Communities Foster Customer Success: Here’s How

Building a community around your brand may sound like a personal choice and more valuable to your business than your customers. However, it is quite the opposite. Your community allows your customers or members to be more successful in many different ways.


Well-run communities are packed full of valuable information and engagement to enable your members to feel more important and empowered. In addition, maintaining their loyalty is easier in a community as you can provide both traditional and self-serve support — meaning you no longer need to rely on normal business hours to value your customers.


Here are five ways communities foster customer success:


You Provide High-Quality Relevant Content


By using your communities as a distribution platform for your most relevant and high-quality content, you’ll be keeping your customers engaged every single day and, more importantly, twenty-four hours a day by giving them access to the vital information they need to solve their problems.


You and Members Build Strong Human Connections and Relationships


The exchanges with your members and the interactions members have together build strong connections and even develop relationships outside of your membership, forum, or group. When your members become attached to everyone else in the group, you truly will build brand advocates who will tell others about your community.


You Can Develop Improved Products and Services


By hanging out with your ideal customers, you will receive the most amazing insight into what they really need. When you see problems that they talk about, it will generate more ideas. Make it simple for your members to ask questions, comment, and discuss all the issues relating to why your community exists, and soon you’ll have a never-ending supply of product and service ideas.


You Can Provide (and receive) Inspiration and Empowerment


Having a captive audience via a forum, group, and community is one of the most powerful ways to provide your ideal audience inspiration and to empower them with the knowledge they need to use your products and services (or the ones you recommend) to create the life they want based on your particular niche.


They Receive Daily Communication and Motivating Interaction


Finding a way to stay at the top of your audience’s mind is another reason community building is effective. When your members receive daily communication from you that encourages them to act on their goals and dreams and to brag about it or ask questions about it within your community, it’s very motivating to everyone.


When it comes down to it, brand communities support your customers more while also taking your business to the next level. The improved customer support, daily interactions, and communication through publishing unique and useful content drive your customers to success. What is even more important is that communities prevent you from ignoring your customers. The more you listen and prove that you are hearing, the more successful your business will be. Likewise, the more successful your customers are, the more successful you are.



How Community Member-To-Member Engagement Grows Your Business

Four Simple Ways to Create Brand Awareness Through Communities

The first step to every marketing funnel includes creating brand awareness. Brand awareness is essential to growing a profitable and sustainable business. When potential customers know who you are, it is easier to form deep connections that prevent them from running to your competitor.


In other words, brand awareness influences the trust and credibility needed to make purchases, create loyal customers, and maintain a competitive edge. Building a community is an affordable and powerful way to get the brand recognition you need to be successful.


The following are four ways to create more brand awareness with your online or business community:


Ask Your Members to Share


This is the simplest way to get more brand awareness. For every piece of content you share with your audience, ask them to share the parts for public consumption. When you ask them to share and even incentivize them by developing a referral program, you’ll start building your community fast.


Create Surveys or Feedback Forms


While some members will offer their thoughts without your asking, the truth is, even inside a group, people are more likely to give you this information if you ask for it via a survey or feedback form, depending on what you want to know. So don’t be shy about creating surveys either.


If you’re trying to develop a new product, for example, use your community to help. Give them three choices on the title or ask them for feedback on the branding. This accomplishes two things. One, you will make a better solution with your audience’s help, and two, you are promoting it and developing excitement in your audience.


Develop Engaging and Shareable Content


Use the information you glean from your audience inside the community to develop more engaging and sharable content. Turn compliments into memes, take data and create an infographic, and try to produce content that your members want to consume and, more importantly, want to share.


Take Advantage of Platform Features


Depending on what platform you use, it will have a variety of features. Facebook, for example, enables you to create a variety of types of groups with assorted options to use bots, have forms, take payments, and so much more. While a platform like Mighty Networks offers a whole host of options too. Use the features within the platform. They are there for a reason.


It is easy to see that communities can create brand awareness that leads down a more successful path. It’s simple: if your customers don’t know you exist or have value to provide, you won’t be able to build a sustainable and profitable business. In addition, brand or online communities using social media make it easier to find and reach your target audience.

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How Communities Promote Lead Generation

Did you know that brand communities pull nearly seventy percent of traffic from search engines? In other words, communities due to SEO attract larger audiences from the search engines as they have the power to reach more customers and provide more value than other resources.


