad, or unhappy when you’re dancing. Plus, it’s great exercise that will get your blood pumping and help you feel better about yourself.


  • Surround Yourself with Happy People – They say that birds of a feather, flock together, and this is so true. Find people who act the way you want to act and live in the way you want to live who are also supportive of you.


  • Don’t Compare Yourself – Don’t compare yourself with other people in a bad way. It’s okay to aspire to be something that is possible with hard work, but you can’t be what you’re not no matter what you do.


  • End Toxic Relationships Now – If you’re in a relationship that has more downsides than upsides, find a way to eliminate it or slow it down. It’s hard if it’s a relative, but if someone is dangerous to your happiness, it’s time to separate yourself from them. You can always love them from afar.


  • Celebrate Your Wins Big and Small – When you succeed, celebrate it no matter how small. It’s not pride nor arrogance to talk about doing an excellent job on something. If you set a goal and made it, take time out to celebrate it and talk about it.


  • Get Comfortable with Discomfort – Sometimes, you have to be a little uncomfortable to experience a great change in life. If you really want to be successful, let yourself feel uncomfortable as long as it’s within your principles, morals, or values.


  • Meditate – Take time every day to be quiet and just clear your mind. You can use meditation, prayer, or just silence to accomplish this goal. It will help you more than you know to shut out the world once a day for even ten minutes a day.


  • Get Back to Nature – As often as you can get into nature in order to feed your body vitamin D, your lungs fresh air, and give your mind the beauty of nature. Studies show that humans always feel better when they are grounded to nature at least once a day or as often as humanly possible.


  • Study Your Passions – When you have something that interests you before you get involved, go ahead and permit yourself to study your passions. You can’t know what you like without experiencing different things.


  • Act with Kindness – Not only should you seek to be kind to others but also to yourself. For example, if you are struggling with addiction, it’s not kind to feed it, but it’s also not kind to harshly judge yourself or others.


  • Practice Empathy – Putting yourself into someone else’s shoes and feeling what they might be feeling can be hard if you haven’t had the experience. But you can practice by truly listening to others talk about their experiences, read more books, and expose yourself to more people.


  • Be Grateful – Take out time each day to be grateful for whatever is good in your life right now. Even if nothing is perfect, it never will be, you can recognize what is good and right for now.


  • Practice Radical Forgiveness – Not only should you forgive yourself for doing wrong if you are learning from it and changing, but you should do that for others and take it one step further and forgive those who have wronged you who you don’t even talk to. Forgiveness doesn’t mean letting people keep hurting you, but it does mean to let go of trying to fix it so that you can move on.


Self-love and acceptance don’t actually mean that you become selfish and greedy while stepping on others. No, self-love and acceptance are about acting with kindness to yourself and others to advance your overall life mission and to avoid burnout.

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