Choose Your Email Marketing Technology Carefully

Once you know who your audience is, fully understand your reason for being, and know-how the products and services you recommend benefit your ideal customer, then you can work on choosing the right email marketing technology that will work for you today and into the future as your business grows.

It has been proven time and time again email marketing does work.


To choose the right technology, ask yourself the following questions:


Does the Solution Fit My Budget?


It’s hard to budget until you explore the various offerings regarding email autoresponder and email marketing technology. However, when you set your budget, understand that this is an investment in your business and an important one.


As they say, “the money is in the list,” and with a 38 to 42 dollar return for every dollar you spend, this is not a joke. Set a reasonable budget but realize that this is going to be one of your biggest income earners too.


What Reputation Does the Software Have with Users and Others?


Always check the standing of the software company before using it. Just because it exists doesn’t make it useful. It’s also best to choose a well-loved software that’s been around for a while to avoid having to deal with bugs and issues. If many people in your industry and niche use it, it’s probably a good choice.


What Is the Deliverability Rate Advertised?


The email marketing provider you choose is vital because it’s a trusted system by your customer’s email providers. If they cannot get your emails or they all go to spam folders, you won’t get very far.


Can I Integrate the Software with My Current Technology?


If you already have a website and other technology that is important for your business, can this technology be used with what you already have? It’s important to understand what it works with so that you can get the most from the solution.


Does the Software Allow for Audience Segmentation?


This criterion is something you cannot get by without. You need to be able to automatically segment your audience based on when they sign up, what they sign up for, or where they sign up for your list.


email marketing


Can I Set Up Automation Based on Subscriber Behavior?


In addition to segmentation based on what the customer downloaded or consumed, you should also segment your subscribers based on their behaviors. For example, did you send a survey to your email list? The people who answered should be segmented from those who didn’t.


Are the Terms of Service Compatible with My Business Model?


I realize the terms of service are probably long, but you need to know if it’s within the rules to use this software the way you intend to use it. For example, if you recommend any products you did not create via a unique coded affiliate link, some providers don’t allow it. It would suck to do all that work, build a responsive list, and then get kicked off the platform.


Will This Choice Grow with My Business?


You may not need all the features of the technology when you first get started but trust me, you’ll need many of the features later as your business grows. You want to choose the best system you can based on the ultimate goal of your business growth, not where you are now, because switching systems isn’t as easy as you may think, and you’ll lose list members in the process.


Can I Figure Out How to Use It?


The final issue is, can you figure out how to use it enough to use it now? You can hire an expert in the product to run it for you, but it’s always a good idea to understand it a little bit. The trials can help you determine if you can figure it out enough to get started.


Don’t be afraid to try a few low-cost or free trails but keep in mind that they can be limited until you get the full version. Using free versions for business is not recommended, no matter how long they let you do it. Invest in your business, and others will be willing to invest in you

Engage with customers

Stay in touch with your customers and potential clients with targeted online communication that converts.

Develop and Create a Mission Statement for Your Business

One way you can connect with your audience and ultimately build an email list full of potential customers who need your solutions – is to be very clear about what your real mission is. If you’re unsure what your mission is, it won’t be easy to communicate it to your audience.

Purpose of Life

Therefore, before you get started creating and building your email list, you need to take the time to understand your purpose. It helps consumers separate you from the competition at a glance. Because remember, you want subscribers who want what you’re offering, and the key to that is to know what you stand for.


Your mission statement explains what you do, who you do it for, and why you exist, what makes you different. The elements of your mission statement include the value you offer to your customers (and even your team), explain who they are, and let them know why you and how you are different from the competition.


The mission statement should be to the point. You only need a few concise sentences to get your point across. However, you do want to think long term and include your big ideas so that your mission statement is not just relevant now but in the future. However, it’s always OK to improve your mission statement over time as you learn more.


Let’s look at a few mission statement examples you may already be familiar with to help you get your creative juices flowing.


  • LG: Life is Good: To spread the power of optimism


  • Patagonia: Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.


  • Chick-Fil-A: Be America’s best quick-service restaurant. To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us.


  • TED: Spread ideas.


