Eat One Meal a Week with Your Extended Family or Close Friends

One thing that is very important for your long-term happiness, even if you’re the biggest introvert alive, is the strength of your relationships within your family and your connection to the world at large. Study after study shows that maintaining a connection to others regularly is essential for health and happiness and is directly correlated with longevity.

Positive Attitude

A favored way to stay connected to someone is through sharing a meal. Everyone has to eat, and eating is an emotional experience for human beings. When you share an emotional experience with other humans, it connects you. This is probably why we’ve invented so many food-related holidays and even associate funerals with food.


Along with other positive ways to connect like phone calls, emails, and text messages – enjoying a regular meal with those who are important in your life, or those you desire to be important in your life, will make a huge difference in how connected you feel to them and how connected they feel to you.


If one of your long-term life goals is to have strong, loving, and powerful relationships, you know that focusing on the long term is the most effective way to impact this part of your life as it’s what you do over time that impacts today, and what you do today that impacts tomorrow. How your relationships feel about you will be about combining the last memorable connections weighted toward the last time you were together.


Since you understand this and want to start now forming daily habits that change your life and set you up for success, start setting aside one day a week, at a minimum, for enjoying a meal with someone in your extended family or to share a meal with someone outside of your family.


One week it might be that you enjoy lunch with Aunt Alice, and the next week it might be drinks and wings with a business connection – it’s okay to mix it up as long as you make it a habit to clear your schedule to enjoy a meal with someone outside your immediate family on a weekly basis.


This one addition to your calendar and act will keep you connected to the world at large and expose you to new ideas and thoughts, as well as solidify a deeper connection to those you choose to meet again and again. Plus, it may even push you out of your comfort zone and allow you space to discover new things and interests.

Write Down 3 Things You’re Grateful for Each Day

Daily Habit for Health: Stand Up At Least Once Every 30 Minutes

The smallest action, when done regularly, can make all the difference. If your life or job is sedentary, you can improve your health substantially simply by adding just one thing to your day. Add movement every 30 minutes and do it by making it a habit.

Exercise For 5 Minutes Each Morning

This micro habit of movement can make all the difference in your chances of developing cancer or having circulatory issues like blood clots, and even improve your mental health – and all you have to do is stand up, get up, and stretch your legs once every 30 minutes.


No special equipment or clothing is needed. Just get up and stretch and then sit back down and continue working. This habit will improve your circulation, help you maintain your weight, cut down on anxiety, and make you feel more awake and productive all day long.

Weight loss

To lesson your chances of blood clots or other cardiovascular issues:


  • Take a break to stand up every 30 minutes – All you have to do is stand up, stretch for a few seconds, and then sit back down—no need to go on a stroll or anything like that. Just get up, stretch, and sit back down every 30 minutes. Set up a reminder to get up and move.


  • Stand and move while watching Television, YouTube, or Movies – Instead of sitting to start with, don’t sit. Stand up and get moving while you watch your favorite shows. You can stand up and march in place while watching just as easily as you can lay down and watch.


  • Work at a standing desk – Invest in a sit and standing so that you can either sit or stand during different periods of activity. The change will really help you avoid problems.


  • Use a desk treadmill – One way to beat the system entirely is to invest in a desk treadmill that fits under your desk so that you can keep moving as you work. Peddling away while you work at your desk in a sitting position will help a lot.


  • Start fidgeting – If you really cannot get up and sit back down due to work policy or flow, start learning to wriggle while working. Fidgeting by moving your legs back and forth can keep the blood flowing, so you’re less likely to develop a blood clot from being sedentary.


Even if you are a person who exercises every day, if you don’t get up every 30 minutes or so when sitting, you could be putting yourself at greater risk of poor health outcomes. According to studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic, sitting even 90 minutes at one stretch without moving could be detrimental to your health even if you regularly exercise.



Be More Proactive and Less Reactive to Achieve Higher Success

Reactive people go about life unprepared and unplanned. To put it simply reactive people, wait around until things happen and then decide to do something or not. They have unclear goals and intentions for what they want and often use their feelings and conditions as excuses to not get work done and are often driven by their feelings and emotions.


For example, they commonly use excuses like “I can’t run today because it’s raining” or “I can’t do this thing until this happens.” They are more likely to blame others and hardly take full accountability for their actions or lack of effort. They also tend to build their lives around other people’s emotions, making them feel more dependent and reliant on others.


