Nothing Is Done Until You Track Your Metrics

As you work toward building a strong and highly converting email list, one of the ways you can know you’re doing things effectively is to track the numbers. Your metrics are the key to knowing what works and what doesn’t work for your unique situation. The following metrics should be tracked.

email marketing

  • Click-Through Rate – Knowing how many people who open the email are clicking through to at least look at whatever you’re trying to communicate with them helps you know if your initial messaging is persuasive enough.


  • Conversion Rate – Knowing how many people answer your CTAs compared to how many people are clicking through is a number that is important to know because it helps signal whether you’ve done an excellent job targeting your ideal customer or not.


  • Bounce Rate – How many of your emails are bouncing and not being delivered? That can signal an issue with your email messages and might signal a problem with how you’re collecting email addresses if they don’t work.


  • List Growth Rate – How fast are you growing your list? If you know this number, you can project based on your activity how fast you can grow your list to where you want it to be.


  • Sharing / Forwarding / Engagement – One key performance indicator that helps you know if you’re doing a good job targeting your audience is how many of them want to share, forward, or engage with your messages compared to how many who open them.


  • Return on Investment – How much money can you trace directly to your email messages and email list compared to how much you have invested or spent on the system?


  • Open Rate – Out of all the emails you send, how many are opened on average? If you send out one email to all 1000 subscribers, what percentage opens it? How does this number compare to the industry standard?


  • Unsubscribe Rate – When you send messages to your audience, how likely are they to unsubscribe? Sometimes marketers get nervous about causing their subscribers to unsubscribe and stop sending messages. This is a mistake. You want your messages to segment and weed out uninterested parties. If your unsub rate is high, you may have a targeting issue.


  • Spam Compliance – Your email autoresponder has a way to test each message for spam issues, plus you can look in the back office and find out if anyone’s complained about your messages. Understanding what triggers spam issues can help you avoid this problem.


  • Revenue Per Email – Knowing how much you earn on average for each email you send to your list subscribers can be very motivating to help you send even more useful messages to them.

How to Optimize Your Email Subject Lines

  • Revenue Per Subscriber – How much revenue on average do you earn per subscriber on your list? This number will go up as you get better at targeting and is a great number to be aware of so you can understand how much you need to invest to reach your goals.


Check your numbers before each campaign as well as periodically during the campaign to ensure that you are doing what you can to achieve your goals. The only way to be sure is to get the data because your hypotheses can be wrong. It’s always better to know exactly what is working and what is not working rather than make assumptions.


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12 Tips for Getting the SEO Right for Your Ideal Audience

There are a few basic things that you need to know about search engine optimization that will help you get more out of everything you do. When you do SEO right, you’ll get more traffic, convert at a higher rate, and have customers who trust you. SEO is not a trick. It’s a method to help you organize information and deliver it in a way that persuades your audience to act.

Search engine Optimization

  1. Title Tags – This HTML element tells the search engine what the page is about and makes the title clickable. The title tag enables the customer to search for the information and then click through to read it.


  1. Meta Descriptions – When you conduct a search and see the results of that search, you’ll see a link to the title and then a description under the clickable link. This is the meta description. You’ll want to ensure that you use up to 160 characters with the keywords toward the front to make it stand out.


  1. Images – When you add images to your website, email messages, or social media, make sure you optimize them by making them the right size for the platform, naming the file a keyword, and including a compelling description of the image that helps search engines and people understand.


  1. Page Speed – Always check your page speed first because if it loads too slow, you’re going to lose people, and nothing else you do will matter. You have less than four seconds to grab your audience’s attention.


  1. Internal Linking – A great way to boost your search engine results is to develop a logical internal linking policy. Always link to like content under each piece of content you create and encourage your readers to follow the links. The search bots will automatically follow each of these links and determine relationships, so make sure it really is related.


  1. Backlinks – A backlink is a link outside your website that links to your pages. Earning them from other authoritative sites helps your search results, but you can also plan it by guest posting, publishing your email posts and newsletters, sharing on social media, and by starting an affiliate program.


