Three Important Brand Community Practices to Follow

A strong brand community increases your reach, business revenue, and loyalty. However, to achieve these benefits, you must nurture, support, and commit to providing value to it. Only when you do the right work for a community can you expect anything positive in return – adopting the common practices that many find success in can get you started in the right direction.


Here are three important brand community practices to follow for increased member satisfaction and success:


Listen to and Engage with Your Target Audience


Everything you do in your business is about ensuring you’re reaching your ideal audience. The only way to be sure is to actually listen to and engage with your members in a deep way that ensures you find out the information you need to help them most.


While you can outsource to a community manager VA to get help with your community, you are the one who needs to show up occasionally to engage with the target audience because it will make them feel like VIPs that you take the time to be with them.


Address the Needs of Your Audience


Once you realize what your audience really needs, it’s time to address those needs with your messaging, education, products, and services. Everything you do is designed to provide solutions to your audience to help them solve their problems as easily as possible.


Use analytics, surveys, questionaries, freebies, engagement, contests, and more to determine what gets your audience’s attention based on the information and data you collect. The data you collect will inform you what their needs are and help create amazing content for them.


Choose the Right Platform or Community Structure


Today, community-building platforms are ubiquitous. Because of this, you can choose your perfect community to help you promote your business to a captive and interested audience. It really just depends on your own criteria. Do you want a message board that can be threaded? Do you have concerns regarding using the technology? Do you want to allow your members to make in-platform purchases? Do you want the ability to accept uploads or provide downloads? Whatever it is that you need to deliver to your audience is out there.


Write down what you need in a community, and then compare your needs to what’s available. You can always start easy with a Facebook Group, but there are many other options. Don’t assume all the different options are too expensive. Facebook may be free for you to use, but there are compromises to using anything free, just like there are compromises to be made even if you pay for a platform.


Many brands can get a community started easily; however, keeping it organized, engaged, and beneficial to your core audience is where many fall through. Not following or incorporating these top three community practices will only lead you down one road: failure. Adopt them today to build the brand community you want to achieve all your goals and more.



Community Engagement is Key to Growing Your Business

A/B Testing Your Email Funnels is a Must

A/B testing, often called split testing, compares the results of two or more similar email campaigns or funnel material sent to different audiences. After testing, marketers can use this information to determine which material converts the best. Thus, allowing you to perfect your email marketing campaigns and funnels more efficiently.


The following is why A/B testing is essential to the email marketing process and a few tips on how to perform them for maximum results:


To Increase Open and Click-Through Rates

Improving your overall conversions is the main goal and idea behind split testing. When you test and track these conversions, you can easily see if it is successful or not by how high or low the open and click-through rates are compared to the other sequence results.


To Understand Your Audience Better

A/B testing allows you to watch your audience behavior and see them interact with your content. If certain titles or graphics work better to engage and relate to your audience, then you can better update your material to this effect. Thus, allowing you to communicate better and increase your overall email marketing conversions.


Increase Engagement and Content Quality

Through split testing, you discover the right ways to communicate to your target audience to improve the quality of your content. An email funnel without quality content might as well not be called one at all. If you don’t take the time to perfect and send the right content your subscribers want to see, it won’t matter what else you do to fix your results.


Test One Thing at A Time

Find one area of the email funnel process to test at a time. Only change your titles, then update the email copy after you are done establishing your title. Changing too much information at once can easily cloud the results and make it difficult to understand which change really increased the conversions.


Keep Timing and Schedule Consistent

Be sure email is sent during the same times and day of the week, even though the content is slightly different. This way, you can be sure the metrics you analyze later directly result from the content quality rather than other factors.


Be Sure Every Test Has a Control

This means you always test your normal content to the new idea or different content to get accurate results.  The only way to know if your test content is better is to compare it to your normal content.

10 Content Marketing Tips for Email Marketing Success

As you can see, A/B testing gives you the data you need to make better content and email copy for your subscribers. It allows you to perfect your titles, call-to-actions, and more, to improve your communication and get your readers more involved and engaged.



19 Traffic Generation Dos and Don’ts

In order to build fruitful lists, you need to figure out ways to drive more traffic to your landing pages and offers. There are many ways to get more traffic, but you want to avoid those that don’t provide targeted hungry customers because all traffic is not equal. You really want targeted traffic, not just any traffic.


  1. Don’t Just Start Adding Content Willynilly – Develop a content marketing plan so that the content you add has a reason for being. Design a content marketing plan that encompasses your blog, social media, and the entirety of your business so that it all works together.


  1. Do Add Content Regularly – Search engines want you to put a regular drip of content onto your website in order to keep your site updated. But it’s also suitable for engagement if you add content regularly. Of course, the content should be targeted and have a reason for being first.


  1. Promote the Content Everywhere – Once you publish content on your website or anywhere for that matter – whether it’s on your blog or a guest post, tell everyone about the content, so they want to read it. Send a link to your email list, send a link to your social platforms, and let people know.