As you can see, a well-crafted mission statement not only focuses on the direction you want to go with your business, but it helps provide boundaries that help you make good decisions. For example, if you are offered something or are creating a new product or service, you can look to your mission statement to ensure that it fits with your business or not.


To ensure that your mission statement does what you need it to do, remember to include your target audience, the product or service results, and why this product or service is the right one over the others. As you work through creating it, you can cut extra words and perfect it as you go.

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Get Business Education: Know and Understand Your Offers

It’s not uncommon for a business owner, especially a small mom and pop business online, not to fully understand what they are really selling. If you think you’re selling website design, content writing, and customer service, for example, you may go into discussions with your customers on the wrong foot.


As you get to understand your offers more, you’ll end up:


Increasing Enthusiasm


When you know your offers and what they will do for your audience backward and forwards, you’ll not only be more enthusiastic when you speak to your customers and audience, whether by blog, vlog, or in-person that you automatically increase theirs too because enthusiasm is contagious.


Developing More Confidence


When you know what your offers are and what they really mean to your ideal customer, you’re going to exude confidence when you talk about your offers. Not only that, your audience will feel a lot more confident about you too.


Becoming a Trusted Expert


When you can answer questions quickly, people start to trust you a lot more. They’ll see you as an expert in your field and turn to you when they need help. This happens because you can answer any question about your product or service in a way that helps the customer choose.


Calming Fears


Knowing everything about your products helps you not only be less fearful as you promote your products and services, but it reduces the fear of your customers too. They start to trust that spending money with you is safe because you’re so knowledgeable.


Helps Overcome Objections


When you know your products inside and out, you also know what objections your ideal audience may have in their mind. You can answer them immediately without reservation because you know your stuff.


Keeps You Ahead of The Competition


Your competition will always be on your heels (or you on theirs), and that’s okay. It will keep you above everything if you pay close attention to the details about your products and services.


You’ll Recognize the Gaps Sooner


When you are real with yourself and your audience about what your products do and don’t do, it’ll let you figure out your own gaps sooner so you can create even more wondrous products and services or recommend great solutions that others created already, becoming an amazing resource to your audience.


Remember that what you are selling is a lot deeper than virtual assistant services. You’re really selling the benefits of your virtual assistant service, and it’s imperative that you fully grasp what they are. You may be really selling, from the customer’s perspective, time-freedom, expertise, courage – it just depends on your product, but the more you can identify, the more you’ll be able to help lead your customers to purchase your offers.

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Reasons to Study Your Competition Carefully

It might seem strange if you’re new to the business to spend time studying your competitors. In fact, some small business owners get afraid that the competition’s existence makes it impossible for them to succeed.


Develop a Deeper Understanding Regarding What Your Customers Expect


When you study your competition and see how they interact with and serve your like audience, you’re going to learn more about what the customers expect. Remember that you want to observe the customer to find out how they feel about the competition based on the way the competitors do business.


Learn More About Your Business Shortcomings and Flaws


When you get a handle on what the competition is offering and how they are offering it, you’ll be able to figure out where you are falling short. These are all areas of improvement by bringing in the right resources, either human or technical, to help you become more proficient.


Note How Your Offers are Better for Your Customers


As you study the work that your competitors do and the offers that they make, buy them. This is going to help you learn what makes a fair offer and also ways you can make the offer even better. Note the points that your offers stand out in comparison so that you can capitalize on that difference.


Identify and Improve Your Unique Selling Proposition


Your USP is your “unique selling proposition” is what makes your offers stand out from the competition’s. It’s all about what’s unique about you, your products, and your services in the eyes of your audience. You may be the low-cost option, the high-quality option, or maybe you differentiate yourself by offering top-notch customer care that is different from any other offerings.


Identify the Gaps in Client Services


When you study the competition, you can get an idea about how they serve their customers, which can teach you what to do and what not to do. Join their lists and read the messages. Try their freebies, buy their products, and ask for customer service to find out how it works for them. You can identify the gaps they have, fill them for your business, and stand out in that way.


Capitalize on Your Competitor’s Mistakes


Everyone, including you, makes mistakes. When you’re studying the competition, learn from their mistakes, and you can even capitalize on them if you’re paying attention. For example, if you note that they send 30 emails a day that feel SPAMMY, you don’t want to do that too.