  1. User Experience – While a search engine bot cannot tell if the user experience is good or not, having well-formed navigation and creating a website that works well for the user helps too.


  1. Keywords – Studying keywords is an integral part of building your list because keywords are how you’re going to figure out what type of content you want to publish. Plus, you can study your competition’s keyword usage to get more ideas and hopefully stand out better.


  1. Long-Form Content – You need to publish long-form content that showcases your expertise. Some people call this epic content or pillar content. From this content, you’ll develop all the other content.


  1. Short Form Content – You need to create shorter forms of content as well as longer content to switch up the information and attract different types of learners within your audience.


  1. Cross Promotions – Using your website, social media, and email marketing to cross-promote content, products, and services is an essential part of SEO.


  1. Repurposing Content – Remember that every single piece of content you create can be repurposed to use in another form or in another place within your content distribution network.

11 Ways SEO Improves Email Marketing

Search engine optimization is not a trick or a scam. SEO is simply about keeping your website and content organized in a way that helps you get your message to the right people, your target audience. Don’t skip using SEO best practices for all your platforms to ensure you’re using each tool to its utmost capabilities. Make it easy and use an SEO plugin like Yoast on self-hosted WordPress to get all of the SEO mentioned above, working like a charm.


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11 Ways SEO Improves Email Marketing

When you think about search engine optimization (SEO), you probably think about what you do on a blog post with the help of plugins like Yoast! SEO, to help with keywords, tagging, and other on-page factors. But SEO includes off-page options too that also help improve your marketing efforts.

Search engine Optimization

  1. Drives Qualified Traffic to Your Website – You may not realize this, but once someone is on your list, you’re not done with them coming to your website. Invite them back to your site by sending new blog posts, new product information, and so forth to them via email directly, based on their interests.


  1. Improves Social Engagement – Sending email messages that bring your readers to your social media platforms will help improve engagement exponentially. For example, if you have a Facebook Group, you can send messages via email and ask them to come to discuss that message on the platform.


  1. Helps Clarify Your Content Strategy – Due to the information you can gather from your email subscribers, you’re going to be able to find out exactly what type of content they need based on their interests, problems, and other factors that you will find out about them within the analytics of your email autoresponder software.


  1. Ensures More Emails Get Opened – When you use acceptable SEO practices like keyword-rich subject lines and using the first paragraph of the email to deliver the message, you’re going to ensure more people open the email.


  1. Lowers Your Bounce Rate – Using search engine optimization techniques like subject lines and using the right terms inside the email to keep your emails from bouncing. If the information is useful and they open them, the next emails are less likely to bounce.


  1. Encourages More Social Sharing of Email Messages – Good SEO practices say that you should put most of the content you want your audience to consume on your website, not inside an email or on other platforms. Because of this, encouraging readers to share the email message with non-list members will help build your list more.


  1. Allows You to Deliver Highly Personalized Content – The way email technology is set up, you can gather a lot of demographic information that the email autoresponder company collects on your audience as they sign up. That means the content you create later can be that much more pointed and directed.


  1. Creates More Website Content – SEO encourages you to create more content for your website. When you create an email message, remember that it can also be republished on your website too.


  1. Allows for Simpler Cross Promotion – It’s a lot easier to cross-promote to a captive audience within your email marketing than to try to get people randomly to come to your social media platforms and follow you.


  1. Builds Product Awareness – The people who sign up for your email really want to know about you, or they would not sign up. Use email messages to help them get to know you and your offers even more.


  1. Keeps Your Brand Top of Mind – Sending emails every day to your audience based on their interest within email will also help keep your brand in their mind. When they need your solutions, they’re going to remember you.


SEO is not just for your website; it’s also for email marketing. It all works together. Your website is where your content should live, but you can then use other tools like email, social media, and so forth to deliver more information in a more personalized way that gets results.

