Five Ways to Make Content Marketing Work for You as a Solo Entrepreneur

Content marketing is an integral part of the digital marketing strategy. It is a strategy that involves creating and sharing valuable content to attract and retain customers. The main idea behind content marketing is that people are more likely to buy a product or service if they know, like, and trust you. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs like you to understand the importance of content marketing, what it is, and how to do it to work for your business goals.


Here are five ways to make content marketing work for you as a solo entrepreneur:


Focus on SEO and Unique Content

Search engine optimization or SEO makes a website rank higher on search engine results pages by increasing its visibility. Create high-quality, unique content with keywords relevant to your target audience. The idea behind SEO is that if a person searches for something and your site appears in the top few results, they are more likely to click on it than if it’s farther down the list. This improves your ranking and increases your traffic.


Choose Multiple Channels to Share your Content

Find more than one platform to share your content. This can include your blog, email, or social media platform. However, it is important to note to keep the content you share on each channel unique. This means repurposing blog posts into short-form videos for Instagram or editing a YouTube video to be shorter on TikTok, for example.


Follow a Content Calendar

Content calendars make content marketing easier because they allow you to plan. Planning ahead of time saves you the hassle of coming up with ideas on the spot. This way, you can focus most of your time writing quality content and not worry about when it needs to be published.


Be Sure You Know Your Audience

Writing for a target audience is one of the most important aspects of online content marketing. First, you need to research your intended audience extensively and thoroughly understand what they want and need. It’s essential to know your audience if you’re going to create a successful campaign for your business. Your content needs to target people interested in what you offer, which can be done through keyword research.


Keep Track of Your Analytics

Ignoring analytics is a big mistake when it comes to marketing. Remember, viewing your metrics gives you a clear insight into what you need to do to improve, so don’t skip it. Collecting and analyzing data is fundamental to your success.


A relevant content marketing plan and system are essential for helping you find and connect with your target audience. It can work for you as long as you take the time to share the right content and get to know your audience. The more you get to know your audience, the more value you can provide them.



A Quick Guide to Starting a Retail Arbitrage Business

Retail arbitrage is not just a hobby or side business. It is a business model that many follow to run highly profitable businesses. Retail arbitrage involves finding products created by other brands and manufacturers and then reselling them on Amazon, eBay, or Walmart for a profit. The goal is to find a high in-demand product for an affordable price, buy it in bulk and then list it on one of these platforms. The more products you source and resell on these platforms, the more revenue you can make.


These essential tips will help you start and run a profitable retail arbitrage business:


Use the Amazon Seller App

The best way to ensure you are sourcing products with a high-profit margin is to take advantage of the Amazon seller phone application. This app allows you to scan items to see their current sales price, sales rank, and potential return on investment.


Shop More Than One Store

Find more than one store to shop from, even if it is the same type of store. The more deals you can find with the most units, the more profits you can make. For example, if you find a candle that people are buying for $2 at a local store but know you can sell it on Amazon for $10, you will want to purchase and sell at least twelve or more to make a profit worth the work.


Verify Your Profit Margins

In other words, find products you can sell at all different price points. However, beware of your limits. Anything that provides at least eight dollars or more in return is where you should start if you want to start and run a profitable retail arbitrage business.


Price and Ship Right Away

Don’t let the product sit once you purchase it. Follow the instructions on how to properly ship your items to Amazon’s warehouse as soon as possible. Be sure to price the items competitively but fairly. In other words, if others on the platform are selling the same thing, don’t over or underprice them, as this will only hurt you in the end. Keep the price the same by fifty cents to a dollar keeping in mind your profit margins.


As you can see, you can’t just post any product and expect it to be successful. It needs to be an in-demand product and offer a good return on investment after being shipped to Amazon then packaged and sent to the new owner. For retail arbitrage to be successful, you must sell at a profit and find more than one unit. This means most successful retail arbitrage businesses eventually open a warehouse and hire employees to source more products and get them shipped to Amazon quickly.




