Six ways to Fund your “New Economy” Business

Entrepreneurs are Kind of the New Economy.

Many People would like to Ditch the 9-5 and live a life with more Purpose.

It is often said if you are working for someone you are Building there Dreams.

Entrepreneurs think outside the box and are willing to work hard and do things others won’t for the opportunity to live life on their terms.

According to the Motley Fool:

It’s Official: Most Americans Are Currently in Debt

And they need to do something about it before the problem gets worse.

Feb 15, 2018 at 7:32AM
It’s no secret that America is a nation that runs on debt, but it may surprise you to learn that the overwhelming majority of U.S. adults owe money in some way, shape, or form. According to new data from Comet, here’s how many Americans have debt at present:

  • 80.9% of baby boomers
  • 79.9% of Gen Xers
  • 81.5% of millennials

While many Americans owe more in mortgage and student debt than any other type, they also carry credit card, auto, and medical debt, the latter of which is the No. 1 cause of personal bankruptcy filings in the country.

You Can read the Full Article here!

Is it any wonder more and more couples have two incomes plus second jobs.

It is more evident the Entrepreneurs are on the Right Track looking to start a Side business and Plan Grow that business into a Full-time income and a Freedom Lifestyle.

When looking for Funds it sometimes Becomes quite Tricky.

Here a 6 Ways to you may find helpful to Fund your Business

One:  Bootstrapping also know as Self Funding: This means using savings or Leveraging Assets such as your House to get the business running. When you believe in your project your passion can push you through the hard times and show potential investors you are worth investing in.Two: Family and Friends may be willing to invest some money into your Vision. People who are close to you may often believe in your Vision and know you have a strong work ethic and ability to have Success with the ProjectThree: Angel Investors: Invest in the Entrepreneur rather than a Proven Business Model. Keeping the Angel investors focus on the support of the Entrepreneur timing and leverage contacts is the key to finding Angel investors.Four: Small Business Loans: Banks are looking for a Good Business plan with solid Projections. They are also looking for you to have some skin in the game so don’t expect 100% financing. You may want to seek out the help of companies who specialize in helping Small Businesses. Although pursuing loans may take time it is a way of keeping your business whole without without giving a percentage away to an investor who may not always have your passion and Vision.Five: Using Credit cards responsibly and building a large Credit line you can use for company assets or business capital to help keep your company running smoothly. Building a good strong personal credit can help when looking for future lines of Business Credit.Six: Crowd Funding is an Option you should seriously Consider.  When launching your campaign to ask for your funding you are also starting to validate your Project in the process.Crowd Funding has brought a new way for an Entrepreneur to get funds while giving the project exposure to the market.


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