Four Marketing Facts to Know as an Entrepreneur

Understanding marketing as an entrepreneur is the key to your success. Marketing helps you understand your target audience better and improves your communication to benefit them or increase your value as an entrepreneur. This exchange will eventually lead to a loyal audience that can be monetized to reach your entrepreneurial dreams and desires.


Here are four marketing facts that every entrepreneur should know.


Marketing is Key to Success for Any Entrepreneur

Marketing is the key to success for any entrepreneur. It is a necessary component of business, and without it, an entrepreneur will likely fail. Marketing is about positioning your product in the market so that your potential customers can notice it. Marketing can take many forms, such as paid advertising, videos, blog posts, or infographics. Nearly eighty-two percent of marketers online say they actively use content marketing to find their target audience.


Marketing is All About How You Sell, Not What You Sell

Marketing is not what you sell but how you sell it. Consumers are bombarded daily with brand messages, so marketers have to get creative with their marketing strategies to stay relevant and distinctive. Marketing campaigns should be built around the consumer’s needs and address their pain points with your products or services.


Marketing Starts with Your Customer, Not Your or Your Product or Service

Marketing starts with the customer. Creating a product or service for your customer is essential for business success. The key to a successful marketing plan is to understand what customers want and to deliver that. When marketing any product or service, you have to know who your customers are, what they want, and how they think.


Who is your customer? What does your customer want? This can be answered by asking the following questions: What are their demographics? What do they buy and why? What’s their favorite type of product/service? Where do they spend their time online, on social media, and generally?


The Best way to Market Your Business is Through Word of Mouth and Satisfied Customers

Word-of-mouth marketing is a very powerful marketing method and is one of the reasons digital marketing and social media marketing is so successful. Satisfied customers will naturally tell other people about their experience and share your company’s information. However, if you’re unable to find or maintain enough satisfied customers, you may resort to other marketing methods. Making highly shareable content such as videos, fun infographics, how-to guides, and eBooks is a great way to increase word-of-mouth marketing.


Understanding these basic facts will help you understand the value of marketing better. This way, you can be sure the marketing you implement achieves your goals and satisfies your target audience.



Six Tips on Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Many people dream of becoming successful entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that entrepreneurs are born and not made. This is far from the truth. The contrast among successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs is knowledge and understanding of what is required to build and grow a profitable business. This means anyone can learn what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and take action to become one.


Here are six tips to becoming a successful entrepreneur:


Learn Your Target Audience and Industry as Much as Possible

The more you understand who you are marketing to, the better you can convert them into paying or loyal customers. This can easily be done by interacting with them on social media and asking for feedback after purchasing or using your products, services, or content.


Joining groups on Facebook or following similar Instagram or websites in your industry and being active within them is another way to get to know them. But, again, the less you focus on generating income, and the more you focus on your target audience and what they need, the easier it will be to generate it.


Challenge Yourself and Take More Risks

As you might have heard before, business is a risk. However, the risk does not always have to equal failure, nor does it require an all-or-nothing approach. Sharing new products and content is a risk too. The more risks you take, the better you understand your target audience. Everything you share will not be successful, but that doesn’t mean it can’t provide you with important information to get there.


Be Ready for Financial Challenges

Money is a key stress point of entrepreneurship, especially in the beginning. It will never be consistent, but that doesn’t mean you are not doing something right. It is natural for some periods to be more profitable than others, significantly depending on your niche. For example, if your business focuses on a certain holiday or industry that is more important during certain times, like taxes.


Always Find Ways to Learn More

Knowledge is power and the best thing to improve your chances of success as an entrepreneur. Knowledge improves your skills and allows you to better communicate with your target audience. New knowledge can then be transformed into better quality and more robust products for your customers.


Don’t Start without a Solid Plan

Plans keep you consistent and do not waste essential time and resources. Not only that, but having a plan ensures you have a viable business idea.


Take Consistent Action

There is not one single successful business that got where they are without action. Even wrong action can get you closer to success as it helps to improve your skills and understanding.


To be successful, you must follow and incorporate these tips as much as possible. Each of these tips provides you with the tools, resources, and knowledge you need to run and create a profitable business.


