What Do You Sell? Really?


As you work through your business plan, one of the things that come up is what do you sell. Well, it may seem easy to list products and services by name, and that’s enough. But the truth is each product or service has a reason it’s selling that has nothing to do with what it’s called but instead what it does, namely, solve problems or provide exceptional value.


At this point in your business plan journey, you’ve likely heard the idea that you need to focus on benefits over features. But sometimes, this can feel unnatural and maybe even a little tricky as the business owner. After all, you sell a product or a service, and how it benefits the person who buys it might vary – but you do need to know this information.


Knowing this information will help you not only advertise your product but will also help you create new products and services. To figure this out, it will help you first to list the features that your product or service offers, then describe the benefits and value of the feature in words and terms that your ideal customer will appreciate.


When you write clear benefit statements for each of your products and services, it shows your audience that you relate to their needs, you understand their pain, and you know what they need. For example, if you’re a virtual assistant selling customer care services, what is the benefit in the mind of the person buying your service? If you can put yourself in their head, it helps

If you already have customers, send them a survey and ask them directly how they most benefited from your product or service. This can help you get the words right. You can use these words in future advertisements or sales pages.

 Write Your Business Goals Down. Why is this important


To write your benefit statements for your products, do the following:


Know Which Problems the Product or Service Solves


Make a list of the problems that each of your products or services solve for your audience. You might want to take a look at your customers at different stages in their buying journey to differentiate each benefit and whom it benefits.


  • Highlight the Feature That Provides the Benefit – Make a list of each feature and the corresponding benefits that the feature offers based on where your customer is in their buying journey.


  • Explain How They Garner the Benefit When Using Your Product or Service – As you know, the benefits offered don’t just come from the purchase in most cases. They come from an action that the buyer takes too. Make sure you explain that.


  • Prove, Qualify, and Quantify the Results – The more sources you can use to showcase the facts that your product or service does what you say, the better. Use stats, studies, and testimonials to prove, qualify, and quantify the benefit’s results.


Focusing on the value and benefit your products and services provide your ideal customer takes a little practice. You’ll need to put yourself in their shoes and see your offering from their viewpoint. It can take a little practice, but once you get the hang of this, it will not only improve your business plan, but it will improve product creation and the entire selling process.

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How to Analyze Your Market and Why It’s Imperative to Do It


One thing you will notice about your business plan development is that there are lots of parts. You’ll have to do a lot of research to get the answers that enable you to create your business plan. Analyzing your Market is one of the things that you need to do to gather the right information. If you don’t go through this process, you may make decisions based on erroneous information.

How to Identify Over the Top Goals to Make Them Reasonable


A market analysis answers the following questions:


  • Who Are Your Ideal Customers? – Depending on your business, you may have several ideal target customers. Make a list of who your customers are. Describe them and give them a name so that it’s easy to know who you’re targeting with each new offer.


  • What Process Does Your Ideal Customer Go Through When Shopping? – In marketing, this is called the “buying journey.” It’s basically standard depending on where they are in the marketing funnel. Understand this so that you can differentiate the content you use to target them.


  • How Big Is Your Target Audience? – If you don’t know how many people are out there needing your solution, how do you know you can earn enough money. Pricing depends on many factors, such as how many people you can attract plus your production cost or time available to perform the services. If there are only 100 people who need what you’re offering, can you profit?


  • How Much Is Your Ideal Customer Willing to Pay? – Understanding who your customer is helps you also know how to price your products or services. Knowing their budgets and what keeps them up at night is enormously helpful.


  • Who is Your Competition and What Are Their Strengths and Weaknesses? – Understanding who and how your competition does business is also helpful. If you don’t have customers yet, you can learn almost everything you need to know by immersing yourself in studying them.


To get the information, you need to make good choices for your life and your business. Don’t try to skimp market research. Not only do you need to research before starting your business, but you should also continuously research your ideal customers over time.


While your customers may stay the same demographics, they can change their principles and values over time. Imagine creating a commercial for DOVE soap today compared to the 1940s and 1950s. Many old ads offend people today. You don’t ever want to offend your audience, so keep studying them and your market so that your communication with them fits.