Five Steps to Creating an Amazon Kindle eBooks Business

Kindle publishing has the potential to create a six-figure or more business. With Kindle Direct Publishing, any writer can now publish their books, grow their audience without an established publisher, and still generate large profits. In fact, Amazon allows writers to create the stories they want and keep control of their products. Making Kindle Direct Publishing a powerful business model to choose if you are a writer or desire to become one.


These five steps will help you to create and run a profitable Amazon Kindle eBook business.


Step One: Find Your Amazon Kindle Books Category or Niche

Research through the top sellers in the Kindle store to see which genre inspires you the most. These genres let you know what products are in demand. While you want to create your own story, you still need to find and develop one people search for on Amazon to build a profitable business. Even if you author a terrific book, you won’t have a great time selling it if people are not interested in the genre.

Step Two: Create an Amazon Seller Account

To sell your books on Amazon, you must own and pay for an Amazon Seller Account. This costs about $39.99 a month plus any royalty fees, depending on the size of your book. For example, if you price your book below $2.99 and above $9.99, you will be charged a 30% royalty fee for using Amazon’s services.


Step Three: Develop Eye-Catching Book Covers

The first thing readers see is your book cover and title, so make it eye-catching. Your readers should get a basic understanding of what genre they will read just by looking at the cover. For example, a romantic novel will have a couple cuddling, while a beginner’s guide to cooking will want to have food and cooking equipment to draw in the right readers.


Step Four: Write Quality Content and Descriptions

The most crucial step of all is to create a story or book worth reading. To make a profitable Amazon eBook business, you need to create a series or more than one book on related topics. This way, you create fans of your work who will read your new books no matter what as they know they will enjoy your genre.


Step Five: Tease and Promote Your Books

Before your book officially launches, let your readers know what is about to come. Take parts of your book and create short stories, guides, or templates that can be useful or valuable to your audience now or until they can purchase the full book.


Follow these five steps to launch and run a successful and highly profitable Amazon Kindle eBooks business. The more quality content you write and share on the platform, the more revenue you will generate.


Common Community Building Obstacles that Can Hinder Your Success


Essential Guide to Starting a Blogging Business

Did you know that in 2020 over four hundred million people viewed nearly twenty billion blog pages every month? What’s even better is that almost twenty-five percent of those who run a WordPress blog make a full-time living in the same year. These two facts show that creating a blog and turning it into a profitable or sustainable business is not completely out of reach.

Here are five tips to follow to grow a profitable blogging business:


Choose a Niche

While not a requirement, choosing a niche for your blog is the best way to turn your blog into a profitable business. This is because you can better perfect and target your audience when you don’t have too many topics to cover.


Develop or Invest in Quality Content

A blog is only as successful as the content it provides. If you just put up any blog post or re-share content others create without any unique twist or value, you won’t go anywhere. Successful blogs work because they know what content their audience needs or wants and delivers.


Be Interactive and Visual

While blogs are mostly written content, that does not mean you should avoid using pictures or infographics. Graphics add more creativity and interest to your post that keep your audience interested and engaged. Increasing audience engagement ensures your audience feels your offers are valuable.


Monetize Right Away

You don’t need to wait to start making money or develop ways to monetize your blog. In fact, monetization ideas should be created or at least thought of before you even purchase your domain or create your first blog. This way, you know the effort and time you put into your blog is a viable and profitable option. Waiting for your target audience to do the work for you won’t create the profits you need to be successful. Instead, you need to give the products to them.

4 Tips For Success In Home Business

Use Social Media and Email Marketing

The best way to promote your blog is through social media and email marketing. However, you can’t expect anyone to find you without a proper marketing strategy unless you create perfect SEO-rich content. Even then, relying on only SEO or keywords can be a slow and tedious process.

With these tips, you can grow the blogging business of your dreams. As long as you invest in the right content your target audience wants to read or consume, and use the right platforms for marketing your blog, you will be successful. Remember, blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes dedication, passion, and consistency to deliver content your target audience wants to enjoy continually to grow your business.

