Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Loving yourself these days almost seems like a practice in narcissism. So many websites that promote self-love do it in a way that appears only to glorify capitalism and not really true self-love, much less acceptance. I mean, it’s easy to accept yourself if you’re perfect, right?

Create a community of entrpreneurs

If you really want to practice self-love, it has nothing to do with how much money you spend but about how you feel about yourself and, by extension, others.


  • Positive Affirmations – Every single day when you get up, and right before you go to sleep, tell yourself positive things. It can be about your looks, your thoughts, or your actions. It can be about how you want to behave tomorrow or how you behaved today by way of celebrating your success.


  • Healthy Diet – Whatever you consider a healthy diet is an important component of self-love and acceptance. After all, if you really love yourself, you’ll provide yourself the right nutrition that you need to thrive, right?


  • Exercise Regularly – Again, if you really love yourself, you’ll get moving every single day at least 20 to 30 minutes for a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise to maintain your health and avoid problems.


  • Stay Hydrated – Drinking enough fresh filtered water is also part of loving yourself enough to be healthy. When you are healthy all the way through, you’re going to make better choices and automatically feel more satisfied with life.


  • Dance More – It’s hard to be burned out, sad, or unhappy when you’re dancing. Plus, it’s great exercise that will get your blood pumping and help you feel better about yourself.


  • Surround Yourself with Happy People – They say that birds of a feather, flock together, and this is so true. Find people who act the way you want to act and live in the way you want to live who are also supportive of you.


  • Don’t Compare Yourself – Don’t compare yourself with other people in a bad way. It’s okay to aspire to be something that is possible with hard work, but you can’t be what you’re not no matter what you do.


  • End Toxic Relationships Now – If you’re in a relationship that has more downsides than upsides, find a way to eliminate it or slow it down. It’s hard if it’s a relative, but if someone is dangerous to your happiness, it’s time to separate yourself from them. You can always love them from afar.


  • Celebrate Your Wins Big and Small – When you succeed, celebrate it no matter how small. It’s not pride nor arrogance to talk about doing an excellent job on something. If you set a goal and made it, take time out to celebrate it and talk about it.


  • Get Comfortable with Discomfort – Sometimes, you have to be a little uncomfortable to experience a great change in life. If you really want to be successful, let yourself feel uncomfortable as long as it’s within your principles, morals, or values.


  • Meditate – Take time every day to be quiet and just clear your mind. You can use meditation, prayer, or just silence to accomplish this goal. It will help you more than you know to shut out the world once a day for even ten minutes a day.


  • Get Back to Nature – As often as you can get into nature in order to feed your body vitamin D, your lungs fresh air, and give your mind the beauty of nature. Studies show that humans always feel better when they are grounded to nature at least once a day or as often as humanly possible.


  • Study Your Passions – When you have something that interests you before you get involved, go ahead and permit yourself to study your passions. You can’t know what you like without experiencing different things.


  • Act with Kindness – Not only should you seek to be kind to others but also to yourself. For example, if you are struggling with addiction, it’s not kind to feed it, but it’s also not kind to harshly judge yourself or others.


  • Practice Empathy – Putting yourself into someone else’s shoes and feeling what they might be feeling can be hard if you haven’t had the experience. But you can practice by truly listening to others talk about their experiences, read more books, and expose yourself to more people.


  • Be Grateful – Take out time each day to be grateful for whatever is good in your life right now. Even if nothing is perfect, it never will be, you can recognize what is good and right for now.


  • Practice Radical Forgiveness – Not only should you forgive yourself for doing wrong if you are learning from it and changing, but you should do that for others and take it one step further and forgive those who have wronged you who you don’t even talk to. Forgiveness doesn’t mean letting people keep hurting you, but it does mean to let go of trying to fix it so that you can move on.


Self-love and acceptance don’t actually mean that you become selfish and greedy while stepping on others. No, self-love and acceptance are about acting with kindness to yourself and others to advance your overall life mission and to avoid burnout.

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Setting Boundaries Helps Avoid Burnout

Avoiding, preventing, and overcoming burnout requires that you learn how to set appropriate boundaries in all areas of your life, whether business, friends, or family. Once you learn how to set boundaries, your life will change, and you’ll actually end up even more productive, all without getting burned out.