  • Know Why You Are Doing the Research – Before you start researching, have a reason to do it. For example, if you want to find out where your ideal customer in the awareness stage finds their information, you should search for it; don’t just look at the information randomly, have a point for your research.


  • Stay Up to Date on Your Industry’s Outlook – One thing some business owners forget to study is the overall industry. You need to be on the lookout for killer technologies that might end the need for your product or service or otherwise change something drastic in your business. Remember, no one is still making VHS tapes. (Those used to have movies on them.)


  • Focus on Finding and Identifying Exactly Who Your Ideal Customer Is – You may think you know who your customer is already. If you do, it’s because you decided who they are before you even created your product. But if you already have a service or product, you may need to work a little harder finding the customer, but it is still possible.


  • Study Your Competition Regularly – Don’t just study the competition one time. Join their lists, get to know them. Become members of their community. The truth is, you never know when the competition might become a wonderful colleague.


  • Use the Data You Discover – Don’t just do all this work for nothing. Use the information you gather. Once you’ve collected the data and analyzed it make changes based on the facts. Then do it all again. And Again.


There is no point doing all this work researching if you’re not going to make changes and adjustments to your ideas. Once in a blue moon, your assumptions may be right, and your research confirms it, but often assumptions can be wrong, so always match your assumptions with the metrics and data that show the truth.







What Methods Work Best to Ensure You Make Your Goals?

As you work through developing goals for your business and your happy life, you may notice that you need to change what you’re doing now. In fact, as you move along in your business, whatever is in your business plan now might change. As you gain experience, some of the assumptions you made in the past will be thrown out for the reality of what really works and what doesn’t work per your metrics.


Learn How to Create SMART Goals


The main issue with goals is that many times excited entrepreneurs don’t set goals that will work. A goal needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. If it’s not all of these, more than likely, you will not succeed. It might seem like extra work for you to focus on the minutia to set goals. However, the proof is in the pudding.


Did you know that, according to SCORE.org, businesses that create well-researched business plans and then use those plans to develop each goal and the steps to reach each goal are 80 percent more likely to experience success? Because of this, SMART goal setting for your life and your business will be one of the practices that pay off for you the most.


Write Specific Goals


For a goal to be specific, it needs to spell out the result and how you’re going to do it. For example, if you want to list 100 products a week on your Poshmark and 100 on your eBay platform, you have to set it up so that it can happen. “I will list 20 products each evening from 8 to 10 PM.” Describe what constitutes done, so you know when you met the goal. Remember, if you don’t set aside the time to do it, it won’t happen.


Make Sure Each Goal is Measurable


As you noticed, the specific goal above mentions numbers. It states that you’ll list 100 products within five workdays by listing 20 products each day Monday – Friday between the hours of 8 and 10 PM. Knowing this information, you also need to set up the rest of our day to ensure you have the time to devote.


Work Only for Attainable Goals


If you want to list more products because you know that getting more listings up means that you have the opportunity to earn more money, it’s important to be realistic about the number.


If you don’t have the funds to buy 100 products a week, you’re not going to be able to list them. If you don’t really sit down each evening to process the products, it won’t happen. Don’t make the goal so impossible to reach that it doesn’t take into consideration the reality of your life and the goals you’ve made for the rest of your life too.


If you really only have 2 hours, it’s possible you will not have enough time to list 20 products, so you’ll have to lower your goal so that it’s actually attainable. Also, there may be outside influences that make your goal impossible, for example, if it’s against the terms of service or somehow against the law or other rules.


Ensure Your Goal is Realistic in The First Place

Outsourcing: The Key to Success for The Life Affirming Entrepreneur

Don’t make impossible goals. It’s fun to dream about being a billionaire but don’t start with that goal. Start with a goal of making enough money to maintain your current lifestyle, then add to that as you go. Also, think about other aspects of your life that might make the goal, while attainable, unrealistic for you.


