Four Ways to Take Advantage of Social Media as a Solo Entrepreneur

Social media is a great way to promote your business and get your message out. Free social platforms offer a cost-effective way to reach a broad audience. Many social media platforms exist to choose from, but three are most popular among solo entrepreneurs: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Social media offers a level of engagement unlike any other form of marketing today. It allows you to connect with your customers and build your brand in ways never possible before.


Try these four advantageous ways to use social media as an entrepreneur:


Engage with Quality Content

Social media marketing starts with quality content. First, you need to create exciting and engaging content to get people interested in what you offer. Without quality content, using social media won’t benefit you. Next, you need to have a social media marketing strategy. You’ll also need to know who you’re targeting and what they want. Without a strategy, everything you post will be done in vain. The key to social media marketing is making sure the content is presented so that people want it: quick, interesting, and easy to digest.


Be Generous

The growing number of social media platforms and the increasing usage means that there is a lot of competition. So how can you cut through and make sure that your posts are noticed? First, be generous with the content you share. In other words, use social media to share as much as possible. The more you communicate and share information freely, the more trust you build. Eventually, this will lead to higher returns.


Start With the Right Platforms

Most people are unaware that various social media platforms exist for different purposes. For example, Facebook is for personal connections, LinkedIn is for professional connections, and Twitter broadcasts information to a wider audience. Therefore, it’s important to use the right platform to get the most out of social media. If you don’t take the time to study and find the right platform, you’ll just waste your time.


Use it To Drive Traffic to Products Directly in Your Store

Finally, but certainly not least, the best way to take advantage of social media marketing is to drive them to other places, such as your blog or online store. You can add links to your social media profiles, posts, blog, or website. Make it easy for them. And follow their trajectory from social media marketing to where you want them.


Taking advantage of social media starts with sharing valuable and free content on the platforms you know your target audience uses. This helps get your business more exposure and increases your chances of success. In addition, social media can help you to engage your audience better and make their experience worth it.



Six Tips to Improving your Social Media Story Content

Just because most social media stories only last for twenty-four hours doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the time to create a detailed content plan. Your social media story content relies on it to keep your brand image, message, and value consistent and audience engaged. Avoid confusing and boring your audience with lackluster or a hard sales-like approach on your social media stories.


Here are six tips to help improve your social media story content to increase your engagement and other important business conversions:


Be Personable and Less Formal


A mix of informal and formal content is the best approach when it comes to stories. However, lean more on the less formal side and use your website, YouTube channel, and other platforms or platform features for more professional content. Viewers want to get to know you and what you really stand for. They want to know you are real and honest. Due to the short time limit and engaging features social media stories have to offer. This is a great tool to do that.


Avoid Generic or Reposted Content


Don’t use your stories to simply repost content without making it more unique or different in some way. There is nothing wrong with repurposing, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t change it up somehow. This also includes using generic templates or limiting the variety of content you share with your viewers.


Get Your Audience Involved


Always have your audience at the top of your priority list when making stories and other social media content. While increasing your income is highly crucial to your business, you can’t get that without your target audience or a product that actually benefits them. So the more you keep them at the center of your focus, the better your content will be, and the more your products or services will improve.


Less is More


Don’t over-explain, use too much text or overcrowd your image or video with too many emojis. This can easily confuse your viewers, make them leave, or repeat the slide too many times, which can become a hassle.


Use Both Images and Video


Again, adding variety to your content with different images, videos, and templates or formats is important. This is how you keep your audience interested during the full length of the story and after.


Incorporate Audio and Captions


Audio and captions are a simple way to change your content while sharing key information with your audience. For example, many of those on Instagram don’t view stories with sound on, meaning if you talk, they will miss out. Captions are your way to capitalize fully on your target audience.


Keep these six social media improvement tips in mind when creating your next social media story content plan to ensure it achieves the business goals and objectives you need to succeed. Don’t post lackluster or invaluable content only because you believe the tool is useful and need to keep a consistent schedule. In order to gain the benefits, the content needs to be valuable to your audience too.

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