Establish a cut off time

As you set your boundaries, remember the reason you’re doing it and the ways the limits you set on yourself and others regarding using your time and resources advance the goals you’ve set for yourself for the different areas of your life.


Be Kind


When you seek first to be kind to yourself and others, you will be able to set the right type of boundaries. You see, being kind is about doing the right thing, not the convenient or even fun thing.


For example, if your friends are pressuring you to go out to a party and you have to get up in the morning, you’ll easily say no. Saying no for something else due to it interfering with your overall life goals is exactly the same thing. It’s kind to say no because it’s the right thing for the future and doesn’t hurt anyone now.


Know Your Limits


You know the minute someone asks you to do something you really would rather not do, but you’re doing it to avoid a confrontation, to look lazy, or because you cannot think up an excuse to say no. The point is you don’t need a reason to say no. If the only reason you have is, you don’t want to do it, that’s good enough.


Accept Your Feelings


It’s okay to feel bad about saying no. If you are feeling bad because you just don’t want someone mad at you or you want everyone to always like you and be happy, this is something you have to learn to deal with. Likely, as you say no more often or stop doing things that cause resentment in you, you’ll have stronger relationships, and your fears will not be realized.


Take the Direct Route


The best way to set boundaries with anyone is to be as direct as possible. Don’t make excuses; don’t give extra information. Just state things the way you want them and let that be. It’s up to them how they respond, not you.


Release Guilt


There is no reason to feel bad when you say no or don’t act in a manner others are used to you behaving. If you’ve always done all the housework and you stop, people are going to get upset. Change is hard on people, but if you stick to your guns long term, it’ll pay off, and people will get over it because they know it’s unreasonable to expect everything of you. Unless someone confronts you, pretend you don’t notice.


Let Experience Guide You


When you need to decide about something, look back at how you felt in the past about it. Don’t underestimate your own experience in life. Your feelings, thoughts, and ideas matter and are important.


Get and Accept Support


You are likely surrounded by people who want to support you if you let them. Many people-pleasers who experience burnout tend to turn down offers of help. Don’t allow pride to get in your way. Get and accept support whenever it’s offered as needed.


One way to know if you’ve set appropriate boundaries is you notice you start to feel less stressed, less resentful, and more successful with getting the stuff done you need to get done. Remember, the boundaries you’ve set are not about anything but ensuring that you use your own time and resources as wisely as possible in a healthy and manageable way. It’s not about saying no or even saying yes, it’s about the practical use of your time and resources mentally, emotionally, and financially.

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Avoid Burnout: Reach Out and Find Someone to Talk To

The truth is that productivity has zero to do with being busy. You can be ultra-productive without doing a thing yourself. For example, you can pay someone else to build your website while you design your product. You can even pay someone else to design your product, build your website, advertise your product, and pretty much everything that needs to be done – all while you sit at the beach doing nothing but financing it.

Figure out where the Burnout is coming from

Such is the case for numerous people in the investment class. But, if you’re used to being working class, it can be hard to understand that productivity is about the impact you make and not about the energy you personally expend to make that impact. This discrepancy in mindset can cause burnout.


The main reason for this inconsistency is that you’ve been taught, as someone in the working class, to work. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s great to have a good work ethic, but it is a mind shift to move from the idea that being busy is being productive to ensuring that you avoid burnout as a business owner. It can help to talk to someone.


  • Hire a Life Coach – There are many mindset coaches out there that can help you work through this problem in your mind. The more you can accept that investing in help to get more done in less time with less work is the best for your business and your lifestyle, the sooner you’ll get over burnout or avoid it in the first place.


  • Hire a Professional Counselor – Today, you can also work with a professional counselor right online with sites like and others. They will work with you on any issue you want to, much like a life coach but from a mental health aspect.


  • Seek Out a Psychiatrist – If you feel your burnout is advanced – you’ve lost work, you’ve experienced relationship failure, or your health is suffering, finding a certified psychiatrist may be your best option as medication might be in order.


  • Join a Mastermind – If you know your problem is the inability to say no, or being a people pleaser, or just not realizing that you don’t have to be busy all the dang time to be successful, a mastermind focused on changing your mindset from a worker bee to a business owner can be immensely helpful.