For example, if you have a chronic illness, you may need to modify some of your goals to ensure you can meet them. The easiest way to succeed is to stop trying to do things that can’t be done and do things that can be done by studying the situation to make sure it’s real and a sensible goal to set for your situation.


Always Assign Yourself (and anyone who works with you) Deadlines to Make Them Time-Bound


No goal will ever be done on an ongoing basis to see real results if you don’t set deadlines. When you set deadlines, always take the time to understand how long it really takes. Don’t try to be faster than others. Take the time it really takes to do a good job, regardless of what it is. Some people have found success using something called Block Scheduling. This is where you state you’ll do XYZ during a particular block of time.


When you learn good goal setting technique, you’ll be amazed at how much better you become at succeeding. It doesn’t matter what you want to do. Using SMART goal setting techniques will make a difference.

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Creating Your Executive Summary Is Not Just for Investors

The executive summary is an important component of your business plan. It’s the part of your plan that is first, but it is often created last. You need all the other information collected, studied, and analyzed to create the executive summary. This summary will explain in a concise yet thorough way what you do, who you do it for, and why you will be successful doing it.


To complete the executive summary, include:


  • Information about your research – The research you conduct will inform business decisions and help you develop your strategy for achieving your goals.


  • Results of said research – The research produced results that need to be analyzed for the executive summary.


  • Suggestions about how to do business based on the research – Based on what you learned during the research, what steps will you take, when will you take them, and how will you take them?


Your executive summary is mostly an informative piece of writing that doesn’t need to be very persuasive other than you should point out the research methods and why they’re accurate and explain the results thoroughly.


It should be interesting, grab attention, and give you the info it needs to in the case of needing a business loan or angel investors. If it’s just for your use, you still want to continue creating the executive summary as if someone from a bank might read it. Try capturing your reader with a thought-provoking statistic or tell them about a quote you love that relates, or a book.

Get Business Education: Know and Understand Your Offers

The executive summary should be able to exist without the rest of the business plan as its own document to use when needed. However, you’ll want it to be concise and short. It’s a summary by nature, but it should give all the information the reader needs. You’ll be able to use the document in other aspects of your business to come up with content marketing ideas, to remember your mission, and more.


You can write your executive summary in the same way as normal article writing. Create a title for each section. You can use this order to keep it all straight in your mind as you develop your executive summary for your business plan. But remember, you should not even start writing it until you’ve collected the information for each section.


Start with an overview of your business; include what you do, who you do it for, why, and how you do it. Next, add information about your target market, your competition, and at least three points about the marketing strategy you plan to use. Now add in information about how you will operate the business. Will you be a sole proprietor, or will you be a corporation? Will you work in a brick and mortar atmosphere, or will you build your business solely online? You also want to include information about your projections based on your research. Give information about finances now, a year from now, two years from now, and up to five years. Be sure to include your break-even point and concrete ideas about when you’ll finally produce a profit. If you need an influx of money, this is also when you mention the type of financing you will get or venture capital you’ll seek. All your numbers should align and make sense.


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What Do You Need to Change to Succeed?

One thing is evident when you do the work to research your niche, your industry, and your audience so that you can build your life-affirming business: there are things that you need to change. That’s even more true when you get real about who you are, what skills you have or lack, and are honest about your deficiencies. There is always going to be something that you need to change so that you can succeed.


As you work through developing your life-affirming business plan, an exercise that will help you move forward is to note where you are right now and where you want to go. Don’t just draw a line from point A to point B, though. Instead, you need to take the time to write down the steps involved in getting to point B.


For example, let’s say you’re a married mom of three children under nine years old. You have a 2-year-old, a five-year-old, and an 8-year-old. Your husband works away from home 60 hours a week, including travel time. You work outside the home 50 hours a week, including travel time.


You usually are home on weekends, but your spouse works odd hours sometimes on weekends, nights and is not reliable to help out with the kids or anything else around the house very often. You are trying to build a reselling business on Amazon FBA, Poshmark.com, eBay.com, and other platforms. Your first goal is to replace your $38,000 yearly income so that you can stop going to that job.