Proactive people are the direct opposite. They are and strive to be organized as much as possible and always take accountability and ownership. They always see failure as an opportunity to learn and do better. Their behaviors and actions are a conscious choice as a direct result of their values or morals.


They use other people as inspiration but compare it to their values before they react and hardly feel dependent on others. They are confident and believe they have what it takes to get it done, and they never wait for success to come; they make it come to them. They act and never avoid it or make excuses. With these attributes, it’s obvious to see why being more proactive leads to more success.


Here are a few ways to be more proactive and less reactive in life:


Always Look for Ways to Improve

Research shows that those who look for things to do at work rather than wait for instructions from higher-ups are more likely to get promoted. Don’t wait around for change to happen or for the stars to align perfectly to go after your goals finally.


Act and understand that it is your responsibility and only yours to get going. Find more ways to educate yourself and never skip opportunities that allow you to improve or invest in training.


Understand Your Values, Morals, and Goals

Have weekly self-evaluations and highlight what you believe in and hope to strive for. Use these morals to guide your day and to control your emotions to stay on the right path.


Strive and Welcome Change

Anticipate problems and never expect things to stay the same. Change and stepping out of your comfort zones are crucial to personal and professional growth. Long-term success relies on your ability to adapt and change as needs change. Otherwise, you’ll only be left behind.


Ultimately being proactive is about acting and finding what you need to do to get the things you want done. Don’t let your emotions or lack of action take away your chance of success. Use these tips instead to be more proactive with your life and accomplish more of your dreams.

How to Find Your Most Productive Hours


How Sleep Impacts Your Productivity

American businesses lose an estimated $60 billion of revenue yearly simply due to poor sleep. A Baltimore sleep study in 2018 found that those who received less than a whole night’s rest of 7 to 8 hours of sleep regularly had significant productivity loss.


Anywhere from 19 percent less for those who got five hours of sleep and up to 39 percent for those who got even less sleep – showing just how important even one to two hours of sleep can make.


The numbers got worse if the employee experienced insomnia, snored, or have sleep apnea. Poor sleep and other factors contributing to your health affect every part of your body and your business. It compromises your memory, decision-making and problem-solving skills, mood, performance, bone, organ health, and more.


Proper sleep as well as adopting a good diet and exercise routine prevents:


  • Burnout – Sleep deprivation is the number one cause of burnout. You must rest to expect your body to work at its best.
  • Lowering Your Life Expectancy – Being sedentary, not getting enough or getting too much sleep, and getting the wrong foods can ultimately lower life expectancy. You can significantly increase your life expectancy by fueling your body appropriately, exercising at least thirty minutes a day, and getting eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.
  • Memory Loss – When you get the right amount of sleep, you can improve your ability to remember things and learn. Sleeping well gives you the mental clarity to make better decisions and perform at your best.
  • Mistakes or Injuries – Sleep deprivation leads to mental and physical impairments that can cause poor decision-making and accidents that create significant consequences like lost revenue or, worse, your life.


Three Tips to Help You Get More Sleep:


  1. Exercise and Diet – As annoying as it is, always to hear this, exercise and diet are the most important if you want to get a whole night’s rest or live a healthy life. Most problems stem from a poor diet and exercise routine.
  2. Avoid Stimulants – You may be drinking too many cups of coffee in your morning, which is easily crossing over into your sleep time. Start reducing your coffee intake; no more than 2 cups a day or less.
  3. Stay Consistent – Pick a nighttime routine and set a time and stick to it. Eventually, your body acclimates, and you’ll soon want to go to bed without you even trying.

The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success

If you want to live your most productive life, feel better about yourself, your body, mental and physical well-being, you must sleep. Your business success and health depend on it.

Burnout Busting Stress Management Techniques


Stress management techniques that help you avoid burnout are important to understand and implement into your life. Burnout is characterized by the inability to be effective and productive while also being stressed out, tired, and even angry when just thinking about the workday, business, or relationship.


Sleep 7 to 9 Hours a Night


The human body, with very few exceptions, needs at least 7 hours of sleep each night. There are some people who need less due to a genetic condition, but this is not really that common. If you aren’t sleeping enough each night due to being overworked or due to suffering from insomnia, try to find a way to put sleep as a priority in your life.


Exercise Every Day


Moving every single day, whether it’s walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or something else, is an important way to help your body regulate itself and reduce anxiety and stress. If you get up and move anytime you feel anxious, you’ll reduce your stress exponentially. Shoot for moderate exercise, at least 150 minutes a week, and you’ll be much less anxious and stressed.


