How to Pick a Niche You Can Succeed In

There’s a certain hesitation people have before starting their online business directly related to picking their niche. You can’t really go any further and build a site, create products or blog about your insight if you don’t have your niche chosen.


Yet the sheer number of factors to consider when choosing a niche is a daunting task for many new online entrepreneurs. Your main concern right off the bat is profitability, because who wants to go to any effort whatsoever if there’s no return for you?


There are five basic things you need to analyze before finalizing your decision on which niche(s) you’ll be targeting. Nothing you do can guarantee success, but these tasks allow you to mitigate some, if not most of the risk.


Stop Worrying About the Competition


One of the biggest non issues people worry about is competition. There are people who will throw up their hands and walk away if anyone else has ever done a topic before. And some who will walk away if a certain number of sites exist (whatever number they’ve made up to depict too much competition).


The reason they’re overly concerned with this is because in the past, many guru marketers have spent ample time selling courses teaching people how to target low hanging fruit and avoid saturated niches.


The truth is, most consumers like to learn from and follow many people in a niche they’re interested in. Even you do it! If you’re interested in a topic, like fasting for instance, you don’t land on one person’s blog and only vow to learn from them and no one else, do you?


No! The fact is, you will look up many people and companies to learn from – you might buy 2-3 or even more books on Amazon to read about it. You’ll hit up YouTube and start watching all kinds of related videos to get differing insight and opinions on the topic.


We love to learn from many people for several reasons. First, they have differing teaching styles. Some people are brash, some coddle you – others give advice daily while some release big information less often.


Some use text in a blog that you can read, while others publish videos or stream live from their social media pages. There are some who prefer to teach through a podcast, too!

Wordpress Blogger

Your opinion and insight doesn’t have to be better than someone else’s. It just has to resonate with that one person who prefers your teaching style over someone else’s. As long as the information you’re providing is viable, don’t be afraid to compete with anyone and everyone.

Try to stay away from distractions when building your Business.

There is always a new launch coming out Make sure you don’t follow all the Shiny Objects this may confuse your Audience.


There are some people who love self help topics who fall all over themselves whenever Tony Robbins speaks. And there are those who can’t stand listening to him. How boring would it be if there was only one person per topic we had available to us to learn from?


So ease up on your self-doubt, put away your tools that calculate the competition and understand that there is plenty of room for everyone, regardless of your experience, your appearance, your income level or any other measurement you might be using to talk yourself out of making the leap into a niche you’re truly passionate about.


A Drilled Down Versus Broad Approach


So now that you know there’s no such thing as too much competition, your next task is to consider whether you want to take a broad approach to your niche or drill it down a bit.


And when you drill it down, how much is too much? You want to pick the right amount of depth because if you go too narrow, you might whittle your audience down to almost nothing, making it hard for you to profit from your efforts.


Let’s look at how a niche is drilled down. We’ll start with the diet night.


Diet à Fasting à Intermittent Fasting à 5:2 Diet à 5:2 Diet for Women à 5:2 Diet for Women Over 40 à 5:2 Diet for Vegetarian Women Over 40


This is a typical way to drill down a niche. You can certainly do whatever level of depth you want, but it’s important not to go too detailed because then you’re excluding large demographics from your audience.


Drilling down to fasting excluded other kinds of dieters who don’t want to fast. That’s fine because there are many people who want to learn about this method of losing weight.


Going into the 5:2 fasting method eliminates everyone wanting to do the 16/8 method, the eat stop eat method, and the alternate day fasting method. As soon as you added women into the niche, it excluded all men, too.


So as you can see, the more narrow you get, the more potential customers you’re weeding out. As long as that demographic stays large enough, and you can use common sense to gauge it, you don’t need a statistician to configure numbers for you, it’s good.

Healthy eating

Keep in mind your site can start out broad and have drilled down categories in the sidebar where each category drills down even further into individual blog posts covering the most narrow of topics.


So you might have a Best Diets for Weight Loss blog that serves as an umbrella for a huge number of diet plans. In the sidebar, you might have the following categories:


  • Keto Diet
  • Vegetarian Diet
  • Paleo Diet
  • 1200 Calorie Diet
  • Low Carb Diet
  • Fasting Diet
  • Mediterranean Diet…and so on


In each category, you can create specific blog posts covering all of the narrow slants under that diet, including a blog post titled: The 5:2 Fasting Diet for Vegetarian Women Over 40.


Make sure that before you choose an approach, you keep in mind that if you have a broad topic, your audience will expect ongoing content that covers a wide variety o subjects.