Learn from Your Competitors Success


Likewise, you can learn from what your competitors are doing right. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel when it comes to marketing. Yes, you want to be unique, but the truth is every business needs to use all sorts of content marketing to get the word out, including email marketing and list building. There is no reason to try to run your business without doing this. It’s not out of style, and it still offers an astounding 38 to 1 return on investment.


Really Get to Know Your Audience Through Their Communities


An excellent use of your competition is to join their communities. By doing so, you can learn about your audience. Since they’re your competitors, that means their customers are in the same demographics as your customers. You can capitalize on that by participating in their communities so you can get to know what they want.


You can use a lot of methods to study your competition. You can do a simple Google search about the industry to find out who are the movers and shakers that you need to follow. Plus, once you identify the competition, you can spy on them using software like, a TapClicks Company, by joining their lists and becoming part of their communities. Know who they are and find out how they please the audience so you can fill the gaps and succeed.

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10 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience Better

The only way you or any business owner can truly be successful in attracting their target audience is by understanding who they are. Many small business owners, especially people who start their business alone from home, often skip a few steps in the process, causing issues with finding an audience for your product.

Get better


Instead, focus on who you want to serve before you do anything in your business—knowing who you want to serve and why will help you fill your email list with people who are ready to buy from you. These ten ways to get to know your audience better will inform products, services, and even the words you use to communicate to them the value you offer.


  1. Research Your Industry – When you first start, you need to know what industry you are in. Those industry metrics will help you know where you can start making goals and setting standards in your own business. Look at business organizations, associations, and nonprofits to help you do the research both online and offline.


  1. Study Your Competition – Even if you don’t have the first customer, you can get to know your audience by studying your competition. Participate in their groups, join their email lists, and network with their customers for the most traction into getting the right information about them. When you become part of the community, you’ll get so much more inside information.


  1. Create Customer Personas – As you get to know your audience, create customer personas that match the person you’re directing the information to. You may have many client avatars or personas based on the customer’s buying journey.


  1. Monitor Engagement – An enjoyable way to get to know your audience is to participate in their social media engagement and discussions. Social media should be a two-way conversation that helps you get insight into their deepest fears so that you can help them.


  1. Ask Them – Once you’ve identified precisely who you want to market to, you can simply ask them questions about what they want and need when you’ve incorporated yourself into their communities. You’re going to get far more insight when you participate and network with your audience.


  1. Do a Test to Determine Interest – Another way to check if you have the right audience is to generate a test of some kind. Create a checklist for a topic that you think they care about, offer it as a freebie to see who takes it. Then ask for feedback.


  1. Identify Their Pain Points – When it comes to knowing your audience’s pain point, you’ll need first to understand your expertise and the niche you want to be of assistance to your audience. In other words, choose pain points you can solve.


  1. Be a Resource – Sometimes, you may not be able to fix a problem on your own due to a miss-match with the audience. When this happens, don’t force it. Focus on being a resource to your audience, and it’ll be a win-win.


  1. Use the Tools of The Trade – Don’t skimp on software that helps you get to know your audience and network with them. Use paid versions of the software that you want to help you get more done, such as email marketing software, landing page software, and others.


  1. Build Relationships – As you get to know your audience, make the focus relationship building. When you build a close relationship with your audience due to your honesty, transparency, and ability to stay on the topic, you’re going to build strong relationships.


As you work on getting your first 1000 subscribers, you’ll want to keep each of these tips in mind. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Instead, do what works repeatedly, and you’ll soon find that you’re building your list with an active and interested audience who needs what you offer.


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Find and Close your Prospects using Linkedin

Your marketing efforts are what draws prospective clients to your LinkedIn profile and company website, but getting them to buy from you is another story. Showing the right leads what you have to offer at the right time starts the buying cycle for your clients, but how can you ensure that their cycle ends with you becoming their supplier?


Most of the time, consumers are advertisements, call to actions, and people wanting to sell to them all the time. Marketing can help you stand out in the noise, however, even the best marketing campaigns don’t have the ability to get clients who aren’t looking for the solution that you are offering at the time that they see your ad to buy what you are selling if they don’t need it, regardless of the size of their business.

