Five Tips to Creating Engaging Content for Your Business Community

The content you share within your online or brand community is important. However, it can stop your success instantly. If you don’t have content to share, you don’t have a community worth joining. Customer or member interaction is far from the only thing you need to rely on to build a successful community around your brand.


The content you share can make a powerful impact even if you don’t see any engagement right away. Maintaining useful and valuable content can be overwhelming and stressful. As long as you know your target audience, their needs and pain points, and what your business is all about, you shouldn’t have a problem.


Here are five tips to creating quality and engaging content for your community members:


Start with Your Member Persona


A member persona describes who your ideal customer is and who you want to attract to your community. There are several ways your ideal customer may enter your community. For example, they may become buyers based on an advert they answered, they may join your community first and then find things they need, or they may have bought from an affiliate of yours and now are part of the community.


The main thing is that the only way to ensure you attract the right people is to develop ideal customer personas that fully describe them as they travel through their buying journey. Some people will be in the awareness phase, some people will be in the choosing phase, and it’s on you to ensure you create the right content and information for each of your ideal customers regardless of the place they are in their buying journey.


Use Visuals and Video


Use a variety of content types, including interesting and unexpected videos and visuals. These get your audience’s attention and keep them engaged. Any content you already have can be made into visual content too. For example, if you post five ways to do something, you can easily create a video and a meme to go with it. When content is easier to share and looks great, it gets more attention.


Solve a Common Problem


You don’t have to conduct brain surgery to help your customers. You can solve the most basic problems for them and make them customers and community members for life. Take the time to collect a list of the issues based on your community members’ questions and discussions. They know what their problems are, and you’re just the expert to discover and promote the solutions to them.


Get Personal and Ask Questions


Once people join your communities, please don’t ignore them. Instead, they should almost immediately be welcomed to the community and asked relevant questions that can get the ball rolling on open discussions and engagement within your groups. Remember, these questions can also promote blog posts and even help you develop new product and service ideas.


Always End with A Call-To-Action


Even within your groups and communities, it’s imperative to remember always to tell them what to do. Your call to action is all about the reason for your post or communication in the first place. What action do you want them to do next after consuming that content? Don’t leave it to chance. Tell them what to do.


Make sure you follow or incorporate each of these tips every time you share or create content within your community. The more quality content you create with your target audience as your main priority, the more beneficial your brand community will be to the success of your business.






Five Important Ways Communities Increase Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is what makes the effort of building and moderating an online or brand community so important. Member-to-member interaction, social proof, and the quality content provided within the groups inspire them to stay around and seek more.


These relationships also fuel them to share your communities or become brand advocates. Thus, saving you even more money while also increasing your potential to reach more people.


In other words, brand loyalty is essential to not only solidify current success but future success too. To grow a profitable and sustainable business, building a branded community is essential.


The following are five important ways communities increase brand loyalty:


Business-To-Member Communication


Communicating with your customers directly is an amazing invention of modern times. In the old days, you had to advertise on TV, radio, or various print means and wait to see what happened. So, it could be hard to tell if it worked for the reasons you think it did.


Now you can simply tell your members directly about your offers without the go-between. You can see when they view a message or respond to it and even see them talking to their friends in the group. But most of all, getting to send them a message right now that they’re going to get directly from you is an amazing thing and will keep you at the top of their mind.


Valuable and Engaging Content


It’s very important to understand that publishing anything just to put it in your community is not the goal. You want the content you publish and share with them to be valuable and engaging. You want them to look forward to seeing the latest content you share every day.


You want them to wait for it, excited for it to appear. However, that will only happen if you take the time to create desirable content based on what you know about them and how it relates to their need to use your solutions and products.


Member-To-Member Communication


This is one of the most important parts of building a community that will change everything for your business. Once your members start talking to each other about their lives, and your products and services, and how they help or don’t help, you’re going to end up getting the most invaluable information ever that will help you improve your products and make them think you’re a mind reader.


Special Offers or Member Discounts


If you promote outside your membership group or community, a terrific way to make the members feel special is to offer them some form of reward or a loyalty program. So many big businesses don’t understand how much it harms their relationship with their customer when they offer the new deals only to their new customers. Offer your members things you don’t offer anyone else because they are important.


Superior Customer Experience and Service


When you engage and spend time with your community every day, you provide customer care directly. As a result, they will perceive their customer service as better because they feel heard.

The more you nurture your customers and seek a relationship with them, the more likely they will become loyal customers or followers of your brand. Loyal customers advocate for your business and ensure the success of your brand now and in the future. Work always to keep your community engaged, be involved in the process, ask for feedback and reward them for improving your brand loyalty.


Six Ways to Use Communities to Promote Your Products