Your consumer who is interested in learning about diets will be disappointed if they land on your site and see nothing about low carb because you’re too bogged down in writing about fasting, calories and plant based diets.


You have to be able to plan strategically with your content and keep up enough. So if it’s too overwhelming to meet all of their needs, consider narrowing down a bit so that you’re able to deliver content that meets the needs of all of your readers consistently.


Learn How to Gauge Profitability


Profitability is on everyone’s mind when they’re just starting a new business branch online. You want the money to start flowing fast, and lots of it! There are a few different ways you can measure the profit potential of a niche.


First, digital products can be lucrative. They’re the kind of product a customer can get instantly by clicking a buy button and downloading directly to their computer to consume.


So you want to be looking to see if your niche has products on sites like ClickBank, for example. Of course, if there are none, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. If consumers buy courses or books on the topic, you could create your own content (or use private label rights content – PLR) to do it.


Tangible products are another area of profitability. In the fitness niche, for example, you might have digital courses that teach people how to exercise and eliminate fat and get toned, but more money comes in the form of commissions from the promotion of machines they’ll be using, protein powder, calipers to measure fat, scales and more.


Services, like coaching or doing things for others they don’t want to do themselves, is another way to make money in a niche. If you want to help someone achieve success, you might be a sort of life coach for them – or help analyze someone’s efforts to improve their relationships, for example.

Look at price points and frequency of purchases, too. Whenever you find a program that the consumer will be renewing monthly or annually, this provides even more profit potential for you to consider.


With pricing, you might instinctively worry about promoting high ticket items, but you’d have to sell fewer of them to equal the volume of sales you’d need of a small commission item.


Understand that unless you’re selling services or using paid ads for traffic, it will take a little time to gain traction in any niche because your site has to get indexed (found) in Google. Stay consistent and build up your content and following.


Knowledgeable Leadership Requirements


Worry about not measuring up to your competitors in terms of knowledge is common for many new online entrepreneurs. They don’t want to step foot in the arena unless they have all of the answers ahead of time.


But nobody has all of the knowledge they need in every situation. The key is to be a good learner and sharer – someone who, when asked a question they don’t know, is willing to go find an answer and share it.


That’s all it takes – willingness and the ability to uncover things people want to know. This is actually part of what’s thrilling about being a niche leader. You’re always discovering things and broadening your knowledge about a topic.


It would be very boring if you woke up day after day and already knew everything there was to know about the subject matter. So embrace the starting point you have now and understand there’s no shame or humiliation in saying, “I’m not sure about that – let me get an answer and get back to you.”


But make sure you’re not just waiting for questions you don’t know to pop up before you embark on a learning adventure. You should always have time carved out in your schedule where you’re diving into niche topics and learning interesting, new or trending details to showcase to your followers.


Stay abreast of news stories, read consumer or trade magazines in your niche, study the competition to see what they’re talking about, and lurk in forums and on social media to see what the buzz is.


When you find information to share with your audience, don’t be afraid to share your opinion on it, too. People want to know what you think of it – even if you disagree with what someone else is saying.


Put a twist on it if you can or want to. If some news comes up about how getting 8 hours of sleep a night helps you lose weight, you can pass that information along to your audience.


But then add on ways they can achieve that slumber, if they don’t already know. Give your own personal bedtime routine hacks if you have any that might help them. Experiment with new methods of getting to sleep and share a daily account about what worked and what didn’t.


Longevity Issues to Consider


There are a few things you have to keep in mind in terms of adopting this niche for the long haul. Unless you plan on flipping your site to someone else, chances are you’re hoping this will grow into a formidable business branch for years to come.


But will you run out of information to share? There are some niches, like health, that are always evolving. Sometimes it’s because of technology and sometimes because of new knowledge that’s gained that wasn’t known before.


Then you might find something such as how to store water that has you scrambling for new topics to cover after a few months. Maybe you covered rain barrels and treating water, you did product reviews and a how to series, and now you’re all out of ideas.


You want to make sure that the niche you choose isn’t difficult for you to garner ideas with. Before you begin, brainstorm from of your categories that fall under your umbrella niche topic and write out lists of possible things to cover.


Would you be able to find something new a couple of months from now? How about a year from now? It’s helpful, depending on how much creativity you have or lack, to pick a niche that makes things easy for you in terms of brainstorming topics to blog about.


Will you get bored of the niche – or feel some other negative emotion having to tend to a site on this topic all of the time? What if it’s a depressing niche and you have to write about it day after day?

the journey

It’s important for you to feel excited about work and not dread facing it every morning. So pick a niche that truly makes you feel fulfilled or happy whenever you share thoughts with your audience.

