LinkedIn Ecosystem

LinkedIn has a network of over 500 million members, of which, 46 million of those users are students that are looking to get a jumpstart on their career search or are recent graduates.

This is a huge audience for your business to market to. However, there are many features available to business marketers that narrow down the target audience, even as the network continues to grow.

With that many members, it’s hard to imagine not using LinkedIn in your business marketing strategy.

When Microsoft acquired the platform in 2016, it enabled the company to look further into what LinkedIn can do for all of its members.

In October of 2018, LinkedIn partnered with Oracle, a software company that specializes in databases, to announce that it has several new integrations working the two businesses together.

The most prominent of the integrations is the overhaul of the recruitment tools, which makes maneuvering back and forth between screens easier for recruiter and finding talent easier and more streamlined, among other things.

linkedin dashboard
The recruiter can now use the LinkedIn sourcing with Oracle Recruiting to find more candidates recommended by the “Recommended Matches,” who show candidates based on position fitness.

This has allowed Administrators and Recruiters the ability to see the skills of their current employees, any gaps that they might have, and it enables them to compare their workforce with their competitor’s workforce.

Oracle customers also gained access to the LinkedIn Learning feature, which means they can now use the learning catalog offered by LinkedIn, and a centralized location for administrators to view which of their employees have accessed and completed courses.

Administrators can also view reports on engagement with the course. Currently, there are 30 to 50 new courses offered every month, including courses on how to make work environments more inclusive. Some of the other new features on LinkedIn Learning include the following.

• Insights and recommendations for making the learning more relevant.
• Allowing administrators to add their own content, or use third-party created videos.
• Upload, manage, and track videos.
• Reports showing the progress of learners and the completion of videos.
• Tag videos to make searching videos for content based on purpose easier.

Microsoft products are also seeing updates. In Microsoft’s email software, users can now see the profile information on the people in their contacts and in 2019 added insights into the people you meet with to further personalize interactions. Collaborating with members on LinkedIn will be easier as well since you will now be able to create content in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint with your connections even if you don’t have their email address.

The “Groups” feature in LinkedIn has also undergone improvements. It is available now in the app, with the ability to manage, post, and edit content as well as accept join requires and all other moderator functions and receive notifications of activity.

Searching for jobs will also be easier. When searching for jobs and entering criteria, the option for “remote jobs” is in the “location” checkbox, and jobs offering telecommuting or working from home will be the posted results.

Company information on the right side of the screen now shows quick context for each posted job so users don’t have to leave the search results page. The option for notifications when certain companies and positions open up is also a newly available feature in LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has many new integrations and feature updates planned for the future. It will be more dependent on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to get to know a member’s clients and make minor decisions, including scheduling, accepting or denying connection requests, and facilitating meeting mutually beneficial people.

Virtual meetings will allow face to face contact without having to leave the office. Video profiles will replace regular resumes and give opportunities to add personality to your self-promotion.

LinkedIn will start allowing Learning Lounges to be set up as virtual training centers, and will offer resources to current employees and potential candidates to help them improve their current skills or learn new ones.

This will be helpful for both recruiters and candidates because it will show a candidate’s willingness to learn new skills as well as their adaptability to changes that may be required in their position.

LinkedIn for Business

Another new feature that businesses should take advantage of is the Campaign Manager feature. This new feature will automatically adjust bids on sponsored content through the automated bidding feature so businesses can gain the optimal outcomes for their advertising budgets.

The Campaign Manager feature, allows marketers to put in an objective and the automatic bidding feature will find the best members to fulfill the objective.

Advertising will now be allowed on personal pages as well to support the branding of products for smaller businesses.

Customer-centric marketing will start to become more prominent when the AI elements begin to change how we use digital products and how we communicate online.

These days, the business to customer buying cycle is getting much shorter because of recommendations from artificial intelligence compiled data. Customers are starting to rely more on the data compiled by the artificial intelligence.

This allows them to make minor purchases on behalf of them, which becomes more passes in their buying cycle.

However, the opposite is true of business to business buying cycle. That cycle is getting longer due to more consideration of and deeper examination proffered of the proffered content.

Due to the growing popularity and increased practicality of AI, more business marketers are planning to invest in artificial intelligence in the coming years.

Artificial intelligence is being recognized as the next important thing in business. AI can significantly raise efficiency with communication and notifications of better marketing approaches.