  • Participate in a Community – There are numerous communities online today through Facebook and other social media platforms devoted to mindset and mind shifts like avoiding burnout and revising the idea of productivity. If you can’t find one, you can even start your own.


  • Study Mindset or Take a Course – Look at sites like and others for courses about productivity and mindset to help you overcome burnout. You may be surprised at how much you can find already out there to help you overcome or avoid burnout. Plus, you’ll find a community that will talk to you and helps you through it too.


Overcoming burnout and avoiding burn out is an important part of life today. So many people have had enough and don’t know how to overcome it. There are so many pressures on people to work more and be busy all the time. People have confused, busy with productivity. They have monetized their entire life and feel the need to be busy at all times. If you do this and fear you’re heading to burnout, find people to talk to as soon as you can.

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Burnout Experienced More by People Pleasers

A people pleaser is someone who wants the people around them to always be happy. Sometimes people pleasers will become so invested in ensuring the satisfaction and happiness of those around them that they become intrusive pests, and other times they become a reliable workhorse.

Be mindful

One thing people pleasures never become is the successful leader that they dreamed of becoming before becoming burned out. To put it bluntly, if you want to avoid burnout, it’s time to stop being a people pleaser. There is no reward for being a people pleaser, but remember, it doesn’t mean you have to let go of your humanity; you just have to learn to recognize when it’s too much.


You Don’t Have to Do It


You really cannot do everything. Small business owners often think that they’re supposed to do everything, especially if they have an internet business. It makes sense to hire help if you own bricks and mortar business, but it’s a harder sale for someone working from home as a digital marketer, coach, or other professions.


But the fact is, not only do you not have to do everything, you should not do everything. No CEO ever does all their own work. No, successful CEOs and business owners come up with the ideas and pass tasks on to experts who churn the ideas out fast due to their expertise. Due to that, they tend to make more money without burnout.


Know Your Mission in Life


You must understand what your overall life goals are. You can be general in terms of the goals for your entire life, such as “not contributing to environmental pollution” or “not consuming animal products” or “saving time on content marketing for customers and clients.” If you know the goal, you can ensure that the actions you take are getting you closer to that goal or not.


Learn to Say Yes Slowly


When someone asks something new of you, don’t say yes or no. Say that you’ll think about it and give them a time when you’ll get back to them if they cannot wait then the answer defaults to no without you ever having to say no. Evaluate the tasks that you will need to be successful in the project and say yes only if it really aligns with your principles, morals, values, and mission.


Set Boundaries Using Time


One way to say yes more without getting burned out is to compartmentalize and schedule your time better. For example, if you really do want to help feed the homeless, but you’re strapped for time, just let the organization know that you can either donate money or you can spend from 11 am until 2 pm once a week only. Remember that doing something in conjunction with others adds up and that you don’t have to take on every project or cause on your own by yourself. Set time boundaries and do a little, and it’s enough.


Drop Manipulators from Your Life


Everyone has someone in their life that will try to make them feel guilty for not doing what they want you to do. If you have someone like that in your life who revolts when you reclaim your time, it’s time to let them go from your life. This is not something that is mean, or that has to be announced just slowly separate yourself from that situation by saying no.


Keep Your Empathy Intact


When you start learning to stand up for yourself, and your own time, it can begin to feel as if you don’t care about others to yourself. You are used to being the one who helps everyone and is always available, and it will feel hard at first. But realize if you are cognizant of putting your health first, your principles, morals, and values next and keep the impact of your actions, I mind you’ll be just fine.


You Can’t Be Everything to Everyone


It’s just a fact of life that you’re only one person with limited time just like everyone else. There is no prize for ruining your life, or health, to be everything to everyone. Plus, you’ll fail because it’s impossible. Instead, be everything to yourself and kind to everyone else without laying down your life for them.


Once you accept that you don’t have to be a people pleaser to be a kind, caring human being, it will become much easier for you to set the boundaries you need to set in order to become successful in your business, your job, and your relationships.







Unexplained Fatigue and Insomnia: Burnout or Something Else?