There is nothing wrong with the above scenario. If you look at it realistically, you can see clearly that you will need to create a plan uniquely designed for you, the time you have available, your budget, your goals, and other considerations to find time to build your business the way you want it to be.


You note that you have every intention to work for two hours a night taking pictures and making listings after you get the kids to bed by 8:30 PM weeknights and 10 PM on weekends. You also want to work four hours a day on Saturday and Sunday, shopping for and sourcing new products. But you find yourself not doing any of it. You get home, do your household chores, spend time with the kids, put them to bed, and veg on the couch until you pass out, or you find things to do that aren’t your business like laundry, dishes, mopping, and so forth.


Meanwhile, your business goes nowhere. What do you need to change?


In this case, you need to change your mindset. There is no reason you have to cook home-cooked meals or clean the house yourself. Enlist the children’s help and assign chores to your husband when he’s home. If you can, consider hiring someone to come in and help.


Try getting up two hours earlier and doing the listings and pictures before you’re tired from the day. That way, you get it done while you’re alert before you’ve given all you have at work. Change to only sourcing once a week on Saturday morning for as long as it takes you to spend your budget up to 5 hours, then on Sunday spend four hours organizing for pictures and listing during the week.


Even if you don’t get it all done during the time constraints you’ve set, you will get it done over time. Remember, there are no rules about how much you need to do each day other than meeting your goals. If it’s too hard to meet, reset your goals to be more realistic.


As you see, the main point of all this is to figure out where you are, where you want to be, and then working with what you have and your personality to design a path to get you to your destination. In this case, it’s going to start with listing goals, and then once you meet those, you can focus on your income goals.

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Setting Boundaries: It’s Not Selfish to Go After What You Want

As you work on designing your life and business to match your version of a fulfilling and happy life, it’s imperative to realize that it’s not selfish to go after what you want. While it’s not selfish to make yourself happy as long as making yourself happy doesn’t include criminal or unethical activity, there are times when being so-called—selfish is good for you and good for business.


Stick to Your Budget


When most people think of sticking to a budget, they think of only money. While yes, you need to create and stick to your well-thought-out budget so that you keep your bank account healthy and can go after other things you want, remember that you have other non-money resources like your health, time, and so forth.


Follow Your Schedule


When you set up a schedule with real planning and thought about fitting in the things you want to do in life, it’s important to mostly follow your schedule. If you are having a hard time sticking to the schedule, maybe you’re not putting your plans first, or maybe you need a new schedule that is more realistic. When you develop a schedule that includes everything, including lunch with your four-year-old, data entry, exercise, and so forth, you’ll have a much more balanced life.


Say No (or Yes) with True Thought and Consideration


Don’t say yes or no to any request without thinking about it first. You need first to ask yourself if you even want to do it, figure out why you want to do it, what the benefits are, and then check to see if you even have time to do it. If you don’t want to do it, you can say no without guilt.


If you do want to and can’t, due to time or other constraints, state so and do not feel bad. If you can do it and want to do it, then you’re in the clear. But it’s imperative that you really think about it and study each question well.


Take Care of You First


This is probably the hardest for females. Women tend to put everyone else first but feel bad when they put themselves first. When it comes to your needs, always put needs before wants. Your needs come before your wants. Your needs come before someone else’s wants. This is how it should be. If you aren’t happy, healthy, and living the life you really want to live, what’s the point?


Prioritize Tasks, Especially Money-Making Tasks


As you create your schedules for your business activities, remember to prioritize any money-making tasks. The main reason is that without money you can’t do all the things you want to do that make your life worth living.

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

However, this doesn’t mean that you work 20 hours a day on money-making tasks. Instead, you’ll simply spend some of your time each day hard at work making money. When you designed your life, you discovered how much time you have left to make money. Use that time wisely. There is no point in spending time, for example, chatting with people on social media before you send offers to your customers.

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Components of a Business Plan

A business plan is an important document that was traditionally designed so the business owner could apply for and receive financial help through loans, venture capital, and other investments.

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However, the other reason for the business plan is that it will help you determine before you invest too much time and effort if your business idea is viable or not. Plus, it can be the beginning of a roadmap with daily operation tasks and activities that lead to building and growing a successful life-affirming business.