Small businesses can’t waste their money on a product or service that they don’t need, and larger businesses have to justify the expense. At this point you need to find the contacts that are in the market for your offering at the right time to see your message.
LinkedIn can help you and your team do just that. Targeting on LinkedIn is a good place to gather your leads because there are so many professionals on the site. Conversion on LinkedIn ads happens three times as much as other ads, and you can track your conversion rate with the click of your mouse.

Ask for Introductions

LinkedIn, is first and foremost, a professional network, which means that you probably have someone already in your contacts that is somehow connected to the lead you are interested in. Ask your connections to introduce you. Around 50 percent of business opportunities arise from a recommendation or knowing someone who knows someone. If you have a solid idea or solution, don’t be afraid to ask others for introductions. Many times, previous satisfied customers have no problem facilitating connections that benefit both parties.

Join Groups

Join the groups that appeal to your prospects. When you do this you can see their profile, even if you aren’t a first-degree connection. It will also give you a way to keep up with news and changes in their industry, and you can request a connection based on being in the same group. Answering questions posed by group members will establish thought leadership and authority on the subject, which will allow a good relationship to begin and build trust between you and your prospects.

Publish Content

News leads can also come from the content that you publish on the site. When you or your company publish content on LinkedIn, take a look at who viewed it, who shared it, and who commented. Look at the words that they use in the comment or share, and you can easily turn it into a conversation starter.

Monitor Your Competitors

Keeping up with the reviews posted about your competitors can help you monitor where they are missing their opportunities and pick up their slack. You can approach their former customers in a way that show you as the better solution to their needs. On the other hand, if your competitors are successful, you can also see what’s working for them and expand on it.

Follow Influencer’s Pages

Another great way to generate leads is by following the pages of influencers. Influencers talk about the hot topics in their field and talk with the best people in their field. Look at their companies, and the demographics, and track down what their needs are. If your niche fits in with theirs, you’ve opened up opportunities.
Identify the key people, those who are most likely to be part of the buyer’s circle for the company.

Create a Compelling Call to Action

Your call to action is key for generating new leads. If you have a clear, simple form available, or a subscribe button, or an easy registration process, the number of leads you get will increase. Having a compelling call to action works like a beacon to potential customer.

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Go Premium to get even more Linkedin leads

Like all networking platforms, LinkedIn is free for the basic accounts. The basic account has features that offer a good start to marketing your company.

With the free account, you get things like building your professional footprint online, network with people you know and people that you should know, and search for companies or people and receive alerts about them.

When first starting out with LinkedIn, you will probably do well with the free account, but as a business and interest in what you do grows, you may find that you can get your business to the next level by upgrading your account.

Deciding to pay for an account on LinkedIn is recommended when you have maxed out the features you get on the free account.

linkedin premium

There are different kinds of premium accounts and they all have costs associated with them, however, you can try one for free for 30 days, and you can cancel your premium account at any time.

Job seekers will want to try Premium Career, which gives them access to career coaches, the ability to see who views their profile, the ability to send messages to recruiters, see how they measure up to other applicants for the types of jobs they are searching for, and the ability to become a “featured applicant.” Recruiters can sign up for a Recruiter Lite account that is feared toward hiring managers and recruiters.

LinkedIn Learning is an account that offers learning resources to learn skills, improve your skills, train employees, and gives you the ability to upload your own video content that is specifically made for your company. You can add tags to your content to make it searchable, and you can filter training based on things like job function, skills, and across all fields and levels, from beginner to expert.

While all three of these accounts have marketing aspects, they are not tailored to marketing, sales, or growing a business.

However, the other premium accounts are primed for marketing with them, and they encourage certain marketing elements.

Premium Business

LinkedIn premium business accounts are created for growing your company. This includes expanding your network, searching out potential leads, and offering information about your competitors, industry trends, and measuring your own company growth.

This type of account provides access to LinkedIn Learning, the ability to see who has looked at your profile and how they got there, unlimited browsing of member profiles, and 15 InMail messages per month so you can message anyone you would like to connect with even if they aren’t in your network.