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10 Content Marketing Tips for Email Marketing Success

Email marketing is a segment of content marketing. Content marketing describes marketing that uses information and content to inform, engage, and persuade your audience to act. Content includes text, visuals, and audio information that sends a message to your audience.

email marketing

To be successful with content marketing, you’ll need to plan your marketing based on your audience’s needs and your goals for them.


  1. Know and Maintain a Consistent Brand Voice – If you want your audience to read and enjoy receiving email messages from you, make sure you know what your brand voice is. This includes the terms you want to use, the tone you say them in, and your values and principles.


  1. Create Targeted Lead Magnets – When you develop lead magnets to build your list, make sure you target each freebie toward a particular member of your audience. Casting a smaller net will result in higher conversions.


  1. Craft Meaningful and Persuasive Messages – Every message you send them, whether email or in your blog, or even on social media, need to be meaningful to them so that you can persuade them to act.

Tips to Develop Your Overall Content Marketing Plan

  1. Use Content to Segment Your Subscribers – The content you publish on your website and in email can be used to further segment your audience based on their behavior. The more segmented they are, the better you can communicate your value to them.


  1. Ask Subscribers What They Want – Send surveys and questionnaires to your list members, social followers, and blog readers to find out what they really want to know about. For example, under a blog post, you can post something like “want more content about this topic” and let them check yes or no and sign up for your list to be reminded of new content about that topic.


  1. Encourage Subscribers to Share Your Messages – Even when you send an email, with the exception of private information, you should encourage the recipients to share with their friends.


  1. Conduct A B Testing Regularly – You don’t know for sure if the content is doing what you want it to do unless you test it. Try changing headlines, subject lines, and subtle information to improve each interaction.


  1. Send Valuable Actionable Messages Often – While you do want to send valuable and actionable messages to your email list, often make sure each message really does have a reason for existing before sending.


  1. Focus on Audience Delight – When you focus on delighting your audience, you’re going to see a massive difference in their engagement with you. Find ways to make them say “wow” to the content you deliver to them.


  1. Remember the CTA – Don’t bother sending even one message without a call to action based on the reasons you are sending the message. The CTA doesn’t have to be about buying. It can be about sharing, liking, replying, and so forth too. Tell your email list member and reader what you want them to do next, and you’re going to get a lot more results.


Content marketing will help you improve all aspects of your marketing and advertising by helping you keep top of mind at all times. Every message you create for them needs to have a reason for being and a goal in mind. If you cannot figure out the goal, don’t create it.


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Steps to Develop Your Overall Content Marketing Plan

To use content marketing and especially email marketing efficiently, it’s always better to have a plan. To create and develop your content marketing plan, there are some things you need to do and know to get it right. Let’s explore the ways you can set up your content marketing plan effectively.

marketing plan

  • Set Your Goals – Before you produce one piece of content, you really do need to understand the purpose of it. Set different goals for each promotion and for your business overall to help you figure out what to publish and where.


  • Know Your KPIs – The key performance indicators that help determine if your actions produce the results you want need to be spelled out. For example, if you publish a sales page for your freebie, who is it for, and what data will you use to determine if it’s working or not? Be specific.


  • Know Your Audience – You have seen this a lot, but it cannot be stated enough. Knowing your audience isn’t a one-time research opportunity. It’s ongoing. Remember that audiences change slightly over time. You would not market today to the same demographics the way you did in the 1950s or even the 1980s.


  • Understand Your Competition – How and when your competition does things is just as important as what you’re doing because it can help you identify gaps in coverage. This is the only way to make sure you stand out. Know them and find ways to differentiate yourself.

Reasons to Study Your Competition Carefully

  • Know Where You Stand Now and Where You Want to Go – Studying where you are now in your goals is the best way to figure out how to get where you want to go. Use analytics to help you set the standard you want to achieve.