Often, one of the first signs of burnout manifests as the inability to sleep or the ability to sleep all the time. For some people, they end up not being able to sleep due to being up all night long with circular thoughts that won’t stop coming. When this happens over a long period of time, more than a few weeks, insomnia is feared.

eliminate, delegate, automate

Insomnia will cause you to be tired all day long, but no matter how tired you are, when you get to bed, the stress of knowing you need sleep and the other issues you’re experiencing that started the sleeping issues to start with come back and cause problems all over again. Then due to the lack of sleep at night, they’re tired all day long, and a horrific pattern is born.


While this is absolutely a sign of burnout, it can also be a sign of depression or other illnesses. Therefore, it’s imperative that if you experience insomnia with fatigue for more than a few weeks that you should consider getting a full physical and health workup by your primary care physician.


Let them know why you need the exam so that they know what to look for. Some of the issues that may be causing your insomnia and fatigue aside from burnout are:


Vitamin Imbalance


Your doctor should order a full panel to find out what your vitamin levels are. Being low in vitamin B12, D3, and other vitamins and minerals can manifest as insomnia and other health issues, including brain damage and severe body pain. Once you know what you need, take a good supplement that has third party studies to certify it.


Poor Sleeping Habits


If you’re not going to bed at the same time (as much as possible) every night and getting up in the morning at relatively the same time, you may be causing disturbances in your circadian rhythms. This is true, especially if you’re not exposing yourself to daytime sunshine, drinking enough fluids, exercising, and eating right. Try setting up your sleeping area as dark, cool, comfortable, and quiet, void of technology and made for sleeping.


Hormone Issues


When your doctor does the blood test, they’ll also be checking your hormone levels. If your hormones are out of whack, it can cause you to have insomnia, heart palpitations, and other problems, even circular thoughts. If you do have an issue, your doctor will recommend hormones for you or a new diet to help.


Financial Problems


If you have allowed your budget to get out of control or something external has caused you to experience financial problems this can cause anyone to end up burned out, stressed, and not being able to sleep. Try to do what you can to fix what you can and let go of what you cannot fix. If it’s awful, you may need to find a bankruptcy attorney.




Whether you are sick, or someone you care about is sick, it can affect you in many ways, including causing insomnia and fatigue due to lack of sleep. If you know you’re ill, talk to your doctor about your issues. If it’s a family member, you may need to talk to a professional counselor or life coach to help you deal with it more healthily.


If it turns out to be burnout, which you may know deep down, you’ll still end up with a clean bill of health, which is worth the trouble. Being healthy will help you, whether the fight to come out of burnout and get your life straight so that you can avoid repeating the actions that caused you to end up burned out in the first place.

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Avoid Burnout: Burnout Signs to Know and Watch For

While forgetfulness, brain fog, and trouble thinking straight can also be signs of serious illness like Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, and dementia, it can also be a major sign of burnout.


If you are experiencing issues with remembering things, can’t keep your thoughts straight, and have a hard time thinking in general or have ruminating thoughts, it’s important to seek professional help even if you think it’s burnout.


Go to your primary care provider for a complete physical and work up to be sure that it’s not chemical or physical. But understand that even if it is depression or burnout that you’re experiencing, your doctor may be able to advise you on treatment.


Mental issues are still treatable by healthcare professionals and are real illnesses. In the meantime, you can watch out for these signs and seek help to keep it from getting worse.


  • Fatigue or Exhaustion – If you feel so tired you can’t function even if you’re sleeping or you’re also not sleeping due to experiencing insomnia it’s important to note that it can be due to burnout. However, the way you feel may also be due to another illness.


  • No Motivation – When you have a lot to do, but you really just can’t be bothered with doing any of it, you’re missing deadlines, you’re not performing up to your skill level, and others are noticing it, you may be burned-out.


  • Can’t Focus – Another sign of burnout is the inability to concentrate, focus, or remember things. This is a sign that is also associated with depression, and frequently situational depression can coincide with burnout.


  • Feel Dread – If you feel dread every time you think of work, go to work, or get home from work, you may be burned out. If you are always fantasizing about getting out of your job or your business, you may be burned out, and that is why this is happening.


  • Ruminating Thoughts – When an issue comes up with your business, work, or relationship (whatever it is that is contributing to your feelings), if you end up having circular thoughts to the point of distraction, you may be burned out.


