Communities Foster Customer Success: Here’s How

Building a community around your brand may sound like a personal choice and more valuable to your business than your customers. However, it is quite the opposite. Your community allows your customers or members to be more successful in many different ways.


Well-run communities are packed full of valuable information and engagement to enable your members to feel more important and empowered. In addition, maintaining their loyalty is easier in a community as you can provide both traditional and self-serve support — meaning you no longer need to rely on normal business hours to value your customers.


Here are five ways communities foster customer success:


You Provide High-Quality Relevant Content


By using your communities as a distribution platform for your most relevant and high-quality content, you’ll be keeping your customers engaged every single day and, more importantly, twenty-four hours a day by giving them access to the vital information they need to solve their problems.


You and Members Build Strong Human Connections and Relationships


The exchanges with your members and the interactions members have together build strong connections and even develop relationships outside of your membership, forum, or group. When your members become attached to everyone else in the group, you truly will build brand advocates who will tell others about your community.


You Can Develop Improved Products and Services


By hanging out with your ideal customers, you will receive the most amazing insight into what they really need. When you see problems that they talk about, it will generate more ideas. Make it simple for your members to ask questions, comment, and discuss all the issues relating to why your community exists, and soon you’ll have a never-ending supply of product and service ideas.


You Can Provide (and receive) Inspiration and Empowerment


Having a captive audience via a forum, group, and community is one of the most powerful ways to provide your ideal audience inspiration and to empower them with the knowledge they need to use your products and services (or the ones you recommend) to create the life they want based on your particular niche.


They Receive Daily Communication and Motivating Interaction


Finding a way to stay at the top of your audience’s mind is another reason community building is effective. When your members receive daily communication from you that encourages them to act on their goals and dreams and to brag about it or ask questions about it within your community, it’s very motivating to everyone.


When it comes down to it, brand communities support your customers more while also taking your business to the next level. The improved customer support, daily interactions, and communication through publishing unique and useful content drive your customers to success. What is even more important is that communities prevent you from ignoring your customers. The more you listen and prove that you are hearing, the more successful your business will be. Likewise, the more successful your customers are, the more successful you are.



How Community Member-To-Member Engagement Grows Your Business

How Communities Promote Lead Generation

Did you know that brand communities pull nearly seventy percent of traffic from search engines? In other words, communities due to SEO attract larger audiences from the search engines as they have the power to reach more customers and provide more value than other resources.


As time goes on and you share more content or encourage your members to interact, developing user-generated content, you increase the keywords or data you need for search engines to find you and your business.


Not only that, but people also thrive in communities—people like feeling connected to others. Even self-professed introverts are online and participating in online communities. When you have a wider reach and get more members, you are also more likely to easily sell more products with the generated social proof — which is exactly what online or brand communities provide. So, the wider your reach, the more engaged your communities, the more you can grow.


Here are five ways online or brand communities promote lead generation:


Superior Quality Content


The content generated in your communities will naturally be more relevant than anything you can produce on your own. Even if you are a member of your own ideal customer base, there will always be things that you’re just not going to know to ask. Having a community will reveal inside information from your group members about what type of content they want to consume. Hint: Once you have this information, you can use it to generate content outside of your community too.


Word-Of-Mouth Marketing


We keep mentioning word-of-mouth marketing because it’s imperative that you understand how important this is. It’s a big deal to know that you can speak to your customer directly, and they are essentially holding you in the palm of their hand.


They may even read your group content while taking care of their personal business, waiting on kids, or even while drinking coffee. As a result, they feel relaxed and can engage when they want to on their time which makes them feel good about you, so good they tell others about you.


Insights and Analytics

Home Office Automation Tips

You know that everything is about data today. All the choices you make in your business, and your life, are affected by the information you collect and the data you generate. Just reading this, you are generating data because your IP address is almost always recorded when you go to someone’s website to read it. Likewise, you will know when your audience members read your content and even where they go next, and if they leave a comment, you will learn even more.


This information can help you develop sales material, new products, more services and give you ideas about problems and solutions that your audience needs.


Feedback and Reviews


For some reason, group members are much more likely to provide feedback and product reviews than people who buy the same thing but never interact with the community. If you want more feedback and reviews, hosting a community is a sure-fire way to make it happen. When you get this feedback and the reviews, it’s on you to use them to improve.


Member-To-Member Engagement and Interaction


Watching your members interact and engage with each other is also a really big deal. In the old days, you might have to form a focus group, but in these modern times, all you need is to create a vibrant and active community to find out what your members think of your products and services.


As you can see, communities are attractive to consumers. They provide the social proof and trust they need to join your community and potentially increase your revenue. In other words, the larger and more engaged the community is, the easier it will be to find people to market to. So, if you want the potential of endless leads, starting a brand community should be at the top of your priority list.





Community Building Equals High Return on Investment

According to the stats, it only takes most membership communities and groups about four months to break even on the initial investment when starting and running an online brand community for business.


In addition, a 2014 online communities benchmark report found that nearly two-thirds of companies manage some form of an online community, and the bigger your company is, the more likely you are to have one. However, don’t let that intimidate you. Bigger isn’t always better.


These communities are used to test and improve their products to serve their target audience better. Thus, allowing the business to save more money as they take fewer risks due to the helpful information they get from their communities.


The brands focusing most of their effort on their communities can see an average return on investment of 6,459% — showing you just how important community building is for business.


Building a community for your brand provides a high return on investment due to the following reasons:


  • Low Acquisition Costs – The technology that exists today to build your community is available for free. You can also use paid solutions if you prefer or want to overcome any restrictions other branded platforms have inexpensively. You can use Facebook Groups to get started. Once your community is large enough or you’ve tested the concept enough, you can then build a community using any number of platforms, from plugins to your shopping cart software to full-fledged active social networks using software like Mighty Networks.


  • High Engagement Potential – When you are running your own community, you are in charge of the tone, the engagement, and the mood. The noise created by outsiders will be eliminated so that you can focus on the best engagement possible with each member.


  • Quality Content Ideas Generated – Once your group gets moving and people get to talking, you’re going to find so many quality content ideas just in the comments and discussions of your group members. Customers will tell you what they need from you if you just ask them and listen to the answers.


  • Brand Loyalty and Retention Increases – When your members see you interact with others in the group, even if it is just printed on a computer or smartphone screen, the immediacy and personal responses you give will make them stick to you like glue. Since it’s easier to keep a customer than getting a new one, this is golden.


  • Increase Marketing Potential – Sharing your content and products within these communities provides another space to put your information into the hands of the people who need it but in a more captive way. You only have to promote the community and not each individual product if you don’t want to when using this method.


Overall, starting a community around your brand is likely to produce your best return on investment. The low acquisition costs and high engagement created work together to make it happen. You gain so much insight into your customer that you can develop amazing products and solutions for them. The more you get involved and keep your community members engaged, the more value you provide, the more you will increase your return on investment.