  • Determine the Best Channels to Publish Your Content – The act of creating your plans will help you figure out a lot of information like where you’re going to need content published. For example, your blog, your email, social media platforms where your audience hangs out, and maybe some industry sites where you can guest blog might work for you.


  • Know the Types of Content You Need to Publish – When you create a plan to publish content, you’ll be able to choose the right messages to get your point across. It also helps identify areas you can repurpose content.


  • Find and Earmark Resources – Planning in advance also helps you budget better and find the resources, monetary and human, that you will need to be successful.


  • Create a Content Calendar – Once you have figured out what you’re going to do, don’t just have it in your head. Instead, create a content calendar so that you can follow a plan that gets a little done each day.


  • Create and Publish the Content – Once you have the plans, start creating and publishing the content. As you move through your plan, note the results, and keep going.


  • Advertise and Market the Content – Publishing isn’t enough today. You also need to actively market the content you’re going to create. Share it more than once via email, your blog, social media, and so forth.


  • Measure the Results – Data is your friend. Use it. Use whatever analytics you have native in your email marketing software and on your website to determine if what you’re doing is working or not.


  • Adjust and Repeat – Once you start implementing your plan, use the metrics to help you adjust your plans. Repeat what works. Let go of what doesn’t.


Content marketing, whether your business is online or offline, or both, is an essential component of any marketing plan today. You’ll need content in every aspect of your business from the external obvious sales pages, blog posts, and so forth to the internal information such as email messages, social media promotions, and even internal training for employees, contractors, and affiliates, or other stakeholders.

P.S. How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


Reasons You Need a Content Marketing Plan

When you are trying to build a strong list of hungry buyers, it’s important to understand how everything works together. Email marketing is part of content marketing. To be successful with content marketing, you should not try to do it blindly. You need a content marketing plan. Let’s go over the reasons you need to plan things out. Hopefully, this encourages you to create a comprehensive content marketing plan going forward.

daily content

  • Keep Your Audience’s Attention – When you develop a plan for the content you’ll create and publish for your audience, it’s going to ensure they are interested enough to pay attention to it. It’s easy to get off track, but if you have a plan to look at and you know why, for example, you’re publishing today’s blog post – the point of it or the CTA for it – you will be more successful.


  • Establish Trust with Your Audience – When you produce content that looks cohesive, it helps build trust. If you’re not planning content, you may get off track, speak out of voice, and confuse the audience. Even if it’s subtle, it can cause a lack of trust.

10 Simple Steps to Building a Blog on Word Press.

  • Build Stronger Social Media Communities – When you’re consistent with your messaging, you will build more robust and more engaging communities for your audience. When people are more engaged, they’re happy to share.


  • Generate Higher Quality Leads – When your content is on point, the quality of the leads you generate from that content will be a lot higher. They’ll be much more likely to become prospects that buy from you and become customers.


  • Improve Your Conversion Rate – Good content simply leads to more conversions because you have a reason for the content you publish. If you don’t know why you’re creating it, you may end up with gaps that lower your conversion rate.


  • Enhances Your Search Engine Optimization – Content is the food that feeds search engines. When your audience types in their search query or asks Alexa to give them information, the search engine locates the content you have published to deliver it to them.


  • Build Subject Matter Expertise and Authority – If you want your audience to see you as an authority on a topic, you need to publish extensively on that topic.


  • Ensure Subject Matter Cohesiveness – The plan helps keep everything in order so that it makes sense. If your content isn’t planned, it may seem unorganized in a way that is distracting to your audience.


  • Establish Your Brand Identity – Your brand needs a voice, a tone, a personality, and yes, an opinion about the topics you publish about. The topics you choose and how you talk about them, whether text, video, or audio, will establish your brand identity far beyond your email list and website.


  • It Keeps You Accountable – When you have developed a content marketing plan that includes information about what you will publish and when you will publish it, and who it’s for, you’re going to be more likely to accomplish your goals.


  • You’ll Get Better Data – If you try to create a content marketing plan based on your goals for your audience and your business, the truth is the data you generate will be more useful to start with.