Be More Accountable and Consistent, Share Your Goals

The Characteristics Successful Entrepreneurs Need

There is a common misconception that entrepreneurship cannot be taught. However, this is simply not the case. It requires a deep understanding of the different characteristics to be an entrepreneur. These characteristics can be worked on to grow into a successful entrepreneur.


The following are twelve characteristics you need to be a successful entrepreneur:


Goal Orientated and Competitive

Competition is a natural part of business and requires a goal-orientated mindset to power through and overcome them. Without goals in business, you will likely miss out on essential opportunities for engaging and providing value to your target audience.


Energetic and Focused

Business takes a lot of work which means you need to have a lot of energy and focus on getting it done — especially when you don’t feel like you. Having focus ensures you stay organized and on track to meet your goals and deadlines.


Self-Motivated and Confident

Entrepreneurship alone doesn’t mean you will always feel like working. However, you need to push through and work even while uncomfortable to be successful. If you constantly push-off work, you can’t expect results. Self-confidence can make it easier to motivate yourself, too, as you know you are the best one for the business and have value to provide.


Passionate and Determined

Passion and determination make it easy to fight through the feelings of demotivation. It also helps you get back on track when you experience a setback, a natural part of the business.


Creative and Strategic Problem Solver

Creativity and having proper problem-solving skills are required to provide value to your target audience. The most successful entrepreneurs understand that if they don’t provide value or solve a problem in some way for the target audience, then they don’t have much to offer in the first place.


Independence and Optimistic

Finally, being independent and optimistic about your business is essential to your success. Without optimism, you won’t get back on track when you experience obstacles or setbacks. Not only that, pessimism can easily cloud your judgment leading to poor decisions. Independence is required as you can’t expect people to have the same passion for your business as you. Even if you have people helping you, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t review their work or put plans in place to protect your business.


Remember, just because you don’t have all of these characteristics yet doesn’t mean you can’t become a successful entrepreneur one day. Instead, find ways to possess and perfect these skills before you take the entrepreneurial leap to be more successful in the long run. These characteristics work together to build the entrepreneurial mindset you need for long-term success.

What To Know Before Becoming an Entrepreneur

While becoming an entrepreneur can be highly beneficial, it is essential to understand its reality before diving in. Social media can make being an entrepreneur or business owner glamorous as the fun side is easy to capture and share with the world. However, business is not always fun or easy.


If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you need to know what you are getting yourself into. Viewing business as easy and fun twenty-four-seven will only make it more difficult for you to do the work required to see success.


Before becoming an entrepreneur:


It’s Highly Competitive

There are always competitors waiting to take your target audience’s attention when it comes to business. This means you need to be ready to make the appropriate changes to keep your audience’s attention and provide more value over the years. This is why competition is actually healthy. While it can seem overwhelming, it helps keep businesses aware of their target audience’s needs. Without competition, products will likely lack luster or being updated to keep up with their audience.


It’s Not Always Fun

It takes grit, determination, and a lot of work to run a successful business. This is even more true for those who just get started, as many new entrepreneurs need to do all the work required to run a business until they grow their funds to hire a professional team.


Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Again, social media makes success look like it happens overnight. Even those who seem to get exposure within a day don’t. Their skills and expertise still took time to grow. It’s highly uncommon to reach your business goals within a year. Most businesses see a profit or a breakeven point within three. To be a successful entrepreneur, be ready to do the work without any rewards to start with.


Failure Is Part of the Entrepreneurial Journey

At some point, you are likely to fail. However, that doesn’t mean you need to give up. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs create products that fail on purpose to understand their target audience better. In addition, it is a great way to learn about your industry.


Not only that, not every idea you come up with will be a good one. However, all it really takes is one good idea to be successful. Don’t let a few failures get in your way. When polled, most business owners are thankful for their mistakes because they ultimately believe they wouldn’t see their success today without experiencing failures.


As you can see, becoming an entrepreneur takes a lot of work that is uncomfortable for everyone. In addition, becoming an entrepreneur means entering into a competitive world with what seems like never-ending work, failure, and challenges that you must overcome to see success. However, if you can handle these challenges and are ready to realize your dream, becoming an entrepreneur may be right for you.