If you receive an InMail response from a member you have sent one to, you will get a credit for that message.

Linkedin Premium


The “who’s viewed my profile?” feature is useful in creating personal connections with potential leads that find you instead of you having to go out and find them. Following up on leads that come to you generally means someone has been referred to your company or has heard good things about your company and wanted to find out more. These members who have viewed your profile or company page typically lead to a pretty easy sale since the initial work of bringing them to you have already been done.
The prospects who view your profile and connect with will bring along their network of potential leads.

The Premium Business account offers a filter for seeing where your views come from so that you can tailor your marketing materials. Or, if you see that your profile is being viewed by people who are unrelated to your planned marketing audience, you can use that information to update your keywords and materials to reach the right customers. LinkedIn Business allows you to see how you rank against the competition and others that are using LinkedIn.

Another helpful marketing and lead generation feature with LinkedIn Premium Business is the advanced search tool that offers more specific fields of search, like company size and member years of experience.

This can help you target your messages and saving the search lets you keep the results so you don’t have to run the same keywords more than once.

With Premium Business you get 500 search results at a time and up to 5,000 saved results, along with the ability to view the full profile of the results found, even if they aren’t in your network. An added bonus is that you can get alerts when something changes on anyone who was found in the search your saved, which can increase the possibility for you to gain even more new leads.

You also have access to analytical data on your page when you upgrade to a Premium Business account, including who visits your page and who follows your page. Each category can be broken down into various demographic categories like industry, job function, level of seniority and others. Graphs are created to show you the metrics regarding the engagement on your page. With LinkedIn Premium Business, you get “Business Insights,” which tells you a variety of useful pieces of information, both within your own company and with others.

To see any connection to your search results, you can click the “How You’re Connected” button. This will allow you to invite second-degree contacts to connect. You can see industry and company news and updates, which departments are increasing their budgets or cutting back, open jobs, and employee count. All of this information shows a company’s stability.

Upgrading your account to Premium Business is beneficial if you have a small business that you want to grow and network or if you are not necessarily a sales company. However, if you have a large company or a sales team, then you should consider upgrading to Sales Navigator.

Sales Navigator

The premium Sales Navigator account is suited for businesses for many reasons. It is a useful tool for lead generation and advanced search filters to see where your target audience lies. The average sales navigator member sees an increase in their opportunities for leads and sales, more goals being met, and a more productive sales team. The Sales Navigator is also helpful for marketing as well as sales because it helps you to pinpoint your target audience and understand what you audience is interested in.

There are three plans available in the Sales Navigator Account:

• Professional
• Team
• Enterprise

While Sales Navigator is geared toward sales teams, it can also be extremely helpful for marketing. The advanced search options allow detailed search fields with a wide range of keywords, beyond job function and geographical location. This can allow your marketing team the ability to compare their traffic against the size of the target audience.

Your sales and marketing teams can work together to increase the company profitability using LinkedIn tools. Having the two departments working together results in a more comprehensive picture of the client and increased profitability. When you have potential customers that have viewed your ads and been on the receiving end of one of your marketing strategies, your sales team will usually see an increase of opened and answered Sponsored InMail messages sent by your salespeople.

Personal relationships between potential customers and your sales team also help to boost the sharing of content media by the potential client. This makes it beneficial to share the marketing content with the sales team and showing them how to use it.

LinkedIn’s basic profile is a good place to start when you are just starting out on LinkedIn, but as your business gains more connections and a larger network, upgrading to one of the premium accounts can justify the expense by making it up in new revenue.

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Exploring and Developing Additional Income Streams


Exploring and developing additional income streams are worth your time and effort. As a person who cares about your financial affairs, surely you’ve tried to think of different methods and strategies to keep money flowing in. After all, the more income streams you have, the better life you can live and the more prepared for the future you’ll be.


So how do you go about trying to find ways to bring in more money on a regular basis?