LinkedIn is joining this train by adding the Lead Gen Forms to make generating leads easier by automatically populating a customer form using that member’s LinkedIn profile when they click on an ad.

Then Lead Gen From transmits that customer’s information, including their name and contact information. Once the potential customer clicks the submit button, they can be transported to the thank you page.
Then the business will be able to see the content that attracted the potential customer to the page to begin with.

On the marketer’s side of Lead Gen Form, once the prospect submits the data, it can be stored into the Campaign Manager for follow up, or download it into other marketing tracker software.

LinkedIn is providing business members more and more of these marketing tracking tools to better assist a company’s marketing campaigns. It is also offering ways to integrate sales and marketing teams to better streamline the buying process for business to business sales by creating an easier to navigate sales and marketing tab.

live as though


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Exploring and Developing Additional Income Streams


Exploring and developing additional income streams are worth your time and effort. As a person who cares about your financial affairs, surely you’ve tried to think of different methods and strategies to keep money flowing in. After all, the more income streams you have, the better life you can live and the more prepared for the future you’ll be.


So how do you go about trying to find ways to bring in more money on a regular basis?

Keep learning

Use these ideas as your inspiration to discover your own strategies for getting additional income streams flowing into your bank account:


  1. Do a thorough self-evaluation. List every talent or skill you have. Be open-minded during your self-evaluation. Then, explore how you can earn money using these skills.
  • Are you good with numbers? A fast typist?
  • Have you often written lyrics to songs or recorded your original short stories?
  • Maybe you can sew, make a yard look great, or think creatively.
  1. Consider how you might use the internet to bring in money. You can start your own website with only a few extra dollars.


  • Get a domain name and hosting and use for excellent, easy, and free website management software to set up and run your site. A domain name at costs less than $15 and you can host your website at for only a few dollars per month. There are plenty more excellent places to acquire domain names and hosting as well.
  • Add on advertising to bring in some income.
  • If you like to write poems or report on local news, you can write articles and post them at one of a number of websites and earn money for your page views.
  1. Also using the internet, take on work you can do on your computer during your spare time. The number of worksites online is mind-boggling.
  • Sites such as oDesk, Elance, and others provide listings of work that is available immediately.
  • If statistical typing, writing short blurbs, or helping internet entrepreneurs to organize their website information are skills you have or can develop, your financial future is rich with opportunity using the internet.
  • Bringing in steady money online is a realistic income stream to start developing today.
  1. Consider turning your hobbies into income streams. Maybe you sew well or can design and make purses to sell. Or maybe you’re a fix-it person and actually like doing repairs for others. Arts and crafts projects also sell well.
  • Even 4 or 5 hours per week of a marketable hobby will provide an additional income stream.
  • Plus, you’ll improve your skills and level of creativity by continuing to make and sell your crafts.
  1. The key is to think out of the box. Refuse to allow your anxieties to get in the way of trying something new or different to get an income stream going.
  2. Be brave. If something doesn’t build the way you hoped, start another new income stream.
    Confidence is an important aspect of finding and developing additional income streams.
  • Remember that when it comes to the internet, the possibilities for earning money are endless. Keep working at it and don’t give up.

Open your mind to the many possibilities that you have all around you for additional income streams. If you push yourself to go forward and start 2 or 3 different activities to bring in a trickle of cash and keep it going, a few years from now you’ll be surprised at the impact you can make on your budget as each income stream grows.


Explore and develop at least two additional income streams over the next year and watch your income soar.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Pursue Your Dreams And Silence The Noise

I know a young and successful entrepreneur whose mother told for the longest time that she would not amount to anything but would get pregnant early and throw away her future.

She constantly heard it being said to her that she was a bad example to her younger siblings and that her mum wished she had never brought her into her home when she remarried.

Maya (the lady in question) was born as a result of her mother’s first unhappy marriage and perhaps that was the reason she became a victim of all that emotional abuse.

She however always felt it in her heart that she was going to be a great person, well-known in society and that she became.


Positive Action

When asked how she managed to see a picture so beautiful and totally different from the one painted by her mum she replied, “Of course I was deeply hurt by the daily negative words but with time I learned to tone down her voice.

It took me convincing myself that the unkind things said to me were untrue to finally succeed in phasing them out of my imagination”

Why parents, guardians, and sometimes siblings feel the need to crush the very people they should be supporting is a broad topic worth thoroughly researching but reality shows that for different reasons they do.

You may have had first-hand experience of such down-talking that got you so demotivated you stopped trying to become the success you initially thought you could be.