Are you Ready

Click here for More info:


Creating a Niche Home Base on Your Blog

After you choose a niche to target, you need to develop a home base – somewhere that you can talk to your audience about it, promote products as an affiliate and launch your own info products from.


A blog is the perfect place to showcase your insight, capture names and email addresses to build a list of loyal followers, and monetize your daily efforts without fear of repercussions.


Stay in Control of Your Virtual Real Estate


It’s important to own your own virtual real estate as opposed to using social media platforms alone, because then you’re not in control of your business. Whenever you use free platforms, it gives someone else the power – on a whim – to eliminate your entire business without any input from you.


You might build an account of 1,000 popular niche YouTube videos and wake up one morning to a deleted account. Or house a business account on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and find they don’t exist because someone decided you’d done something to warrant a closure.


There’s little, if any recourse for you when these things happen. They’re often decided with a permanent ban and no amount of begging and pleading will reverse their decision.


What happens then?


If you didn’t own your own domain, your virtual home on the ‘net, then you have to start from scratch! You have to hope your audience finds you elsewhere. You have to redo all of the previous posts and media and you lose all of the interaction and engagement you had over the previous months and years.


When you own your own domain and house a blog on it, you never have to worry about your account disappearing. Your content will be safe on the web day after day. And all of the comments and shares you got from it will stay intact because nobody else is capable of shutting it down.

KEEP YOUR CONTENT SAFE: Use a Word Press Blog.

My Blog

Now it’s perfectly fine to supplement your virtual real estate with those social media accounts, because they’re great for branding and free traffic – but they shouldn’t be your sole business presence online.


You’ll want to buy a domain name and host a WordPress blog on it so that your followers will have a reliable, stable home they can turn to with you and always feel confident it will be there.


Choosing a Domain Name That Makes Sense


Choosing a domain name is something some people struggle with because nothing ever feels good enough – and others do on a whim without giving enough thought to. You need to be somewhere in the middle.


There are a couple of different ways you can approach choosing a domain name. Most people agree that you should get a dot com extension because it’s what most average consumers type in – not .net, .info, or the other ones.


It’s also universal that you should pick the shortest name possible that makes sense. Whenever you make a name longer than it needs to be, it’s not only harder for them to remember, but it gives them more chances to have a typo when entering your URL into their browser.


One way you can tackle your domain is to decide whether you want to brand your name as a major leader in the niche. So this would be similar to how Tony Robbins did it with self help and the other niches he’s involved in.


He owns his name as his primary domain – This is fine if you plan on branding yourself as a major player within a niche topic. Many people do this in various niches, like, who is known for weight loss and fitness through her popular walking program.


But if you don’t want to take that approach, you can also use keywords to develop a profit-pulling domain name you can build your home on the ‘net with. Start by brainstorming some commons words and phrases in your niche such as:


  • Diet
  • Weight loss
  • Burn fat
  • Lose weight
  • Shed fat
  • Get fit…and so on.


Work with a keyword tool to find variations of things people are searching for, keeping in mind any drilled down slants you may want to target. If we take a niche example like fasting for losing weight, you can always play around with the wording and find something that fits.

This domain was available: – and the word tips is always helpful to put at the end of a domain URL because it tells the person they’ll gain valuable insight.


Depending on your business branch, you might even be able to use a different combination of words. For example, if you were only going to promote tangible products like protein items as an affiliate, you could find a specific buyer-driven domain such as:

This domain – – is available and it instantly tells the person that this is where they’ll find a lot of information about a variety of protein products.


Try to steer clear from vague or cutesy domains like (help what?) or (powerhouse what – speaker? Bodybuilder?).


Always look for a good coupon whenever you get your domain because you should be able to get it for $0.99 for the first year of its registration. Otherwise you’ll be paying close to $18.


Make sure you get reliable hosting for your account, too. You want something easy for you to use, with a good rate of up time. You don’t want to go with a company who has a lot of drawbacks and poor customer service.


Basic WordPress Elements You’ll Need to Know


Installing WordPress is very easy. But where should you install it? Some people like to put it on their root domain, meaning – but others like to have a special place for it such as


You can do it either way. If you wish to put a landing page on the root domain, with a lead magnet offer, that’s fine! But you can also simply install the blog there and have the lead magnet offer in your sidebar where you capture names and email addresses.

Click here for More about lead magnets and funnel builders.


Once you install WordPress, you’ll want to choose a theme design that works well for your plans. If you want text-based information to be at the forefront of your blog, then choose a theme that’s good for that purpose.


Or, pick one that showcases images prominently if you want the focus to be on pictures, such as someone who is in the cooking or food niche, where images may play a bigger role.