Executive Summary


This section includes the name, location, and the overall mission of your business that you want to start. You’ll want to include a full description of the product or service, how it’s situated within the market, and why yours is different. To write an excellent executive summary, you need all the information described in the other components below first. It should encapsulate everything you prove in the sections below.


Business Description


In just a few paragraphs, write an overview of your business operations and what you do. What you do, who you do it for, and why you’re different. You’ll need to research your industry and the competition, describe how the industry is right now in the current climate, and provide basic information about your business such as your name, the location, the type of structure you set up, and so forth. It should be clear to whoever needs it what you do. A good way to approach this is to describe the problem you solve for your ideal customer.


Market Analysis and Strategy


This is the section you will include your overall analysis about your industry, where you fit in, the target market, your competition, and how you will enter the market with your product or service based on what you know. Be very specific. Include the size of your audience, trending information, and info about your target customer. This is the info that you can create a customer avatar with.


Marketing and Sales Plan


This section may be one of the most important because it will define how you will do business. It will define your method for gaining customers and the like. You’ll want to discuss your product, the price of your product, the place you’ll sell it, how you’ll promote it, to whom, and mention what profit you want to achieve and how you will reach your target profit potential.


Competitive Analysis


To create this section, you’ll need to find out who your competition is, who exactly their target audience is, how they do their targeting and pricing, and marketing. You should understand how they differentiate themselves from the market so that you can find another entry point.


Management and Organization Description


In this section, you’ll want to describe and summarize your business structure, who is on your team, whether they’re employees or contractors, and so forth. This section is not actually needed unless you plan to talk to venture capitalists or seek grants. However, it is helpful for you personally to describe how your organization will work and who will do what, when, why, and how.


Products and Services Description


This area is very straight forward. Simply list and describe every product and service you will be selling. This is how you will earn money. Use all your descriptive words to describe your products and services fully. You’ll want to include cost, features (and always the benefit of that feature to your ideal customer), how you’ll distribute the product or service, and information about the target market and competition too.

Develop a Realistic Business Plan


Operating Plan


In this section, you need to be very detailed about how you’re going to run your business. What day to day tasks will be completed, and by whom, in order to be successful in this business? How much time will it take? What equipment will you use? What will change if times get hard or something happens, such as a natural disaster? Your operating plans consider possibilities so that you hopefully have a plan already in place when you need it.


Financial Projection and Needs


Not only do you need to know exactly what each part of your business costs you in terms of investment but also what it is going to earn you. This is an integral part of the plan because it will help you understand what it takes to achieve the goal you want: work-life balance and enough funds to accomplish the life you want to live.


Exhibits and Appendices


In this area, you’ll include all the documentation that goes with the summaries that you created for each section. This is the area you want to back up anything you said above with proof. Include copies of your ads, copies of your headlines, tagline, logo, and anything you use for marketing that helps support your words above.


It really does depend on the type of business you plan to start, whether you need to write a full business plan with the components mentioned above. If you are starting a home business, you may not need some of the financial projections that enable you to get a loan or venture capital, for example, but in general, you need at least to know what your goals are and how you’re going to reach them. When you put it in writing, it will provide a roadmap that will enable you to achieve the success you seek.

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Questions to Ask Yourself to Figure Out What You Want

Let’s step back and think about your life and what you really want out of it as you design your business to work with your life. Most people don’t think about designing their life or their business to work best with the life they want to live.


Instead, they generally get training and get an entry-level job or start a business thinking it’s normal to work all the time and still not have anything extra to have fun with or invest in the future with.


The truly empowering and exciting fact is life doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to settle. You can change your life from right now moving forward if you simply understand what you want and figure out how to get what you want from your true starting point using goal setting techniques that require you to act.


  • Why Do You Exist? – This may seem like an essential question but answer it in terms of what you want to do supposedly for the rest of your life. Perhaps you exist to experience hiking every US hiking trail known? How does that tie into your business needs? Well, it means you need a business that allows you the time and resources to go hiking a lot.