  • Your Return on Investment Will Be Higher – If you really care about investing in the right places, creating a content marketing plan will ensure a higher ROI that is consistent.


Understanding how the content you produce, both public-facing and private, affects your audience is essential to creating the right content marketing plan for list building efforts. When you know the goals and match the content with the goals and the right audience, building your list with hungry customers who need and want your offers, paid and free, will become simple.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

How to Drive Traffic to Your Landing Pages

Once you have a lead magnet, a landing page, and an opt-in form, you need to start building traffic to the freebie so that you can build your email list. Getting more traffic for a landing page is not really any different from how you get traffic for anything you do.

content creation


  • Create Offers Your Ideal Audience Wants – The only way to make offers that your audience wants and needs is to get to know them. Study them. Engage with them. Survey them. Then put what they want right in front of them where they are.


  • Tell Your Current Subscribers About Your New Offers – Anytime you create a new offer, whether free or not, tell your current subscribers about it. This might seem counter-productive since you want to build your list, but it will keep your list healthy, segmented, and engaged.


  • Get Affiliates Involved – Set up your funnels with freebies that your affiliates can promote too. Show them what’s in the funnel, so they know it’s worth their while to promote your freebies too.


  • Send Out a Press Release – Tell the world about every single offer you have, including your freebies. If it’s newsworthy, it deserves a press release, and letting your audience grab a free solution is something they want to know about.


  • Host a Live Event – When you make the freebie available to the public, have a live event on Facebook Live or a webinar via Zoom or another preferred platform to help get the word out about your offer.


  • Include Smart SEO – The landing page and opt-in form for the lead magnet allow you to use excellent search engine optimization techniques that help pull traffic to your site via your audience searches.


  • Blog About Your Offers – Once you’ve finished your landing page or opt-in form, always write a blog post announcing your freebie offer linking to the landing page and opt-in form. Then you can share that blog post freely multiple times as you spread the word.


  • Share on Social Media – Share multiple times across all your social media platforms about the freebie. Don’t just share once and call it done. Instead, share multiple times during any launch and then repeatedly over time as long as it’s still a good offer. Use or other software to help automate this process.


  • Reach Out to Social Influencers – A fun way to get noticed is to work with social media influencers. Whenever you have a freebie offer for your audience, let the influencers know about it so they can promote it too.


  • Run Ads Via Social Media and Google – Don’t forget that you can speed everything up with targeted paid ads. Before you do that, consider hiring someone to help you ensure your targeting is working, as well as your landing pages and freebie are optimized for your audience.


  • Ask People Who Are Downloading to Share – Set up your download page to make it easy for your audience who downloads the freebie to share the opportunity with their friends.


Driving traffic to your landing pages is an essential element in marketing online. You can use a variety of methods to get more eyes on each page you create but don’t ever waste money just sending people to your home page. Use the time and money you have budgeted for marketing to send your visitors to specialized pages because you’ll build your list faster.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


Lead Magnet Mistakes to Avoid

The entire point of creating lead magnets as list builders are to build your list with targeted customers who want and need the products and services that you offer. The people who think marketing with freebies doesn’t work usually are doing it wrong. You can avoid mistakes by learning the most common ones and not doing them.


  • Your Lead Magnet is Too Expansive – A really good freebie is going to be ultra-focused on solving one small problem and even poke the bear a bit in order to soften them up to buy the big product you’re selling. Keep it narrowly focused to increase success. For example, if you are a weight loss coach, don’t give away the entire program in your freebie. Instead, focus on one thing, such as providing a checklist or app to help them.


  • Your Lead Magnet Has No Reason for Existing – You need to know why you want the person who needs that information in the lead magnet or the app you’re giving away. Why does this lead magnet exist, and what does it do for the person who needs it? If you have no goal for it, it’s not going to work.