Go through and change your settings to the best options that work for you, in terms of things like what URL is displayed, whether or not people have to wait for you to approve their comment, and so on.


Set up some common pages for your terms and policies, contact form, and your about page that gives them some insight into who is running the blog. Once you’ve done that, install any plugins that you want to use to help you operate your blog, such as spam filters, and so on.


Strategizing the SEO Plan for Your Blog


Many bloggers fret a lot bout search engine optimization (SEO). They worry about doing things wrong and spend countless hours trying to set things up to dominate the search engines or even game the system.


Be sensible about your optimization and do it for humans, not a robot that crawls your site. It’s easy to balance the two. One thing you want to do is make sure your blog settings allow search engines to index the site and don’t discourage it.


After that, you want to make sure you do a few things that help your site get indexed (found) by search engines and prospective visitors. To do this, you’ll want to start with consistency.


Blog humans and web crawlers both like it when you blog regularly. Whenever you blog infrequently, like once every 3 months when you happen to find time and remember it, it makes humans not see you as a viable niche leader – and it causes search engines to not bother sending their crawlers to your site very often because they also won’t see you as a serious niche contender.


Try to make sure your blog posts include sensible keywords and phrases for your audience, but don’t go overboard and try to stuff too many in there just to appease the search engines.


It may backfire with both the crawlers and humans who find your writing difficult to understand. Instead, write organically as you would when discussing the topic with a friend, and include specifics so it’s clear what you’re talking about.


For example, if you’re writing about a fasting diet, don’t call it skipping meals or anything silly you make up like hangry rage day – just call it a fasting diet plan and make it easy on both human readers and crawlers to know what you mean.


Use the keyword phrases in your titles as well as in the content itself. Many people make the mistake of titling their posts something vague such as, The Day I Felt My Stomach Growl Nonstop – which tells everyone nothing at all.


It needs to be topic specific, such as, 3 Ways You Can Start a Fasting Diet Plan. That is very specific for everyone, and then you can use the same phrases and keywords within the body of the content.


When you pair keyword choices with consistency, you’ll have most of the equation solved for good SEO. But there are couple more elements that can contribute to your success with being found on search engines.


Make sure the content you’re writing is long enough in terms of value. Some people can write many words that others don’t find value in. So it’s not just length, but value as well. Don’t publish daily short paragraphs and assume that’s enough to get noticed, either.


The last organic strategy you want to implement for good SEO is to make your posts shareable. Having social sharing buttons helps your posts get links back to your site where other interested parties can find them.


Setting a Reliable Publishing Schedule for Your Readers


When you take on the role of a niche leader, it’s your job to disseminate information to your followers. They’ll be waiting for each drop of data that you release to them, so it needs to be consistent and reliable – as well as fresh.


You want to choose a schedule that’s doable for you. Some bloggers can only manage 1 post per week, if they’re working another job for instance, while others post several times per day.


Ideally, your blog will publish at least 3 times per week if possible. This keeps people tuned in regularly and makes it appear as if you’re a fulltime leader, not a part time hobbyist.


You can determine your topics months out if you want to, or fly by the seat of your pants and pick a topic in the spur of the moment. Make sure you cover everything under the main umbrella of your niche topic.


For instance, if your site is broad and called, then you’ll want to make sure you equally cover a variety of plans, such as low calorie, low carb, keto, vegetarian, and so on.


If your site is then cover a wide variety of fitness, such as CrossFit, Bodyweight Training, Aerobics, etc. Don’t do 15 blog posts in a row on CrossFit training because it’s your favorite and maybe address the others once in comparison.


If you see yourself doing that, it might be best to narrow your domain down and focus on the one topic you enjoy covering more prominently so that others don’t feel like your site is light on information.


Creating a home on the ‘net for your niche is something that you work on more initially, and once everything’s set up, you manage the day to day operations of publishing and build a loyal fan base who will support your bus

Who do you Want to Work With?

Hey, It’s Barb,

I have a question for you.

If you could choose who you work with What type of person Would it Be?

Are you an Entrepreneur and building a business so that you can have more time Freedom?

Have you been dreaming of leaving a 9-5 job and work from Home?

Then you are living in a Great time with many options to build a Lifestyle that many only Dream about.

But you are Different. You are on a Journey and are willing to do the things necessary to Build a Freedom Lifestyle.

So let’s get working together on discovering the Best of all Worlds as an affiliate marketer.

There are many affiliate marketing programs out there so how do you decide on where you want to plant your Flag?

Well, find a program with a track record and that has the training to help you on your Journey.

Please remember though there are no get Rich magic pills out there.

You will need to invest in yourself with time and at least some money to start your Business.