As time goes on and you share more content or encourage your members to interact, developing user-generated content, you increase the keywords or data you need for search engines to find you and your business.


Not only that, but people also thrive in communities—people like feeling connected to others. Even self-professed introverts are online and participating in online communities. When you have a wider reach and get more members, you are also more likely to easily sell more products with the generated social proof — which is exactly what online or brand communities provide. So, the wider your reach, the more engaged your communities, the more you can grow.


Here are five ways online or brand communities promote lead generation:


Superior Quality Content


The content generated in your communities will naturally be more relevant than anything you can produce on your own. Even if you are a member of your own ideal customer base, there will always be things that you’re just not going to know to ask. Having a community will reveal inside information from your group members about what type of content they want to consume. Hint: Once you have this information, you can use it to generate content outside of your community too.


Word-Of-Mouth Marketing


We keep mentioning word-of-mouth marketing because it’s imperative that you understand how important this is. It’s a big deal to know that you can speak to your customer directly, and they are essentially holding you in the palm of their hand.


They may even read your group content while taking care of their personal business, waiting on kids, or even while drinking coffee. As a result, they feel relaxed and can engage when they want to on their time which makes them feel good about you, so good they tell others about you.


Insights and Analytics

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You know that everything is about data today. All the choices you make in your business, and your life, are affected by the information you collect and the data you generate. Just reading this, you are generating data because your IP address is almost always recorded when you go to someone’s website to read it. Likewise, you will know when your audience members read your content and even where they go next, and if they leave a comment, you will learn even more.


This information can help you develop sales material, new products, more services and give you ideas about problems and solutions that your audience needs.


Feedback and Reviews


For some reason, group members are much more likely to provide feedback and product reviews than people who buy the same thing but never interact with the community. If you want more feedback and reviews, hosting a community is a sure-fire way to make it happen. When you get this feedback and the reviews, it’s on you to use them to improve.


Member-To-Member Engagement and Interaction


Watching your members interact and engage with each other is also a really big deal. In the old days, you might have to form a focus group, but in these modern times, all you need is to create a vibrant and active community to find out what your members think of your products and services.


As you can see, communities are attractive to consumers. They provide the social proof and trust they need to join your community and potentially increase your revenue. In other words, the larger and more engaged the community is, the easier it will be to find people to market to. So, if you want the potential of endless leads, starting a brand community should be at the top of your priority list.





Five Important Ways Communities Increase Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is what makes the effort of building and moderating an online or brand community so important. Member-to-member interaction, social proof, and the quality content provided within the groups inspire them to stay around and seek more.


These relationships also fuel them to share your communities or become brand advocates. Thus, saving you even more money while also increasing your potential to reach more people.


In other words, brand loyalty is essential to not only solidify current success but future success too. To grow a profitable and sustainable business, building a branded community is essential.


The following are five important ways communities increase brand loyalty:


Business-To-Member Communication


Communicating with your customers directly is an amazing invention of modern times. In the old days, you had to advertise on TV, radio, or various print means and wait to see what happened. So, it could be hard to tell if it worked for the reasons you think it did.


Now you can simply tell your members directly about your offers without the go-between. You can see when they view a message or respond to it and even see them talking to their friends in the group. But most of all, getting to send them a message right now that they’re going to get directly from you is an amazing thing and will keep you at the top of their mind.


Valuable and Engaging Content


It’s very important to understand that publishing anything just to put it in your community is not the goal. You want the content you publish and share with them to be valuable and engaging. You want them to look forward to seeing the latest content you share every day.


You want them to wait for it, excited for it to appear. However, that will only happen if you take the time to create desirable content based on what you know about them and how it relates to their need to use your solutions and products.


Member-To-Member Communication


This is one of the most important parts of building a community that will change everything for your business. Once your members start talking to each other about their lives, and your products and services, and how they help or don’t help, you’re going to end up getting the most invaluable information ever that will help you improve your products and make them think you’re a mind reader.


Special Offers or Member Discounts


If you promote outside your membership group or community, a terrific way to make the members feel special is to offer them some form of reward or a loyalty program. So many big businesses don’t understand how much it harms their relationship with their customer when they offer the new deals only to their new customers. Offer your members things you don’t offer anyone else because they are important.