Need More info Creating compelling Lead Magnets

  • Your Lead Magnet Isn’t Targeted to The Right Audience – Your lead magnet cannot be targeted to your entire audience. It really needs to be narrowed down to specific people based on where they are in their buying journey. Try mapping your buyers’ journey to help identify points at which they need a little something extra to push or pull them to the next stage.


  • You Didn’t Create an Autoresponder Series Based on The Lead Magnet – When your customer downloads the lead magnet, it’s imperative that they receive targeted messages based on their choice in the autoresponder. A welcome message, a confirmation message, a more personal email to check on them, and so forth, including asking for the sale if that’s what’s next.


  • You Didn’t Cross-Promote Yourself Within Your Lead Magnet – People are downloading the lead magnet. You may as well take advantage of that fact. At the end or the beginning, tell the people about you and invite them to your social media platforms, events, and tell them about the other things you do.


  • You’re Not Following the Laws for Your Country – Every country has SPAM laws. In general, most want you to get a double opt-in to avoid spam complaints. Plus, of course, what you say must be the truth. You can’t make promises that aren’t true.


  • Your Lead Magnet Title is Boring and Not Targeted – When you title the freebie, you’ll want to make sure you use straightforward words that your target audience understands. However, you don’t want to be boring about it. Use action words and tug at their emotions in the title.


  • You Don’t Market and Advertise Your Lead Magnet – The idea that building a lead magnet will attract your ideal audience without marketing and advertising is just not accurate. You do have to tell everyone about it just like you would your most expensive and compelling paid product to get people to sign up.


  • You Don’t Create Lead Magnets for All Stages of The Buying Journey – Don’t just create one freebie based on awareness. Instead, map your ideal buyer’s journey so that you can identify areas when a freebie might push them to the next stage in their buying journey.


  • You Neglected to Create a Landing Page for Your Lead Magnet – To get the most interest in your freebies, make a landing page for each. After that, write a blog post too. Then use that to market and advertise the freebie to your audience.


  • You Ask for Too Much or Not Enough Information in Exchange for The Freebie – It really depends on your audience and the goals you have for them. But, at the very least, you need to ask for a first name and email address. But if it’s relevant to your audience, you may want to ask for other information to qualify for the freebie, such as business size or something else that is relevant to determining if someone is serious or not.


  • You Failed to Welcome New Subscribers – When someone signs up for your freebie, whether they were already on your list or not, they should receive a welcome message or thank you message regarding their choice.


  • You Never Ask for the Sale in Your Email Messages – When you create the autoresponder messages based on the behavior of your list members, don’t fail to ask for the sale or the conversion using a well-formed and targeted call to action.

Positive thinking

Avoiding these lead magnet mistakes means that when you create a lead magnet or freebie, it will help you build your list with targeted audience members who really want and need your offers. You can only do this right if you take the time to get to know your audience as well as your offers so you can easily explain to the audience what you do, who you do it for, why you do it, and then demonstrate why you’re the best through your freebie.

Email Marketing: What You Need to Make It All Work

When you think about building an email list, it can get overwhelming thinking about all the technology you need to work together to make it all work. Keep in mind that some of the systems are redundant, and you may not need all of these, but you will need the following:


  • A website – What platform will you use to build the site? You can choose self-hosted WordPress, or you can build your website another way. Know how all the technologies work together. For most needs, self-hosted WordPress will work great.


  • A website host – Pick a website host that will work with you based on your needs. Remember that bigger is not always better. But you want the host to have a good reputation and provide excellent customer care. If you’re a newbie, you may need hand-holding – in that case, a good choice is a host called Mom Webs.


  • A social media presence – Create social media accounts on platforms your audience likes to use. Update it often with relevant information and content for your audience. Choose at least the top three that your audience likes to use. Consider using automation via software like too.


  • A targeted and compelling freebie – You may need or want more than one freebie that you create based on where your targeted audience member is in their buying cycle.