  1. Don’t Skip Keyword Research – Keyword research helps build keyword-rich content that search engines will help your audience find, but it’s also helpful for getting content ideas in general that your audience will want to consume.


  1. Do Spy on Your Competition – One way to get good ideas for content is to spy on the content your competition is sending to their audience. If you share an audience, anything that they love there, they’ll want more from you too.


  1. Build Your Social Network – Don’t just focus on building followers on each social network. Also, focus on building a real network. Engage with your followers and create two-way conversations with them, and they’ll trust you even more.


  1. Cross-Promote Everything – Promote your blog on social, promote your social networks on your blog, promote it all in email, and vice versa. The more you promote each area, the more traffic you’ll get.


  1. Get Influencers Involved – Sometimes, it helps to get others with lots of traffic on your side. You can do this by engaging with influencers. The great thing is you can use a smaller audience influencer or two very effectively.


  1. Avoid SPAM – In the old days of content marketing, questionable solutions were developed, such as article directories, and so forth. Don’t use anything like that because it’s not going to send good traffic your way.


  1. Remember SEO – Search engine optimization, both on-page and off-page SEO, are needed to ensure your landing pages, website, blog posts, and more actually get the results you want.


  1. Know What You’ll Do with The Traffic – Before you write any content, create copy for a landing page, or even create a product or service (free or not), you need to know who wants it and why you want that traffic. What do you want the traffic or visitor to do when they come to that page?


  1. Check Your Numbers and Adjust – Always use analytics to ensure that what you think is working is indeed working. You really cannot tell the reasons for success if you’re not looking at the numbers. Adjust as needed and let go of things that don’t give you enough return on your investment.


  1. Keep It Simple – Don’t go nuts trying to trick the system. It really is easy to get traffic. Provide your audience what they want and tell them about it. It’s that easy.


  1. Don’t Expect Overnight Success – Email marketing is the most profitable and successful form of marketing that has ever existed, but it doesn’t produce results overnight. It’s going to take a few months or even years, but if you chip away at it daily, you will be very successful, and there is no reason you can’t have 1000 subscribers within four to six weeks if you do the things you need to do.


  1. Use Multiple Channels of Traffic – You need many channels for traffic as well as many entry points on your website to collect the information to turn visitors into leads.


  1. Focus on Value – The more value you can provide your audience, the more your content marketing will be successful. List building works when you are laser-focused on your audience and how you can serve them.


  1. Don’t Be Cheap – Using free services as well as not being willing to pay for ads or the tools needed to be successful is not going to advance your cause much. It’s okay to be budget conscious but don’t be cheap.


  1. Remember the Visuals – The visuals on your website are important too but remember that it’s not about what you like. It’s about what your audience likes. Test out various colors, types of images, and so forth and use what they like most. You can tell by conducting A/B testing and looking at the numbers.


  1. Don’t Skip Automation When It Works – Using automation is an important concept to grasp. Use automation for anything that doesn’t block or substitute authentic engagement so that you have more time for engaging with your audience.


Finally, focus on the type of traffic you want. Study your ideal audience and their buying journey so that you can get the information correct on your pages because then you’ll keep the right traffic on your site.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


How to Drive Traffic to Your Landing Pages

Once you have a lead magnet, a landing page, and an opt-in form, you need to start building traffic to the freebie so that you can build your email list. Getting more traffic for a landing page is not really any different from how you get traffic for anything you do.

content creation


  • Create Offers Your Ideal Audience Wants – The only way to make offers that your audience wants and needs is to get to know them. Study them. Engage with them. Survey them. Then put what they want right in front of them where they are.


  • Tell Your Current Subscribers About Your New Offers – Anytime you create a new offer, whether free or not, tell your current subscribers about it. This might seem counter-productive since you want to build your list, but it will keep your list healthy, segmented, and engaged.


  • Get Affiliates Involved – Set up your funnels with freebies that your affiliates can promote too. Show them what’s in the funnel, so they know it’s worth their while to promote your freebies too.


  • Send Out a Press Release – Tell the world about every single offer you have, including your freebies. If it’s newsworthy, it deserves a press release, and letting your audience grab a free solution is something they want to know about.


  • Host a Live Event – When you make the freebie available to the public, have a live event on Facebook Live or a webinar via Zoom or another preferred platform to help get the word out about your offer.


  • Include Smart SEO – The landing page and opt-in form for the lead magnet allow you to use excellent search engine optimization techniques that help pull traffic to your site via your audience searches.


  • Blog About Your Offers – Once you’ve finished your landing page or opt-in form, always write a blog post announcing your freebie offer linking to the landing page and opt-in form. Then you can share that blog post freely multiple times as you spread the word.