Superior Customer Experience and Service


When you engage and spend time with your community every day, you provide customer care directly. As a result, they will perceive their customer service as better because they feel heard.

The more you nurture your customers and seek a relationship with them, the more likely they will become loyal customers or followers of your brand. Loyal customers advocate for your business and ensure the success of your brand now and in the future. Work always to keep your community engaged, be involved in the process, ask for feedback and reward them for improving your brand loyalty.


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How Community Member-To-Member Engagement Grows Your Business

Building a community is today considered one of the biggest industry secrets to growing your business. There is good reason this is true too, the fact is, communities foster the power of word-of-mouth marketing through member-to-member engagement and turn influence into dollars.

Why a Brand Community is the Business Strategy You Need

Community building is a crucial strategy that promotes trust, increases your credibility with your member size, and boosts revenue exponentially. Without word-of-mouth marketing or community involvement, many people won’t make a purchase or contribute to the success of your business because most people often rely on positive reviews or social proof before they feel confident purchasing or getting involved.


The following are four powerful ways member-to-member engagement within your community grows your business:


Customer Loyalty


A loyal customer is worth more than ten new salespeople because they will shout about how great you are from the rooftops without you ever paying them a dime. Just the fact that you delivered the right product or service in the right way at the right time to them in a way that met or exceeded their expectations is enough for them to keep buying and tell everyone they know about you. Likewise, inviting your customers to your groups and community will encourage satisfaction and increase loyalty because they feel heard.


Customer Retention


Keeping delighted customers is far less expensive than finding new customers. Even if you only have one product today, understand that having long-term customers hungry for every product or service you offer is your key to sustainability and success. A community helps you do this because people enjoy feeling like part of something important, and active communities serve that purpose.


Brand Advocacy and Word-of-Mouth Marketing


Thrilled customers become brand advocates without you even asking them to. With a vibrant community, you can actually develop your loyal customers to become brand advocates by asking them directly to tell others about you and rewarding them for doing so.


Enhanced Customer Service and Experience


Most people hate calling anyone on the phone to deal with a problem, so don’t worry, you don’t have to do that, but having a community will make your customers feel safe because they will feel as if they know right where to find you at all times of day or night even if you’re sleeping. It feels like a direct connection, and for the customer, that feels good because, face it, big business makes everyone feel unheard and unimportant.


As you can see, member-to-member engagement or getting your community members involved with each other positively is a powerful tool that can grow your business beyond your own capabilities. Not only is it powerful, but it is relatively affordable and simple to do with the right content and contributions from you or your brand community team.




Three Ways Online Communities Improve your Products and Services

One major benefit of online communities to the owner and business is that all the members’ information is available when engaging with others in the group or the content you publish. This information will help you re-work and improve your products and services to keep them interested and buying more.


When you think about this fact, it means that communities are just as important to you as they are to the members who join. It’s simple, the more you know what your audience wants, the better you can deliver a high-quality and valuable product or service to them in the way they want it to be delivered.


Online communities improve your products and services in the following three ways:


Through Specific Feedback and Reviews

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Generating various ideas and insights by asking for and receiving feedback and reviews from your community is very effective. If you make it easy for them to leave their thoughts and even reward them for doing so, you can encourage them to provide deep insight that can affect future products and services substantially.


You can take an especially well-written and delightful review and turn it into a blog post, place it on your website sales page, or even turn it into a case study to help encourage more people to buy that product or service.


Through Commonly Asked Questions and Frustrations


Being a part of your community gives your audience a chance to ask questions and even express frustrations. You can do this by using simple Google Forms if you want to or using your own website and another form creator. Just provide the link to the group members and tell them how to submit their questions or frustrations to you.


When you do get the questions in, or the frustrations are expressed, use that information to help each person directly but also use it to design a current blog post with information that solves these problems or directs them as to where they can find a solution if it’s not through your products or services.


Through Education and Member-To-Member Interaction


Each time you provide content that educates your members, always participate in discussing the information you provided. Encourage the member-to-member interaction and discussion by calling out particular experts or members who have already been educated in that regard. And remember, all of the discussions and user-generated content on your membership site, community boards, or groups are yours to use as you will as long as you set up permissions when they joined.