  • Don’t Care That You Don’t Care – This is a big sign of burnout. If you can barely be bothered to read this blog post about burnout because you feel numb to everything, it’s likely you either are burned out, or you have major depression.


It’s imperative to remember that being burned out doesn’t mean you don’t want to keep your business, or your job, or even your marriage—if that’s what is causing you the dread, lack of motivation, and exhaustion—it might be the way you’re doing it that is causing your burnout. Therefore, it will help to identify the reasons you’re experiencing these problems so that you can fix it and avoid it in the future.

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Productive or Just Busy?

If you feel like a chicken with your head cut off trying to get everything you need to get done in a day finished, you may be at risk for burnout. The sad fact is that many people who feel overworked are not as productive as they think. Society has instilled into many people that downtime is terrible and that you should always be busy to be productive.

eliminate automate

The truth is, productivity is only measured by results, not by how much you have to do to get the results. Because of this fact, you can be super busy and totally not productive and not busy at all and extremely productive. If you want to be more productive, it’s imperative to learn how to use your time wisely, as well as to eliminate, automate, and delegate when possible.


  • Create a Life and Business Mission – One reason some people have trouble making decisions in life and business is that they have no idea what they stand for. Create a mission statement that explains in a few sentences what your values, morals, and principles are.


  • Understand How to Prioritize – When you set goals, you must learn what’s important to you about the goal. Usually, the most crucial part is the deliverable or the impact of the goal. Know what’s important to you by matching goals to your values, morals, and principles.


  • Learn to Say Yes Slowly – Some people will tell you to learn to say no, but the problem is that saying yes is going to get you a lot further than always saying no. You do want to do new things after all. Instead, say yes slowly. Think about the offer and make sure it matches your goals, values, principles, and morals. Plus, check that it fits in with your mission and that you genuinely have the time to devote to it properly before you say yes.


  • Know the Expected Results or Deliverables – Being busy is about the appearance of action while being productive is about the results or the deliverables. You should be able to describe precisely what is expected once you’re finished.


  • Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome – One thing that distracts everyone is getting their head turned by the next big thing. It’s okay to give yourself time to discover other things because you never know what doors will open, but don’t diss what you’re already doing. Set aside about five percent of your time to explore shiny objects so that you keep windows and doors open but don’t fall out.


  • Do Stuff – The only way you can actually succeed in life is with actions that produce results. Do things, but always make sure you are checking to see if what you’re doing is working or not working. Do more of what works, eliminating what doesn’t.


  • Make Time – If it’s important to you for your mission in life, then make time for it. It doesn’t matter if other people don’t get it, you do. Put the things that are important to you in your schedule.


  • Focus and Stop Multitasking – No one is capable of multitasking, according to science. Because of this, it’s time to stop doing it. Yes, many jobs out there require it as part of the interview process, but it’s a ridiculous and impossible thing they’re asking of you. Stop doing it.


  • Eliminate, Automate and Delegate – Whenever you can stop doing things that don’t affect results, as well as automate and delegate the things that do, you’re going to experience a lot more success and a lot less burnout. You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t even if it’s your stuff and your business. You need help, and you should get it.


If you want to show results and not just look like a busy person, you can do it with the right plan in place. Remember that the impact you make is far more important than how you get there.


For example, you can lose ten pounds slowly over the next year by simply getting rid of about 120 extra calories per day from your diet. This is equal to one cup of coffee or soda. Or, you can do it the faster way and totally redo your diet to force your body into letting go of those ten pounds in a month. However, which method is truly going to give you the best long-term results?


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Avoiding Burnout by Doing What You Love

Maybe when you started your business, you thought you would love it, but you don’t love it, and that reality is causing you to become burned out. So how do you manage when what you thought was your passion turns into burnout?


Keep a Journal


The more you know yourself, the more you can figure out the things in life that make you feel satisfaction and joy instead of anxiety and burnout. Try different types of journals to determine the type that will work best for you.

Do what you love

You may prefer a bullet journal, or you may want to use an emotional journal to help you get to the bottom of your feelings. It’s up to you. You may find ways to use different types of journaling to help you resolve issues with or avoid burnout.