Keep learning

Use these ideas as your inspiration to discover your own strategies for getting additional income streams flowing into your bank account:


  1. Do a thorough self-evaluation. List every talent or skill you have. Be open-minded during your self-evaluation. Then, explore how you can earn money using these skills.
  • Are you good with numbers? A fast typist?
  • Have you often written lyrics to songs or recorded your original short stories?
  • Maybe you can sew, make a yard look great, or think creatively.
  1. Consider how you might use the internet to bring in money. You can start your own website with only a few extra dollars.


  • Get a domain name and hosting and use for excellent, easy, and free website management software to set up and run your site. A domain name at costs less than $15 and you can host your website at for only a few dollars per month. There are plenty more excellent places to acquire domain names and hosting as well.
  • Add on advertising to bring in some income.
  • If you like to write poems or report on local news, you can write articles and post them at one of a number of websites and earn money for your page views.
  1. Also using the internet, take on work you can do on your computer during your spare time. The number of worksites online is mind-boggling.
  • Sites such as oDesk, Elance, and others provide listings of work that is available immediately.
  • If statistical typing, writing short blurbs, or helping internet entrepreneurs to organize their website information are skills you have or can develop, your financial future is rich with opportunity using the internet.
  • Bringing in steady money online is a realistic income stream to start developing today.
  1. Consider turning your hobbies into income streams. Maybe you sew well or can design and make purses to sell. Or maybe you’re a fix-it person and actually like doing repairs for others. Arts and crafts projects also sell well.
  • Even 4 or 5 hours per week of a marketable hobby will provide an additional income stream.
  • Plus, you’ll improve your skills and level of creativity by continuing to make and sell your crafts.
  1. The key is to think out of the box. Refuse to allow your anxieties to get in the way of trying something new or different to get an income stream going.
  2. Be brave. If something doesn’t build the way you hoped, start another new income stream.
    Confidence is an important aspect of finding and developing additional income streams.
  • Remember that when it comes to the internet, the possibilities for earning money are endless. Keep working at it and don’t give up.

Open your mind to the many possibilities that you have all around you for additional income streams. If you push yourself to go forward and start 2 or 3 different activities to bring in a trickle of cash and keep it going, a few years from now you’ll be surprised at the impact you can make on your budget as each income stream grows.


Explore and develop at least two additional income streams over the next year and watch your income soar.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

It Pays To Persevere

‘Your success in any endeavor depends on your willingness to never give up, even when the reward is delayed.’ – Harvey Mackay.


don't quit

Susan B Anthony was an advocate for American women’s rights to vote in the late 1800s. The majority opinion was that women didn’t have to vote or be equal to men. They labeled anyone who wanted to change that notion a troublemaker. For that reason, some admired Susan whilst some traditionalists despised her. She let nothing deter her, soldiering on until she had a significant following. At one gathering thrown in honor of her work, she received flower bouquets and joked about a certain time in her political career when people had thrown plenty of things at her which were not flowers. Before her death, people asked Susan if her pursuits had been worth all the things she had gone through. Her answer was a definite yes. They enacted the law allowing women to vote around 1920, several years after her death. American women and the rest of the world in general will always attribute their ability to vote in the present and future times to Susan’s persistence and determination to fight the system on their behalf.

Perseverance separates the success stories from failures. It demarcates the winners from the quitters. Any exceptional person significant enough to write about in the world’s history books has faced tremendous challenges in their various pursuits. What clinches success is the determination to win despite those challenges. We should never leave success to chance or luck. Hard work, persistence, and an attitude that refuses to take no for an answer shapes it.

Why perseverance is important.

Everyone wants success in whatever they set their minds to do, but we forget the hardships lying in the path to that success. We are human enough to fall short of our goals a couple of times, despite our meticulous planning and goal-getter mindset. Any failure you encounter will chip away at your confidence and self-belief. It becomes easier to believe that you do not have what it takes, and that results in a great temptation to throw in the towel and settle for something less risky.

The road to success is not a straight line. It requires a level of alertness to navigate the bumps and steer clear of the failure-sized manholes waiting for your fall. Perseverance takes you to your destination despite those setbacks. What guarantees you of success is getting up after every fall. Determination and persistence mean you will fight for your dream, despite the temptation to give up. It means that you know that the journey is rough but will risk the discomfort to get the rewards when you reach your destination.