As you grow your community, please take advantage of these options to see how your members feel about your current products or what they are searching for to help solve their problems. These options provide you with more information that can be used to generate even more content. It also gets them engaged and makes them feel like they are valuable and a part of something important.




Community Engagement is Key to Growing Your Business

To have a sustainable and profitable business, you must have involved or engaged customers, new or old. An active community includes tools and resources that help you attract new customers and retain old ones to keep your business running and profitable. Conversely, a not engaged community will fail to establish the positive reputation and brand awareness you need to grow your business.


The following are the four common ways community engagement help grow your business:


Promotes Long-Term Relationships and Trust


A community keeps the discussions and the former promotions inside it forever. A new customer can pop in today and see old conversations you were part of and begin building an opinion of you and the group from day one. As time moves forward, if you’re consistent as the relationship builds and grows, so will the trust.


Trust is not something people have for anyone without some form of proof. Usually, the evidence comes in the form of time. Over time, if nothing bad happens, the customer will develop trust for you and your brand. If something good happens, that trust will be solidified and become even stronger.


Improves the Customer Service Experience


Customers all have various needs and ideas about what they want in terms of interaction with brands. Your audience will have their own unique way. But stats tell us that most people today like to be involved in the community with the brands and products they use. People simply like feeling heard and seen. They want to feel important to you and like you care about their needs. It’s so much easier to demonstrate this over time within the bounds of a branded community.


Creates More Human and Authentic Interactions


While you will want to implement some automation because you do have to sleep, a community offers you a way to have authentic human interactions, even if they’re not always in real-time. For example, your customer might post a message at 3 am your time asking a question about your product.


You don’t see the question until you normally check your community, but your members will. The older members of a long-standing group will often help the person for you without your ever asking, but what’s more, you can respond on your own time within 24 to 48 hours of the question being asked, and to the customer, it will feel instant. The main reason is that most businesses underserve their communities so that you will stand out in comparison.


To Build a Customer-Centric Brand


Your brand, while it is your business, really isn’t about you. Your brand is about your customer. A branded community can help you become much more customer-centric in your offers and even help you improve your branding. After all, most of us choose colors and ideas based on what we like without even thinking that it’s not about us when it comes to our business. Now you can ask your community, and over time your brand will begin to feel even more authentic and trustworthy to your audience.


Ultimately, to increase your customer size, effectively promote more products and services, and cultivate more trust within your industry, you need to get your community engaged. Engagement is an effective tool if you want your community to grow your business.




Three Steps to Building a Highly Engaged Brand Community

Communities work because they are engaged. Engaged people feel connected and form relationships that keep them around long term. Thus, allowing you to grow a healthy and sustainable business. In addition, through these communities, you can inspire your members to take action that benefits your business and them.


Follow these three steps to build a highly engaged and active brand community:


Step One: Define Your Business Values and Align Them with Your Customer Needs


Your customers’ needs come first, but you need to understand what your business values are. When you can share what you stand for and show that it aligns with your customer’s needs, you’ll really stand out in a big way. For example, if your business holds the value of a commitment to the customer, that needs to be very clear in every interaction you have.


Step Two: Choose the Right Platform and Community Structure


Lots of activity on every platform is not required to succeed. However, it is important to start an account if your customers are there. Social media platforms come and go, so even if you focus on one more than others right now because that is where your customers are, that doesn’t mean that will be the same one you’re focused on later.


The right platform to use to build your community is the one your customers will use. That may seem like a cop-out to say, but it’s true. The platform you choose needs to be the platform your customers like, even if you don’t like it. For a lot of businesses right now, that means Facebook Groups.


Step Three: Share and Engage with Relevant Content


More important than anything is not the platform as much as what you share with them on the platform. Provide interesting information, education, and offers for them to take advantage of throughout the year. Try to offer something new to them every single day if you can.


Content is where engagement and interaction breed and continue. Without content, you won’t be able to inspire and influence your audience to act. Without action from your target audience, you won’t find success within your community. An active and engaged community leads to success because they share the valuable information they appreciate with others or make direct purchases. The way to grow their trust and find value from you is through the content you share.


Following these steps will ensure you set up the right community for your business and target audience. These steps are essential to review and not overlook if you want to build a thriving, inspired, and engaged community. Knowing what your brand stands for, and using the platform your audience prefers, while keeping them active with relevant and actionable content will make your community exceptional.