Five Tools to Grow an Engaging and Valuable Brand Community

Brand or online communities allow you to reach more potential customers, increase your revenue potential and credibility as a brand. However, these benefits do not come easy as they require a highly engaged community, constant interaction, and unique content. Thankfully, many tools can either automate or make the process easier and faster to accomplish. This way, you can spend your time where it matters most, creating more value for your target audience.


The following are five tools to utilize to grow an engaging and beneficial brand community:


Fuel Cycle


A marketing research cloud that drives brands to communities with powerful insights and information that can improve the success of your business. The information provided on this platform helps you perfect your brand message, transform the customer experience, and work more closely with your target audience to make important decisions in real-time. In addition, their user-focus interface and smartphone application are specifically designed to increase engagement and participation.


Sprout Social


This community-building platform offers many tools, such as managing all your social profiles from one dashboard instead of signing in to each individually. This can really help you collaborate more with your coworkers and clients while also getting more information to help you deliver even more of what your customers want.




This social media monitoring solution can help you find any conversations online about your brand, products, and even your competitors all across the web. In addition, this information can help you create more products, services, and engaging content for your audience as you stay informed about what people are talking about even outside your personally owned communities.




This system enables you to build your community engagement with real-time data and analytics established by insights into your community. As a result, you will gain useful knowledge about your community’s needs to develop closer and more profitable, mutually beneficial relationships.




If you’re interested in encouraging and using more user-generated content in your communities, this option offers that to you. It enables you to curate social media content that you can embed on your website or really any screen. In addition, engaging with your audience on their own content will encourage even more discussions and thus create even more user-generated content.


Give each of these different tools a try to see which one benefits you and your community the most. Remember, just because one doesn’t work doesn’t mean the other won’t either. Each tool solves a specific problem. Overall, tools allow you to streamline the community building process to create more relevance and value for your target audience. The more value you provide, the more profits and other benefits you gain in return.



Tools and Tips to Help You Automate Social Media Marketing





Common Community Building Obstacles that Can Hinder Your Success

Like any business advertising or marketing strategy, there are bound to be obstacles that can hinder your success. For this reason, understanding some of the many common obstacles to community building now will prevent them from destroying your results in the future. In addition, knowing what to watch out for can mitigate the problems and help you be more successful than your wildest dreams.


Here are four common community-building obstacles that can hinder your success and tips on how to avoid or improve them:


Unique and Valuable Content


Continually creating and sharing valuable content is no easy feat. Repurposing content, sharing boring promotions, or expecting your community to do most of the work won’t help you either. Instead, developing and sharing content that is unique to that platform will inspire more engagement.


Asking questions and getting to know your audience more by figuring out their needs and frustrations will provide you with endless content ideas. What keeps them up at night? If you know your audience and what makes them who they are, you will know what content to produce. If you’re not sure, ask them.


Platform and Tools


Not using the right tools or platform for your target audience is the first mistake many make. Just because a platform is easy for you to use doesn’t mean it will translate to your audience. If you use a platform or software not used by the common public, you must add additional content to teach them how to use it and why they should even try. Working with difficult tools or confusing information will only deter them from participating or showing up. Instead, pick a well-known tool, and even if it’s not perfect, stick to it if that is where your audience is.


Market Competition


Competition is inevitable, and it only gets bigger the more avenues or tools you use for your business. However, doing the right research on your competition and developing superior resources makes it a non-issue. You can always do better.


One strategy is to find and join your competitors’ groups within your niche and see what comments and information they receive. Then, watch how they answer their customers or help lead them toward purchasing. Then, as you learn, find ways to make it better with your distinctive touch.




Finally, but certainly not least, consistency is a common struggle to many businesses who start a brand community. Finding the right balance of content to share and working with your members’ schedules is the best way to achieve this. Adopting and learning automation tools will also help perfect consistency. Consistency shows your members that you are there to value them, not use them for money.


Knowing these common obstacles should provide you with the tools to build a more successful brand or online community from the start. Consistent materials, schedule, and image with the right tools and education are essential to running a profitable and valuable brand community. Keeping up with your industry and always supplying valuable and powerful content can be a lot of work but is crucial to the success of your community.