Maybe you even saw yourself slowly fit into the ugly mold they crafted for you with their words but there is good news for you: you can learn to silence the noise that was administered into your mind which later began to affect your imagination.

You can learn instead to create your beat and begin to dance to the tune you enjoy.

Dare to challenge the soundness of the things you have been told by other people.

Most people voice their opinions coming from biased perspectives, why then would you let your life be shaped by these?

You have the final say concerning the direction your life takes and your destiny?

In the fight to realize the picture you have of yourself and your future, you need to discard all other images that don’t align with your belief. Decide what your truth is and count all contradicting statements as lies.

Sometimes the problem causing you to lean so much on what other people say to you is lack of confidence or thinking too highly of them than you should.

When you believe they are wiser, more observant, or better judges of character then it follows that you begin to take what they say as true.

Why don’t you believe yourself to be those things instead? Why won’t you take on a new mentality that assumes that you are powerful, wise, and certain of what you want in life?

Noise may come from within sometimes. Some people are champions at taking shots at themselves!

If that is you then now is the time to stop.

You can consciously decide what you entertain in your thoughts and what needs to be fired from them immediately.

If for example you are working out and eating healthy so that you lose weight and yet daily you tell yourself that you are fat and unattractive then you are shooting yourself in the foot.

Indeed it may be that you aren’t even aware of the disempowering thoughts and words you have about yourself because you have repeated them enough times that they have somehow become a part of you.

Take time today to assess the thoughts you have of yourself and actively discard all the negative ones.

Be merciless when it comes to shutting out all the noise within and without.

Have you ever tried to listen to a radio station a couple of Hertz out of its perfect frequency?

The unwanted noise competing with the ‘good’ noise you wanted to hear was agitating, wasn’t it? Increasing the volume didn’t help either because it made the noise louder as well.

It is the same thing in your life. You need to silence the noise that competes with the melody of your dreams.

This, like most things in life, is a process.

Your diligence determines your speed in the sense that if you chase away a thousand negative thoughts meant to cripple and dissuade you from running your race today, tomorrow you may need to cast away nine hundred and ninety such thoughts.

The following day they would become less as your mind got accustomed to the new way of thinking that is positive and progressive.

You cannot give up until you get to that place where the dominating notions are positive.

Consistently declare the goodness you want to see in your life even when negativity stares you in the eye.

Do not be intimidated.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…



Creating Passive Income When You Have a Full-Time Job

Learning to balance work and other activities is important. It’s especially difficult to put in a full day at your regular job and then go home and work some more. But if you want to create passive income, it will require some additional effort.

recognize opportunities

Creating passive income can greatly enhance your financial well-being. If you have any desire to break free of your full-time job, it will require you to put in some quality time at home getting those passive income projects up and running.


Consider these ideas for creating passive income when you’re working full-time:


  1. Think about the best times to work. Maybe waking up earlier each morning is a viable option. Perhaps you can work through your lunch break. Are evenings best? Would you rather work all weekend and have your evenings free?


  • There isn’t a perfect strategy, but you need a starting point if you want to achieve success.
  1. Set a schedule. A common misstep is thinking that you can work on passive income streams whenever you have free time. But “free” time is hard to come by. Therefore, it’s helpful to create a specific schedule and stick to it.


  • Treat your pursuit of passive income sources as you would any other regular job.
  1. Eliminate distractions. We all have our ways of distracting ourselves, whether it’s with TV, the computer, or food. Others get sleepy when faced with work they’d prefer to avoid. Do whatever is necessary to stay focused on the work at hand.
  2. Make a list. Before you go to bed each night, make a list of the things you want to accomplish the following day. When it’s time for those tasks, avoid working on anything else. Keep working until you’ve completed all the items on your daily list.
  3. Take advantage of breaks in your day. Ideally, you’ll have some things you can do when you have a few extra minutes. Maybe you can make a few phone calls or respond to emails.
  4. Avoid working on your passive income activities at work. It can be tempting to spend some of your regular work hours on your passive income projects, but avoid doing so. Many companies monitor internet usage and emails.


  • Be cautious and avoid jeopardizing your job.


  1. Get involved with smaller passive income projects. It may be difficult to find a good 200 unit apartment complex for a great price, get commercial financing, hire management, and oversee the project when you’re already working 40+ hours a week. Start small and build from there.