Take Time to Reflect


Every day as you are cleaning up your desk to end your workday, reflect on what you have accomplished as well as what you want to accomplish tomorrow based on your overall business and life plans. It can help to look at metrics that show progress so you can make better decisions every day.


Develop a More Realistic Routine


As you study your use of time, you may want to develop a more realistic routine that helps you achieve all your goals. For example, instead of working traditional hours, you note that you’re much more energetic after 10 am, so you stop working before 10 am. You can adjust your schedule accordingly to fit your energy levels.


Find Your Own Version of “Balance”


There is a lot of talk, especially with women, on finding “balance,” but maybe a balance in the way you think of it does not exist. Most people picture a scale that they try to make even. A little work here, a little fun here – but that doesn’t always work because sometimes work will need you more than home. Instead, try to create your own version of balance that feels harmonious to you.


Get Support from Others


Even as a business owner, and maybe especially as a business owner, you should not do everything yourself. Get support in life from others for business, for family, and friends. You need the comradery to help you cope with life’s ups and downs.


Find Ways to Do More with Less

Minimalism isn’t about doing without; it’s about doing more with less. For example, if you have set aside four hours a day to work on your business, you can get a lot more done in that four hours if you automate everything you can and outsource anything that doesn’t require your personal touch. Likewise, if you never use your dining room for dining, is it really a dining room?


Put Your Health First


Regardless of anything else you want to accomplish in life, whether business or personal, the truth is, without your health, you have nothing. It may seem trite to say it, but it’s very true. Put your body’s need for sleep, hydration, exercise, and nutrition before business.


The thing you have to accept is that you’re only human due to the fact human beings need certain things to be healthy. Learn about the areas of life that you need to focus on to live a full and well-rounded life full of joy and accomplishment in business and life. Body, mind, relationships, business, finance, and spirituality are a few of the most essential areas of life in which you need to find your own version of harmony and balance.

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Say No More Often: Purge Your To-Do List

The telltale signs of burnout are feelings of overwhelming exhaustion, cynicism, and detachment. You may also feel as if you are ineffective and are not accomplishing anything in your life while simultaneously feeling irreplaceable and as if no one else can do what you do and help you.


In other words, you may be experiencing signs of burnout because you never say no. Purging your to-do list can help. But first, how do you know what to stop doing, and more importantly, how do you stop saying yes to everything?

Burnout Symptoms


Remember these keywords:

Eliminate, automate, and delegate as you rid yourself of extra work and start saying no more.



Whenever you look at a task, you need to first think about whether it’s even required to be done or not. Just because you’ve always done something does not mean it has to be done. Try to anticipate what happens if you just take it off your list completely. Write down the pros and cons of totally letting this task go.

For example, if you are a writer, do you limit how many times you read through and edit any one piece of work? If not, you should. There is always a point at which future editing will just make the work less effective.



Can the task that you need to do be done with software? If you can eliminate a task through automation, taking it off your plate in an affordable way, it’s essential to do it as soon as you can financially accomplish it. There is a technology that exists that you may not even be aware of yet.

It might help to talk to someone aware of the technology available for productivity in your space. The advice will be paramount in helping you move your business forward with as much automation as possible. For example, did you know about IFTTT technology that you can use through platforms like

If This Then That (commonly known as IFTTT



If you can’t let it go entirely, and you can’t automate it, perhaps you can outsource it to someone else? You might want to pay a virtual assistant to help you with customer service, editing, or other things. Maybe you can get your spouse or kids to do more housework, so you have more time for business.

For example, if you are a writer and you know you have to edit your writing, it might work out better for you if you let someone else do the editing and final revisions to ensure it gets done in a timely manner? Or perhaps you cannot yet afford an editor, so instead, you get your spouse to cook dinner so that you have more time to edit in a timely manner.

Finally, once your to-do list is cleaned up, start saying no more often when asked to add something to your plate. Make it a habit to never say yes right away. Instead, tell people (or yourself) that you have to check your schedule. Then determine the benefits and drawbacks of adding that task to your life. If it helps you advance your goals, you can say yes, if it doesn’t do anything to move you forward and only adds stress to your life, say no.

the journey

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Are Baby Boomers working after Retirement

Are Baby Boomers Continuing to Work after they Retire?