Harness the Power of Consistency


Essential Community Building Statistics to Know

If you want to grow a community or build one around your brand, you must know the facts. Statistics show that if you’re going to start a business, building a community around it is vital if you’re going to succeed. Fortunately, many consumers are looking for more information directly from the source to build relationships with honest and valuable brands. They seek trust and validity before they can make a purchase or commit to a brand.


The following are some essential community building statistics to know to further promote and grow your brand:


  • Nearly a 1/3 of Users Follow Brands Using Social Media – Because so many social media users and those who love being part of communities follow brands using social media, it tells you that if big brands are doing it, it can work for you too. So, you really don’t have to be Red Bull to benefit from building community.


  • Ninety Percent of Buyers Report Using Positive Online Reviews to Make Their Purchase Decisions – Reviews work according to buyers’ own words. They like reading positive reviews to help make their choice.


  • Almost Thirty Percent of Online Customers Report Using Brand Communities for Research – Many people who want to buy things feel more comfortable going to a community run by the brand to find out what customers are saying and get a sense of the integrity of the creator.


  • The Common Community Objectives Include: Customer retention, lower support costs, and innovation – People who create communities cite these reasons for spending a lot of effort developing engaging and informative safe communities for their customers and interested parties.


  • Only 40% of Small Businesses Compared to 75% of Large Corporations Build Communities – This is likely because it can be a lot of work to set it up and keep it running. However, with the advent of so many options, it’s getting a lot easier to do it.


  • Over 95% of Adult Smartphone Users are Using Social Media and Brand Groups – Because so many people in the USA (77%) have smartphones having a mobile-friendly community will pay off since most users love being involved in brand groups using their technology.


  • Almost 90% of Business Leaders State Community Building is Essential to Growth – The main reason for this is that it’s one more way to help lead your ideal customer through the buying journey successfully.


The fact is, online or brand communities are what sets you apart from your competition and can further solidify your chances of success. If you want increased awareness, recognition, and loyalty, then running a community is vital. Overall, these statistics prove the power and benefits online, or brand communities can provide to businesses.


A Comprehensive Social Media Influencer Checklist


Common Business Problems that Building a Community Can Solve

If you are struggling to build your business and looking for ways to improve, building an online or brand community may be the best solution. In fact, it is likely the tool you’ve needed all along.


The following are five common business problems building a community can solve:


Poor Return on Investment


While email lists, advertisements, and your blog are all fabulous ways to generate interest in your offers, there is nothing more effective than truly getting to know your customers more intimately. If your ROI is not what you want it to be, but your customers are otherwise satisfied, a brand community can help you fix that problem.


You can create the community free or for a fee. It’s up to you. It really does depend on your niche and your business model, but you can test out various ways to run your community. Once you have a captive audience that you can communicate with regularly, they will start buying more, and your ROI will improve.


Poor Cashflow and Intermittent Revenue


Whether you provide services or products, or you’re an affiliate with no products of your own, if you work within a particular niche, your income is likely not consistent if you have not built a community of avid and hungry buyers. Having a membership-based community, whether paid or free, can stabilize your cash flow like nothing else.


In your communities, you can offer them the first peek at new products and services, get more feedback, receive more customer reviews, and even get your members to become brand advocates and recommend you to others much easier than you can without having a community.


Poor Credibility, Trust, and Awareness


Communities humanize businesses, and once that happens, your audience will start trusting you more. The credibility that you end up with after creating more awareness through community building will jumpstart your creative juices and end up helping you become even better in the eyes of your customer base due to all the inside knowledge you’ll gain by being part of your community.


Poor Business Growth and Stagnation


If you have grown as far as you can with what you are doing, consider building a community. An active and engaged community can really boost your growth and end the stagnation you’re experiencing. Even if you haven’t sold a solitary product yet, building an active community will generate new revenue.


Finally, you can vastly improve your customer service by setting up an active and involved community. Not only will your members offer each other community peer-to-peer support, but you’ll also be much more in tune with what is going right and wrong and learn better ways to help your members in the way they desire.