  1. Take planned breaks. Every few weeks, consider taking a week off from your passive income activities, even though it might seem like you’re losing ground. Your productivity will be about the same, but you’ll be less overwhelmed and much happier.
  • Studies have shown that marathon runners will finish a race faster if they walk for one mile after running four. It’s the same idea.


  1. Keep your projects to yourself. You might want to refrain from discussing your other passive income activities at your full-time place of employment. Many bosses take exception to the idea of you earning extra money outside of your regular job, thinking your free time ought to be spent working harder for them.
  2. Learn to meditate. Meditation is a great way to give your mind a break. It’s one of the few times your brain gets to rest. As long as you’re thinking, your mind is still working. Learn to relax and focus.

It’s challenging to manage a full-time job along with other activities. Limit yourself to the most important tasks and use your time wisely. Passive income takes some time and effort to create. Ensure you’re giving yourself adequate time to manage it all.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Overcoming Burnout Blog Recap

Over the last 30 days, you’ve learned a lot about overcoming burnout by learning how to eliminate, automate, and delegate. This post offers you a link to each blog post, starting with the overview and ending with today’s post. You can save today’s post in order to have all the links to every blog post shared in this 30-Day Overcoming Burnout Challenge.

Changing routine

In this challenge, you’ll learn the importance of:


  • Creating SMART Goals
  • Why You Need a Business Plan
  • How to Create Harmony in Your Life
  • Develop Your Personal Mission Statement
  • And More


Any time you need to work on one of these issues, just go to the right blog post, and you can remind yourself what you needed to know to accomplish that goal. I hope you enjoyed the challenge and that you’re closer to experiencing a life in harmony than before the challenge.


Here is a list of all the posts and their links. [ LINK TO YOUR POSTS: If you changed any of the titles remember to change them here too]

Stop Burnout Now: Overview of the 30 Day Avoiding and Overcoming Burnout Challenge

Block Burnout: Develop SMART Goals

Develop a Realistic Business Plan

Signs of Burnout to Watch Out For

Journaling Tips for Burnout Prevention

Say No More Often: Purge Your To Do List

How to Take Personal Time Off as An Entrepreneur

Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Avoiding Burnout by Doing What You Love

A Job Done is Worth a Reward

How to Identify Over the Top Goals to Make Them Reasonable

10 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Productive or Just Busy?

Overcoming Burnout with Meditation Activities

Avoid Burnout: How to Exercise and Sleep More

How to Let Yourself Take a Vacation

Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

Tips to Help You Practice Positive Thinking

How to Accept Failure and Mistakes

Avoid Burnout: Reassess Your Goals

Avoid Burnout: Burnout Signs to Know and Watch

Unexplained Fatigue and Insomnia: Burnout or Something Else?

Burnout Experienced More by People Pleasers

Avoid Burnout: Reach Out and Find Someone to Talk

Setting Boundaries Helps Avoid Burnout

Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Make Time for What Matters

Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques

Overcoming Burnout Blog Recap

These 30 blog posts are designed to help you overcome burnout as well as set up your life to avoid burnout. Let me know what you think about any of the posts by commenting directly on them. I love to hear what you think as well as share ideas for recognizing, avoiding, and solving burnout.

Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques


Stress management techniques that help you avoid burnout are important to understand and implement into your life. Burnout is characterized by the inability to be effective and productive while also being stressed out, tired, and even angry when just thinking about the workday, business, or relationship.


Sleep 7 to 9 Hours a Night


The human body, with very few exceptions, needs at least 7 hours of sleep each night. There are some people who need less due to a genetic condition, but this is not really that common. If you aren’t sleeping enough each night due to being overworked or due to suffering from insomnia, try to find a way to put sleep as a priority in your life.


Exercise Every Day


Moving every single day, whether it’s walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or something else, is an important way to help your body regulate itself and reduce anxiety and stress. If you get up and move anytime you feel anxious, you’ll reduce your stress exponentially. Shoot for moderate exercise, at least 150 minutes a week, and you’ll be much less anxious and stressed.


Eat Right and Stay Hydrated


If you know which diet is most healthy for you, it’s important to practice it at least 80 per cent of the time. Not only will you feel better mentally and physically due to sticking to something, but it will also pay off by keeping you healthy and sickness free.


Take Up Meditation or Yoga


Doing slow exercises or clearing your mind at least 10 to 20 minutes every day is a great way to reduce stress. Many people like to combine exercise with mindfulness using a Yoga practice.