Yes, you know that many retirees do continue to work for many years after Retirement Age.

Baby Boomers have a great deal to offer in the world of Entrepreneurship.

So many years of Experience to share.

Baby Boomers Technology

“For Baby Boomers who have been studying the Internet Marketing World but are not quite satisfied with their marketing skills and feel at times overwhelmed by all the different steps needed to make a successful Online Business. Baby Boomers, stay at
home moms or anyone struggling with the task of learning new skills   “I absolutely know how you feel. Nobody was as Frustrated trying to learn the online marketing niche than I was. At times feeling like a total loser, until I realized every day I was learning new and valuable skills and that you can’t compare yourself to some younger person who has been learning technology stuff their whole life.

I struggled in my business until I learned these 6 simple strategies that keep me more focused.

I know the pain. I remember many times I felt like throwing my computer against the wall when I could not figure out how to do a simple thing like adding a picture to my blog or setting up my auto responder. There were many times my husband would beg me to walk away from the computer for a while and try later. My answer would often be “if I stop now I will have to start all over again”.

At times of Frustration I have to remind myself the reasons Why I wanted to start my Business. I have been working in Real Estate for many years and although I do have some flexibility in the hours I choose to work I found out quickly that if you want to make good money you need to put in many hours. I want to be able to have more freedom in my life spending more time with family and friends and traveling where I want and when I want. The real estate business is not scalable. If I want more money I need to work more hours Trading my time for Money. Finally I had to ask myself “Is there a Better Way?”

I remember feeling so dumb because I couldn’t figure out the whole social media thing. It seems like you just start working with one platform like Face Book and then everyone starts saying you need to check out Pinterest or Instagram. It can Drive you crazy.

I heard someone say on a web cast “Do what you Know While you Learn and Grow” and I make that my mission in my daily life. If I suddenly feel overwhelmed I just repeat those words over and over again.

“Do what you know while you learn and Grow”

Here are my Six Steps that Keep me Focused

1. Be Consistent in your daily commitment to building your business.

Being consistent helps to measure your growth, establish your reputation and consistency continues to promote your Message.

2. Read good business building and self help books or materials every day.

Reading daily helps to keep you informed, helps you to set goals and increases your focus.

I agree with Jen Sincero “We need kickass people to be out of struggle and living large and on purpose so they can be an inspiration to others who want to rise up too.”

This is a philosophy I truly believe.

3. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. For some this may be too little but I am talking the person who does not exercise at all. Get up and move It will help keep you energized.

Exercising daily Boost some Crazy Happy Feelings and keeps me energized through the day. “When I walk 1-3 miles daily I find I am happier, less stressed and have more energy to do what is needed for my business.

4. Drink Plenty of water daily.

Keeping hydrated can have a huge impact on overall health… Just do it

5. Celebrate your successes.

Don’t wait for some great Big Goal to be met. As you progress in your overall goals take the time to reward yourself for achieving little milestones in your business plan. This could be 21 successful days of posting on your blog, reaching your first 30 leads per day or reaching a monthly monetary goal you have worked consistently to achieve.

6. Find a Mentor and Accountability Partner

I have many Mentors in my life and before you start thinking I could never afford a mentor (some can be 40K and more) let me make myself clear I don’t think you have start spending a lot money on Mentors but you should be following people who have the lifestyle you want and start modeling what they have done to become successful.

What is your Next step: That really depends on what you want out of your life.

I have been an entrepreneur for years working from home and enjoying a flexible schedule so that I can attend my Grand kids award ceremonies something I could seldom do when my two girls were growing up and I was working in the Corporate world.

I am part of a community who believes in paying it forward and helping others succeed to have a freedom lifestyle.

This unique opportunity but you must be willing to work and follow the steps laid out for you.

If you have a Dream of working from home and having more freedom in your life and are willing to commit to your Success then Click the link below and check out the System Many are using to set themselves Free.

Build a True home based Business and Never Work for anyone Again.

Take the Free  Tour

Barb Genest

“Freedom Visionary”

PS: I am a Real Person and would love to hear from you. Feel free to comment, share or send me a private message.