You will need to surround yourself with positive, like-minded people.

You want to attract the positive and creative people who believe there is a better way.

Take the Next Step:

Once you find a Program you want to promote continue to work on your mindset and skill set with Creating and sharing Valuable content.

Choose 1 to 2 platforms to get the message out into the world that you are looking to build a business with a team of positive energetic partners.

Market by using Free (Social Media) Traffic and Paid Traffic.

Remember they Both have a Cost so if you a lot of time you can concentrate on Free Traffic but if have little time you must have a consistent marketing Budget.

If you are creating the good valuable content and marketing to your target audience People with be coming to you for more information.

Don’t think everyone has to join your team.

The Key is this is your Life, Your Dream Business and you want to keep the Negative people out of your Bubble.





A Small Peek Into Online marketing…Work from home.

A Small Peek Into Online marketing

The term internet marketing is still somewhat confusing and may suggest different things to various people. Web marketing is the usage of the internet to market and sell goods and services. Internet marketing is necessary marketing for any website that strives to make money online.

Marketing experts are still trying to figure out all of the technical elements of the web and it will be constantly changing as different models or Platforms emerge.

online home business

Marketing and building your Brand is all about the image you present,  the items and services you offer, and how you deliver those items and services.

Internet marketing is the practice of using all elements of internet marketing to generate a response from your audience.

Some of the approaches consist of internet search engine marketing (both search engine optimization and pay per click marketing), banner marketing, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, and e-mail advertising.

Though it is not embraced by all business owners, the internet is one of the most cost-efficient techniques of marketing your company and your items.

Sites like Google provide pay-per-click advertising for anybody interested in getting their message in front of the best segment or prospective buyer.

When using pay-per-click marketing you just pay a charge, based on the competitiveness of a keyword or advertisement title, when a link is clicked.

The very best way to do this is to assess the results of your marketing carefully by keeping good records of where your sales are originating from.

Pay-per-click advertising has become one of the most popular types of marketing a website. If you are promoting utilizing the appropriate keywords and phrases and have an attractive and appropriate advertising message you are likely to get traffic to your website from users who want the product or service you are trying to sell.

When done properly this is a lucrative and very effective kind of online marketing.


Traffic funnel

E-mails can be sent out in as quickly as five seconds, depending upon the server, throughout the world.

Email marketing is an approach of distributing details about a product and services or for soliciting feedback from consumers about a service or product.

Email marketing is among the most effective ways to remain in touch with potential customers and consumers online.

When using email marketing an opt in newsletter is a database of individuals, names and email addresses that have actually subscribed to an e-mail list through a web form giving permission to send them routine e-mails on the subject they have an interest in.

When current customers and prospects who have actually inquired to get more information from your company, email marketing is a means to follow up, communicate and a way to market your items.

This may be a sensitive one because if done without following proper set up it might fall under a negative classification called spam but once that mistake is avoided, email marketing is the fastest and most cost-efficient method to reach consumers.

The decision to use Internet marketing as part of a company’s total marketing strategy is strictly up to the company.

As a guideline, internet marketing is an important part of most Successful Companies.

Internet marketing is the single most reliable sales prospecting tool offered regardless of industry, item or size of the company.

This is just a quick little look into the world of marketing online instead of the old fashioned Belly to Belly strategy

Of course, there are many articles on the benefits of reaching more of your audience by placing valuable content on the internet.

Online marketing is the usage of the web to market and sell services and products.

Internet marketing is necessary for any business owner that plans to make a successful brand online.

Web marketing is the practice of using all facets of internet marketing to create a response from your audience.

The Internet has many platforms to work with such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram to name a few.

It is important to know while using these popular platforms you could be taking a chance that they could shut down or suspend services at any time.

So often time you will hear leaders say don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Make sure you are collecting emails from your Audience.

Your email list is your Business Asset.

Using a Funnel to offer something of value in exchange for your prospects email.

Some ways of getting in front of prospects (traffic) using Search engine optimization and putting valuable content on a Website you own.

On your own website, you can offer products or services to your potential customers.

Having your own Word Press blog is another business asset you should be setting up.

Click Here for More info on Starting your Blog

The choice to utilize Internet marketing as part of a company’s total marketing strategy is up to the individual business owner of course, however, as a rule, internet marketing is ending up being a very big part of almost every company’s marketing mix.

If you are new to the Make money online industry and would like to get your start making money online without a website you should check out the 30 Minute Work Day System.

How to embed a Video to your Blog

Have you ever wanted to add a video to your WordPress Blog?