  • A landing page or sales page – Treat your freebie as you would any product you’re going to sell to your audience. Create a sales page for it so that your audience knows the benefits of getting it. While you can build a landing page using a standard WordPress new page, using software like HBA Funnel Builder is also very helpful and makes it quick.


  • An email autoresponder service – You must have an autoresponder such as,, or Get Response (or others) to deliver the messages to your subscribers. Don’t be tempted to use your own website and private email because these services are more secure and work better.


  • A place to store downloads – You may want to use your own server, or you might want to invest in a better system that is more secure like Amazon S3 to store your freebies and products safely.


  • A way to deliver the freebie – You don’t want to attach your freebie to the email. Instead, you’ll want to create a download page or use an automatic system to help deliver it, track it, and segment your audience with it.


  • An email marketing sequence of messages – You’ll want to create an email sequence to welcome your subscribers based on the freebie they download or the product they buy and add information to guide them in their choices in the future.


To choose which technology you’re going to use, it’s essential to understand what your business stands for, what your budget is, and what you plan to do in the future too. Choosing systems that can grow with you is important.

If you missed yesterday’s Blog Post you can read it here:  Choose Your Email Marketing Technology Carefully




Find and Close your Prospects using Linkedin

Your marketing efforts are what draws prospective clients to your LinkedIn profile and company website, but getting them to buy from you is another story. Showing the right leads what you have to offer at the right time starts the buying cycle for your clients, but how can you ensure that their cycle ends with you becoming their supplier?


Most of the time, consumers are advertisements, call to actions, and people wanting to sell to them all the time. Marketing can help you stand out in the noise, however, even the best marketing campaigns don’t have the ability to get clients who aren’t looking for the solution that you are offering at the time that they see your ad to buy what you are selling if they don’t need it, regardless of the size of their business.

Small businesses can’t waste their money on a product or service that they don’t need, and larger businesses have to justify the expense. At this point you need to find the contacts that are in the market for your offering at the right time to see your message.
LinkedIn can help you and your team do just that. Targeting on LinkedIn is a good place to gather your leads because there are so many professionals on the site. Conversion on LinkedIn ads happens three times as much as other ads, and you can track your conversion rate with the click of your mouse.

Ask for Introductions

LinkedIn, is first and foremost, a professional network, which means that you probably have someone already in your contacts that is somehow connected to the lead you are interested in. Ask your connections to introduce you. Around 50 percent of business opportunities arise from a recommendation or knowing someone who knows someone. If you have a solid idea or solution, don’t be afraid to ask others for introductions. Many times, previous satisfied customers have no problem facilitating connections that benefit both parties.

Join Groups

Join the groups that appeal to your prospects. When you do this you can see their profile, even if you aren’t a first-degree connection. It will also give you a way to keep up with news and changes in their industry, and you can request a connection based on being in the same group. Answering questions posed by group members will establish thought leadership and authority on the subject, which will allow a good relationship to begin and build trust between you and your prospects.

Publish Content

News leads can also come from the content that you publish on the site. When you or your company publish content on LinkedIn, take a look at who viewed it, who shared it, and who commented. Look at the words that they use in the comment or share, and you can easily turn it into a conversation starter.

Monitor Your Competitors

Keeping up with the reviews posted about your competitors can help you monitor where they are missing their opportunities and pick up their slack. You can approach their former customers in a way that show you as the better solution to their needs. On the other hand, if your competitors are successful, you can also see what’s working for them and expand on it.

Follow Influencer’s Pages

Another great way to generate leads is by following the pages of influencers. Influencers talk about the hot topics in their field and talk with the best people in their field. Look at their companies, and the demographics, and track down what their needs are. If your niche fits in with theirs, you’ve opened up opportunities.
Identify the key people, those who are most likely to be part of the buyer’s circle for the company.

Create a Compelling Call to Action

Your call to action is key for generating new leads. If you have a clear, simple form available, or a subscribe button, or an easy registration process, the number of leads you get will increase. Having a compelling call to action works like a beacon to potential customer.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…