Ground Yourself


Anytime you are feeling stressed, find a way to ground yourself. The way you do this is that you start pointing out objects around you in your mind to help yourself become more mindful of right now. You can also go for a barefoot walk in the grass to help you connect with nature.


Create an Organized Environment


Studies are definitive about having clutter around – it’s not good for your mind, and it is terrible for productivity. If you really want to be successful, find an organizational method that works for you, and practice it religiously. Many people swear by The Fly Lady. (


Develop a Realistic Schedule


Learning how to schedule yourself for maximum productivity without overworking yourself is an essential skill that you can learn. Try taking some time management courses or learn how to use a particular type of scheduling like block scheduling, for example.


Keep a Daily Reflection Journal


Journaling is always an excellent method for helping you deal with stress. One way to do that is to write a daily reflection journal that describes what you did right and what you’d do differently, along with your thoughts about your feelings for the day.


Developing habits that are healthy such as sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night, eating right, and moving daily are all important techniques that will help you avoid the stress that can lead to burnout. It’s imperative that you practice self-awareness so that you can mitigate any of the signs of burnout before they become too serious.  No one is immune to burnout. If you work too hard without the right care, you will get burned out. It’s human nature, and the only way to avoid it is by using proper burnout busting stress management techniques.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…




Make Time for What Matters

The first time you hear the phrase “you make time for what matters,” it’s likely your mom telling you that when you tell her you can’t make it for Sunday Dinner this week. Because of that, you may have mixed feelings about the concept of truly being able to make time for what matters.

Balance in life


However, no matter how much it hurts, it’s the truth. If you really wanted to go to that dinner, you would be there. If you want to know how to make more time for what really matters to you, follow these tips.


Know Who You Are


Before you can know how you want to spend your time, you need to know who you are and accept who you are. If you’re a family person, then you want to spend time with family, but if you’re a sports person, you’re going to want to spend time doing sports. Whatever it is, it’s not wrong, and you must accept it and make it a priority.


Know Your Life Mission


When you choose to spend your time doing A over B, do you know why? Does it fit in with and advance your life mission? For example, if you’ve determined that spirituality is important to you, and you’ve made it part of your life mission, but you don’t spend time learning and exploring your spirituality, will you ever reach your goals?


Know Your Goals


Speaking of goals, make sure you have a running list of goals as well as a list of steps you need to take to reach those goals. For example, if you are writing a 50,000-word novel and you have a deadline for it, what do you need to spend time doing today to ensure that you reach that goal?


Set Your Schedule


Once you have a list of activities and things you really want to spend your time doing, put them in your schedule first. Then the other stuff will have to fit around those things you really want to do. For example, if the nightly family meal is important to you as a family, you’re going to want to avoid business meetings or work during mealtimes.


Stick to Your Schedule


Once you set your schedule, don’t be too flexible with it. The only exception is if it’s extra stuff that doesn’t advance your mission or help you reach your goals. For example, if Tuesday night, you added to your schedule that you want to watch a TV show, but your child gets sick, obviously, you’re going to change things.


Adjust Your Schedule as Needed


Once you set your schedule, you can adjust it as needed to ensure it works best to actually help you do the things you want to do. So, for example, let’s say you really do want to spend your time at Sunday Dinner with mom, but it seems like every week it’s not working out. Find ways to adjust your schedule or ask mom to adjust hers to help you make it work.


It may take some adjusting to ensure that you really can do all that you want to do with the time you have available. But, over time, as you eliminate, automate, and delegate more, you’ll soon be able to fit in the things that really matter to you. When you do that, you’re going to avoid burnout and enjoy your life that much more.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Loving yourself these days almost seems like a practice in narcissism. So many websites that promote self-love do it in a way that appears only to glorify capitalism and not really true self-love, much less acceptance. I mean, it’s easy to accept yourself if you’re perfect, right?

Create a community of entrpreneurs

If you really want to practice self-love, it has nothing to do with how much money you spend but about how you feel about yourself and, by extension, others.


  • Positive Affirmations – Every single day when you get up, and right before you go to sleep, tell yourself positive things. It can be about your looks, your thoughts, or your actions. It can be about how you want to behave tomorrow or how you behaved today by way of celebrating your success.


  • Healthy Diet – Whatever you consider a healthy diet is an important component of self-love and acceptance. After all, if you really love yourself, you’ll provide yourself the right nutrition that you need to thrive, right?