Hey, there it is Barb from Flawless Freedom where with the right Mindset you can achieve the Freedom Lifestyle you have been dreaming of. To never miss out on a video, please make sure you’re subscribed to our channel and click on the bell to get notified when a new video is uploaded.

Let me know what you have questions about while building your Successful Brand.

Adding a video to your WordPress blog is very easy when you use a YouTube embed code.


Simply copy your embed code, and then go to your WordPress account and go to your new blog post. Switch to the “text” setting on the blog, and paste your embed code.

When you switch back to the “visual” setting you’ll see your video thumbnail and since you embedded the video in your blog, the video will play nicely on your blog around your text and won’t re-direct people to YouTube. Of course, if someone would like to check your Channel out they may choose to go over to the channel and give you some watch time love.

I realize this tip may be a little basic for some.

I  hope this tip helps you with your ability to continue creating valuable content that your fans want to see.


10 Simple Steps to Building a Blog on Word Press.

When building your first blog you really have to figure out what do you want to write about?

Follow these 10 Simple Steps when Building your Blog with Word press.

Wordpress Blogger

Make a blog about something you are passionate about.

Are you interested in helping people find Financial and Time Freedom?

It is very important that you figure out what you really feel you could blog about on a consistent basis.

First step: Who is Your Audience?

You must figure out who is your target audience so you can deliver super-targeted messages on a regular basis.


It is very important to know who your target audience is. You need to create content your audience is looking for.

Second Step: What is your Purpose for starting your Blog.

You must understand what your reason is for starting a Blog.

There is a ton of work involved so your intention must be cemented in your mind.

Step Three: Choosing a name for your Blog.

Naming your Blog and seeing if name is available.

Step Four: Branding you.

Figure out what your look is all about. The Colors, the font, be yourself, you want people to recognize that your blog represents what you are all about.

Step Five: Installing the WordPress application.

There will be many different options. Most business owners should have a self-hosted Blog.

I would definitely recommend a self-hosted WordPress Blog, this is basically you going to a hosting provider like GoDaddy or Host Gator and buying hosting and installing WordPress on top of it.


Step Six: Choose a Theme. You will be shown some themes pick a theme that you feel best shows your Brand.

Step Seven: Installing Plugins.

These are little add ons to your website.

Click on Plugins and then Add new.

Then it’s gonna show you some of the featured plugins here, then you can go to popular plugins and see if any resonate with you.

We definitely want people to find your website so we’ll install Yoast SEO here, and click install and then activate.


Step Eight: Make your First Post.

Go to the Left-hand side of Dashboard and click on Post, Add New.


WP dashboard


Put your Title in and then move to where the body of your Content is placed.

Start typing the Content you want your Audience to see.


Title and Content




Step Nine: Images and Featured Image.

One of the most important things to think about with your post is to have a featured image.

So when you have your site right and it’s not just text you have that little image there to capture it – Okay!

– Make sure you’re on the document tab go down to featured image set featured image.

You can go to sites like Pexels and Pixabay to find some Free images. Make sure they are Free to use.

Step Ten: Widgets and how to use them.

Go to appearances and then widgets, this is a place for all the content you can have on your sidebar and on your footer.

The sidebar is a good place to put your products using the Widget

You may want to list your Published post on the sidebar.


Some additional things to consider when using your Blog. 

So let’s check out your website. So again just click the my blog that little shortcut to get to your website.

You may see Create your Menu Here at the top right corner.

We need to create a new menu here so that menus can be a navigation button like your home links, your about me page,  contact page, Tools Needed for business and all that good stuff.

You can either click it there if you’re on the front of site or if you’re in the dashboard click appearance and then menus, You can add your stuff here. It may look like we have a menu already kind of created we have home and then sample page,

We will definitely want to create some other tabs So First remove the Sample page, then Click create menu.

Once you do you’ll see at the bottom here it shows menu settings.

You can auto add pages so if want an About me or Contact page it’ll automatically come up here, so you can auto add and then display location primary menu is so it will actually appear up there.

Every post has a category so you could have how to build a Busines online.

So by default WordPress doesn’t know what to put so it’s gonna have an uncategorized category, so you go to post categories and then just click quick edit we’re gonna just type in-home business here make it nice and simple,

But as you add posts one of the issues with having a blog is potentially the amount of spam you might get, there are BOTS out there that just go out and just basically add just nonsense posts trying to get links back to their can add content here, for categories or inside the post itself.

So there’s a few things you can do, so most of the time WordPress will come pre-installed with the plug-in called Akismet Anti-Spam you can sign up and do that, otherwise you can do like a captcha plug-in that make sure that they’re an actual person on your website and commenting plugins like Disqus which is like facebook login or Twitter login is definitely good to help prevent some of that stuff too.