Five Signs You Are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur has the passion for running their own business or making their own income without relying on an employer. It’s about taking your passions and generating products that not only provide you a livable income but value to your community and industry.


Here are the five signs you are meant to be an entrepreneur:


You Are More Comfortable on Your Own

Most business, especially when you first start out, is lonely and requires you to do most of the work. Not only that, it takes a lot of work which means spending time with friends and loved ones may be more difficult. Most people will not be as passionate as you are either, which is okay.


You Value Freedom and Flexibility

Being an entrepreneur enables you to create your own schedule. However, this is only possible if you create the income streams conducive to that lifestyle. For example, if you want to be a career coach, you will likely need to be available after regular working hours, as many of your ideal clients will normally be working nine to five business hours.


You Are Confident and Creative

Being a business owner takes passion for your ideas, skills, and value to others. In addition, it takes confidence in knowing you have the skills and knowledge to achieve your goals and provide value to your target audience.


You Don’t Like Following Orders

No matter your role, being an employee requires following orders. It requires working when and where your boss tells you to. For many, this can mean working during the weekend or working overtime during the week and following any demands the boss asks in order to not be fired from the job. Following orders doesn’t always have to be a negative thing as this can be structured to many people’s lives. However, if you are the type to push away or come up with better ideas often, then it’s probably time for you to take the entrepreneurial leap and work for yourself instead.


You Enjoy Taking Risks

Most business ideas, even the best ones, are risky. Becoming an entrepreneur means you are willing to step into a world that relies only on yourself and no other person. If taking risks gives you energy and makes you want to do the work, you are a natural-born business owner.


These are the common signs that you are meant to be an entrepreneur and stop being an employee. If you recognize these signs, it is crucial to acknowledge that you won’t find the life you are looking for without finally taking the leap to entrepreneurship. These signs prove you thrive on the independence and creativity entrepreneurship can bring.

Shiny Object Syndrome…Do you have it?

Today’s Topic is Shiny Object Syndrome. (Stopping the Cycle)

In this video I am going to explain 3 Reasons why this continues to plague so many marketers.

Do you need help with Jumping from one thing to another?

Would you love to identify the 3 Reasons this continues to distract you from getting the Success you Desire?

How much Money have you wasted Jumping from Niche to Niche?


We are bombarded with new Opportunities daily.

Emails are pushing the new Next Best Opportunity.

Mentors are showing you a New Launch.

It may be an MLM Opportunity, New Marketing System, New Cryptocurrency, selling Affiliate Program, or E Commerce.



I am so familiar with the SOS Cycle.

I have chased so many new Opportunities.

But really I needed to take a step back and Realize that all of these Opportunities may be Great and some people are making a killing but the Real Truth is:


It is not the Opportunity but the Skills needed to Market the Opportunity.

  1. Stop The Maddness of Jumping from one thing to the next.
  2. Invest in You and learn the Skills needed to Market
  3. Focus on what you want to Market and stick to it.

If this makes Sense to you Let’s do this together.

So Here we go let’s Stop Chasing next new Opportunity.


This is also true for chasing every new platform that is being touted as the best new Marketing Platform.

Pick one and learn everything you need to be Great on that Platform before starting on a new platform.


So Let’s Focus on What we can do to improve on our Business.

  1. Don’t Chase the Shiny Object. The Grass is not any greener.
  2. Learn and perfect the skills needed to promote your niche, tool or affiliate Program.
  3. Create value around your skills and share it with others. There is truly enough for all of us.

Remember it is the Skills and not the Opportunity that produces the Money needed to live a Flawless Freedom Lifestyle.

What is your real reason for wanting to have a home business?

Would you love to be bill free?

Stay Focused on learning the skills needed.

Would you love to have the Freedom to spend more time with Family and Friends?

If you would like to see more Videos like this Subscribe to the Channel where I will be putting up more videos like this.

This Channel is for you and will be providing Reviews on Products, Motivation and Belief that you have it within you to have the life you Desire.


So, let’s Recap it is not the Opportunity but the Skills needed to market it.

Improve on getting your Skills and you can promote most any Opportunity.

Looking to start a Home Business?