  • Exercise Regularly – Again, if you really love yourself, you’ll get moving every single day at least 20 to 30 minutes for a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise to maintain your health and avoid problems.


  • Stay Hydrated – Drinking enough fresh filtered water is also part of loving yourself enough to be healthy. When you are healthy all the way through, you’re going to make better choices and automatically feel more satisfied with life.


  • Dance More – It’s hard to be burned out, sad, or unhappy when you’re dancing. Plus, it’s great exercise that will get your blood pumping and help you feel better about yourself.


  • Surround Yourself with Happy People – They say that birds of a feather, flock together, and this is so true. Find people who act the way you want to act and live in the way you want to live who are also supportive of you.


  • Don’t Compare Yourself – Don’t compare yourself with other people in a bad way. It’s okay to aspire to be something that is possible with hard work, but you can’t be what you’re not no matter what you do.


  • End Toxic Relationships Now – If you’re in a relationship that has more downsides than upsides, find a way to eliminate it or slow it down. It’s hard if it’s a relative, but if someone is dangerous to your happiness, it’s time to separate yourself from them. You can always love them from afar.


  • Celebrate Your Wins Big and Small – When you succeed, celebrate it no matter how small. It’s not pride nor arrogance to talk about doing an excellent job on something. If you set a goal and made it, take time out to celebrate it and talk about it.


  • Get Comfortable with Discomfort – Sometimes, you have to be a little uncomfortable to experience a great change in life. If you really want to be successful, let yourself feel uncomfortable as long as it’s within your principles, morals, or values.


  • Meditate – Take time every day to be quiet and just clear your mind. You can use meditation, prayer, or just silence to accomplish this goal. It will help you more than you know to shut out the world once a day for even ten minutes a day.


  • Get Back to Nature – As often as you can get into nature in order to feed your body vitamin D, your lungs fresh air, and give your mind the beauty of nature. Studies show that humans always feel better when they are grounded to nature at least once a day or as often as humanly possible.


  • Study Your Passions – When you have something that interests you before you get involved, go ahead and permit yourself to study your passions. You can’t know what you like without experiencing different things.


  • Act with Kindness – Not only should you seek to be kind to others but also to yourself. For example, if you are struggling with addiction, it’s not kind to feed it, but it’s also not kind to harshly judge yourself or others.


  • Practice Empathy – Putting yourself into someone else’s shoes and feeling what they might be feeling can be hard if you haven’t had the experience. But you can practice by truly listening to others talk about their experiences, read more books, and expose yourself to more people.


  • Be Grateful – Take out time each day to be grateful for whatever is good in your life right now. Even if nothing is perfect, it never will be, you can recognize what is good and right for now.


  • Practice Radical Forgiveness – Not only should you forgive yourself for doing wrong if you are learning from it and changing, but you should do that for others and take it one step further and forgive those who have wronged you who you don’t even talk to. Forgiveness doesn’t mean letting people keep hurting you, but it does mean to let go of trying to fix it so that you can move on.


Self-love and acceptance don’t actually mean that you become selfish and greedy while stepping on others. No, self-love and acceptance are about acting with kindness to yourself and others to advance your overall life mission and to avoid burnout.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Avoid Burnout: Reach Out and Find Someone to Talk To

The truth is that productivity has zero to do with being busy. You can be ultra-productive without doing a thing yourself. For example, you can pay someone else to build your website while you design your product. You can even pay someone else to design your product, build your website, advertise your product, and pretty much everything that needs to be done – all while you sit at the beach doing nothing but financing it.

Figure out where the Burnout is coming from

Such is the case for numerous people in the investment class. But, if you’re used to being working class, it can be hard to understand that productivity is about the impact you make and not about the energy you personally expend to make that impact. This discrepancy in mindset can cause burnout.


The main reason for this inconsistency is that you’ve been taught, as someone in the working class, to work. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s great to have a good work ethic, but it is a mind shift to move from the idea that being busy is being productive to ensuring that you avoid burnout as a business owner. It can help to talk to someone.


  • Hire a Life Coach – There are many mindset coaches out there that can help you work through this problem in your mind. The more you can accept that investing in help to get more done in less time with less work is the best for your business and your lifestyle, the sooner you’ll get over burnout or avoid it in the first place.


  • Hire a Professional Counselor – Today, you can also work with a professional counselor right online with sites like and others. They will work with you on any issue you want to, much like a life coach but from a mental health aspect.