Rewards of perseverance.

  • Reaping the fruit of your labor.

Agricultural metaphors can represent the story of success. There is a lot of groundwork before you can see the harvest. The planning stage is preparing the land. Next, you plant something to reap. Part with something of yourself in your pursuit of success, pouring it into the ground and waiting for it to yield fruit. After that, nurture the plant by watering it constantly and weeding out whatever is hindering it from growing. Invest in your dream by watering it with the required resources. See what has the potential to choke or compete with your dream and weed it out. All processes involved are not glamorous. They demand hard work and persistence. Only then can you expect fruit to break forth. You also need to be patient, as fruits will not grow overnight. Pour what you can into your dream and be patient before you quit.

  • Building confidence for future

Accomplishing a hard task will bring you a lot of confidence when you tackle the next leg of your journey. Your excitement to take on more tasks comes from knowing that you persevered in previous endeavors, including those that seemed impossible. You develop the confidence to deliver better on your goals. This also does wonders for your repertoire. You can give your clientele reasons to choose you over your competitors when you articulate your past successes. Eventually, you come highly recommended in your sphere, which is the greatest reward for anyone whose dreams offer a service to others. Persevering and winning because of it will always open doors for the future.

  • You learn more about who you

The journey to achieving your goals is often long and trying. Being determined to succeed teaches you a lot about who you really are. If you quit easily, you get to know your low threshold for patience. If you persevere you also get to learn about your strengths and limitations, so you can work the strengths to your advantage and find ways through your limitations.

Rewards are not always instant, but with perseverance, they are a guarantee.

Be willing to persist in the face of challenges and you will be well on your way to success.

Never give up if you know you are right.

Remain courageous and confident when you know the odds are against you.

Permit no one to intimidate you or shake your belief in yourself.

Take new courage and resolve from the many successful people who faced great challenges to find greatness.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


Overcoming Burnout Blog Recap

Over the last 30 days, you’ve learned a lot about overcoming burnout by learning how to eliminate, automate, and delegate. This post offers you a link to each blog post, starting with the overview and ending with today’s post. You can save today’s post in order to have all the links to every blog post shared in this 30-Day Overcoming Burnout Challenge.

Changing routine

In this challenge, you’ll learn the importance of:


  • Creating SMART Goals
  • Why You Need a Business Plan
  • How to Create Harmony in Your Life
  • Develop Your Personal Mission Statement
  • And More


Any time you need to work on one of these issues, just go to the right blog post, and you can remind yourself what you needed to know to accomplish that goal. I hope you enjoyed the challenge and that you’re closer to experiencing a life in harmony than before the challenge.


Here is a list of all the posts and their links. [ LINK TO YOUR POSTS: If you changed any of the titles remember to change them here too]

Stop Burnout Now: Overview of the 30 Day Avoiding and Overcoming Burnout Challenge

Block Burnout: Develop SMART Goals

Develop a Realistic Business Plan

Signs of Burnout to Watch Out For

Journaling Tips for Burnout Prevention

Say No More Often: Purge Your To Do List

How to Take Personal Time Off as An Entrepreneur

Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Avoiding Burnout by Doing What You Love

A Job Done is Worth a Reward

How to Identify Over the Top Goals to Make Them Reasonable

10 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Productive or Just Busy?

Overcoming Burnout with Meditation Activities

Avoid Burnout: How to Exercise and Sleep More

How to Let Yourself Take a Vacation

Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

Tips to Help You Practice Positive Thinking

How to Accept Failure and Mistakes

Avoid Burnout: Reassess Your Goals

Avoid Burnout: Burnout Signs to Know and Watch

Unexplained Fatigue and Insomnia: Burnout or Something Else?

Burnout Experienced More by People Pleasers

Avoid Burnout: Reach Out and Find Someone to Talk

Setting Boundaries Helps Avoid Burnout

Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Make Time for What Matters

Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques

Overcoming Burnout Blog Recap

These 30 blog posts are designed to help you overcome burnout as well as set up your life to avoid burnout. Let me know what you think about any of the posts by commenting directly on them. I love to hear what you think as well as share ideas for recognizing, avoiding, and solving burnout.