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Four Reasons Why Communities are Crucial to Your Business Success

Community building is a fabulous, fun, and effective way to get to know your customers, grow your business, improve your products, and stand out against your competition that you needed to incorporate yesterday. This community-building strategy requires building a community around your brand that puts your customers’ needs first.


You will unlock powerful resources, tools, and information that will only lead you to ultimate success through community building. In the age of technology, you must do everything you can to stand out and stay ahead of your competition. Fostering a brand community is nearly a requirement if you want to succeed in this day and age.


Here are the top four reasons why communities are crucial to your business success:


Communities Promote Word-of-Mouth Marketing


Nothing is more powerful than word-of-mouth marketing. People like the Kardashians are billionaires because of word-of-mouth marketing using social media and community building. They were smart enough to tune into the idea that they were building a community of followers on every social platform that they can influence easier because they’re a captive audience.


Communities Save Revenue


It doesn’t cost that much to set up a community. In fact, you can do it free through most social media platforms today, like Facebook and YouTube. So, if you already have these platforms take a look at the features, you may have been ignoring. The only thing it costs is your time.


Communities Establish Credibility and Trustworthiness


When you are part of a community, people get to know you more because you share more. When your audience sees with their own eyes the evidence you post in the groups and how helpful you are to the members of the group, they will begin to trust you more by observing. However, just the existence of a large, engaged, and friendly group gives you an edge on credibility and trustworthiness.


Communities Initiate Brand Loyalty


When everyone in a group is talking about your brand and what they like about your products and services, it becomes kind of like a club in that each member’s identity is tied up in using your products and services. When that happens, they become loyal to them.


Engagement and interaction are crucial to successful brand companies. This is how you grow a community that advocates for you while staying around for the long term. In other words, valuable engagement reduces customer retention while attracting new ones. Thus, making it easy to grow your brand sustainably and profitably.


In the end, these reasons establish just how crucial communities are to your success. Without one, you may not find your customers or continue to build the business you need to stay around long-term. Communities are your connection to more revenue, recognition, reach, and business potential.




Essential Characteristics of a Successful Brand Community

A successful brand community has the power to unlock benefits and resources that can take your business to the next level.


Communities foster engagement that fuels brand awareness, credibility, and, most importantly, loyalty. With loyalty, you can market and grow your business more effectively than on your own or through traditional marketing efforts. In addition, loyal customers will not just participate in your community. They will loudly advocate for you to their friends and family.


Nothing is as powerful as word-of-mouth marketing. When you build a strong community, you will have many people who strongly advocate for your brand. To create a strong community to reap these rewards, you must possess certain common and essential characteristics as a business owner and community leader.


The following characteristics are essential to building a successful brand community:


  • Influential and Inspirational – You need to demonstrate that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to help your customers solve their problems. When you focus on problem-solving, you become very inspirational. Find ways to inspire them by giving them reasons to act in the manner you desire them to.


  • Authentic and Unique – It’s imperative that you are yourself and don’t put on any fake personalities. While your business needs to have its own personality apart from you – let’s face it, you are your business, so you must be who you are. The good news is when you are yourself, you’re automatically unique. Don’t worry if you think someone else can do the topic better. They want to hear it from you because you are you.


  • Collaborative and Engaging – The easiest way to be engaging is to include your audience in everything you say and do. Ask them if they like your new book cover. Ask them if they want to participate in a challenge. Let your members choose what they want to do with you by setting up two or three options and then letting the group vote on it.


  • Personalized and Valuable – Your community needs to be personalized for your business and made to represent who you are as a business. Still, its main purpose is to provide value to the ideal customer. So, ask yourself what value you can provide to this particular customer every day, depending on their buying journey position?


  • Consistent and Communicative – You can’t allow your community to go dark for even a day. You need to post something in the community a minimum of once a day, if not three times a day. Plus, what you post needs to be useful and not irrelevant to make headway.


  • Honest and Full of Integrity – One thing about doing business online to know is that if you’re dishonest, it’s going to come out. You may as well tell the truth and be who you say you are from the start, even if you believe you’re imperfect.


Incorporating as many of these characteristics or qualities as possible while building your own brand community is essential to make an enormous impact and grow your business. With these characteristics, you can create a strong community that advocates for your business.