  • Seek Out a Psychiatrist – If you feel your burnout is advanced – you’ve lost work, you’ve experienced relationship failure, or your health is suffering, finding a certified psychiatrist may be your best option as medication might be in order.


  • Join a Mastermind – If you know your problem is the inability to say no, or being a people pleaser, or just not realizing that you don’t have to be busy all the dang time to be successful, a mastermind focused on changing your mindset from a worker bee to a business owner can be immensely helpful.


  • Participate in a Community – There are numerous communities online today through Facebook and other social media platforms devoted to mindset and mind shifts like avoiding burnout and revising the idea of productivity. If you can’t find one, you can even start your own.


  • Study Mindset or Take a Course – Look at sites like and others for courses about productivity and mindset to help you overcome burnout. You may be surprised at how much you can find already out there to help you overcome or avoid burnout. Plus, you’ll find a community that will talk to you and helps you through it too.


Overcoming burnout and avoiding burn out is an important part of life today. So many people have had enough and don’t know how to overcome it. There are so many pressures on people to work more and be busy all the time. People have confused, busy with productivity. They have monetized their entire life and feel the need to be busy at all times. If you do this and fear you’re heading to burnout, find people to talk to as soon as you can.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


Burnout Experienced More by People Pleasers

A people pleaser is someone who wants the people around them to always be happy. Sometimes people pleasers will become so invested in ensuring the satisfaction and happiness of those around them that they become intrusive pests, and other times they become a reliable workhorse.

Be mindful

One thing people pleasures never become is the successful leader that they dreamed of becoming before becoming burned out. To put it bluntly, if you want to avoid burnout, it’s time to stop being a people pleaser. There is no reward for being a people pleaser, but remember, it doesn’t mean you have to let go of your humanity; you just have to learn to recognize when it’s too much.


You Don’t Have to Do It


You really cannot do everything. Small business owners often think that they’re supposed to do everything, especially if they have an internet business. It makes sense to hire help if you own bricks and mortar business, but it’s a harder sale for someone working from home as a digital marketer, coach, or other professions.


But the fact is, not only do you not have to do everything, you should not do everything. No CEO ever does all their own work. No, successful CEOs and business owners come up with the ideas and pass tasks on to experts who churn the ideas out fast due to their expertise. Due to that, they tend to make more money without burnout.


Know Your Mission in Life


You must understand what your overall life goals are. You can be general in terms of the goals for your entire life, such as “not contributing to environmental pollution” or “not consuming animal products” or “saving time on content marketing for customers and clients.” If you know the goal, you can ensure that the actions you take are getting you closer to that goal or not.


Learn to Say Yes Slowly


When someone asks something new of you, don’t say yes or no. Say that you’ll think about it and give them a time when you’ll get back to them if they cannot wait then the answer defaults to no without you ever having to say no. Evaluate the tasks that you will need to be successful in the project and say yes only if it really aligns with your principles, morals, values, and mission.


Set Boundaries Using Time


One way to say yes more without getting burned out is to compartmentalize and schedule your time better. For example, if you really do want to help feed the homeless, but you’re strapped for time, just let the organization know that you can either donate money or you can spend from 11 am until 2 pm once a week only. Remember that doing something in conjunction with others adds up and that you don’t have to take on every project or cause on your own by yourself. Set time boundaries and do a little, and it’s enough.


Drop Manipulators from Your Life


Everyone has someone in their life that will try to make them feel guilty for not doing what they want you to do. If you have someone like that in your life who revolts when you reclaim your time, it’s time to let them go from your life. This is not something that is mean, or that has to be announced just slowly separate yourself from that situation by saying no.


Keep Your Empathy Intact


When you start learning to stand up for yourself, and your own time, it can begin to feel as if you don’t care about others to yourself. You are used to being the one who helps everyone and is always available, and it will feel hard at first. But realize if you are cognizant of putting your health first, your principles, morals, and values next and keep the impact of your actions, I mind you’ll be just fine.


You Can’t Be Everything to Everyone


It’s just a fact of life that you’re only one person with limited time just like everyone else. There is no prize for ruining your life, or health, to be everything to everyone. Plus, you’ll fail because it’s impossible. Instead, be everything to yourself and kind to everyone else without laying down your life for them.


Once you accept that you don’t have to be a people pleaser to be a kind, caring human being, it will become much easier for you to set the boundaries you need to set in order to become successful in your business, your job, and your relationships.