  • What Do You Most Want to Achieve in the World? – Do you want to end hunger, stop pet abuse, or something else? It doesn’t have to tie directly into the business you start but sometimes how you earn money can be impacted by what you most want to achieve. It’s okay to make money from your achievements.

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  • What Do You Want to Be Remembered For? – Try writing your obituary to get your mind around how you want to be remembered. Sometimes it can help to design your obit for more than one audience to highlight different aspects of your personality in your heart and mind.


  • What Excites You? – What was the last thing you did in your life that made you forget time and just forget all your worries? Was it that time you wrote a short story in high school? What about that time you learned to build a database? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Love Most? – Is there something out there already that you really love doing? Do you like gaming? Do you like watching movies? Reading books? Spending time with the elderly? Helping the less fortunate? Mountain biking? List all the things you really love doing.


  • Who Do You Want to Be Like? – Is there someone else that you really think has done all the things you wish you could have done? If someone has already achieved what you want, it helps follow them and learn about them.


  • What Do You Dislike? – Sometimes, if you cannot think of what you like, it’s easier to think about what you do not like. Make a list of things you know for a fact you dislike doing or thinking about. Dislike politics? Dislike running? Dislike filing? Dislike talking on the phone? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Know You Do Not Want? – Like writing what you don’t like helps, so will writing what you know you do not want. For example, “I do not want to work more than 20 hours per week earning money.”


  • What’s Your Tag Line? – Create a tagline for your business but also create one for your life. This tag line can be posted prominently so that you can remember what you stand for and let that guide your choices.


  • How Much Time Do You Have? – When you decide on any new goal in life, it’s important to consider how much time you really have to achieve it. If you’re 50 today, that means you have less time than if you’re 20.


  • How Much Free Time Do You Need? – As you’re choosing a business to help fund your ideal life, think about how much free time you really want and need to be happy. Do you like being able to rest on the weekends, reading, watching movies, or do you like having a busier life?


  • Who Do You Wish to Spend Your Time With? – Think about the average day that you’re not working. Who do you like being around? Think about working. If you had to work with others, what type of people do you want to be around? Describe the attitude, morals, values, and principles of the people you want to spend time with.


  • What Do You Like Doing for Fun? – Make a list of activities you like doing for fun and recreation. These activities take time, money, and skill. It’s important for you to have the resources to do them.


  • What Do You Like Spending Money on Without Guilt? – When you spend money, what makes you not think about it? If you spend money on something and you dislike it, consider whether you need to or not. If you don’t mind, consider what type of budget you need for it.


  • What Does Your Ideal Life Look Like in Five Years? – If you started right now with what you have and what you know, what will your life look like in five years, ideally? Describe it using as many descriptive words as you can.


  • Which Famous Quote Defines Your Moral Perspective? – You can have more than one quote that resonates and describes your moral perspective. Collect a few so that you can look at them when you need a reminder.


Answering these questions is just the start. The answers give you insight into the goals you will set for your business and your life. These goals can work together simultaneously to help you build a business that really does work with your life.


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Why You’re Not Alone Even When You’re a Sole Proprietor

While exciting, starting a business can be lonely. This is especially true for small business owners who traditionally start “home” businesses that they plan to run independently. But the exciting thing about this is that today you’re not alone even as a sole proprietor because today, there are many resources that you can tap into right from the comfort of your home via your computer.


Take a Class

online class

If you need to know something to help improve your business or life, taking a class is a great way to do it. Participating in the class with the other students and the instructor is also a great way to network with other like-minded people. Most of the time, the people taking the course and you will have something in common if only the reason for taking the class.


Join a Mastermind


If you need motivation, sometimes a mastermind group is the way to go. Not only will you be able to network with others, but you’ll learn something and potentially acquire a new resource to use to meet your goals.


Find Your Community


There is a community out there for you to join as a solopreneur that can help you learn, socialize, and grow your business. It may be local to you, or it might be online via a forum, message board, or private group on Facebook or another platform.