Four Ways Community Building Improves Customer Service

Four Ways Communities Improve Customer Experience

Just one bad customer experience can destroy your reputation as a brand or small business owner. Research suggests that consumers are willing to spend more revenue on businesses that have excellent customer service.


In fact, a report conducted by The Economist states that 59% of the consumers surveyed are willing to reach out or find other businesses in hopes of a better customer experience. Building a brand community provides the customer experience you need to prevent this from happening.


Here are five ways communities can improve your target customer experience:


Communities Humanize the Support Process


Most consumers are very tired of being just another number or worse, a wallet, and not even thought of as humans. Small business owners are uniquely positioned to offer customers the most human support possible through their use of communities. If you participate, they’re going to see you as a real human with real feelings, and due to that, they’re going to buy more.


Communities Improve Customer Engagement


Not only will your customers engage and discuss your products one-on-one within the community, getting current ideas and insight into making use of your products and services, but they will also be more likely to respond to you and answer your questions due to the ease of communication in a group environment.


Communities Provide Clear Customer Insight and Understanding


While the community is mainly for your customer, the truth is, you will gain a lot from having a community. You’re going to learn more about your customer, and that will help you understand what they truly need from you within the bounds of your niche.


Communities Streamline the Customer Service Process


Offering more avenues of customer care to your customers will make them feel even more heard. It’s hard to provide phone support as a small business, but the next best thing is a community that allows them to publish their questions and find answers in your FAQ or by using your bot. Plus, sometimes you’re going to be there live to help.


In the end, making sure your customers have the best experience possible when communicating or engaging with your business prevents you from destroying your reputation or business altogether. Remember, most businesses have to shut down within ten years. The major contributing factors to these shutdowns include poor customer service and not prioritizing your target audience. Building a community provides you more control and tools to ensure you give the best customer experience at all times, anywhere around the world.


Four Ways Community Building Improves Customer Service


Three Important Brand Community Practices to Follow

A strong brand community increases your reach, business revenue, and loyalty. However, to achieve these benefits, you must nurture, support, and commit to providing value to it. Only when you do the right work for a community can you expect anything positive in return – adopting the common practices that many find success in can get you started in the right direction.


Here are three important brand community practices to follow for increased member satisfaction and success:


Listen to and Engage with Your Target Audience


Everything you do in your business is about ensuring you’re reaching your ideal audience. The only way to be sure is to actually listen to and engage with your members in a deep way that ensures you find out the information you need to help them most.


While you can outsource to a community manager VA to get help with your community, you are the one who needs to show up occasionally to engage with the target audience because it will make them feel like VIPs that you take the time to be with them.


Address the Needs of Your Audience


Once you realize what your audience really needs, it’s time to address those needs with your messaging, education, products, and services. Everything you do is designed to provide solutions to your audience to help them solve their problems as easily as possible.


Use analytics, surveys, questionaries, freebies, engagement, contests, and more to determine what gets your audience’s attention based on the information and data you collect. The data you collect will inform you what their needs are and help create amazing content for them.


Choose the Right Platform or Community Structure


Today, community-building platforms are ubiquitous. Because of this, you can choose your perfect community to help you promote your business to a captive and interested audience. It really just depends on your own criteria. Do you want a message board that can be threaded? Do you have concerns regarding using the technology? Do you want to allow your members to make in-platform purchases? Do you want the ability to accept uploads or provide downloads? Whatever it is that you need to deliver to your audience is out there.


Write down what you need in a community, and then compare your needs to what’s available. You can always start easy with a Facebook Group, but there are many other options. Don’t assume all the different options are too expensive. Facebook may be free for you to use, but there are compromises to using anything free, just like there are compromises to be made even if you pay for a platform.


Many brands can get a community started easily; however, keeping it organized, engaged, and beneficial to your core audience is where many fall through. Not following or incorporating these top three community practices will only lead you down one road: failure. Adopt them today to build the brand community you want to achieve all your goals and more.



Community Engagement is Key to Growing Your Business