  • Share on Social Media – Share multiple times across all your social media platforms about the freebie. Don’t just share once and call it done. Instead, share multiple times during any launch and then repeatedly over time as long as it’s still a good offer. Use or other software to help automate this process.


  • Reach Out to Social Influencers – A fun way to get noticed is to work with social media influencers. Whenever you have a freebie offer for your audience, let the influencers know about it so they can promote it too.


  • Run Ads Via Social Media and Google – Don’t forget that you can speed everything up with targeted paid ads. Before you do that, consider hiring someone to help you ensure your targeting is working, as well as your landing pages and freebie are optimized for your audience.


  • Ask People Who Are Downloading to Share – Set up your download page to make it easy for your audience who downloads the freebie to share the opportunity with their friends.


Driving traffic to your landing pages is an essential element in marketing online. You can use a variety of methods to get more eyes on each page you create but don’t ever waste money just sending people to your home page. Use the time and money you have budgeted for marketing to send your visitors to specialized pages because you’ll build your list faster.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


Get More Subscribers: Use This Autoresponder Sequence to Keep Your List Engaged

You may wonder what your autoresponder sequence has to do with getting more subscribers. After all, you’re building the list before anyone sees what type of emails they’ll receive. What happens once your ideal customer joins your email list is just as important as what happens before. You want to keep engaged members on your list in order to build a robust list of hungry customers, and the type of messages you send can help.

content creation

First, you need to know the goal of the list. You may have goals such as keeping contact with your subscribers, promoting other products and services (yours or an affiliate’s), and providing more content to your subscribers. Not only that, you can use your list to bring people back to your content on your website so that they can see your offers.


The best way to choose a goal is to go with the goal of the opt-in you create. So, if you have an opt-in designed to build your list and promote your signature product, it’s a lot easier to figure out what needs to be said once you attract a subscriber. Who is the person who wanted that opt-in, and why did they want it, and what do they hope will be accomplished by acquiring it?


The order of operations looks like this.


Marketing Content


This content markets the lead magnet or opt-in. This can be a landing page, a blog post, social media posts, and more. In fact, the more points of entry you can create to lead to the opt-in, the better. Always create a landing page for each lead magnet just like you do for each product or service you sell.


Opt-In or Lead Magnet


The freebie you’re offering will need to be created before you start anything. The freebie itself is going to help you choose the messages to follow the opt-in. For example, a Yoga instructor might offer a freebie PDF download with drawings of 5 daily poses that help lower back pain, or perhaps you might want to offer a download that is a guided meditation to help reduce anxiety.


Whatever it is, the problem you want to solve with this freebie is essential to understand in order to create the follow-up autoresponder series. From there, you can better understand how each email will help guide your subscribers to take future actions such as reading more of your content, buying your signature product, or using products you recommend.


  • Welcome Email – The welcome email should be particular based on how the new subscriber has signed up. If it’s due to the freebie, you need to mention that freebie. If it’s due to a product, they purchased that should be mentioned too. Whatever it is, mention it by name and explain to your subscribers what to expect from you going forward from the first email.


  • Download Page – You can include a link to the download page in your welcome email, or you can tell them in the welcome email to be on the lookout for the download link for their freebie or product. However, it’s always best to send them to a download page instead of attaching the freebie. You can use automation to deliver it immediately, too, if you use software like, for example.


  • Content – Send them some information about their problem, or the product that they downloaded and the ways in which it can help them. Ensure that the information you send is relevant based on how they got on your list.


  • Content – Send more content related to the reasons they downloaded or received the freebie. For example, a blog post with tips regarding relaxing to reduce anxiety that goes along with the freebie and helps them get the most from the freebie.


  • Related Promotion – After you’ve warmed them up, you can send related promotions of products and services you have created or that others have created as an affiliate marketer. For example, you might want to send them a link to that awesome app you are using that helps you stay mindful all day.


  • Content – Do the same thing. Keep sending them related content, articles, news reports, blog posts, and tips related to the initial issue you wanted to help them solve while tipping them off on the next problem you can solve.


  • Content – Keep teaching, informing, and engaging with your subscribers by sending only relevant information via email. Keep the emails clear. You want to avoid being long-winded in email. Use subject lines that make them curious but are straightforward. Cross-promote your social media platforms to help your audience engage with you more.


  • Related Promotion – Every couple of regular emails that you send, you’ll want to send a promotion for a product or service that you recommend whether you’ve created it or not. Remember to set up your autoresponder service to automatically tag or segment the list members based on their behavior.


Create a new sequence like this for each product, service, or behavior you want your subscribers to perform.


For example, if you ask them to read a blog post and they click through, your email marketing software can allow you to tag that person differently from someone who did not click through, which can enable your system to automatically send even more messages to them designed to move them through their buying journey and your product funnel.


The reason this works is that the more engaged your subscribers are, the longer they stick around, the bigger and stronger you can build your email list, earning that first 1000 subscribers or next 1000 subscribers in no time.