6 Steps Creating Passive income with Affiliate Marketing

-Why do Affiliate Marketing?

If you are brand new to trying to make money online Affiliate Marketing is the place to start.

You can make money without creating your own products.

The fact that you can make money without creating your own products is exactly what makes affiliate marketing so attractive.

No Customer Service Problems.

All you need to get started is to find products and services that help in building business.

I love the make money online niche and enjoy finding the best tools and training available fo use and review for building my business.

Affiliate marketing is one of the true passive income business models out there.

You are an affiliate. You are not the owner of the product, so you don’t have to create products and services.

So setting up an affiliate marketing business is very hands-off.

Since you’re not the company you’re only the affiliate, you only promote for them, you can just focus on marketing and sales..

Another perk of the business, you don’t have to worry about customer service, dealing with refunds, or exchanges.

There are no headaches, there’s no hassle, there’s a lot that goes with having your own company.

The Best part of making money as an affiliate is you can avoid all the Headaches of producing product or services.

There are many affiliate programs ranging from as little as 1%-10% for sites like Amazon Marketplace, Target, Walmart or many other companies offering 20%-40% and rare cases of 80% commissions. Just search for products you may be interested in an search the site to see if they offer affiliate commission.

Let’s start listing steps to getting your business going.


Step One: Find a Niche you are interested in. Recommend only Products you love.

Step Two: Sign up to be an affiliate of Click Bank, JVzoo, Amazon and Commission Junction.

Step Three: Set up a Website, this is your online Real Estate. This can be done on a budget.Blog

Step Four: Start your Youtube Channel. Where you can review Products and Funnel traffic to your Website.

Step Five: Build your Email list daily. Offer a Free Giveaway in exchange for their email

Step Six: Use a Funnel Builder. My Recommended Funnel Builder Affiliate Program with and 80 % Commission.


It is important to have your own word press blog. This is your major Business hub.


Content marketing is the key to getting traffic to your Business.

That’s it for Today.

Thanks for stopping by:

In the next couple of weeks I will blog about:

Step by step detail on how to start your own word press Blog that you control.

Step by step Making Money on Click Bank.

How to set up your Youtube Channel.

To Get a fast start: Click Here







How to Turn Negative Self Talk into More Productive Energy

Today I came across an interesting Article on negative Self Talk.

My Take on the Article

Whether it’s feeling bad about not hitting goals or feeling your not picking a Skill Set up as Quickly as others.

Do you find yourself saying I will never figure this out?

Nothing is working out I may as well Quit Trying.

I am too old to figure it all out.

Studies do show Changing negative Dialogue Is needed to develop a more Productive Energy.

If you are guilty of Calling yourself Names or Don’t Stretch yourself to try something new for fear of failure, here’s how to deal with your Negative Thoughts.


1. Recognize Your Negative Thoughts
So if you have Negative thoughts like I am too old, too fat or I will not be successful because _____Fill in the Blank.

Many of your thoughts are automatic. They just pop into your head without any conscious effort.

Evaluate your thoughts so you can recognize thoughts that are unrealistic, unproductive, or irrational.

2. Look for Evidence That Your Thought Is True
Just because you think something doesn’t make it true.

“What’s the evidence this is true?”

Sticking with The I am Too old example.

You may be slower to grasp some of today’s Technology,

Skillsets are taking you a long time to master.


3. Look for the Evidence Your Thought Isn’t True
Then, create a list of reasons why your thought might not be true.

Although you have not developed a level of competency you were hoping for yet your courage to keep going is moving you forward.

If you struggle to find evidence–which is common when your emotions run high–ask yourself, “What would I say to a friend who had this problem?” If your co-worker said, “I’m not improving as hard as I try. ,” you’d likely be able to find some kind words to help the situation, so be nice to yourself.

4. Reframe Your Thought Into Something More Realistic
Once you’ve looked at the evidence on both sides of the equation, develop a more realistic statement.

Telling yourself, I am moving forward daily on goals and I learn something new Every day.


5. Ask Yourself How Bad Would It Be If Your Thoughts Were True?

Ask yourself, “How bad is it really if it takes me longer to gain this skill.” Then, spend a few minutes thinking how you’d respond.

I wanted to have the right skills to achieve my goals in Business and so what if it takes longer. If it is going to take 1yr or more isn’t it worth the Journey.

Practice Replacing Negative Self-Talk
You might never get rid of your negative self-talk completely–and that’s fine.

The more you practice replacing your negative self-talk the better you will get at it.

Beating yourself up Is never a Good Thing.

Read the Full Article Here

More from Inc.