Build Your Team


Just because you are a solopreneur doesn’t mean you have to do everything. To acquire a skill (a resource) fast, pay for it. For example, if you don’t have financial knowledge, you may want to hire a CPA to guide you, or if you lack time to provide the proper customer care, you may want to employ a customer service expert or pay for a chatbot to help.


Find a Coworking Community

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

Locally to you, there are probably coworking communities already working together and helping each other grow. You can also find coworking communities online too through groups and forums. It can be very motivating working alongside other movers and shakers. Plus, once again, through networking, you may be able to fill your need for a particular resource based on your list.


Go to Live Events


An enjoyable and lucrative way to avoid being alone is to go to live events. Live events will stand out for you as a networking tool that will introduce you to new people to fulfill your resource list.


Connect with Your Customer


Also, don’t forget that you have customers, or you will once you start your business. You can connect with them on many levels. For example, use your hobbies and interests to build rapport when you can tie them to your business and work. Your customers are essential, and the more you can get to know them, the better.


As you can see, you’re never alone. As the owner of your business, it’s up to you to fill all your needs, but you don’t need to do it alone. You can network and build your team and remember to delegate and outsource so that you aren’t doing it all alone.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


What Resources Do I Need to Live the Good Life?

As you plan your future business and get ready to create your business plan, you need to understand what resources you need to live the good life you want. You don’t want your business to interfere with it. In fact, you want your business to provide the good life you want. It’s not an either-or choice if you think about all this in advance.


What is a resource? A resource can be either internal or external. For example, you have internal resources such as your own knowledge, skills, qualities, habits, techniques, your own funds, and things you’ve learned over time. External sources may include your access to people in the know, books, software, funds, and so forth.


When you look at your vision board and the goals you’ve set for each of the eight areas of life, what resources do you really need? Some resources you come across will be required, and some will be desired but not out and out required.


Let’s remember the eight areas of life and show an example of the possible resources you need for each area. I included some ideas for you to get you started. This is not comprehensive because it’s hard to know what any one person may have or need as this is very individual, so try to answer this for yourself using the example.


Career and Business


Resources I have:

  • Coaching Certification
  • Time Management Skills
  • Networking Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Computer
  • Coaching Software
  • Online Communities
  • Mastermind Group
  • $5000 Start-Up Funding


Resources I need:

  • Programming Skills
  • Email Marketing Software
  • A Website
  • An Office Space
  • Clients


Health and Fitness


Resources I have:

  • A Good Mindset
  • Gym Membership
  • Good Shoes
  • My Best Friend (Motivation)
  • $400 Monthly Budget


Resources I need:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Regular Dental Care
  • Healthy Grocery Budget
  • Full House Water Filter


Relationships and Social Life


Resources I have:

  • A supportive spouse
  • Three great kids
  • Backyard Pool
  • A Healthy Outlook
  • Good Communication Skills


Resources I need:

  • Bigger Dining Room Table
  • A Vacation Home
  • Time




Resources I have:

  • $5000 Startup Cash
  • A Business Idea
  • A Personal Budget


Resources I need:

  • Bookkeeping Software
  • A CPA
  • A Business Plan
  • A Retirement Plan


Personal and Spiritual Development


Resources I have:

  • My church
  • My book club group
  • My community
  • My health


Resources I need:

  • Books
  • Counselor
  • Like-Minded People


Hobbies and Fun


Add what you have and what you need to ensure you can do your hobbies and have fun.


Home and Environment


What do you have already that makes your home environment the way you want it, and what do you need to improve it based on your lifestyle goals?


Community Involvement


The same thing goes here, list all the resources you have and that you need to achieve the results you desire.


Some of the resources you need you may not have yet, or you may not even be sure what they are yet, but as you move along, you’ll discover what is needed, and you can add those to the list of resources you need. Make sure you create your resource list based on what you have available first and then what you need to acquire for each of the areas of life you want to design and improve.


Understanding exactly what you need for success in each of the eight areas of life will help you ensure that you are working toward your goal in a way that makes it possible to succeed. If you don’t have the resource yet, you can use the information you’re gathering to set up a plan to get those resources.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…