Day 6 Real Growth Requires You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone


Can you think back on a time of real life-changing Growth, be it in-home business, in your individual life, or anywhere else? Did you need to get out of your comfort zone?

More than likely, you had to step out of a place where you are comfortable for that growth to occur.

Yes, we can make progress by doing what we have actually always done.

danger zone

It will be slow as well as much more notably, by staying within your comfort zone, you are limiting your possible development.

It’s when we step out of that area, try something new, take a little bit of danger, and allow for personal and skills growth that we start to see big changes for the better.

Let’s say your goal is to grow your reach and also increase your target audience.

What you’ve done so far and what really feels comfy is creating a blog post a week and afterwards sharing it on social networks.

Yes, some readers will certainly discover you.

Yes, if you increase workload, publishing even more blog posts per week as well as sharing regularly across all your social media accounts, you will see some increased growth in your business.

However, you’re remaining in your comfort zone.


What if instead of increasing the same types of tasks you switched it up a bit.

Why not explore writing as a guest blogger on another blog for more exposure?

How about finally facing your fears and start a YouTube, Channel?

Youtube is a perfect way to repurpose some old blog post.

Once you produce your video on the Blog topic you can embed it on your blog post to give new life to your Blog.

Including Video in the mix of your weekly workload increases your chances of being found and building your community.

Recording a series of video clips provides you with the opportunity to get to a totally different part of your target market.

There are lots of people who would rather view video web content to typed out articles on a Blog.

There are people that spend hrs daily on YouTube who would never come across you and your blog otherwise.

Investing money on paid ads can sound like a terrifying idea but once you find something that works, convert well and you if you have a budget it may be time to scale with advertising.

Note this should not be done without knowing what your conversions are.

If you decide to put your money into paid ads make sure are tracking your results

I would like to mention everyone feels awkward when starting something new.

Remember your first Blog post?

How long did it take you to finally hit the publish button?

When you start anything it may seem hard or awkward but with consistent work, it does get easier.

So jump out of your comfort zone.

If you need to set up a Youtube do it today!

Then do your first video.

Good luck.


Day 5 Write Your Business Goals Down. Why is this important


In this short little series on setting Business goals, I have discussed the importance of recording goals by writing them down.

This is not just an exercise, there’s a whole lot more to it. There have been studies that suggest this is a very important step.

In this post I share my ideas on this and also with any luck influence you to jot down your very own objectives going forward.

By the way, this benefits any kind of goal, not just business ones.

The basic act of writing your goals down helps to give Clarity and, doubles your chances of success.

Why Business Planning Is The Secret To Success For The Coming Year


Record keeping

That’s a pretty big bargain by itself, isn’t it?

If you take it a step further and have those goals recorded on computer or phone and review them often, you’re 10 times more likely to have success.

Check out that last line once again, please. That’s right … you can increase your possibilities of making it by 1,000%.

That’s astonishing.
There are a few different mental and psychological processes going on below that start to give us a glimpse into why it is so crucial and efficient to jot our objectives down.

The first is that it is better to keep in mind something that we’ve written down.

You have actually experienced this with your grocery store list.

When you make a mental list of 10 or 15 items, you’re likely to forget fifty per cent of them when you reach the store.

If you write out the grocery list on the on a piece of paper, and after that end up neglecting it on the counter, you will remember the huge majority of the products you needed.

This is explained through the fact that information has to be moved from one location of the mind to one more to transform it from ideas right into created words on paper.

A process called encoding is part of the equation. This helps you retain and store the details much better.

It’s the reason we’re asked to make a note or keep in mind throughout lectures in college.

Last but not least, when you list your goals, you have something you can evaluate regularly.

This includes an additional layer of cognitive handling as well as raises your opportunities of success.

Sadly, only an extremely small percentage of people make the time to routinely examine business goals and objectives.

The ones that do review business goals on a regular basis are the most effective at meeting the goals they set,

Success leaves clues so if successful business owners are writing down goals should we follow their lead.

To recap, start by setting smart goals.

Write them down in as much detail as possible.

Our objectives should be routinely reviewed to keep on track.

This can be once a week, twice a week or even daily.

Use this goal setting and reviewing goals routine for this coming quarter.

Record an objective. Make the goal as clear as possible. This might be something like ultimately producing that very first paid product or adding a specific dollar amount to your bottom line.

Choose a definite date when you’ll reach your goal and also how you plan to get there.

Write everything down and also commit to reviewing it daily.

This will bring clarity to the business goal and keep you on track.

Reviewing Goals regularly will give you clarity and will provide focus to progress forward in having a successful Business Plan.

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