Eat Right and Stay Hydrated


If you know which diet is most healthy for you, it’s important to practice it at least 80 per cent of the time. Not only will you feel better mentally and physically due to sticking to something, but it will also pay off by keeping you healthy and sickness free.


Take Up Meditation or Yoga


Doing slow exercises or clearing your mind at least 10 to 20 minutes every day is a great way to reduce stress. Many people like to combine exercise with mindfulness using a Yoga practice.


Ground Yourself


Anytime you are feeling stressed, find a way to ground yourself. The way you do this is that you start pointing out objects around you in your mind to help yourself become more mindful of right now. You can also go for a barefoot walk in the grass to help you connect with nature.


Create an Organized Environment


Studies are definitive about having clutter around – it’s not good for your mind, and it is terrible for productivity. If you really want to be successful, find an organizational method that works for you, and practice it religiously. Many people swear by The Fly Lady. (


Develop a Realistic Schedule


Learning how to schedule yourself for maximum productivity without overworking yourself is an essential skill that you can learn. Try taking some time management courses or learn how to use a particular type of scheduling like block scheduling, for example.


Keep a Daily Reflection Journal


Journaling is always an excellent method for helping you deal with stress. One way to do that is to write a daily reflection journal that describes what you did right and what you’d do differently, along with your thoughts about your feelings for the day.


Developing habits that are healthy such as sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night, eating right, and moving daily are all important techniques that will help you avoid the stress that can lead to burnout. It’s imperative that you practice self-awareness so that you can mitigate any of the signs of burnout before they become too serious.  No one is immune to burnout. If you work too hard without the right care, you will get burned out. It’s human nature, and the only way to avoid it is by using proper burnout busting stress management techniques.


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Practice Self-Loving and Acceptance

Loving yourself these days almost seems like a practice in narcissism. So many websites that promote self-love do it in a way that appears only to glorify capitalism and not really true self-love, much less acceptance. I mean, it’s easy to accept yourself if you’re perfect, right?

Create a community of entrpreneurs

If you really want to practice self-love, it has nothing to do with how much money you spend but about how you feel about yourself and, by extension, others.


  • Positive Affirmations – Every single day when you get up, and right before you go to sleep, tell yourself positive things. It can be about your looks, your thoughts, or your actions. It can be about how you want to behave tomorrow or how you behaved today by way of celebrating your success.


  • Healthy Diet – Whatever you consider a healthy diet is an important component of self-love and acceptance. After all, if you really love yourself, you’ll provide yourself the right nutrition that you need to thrive, right?


  • Exercise Regularly – Again, if you really love yourself, you’ll get moving every single day at least 20 to 30 minutes for a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise to maintain your health and avoid problems.


  • Stay Hydrated – Drinking enough fresh filtered water is also part of loving yourself enough to be healthy. When you are healthy all the way through, you’re going to make better choices and automatically feel more satisfied with life.


  • Dance More – It’s hard to be burned out, sad, or unhappy when you’re dancing. Plus, it’s great exercise that will get your blood pumping and help you feel better about yourself.


  • Surround Yourself with Happy People – They say that birds of a feather, flock together, and this is so true. Find people who act the way you want to act and live in the way you want to live who are also supportive of you.


  • Don’t Compare Yourself – Don’t compare yourself with other people in a bad way. It’s okay to aspire to be something that is possible with hard work, but you can’t be what you’re not no matter what you do.


  • End Toxic Relationships Now – If you’re in a relationship that has more downsides than upsides, find a way to eliminate it or slow it down. It’s hard if it’s a relative, but if someone is dangerous to your happiness, it’s time to separate yourself from them. You can always love them from afar.


  • Celebrate Your Wins Big and Small – When you succeed, celebrate it no matter how small. It’s not pride nor arrogance to talk about doing an excellent job on something. If you set a goal and made it, take time out to celebrate it and talk about it.


  • Get Comfortable with Discomfort – Sometimes, you have to be a little uncomfortable to experience a great change in life. If you really want to be successful, let yourself feel uncomfortable as long as it’s within your principles, morals, or values.


  • Meditate – Take time every day to be quiet and just clear your mind. You can use meditation, prayer, or just silence to accomplish this goal. It will help you more than you know to shut out the world once a day for even ten minutes a day.


  • Get Back to Nature – As often as you can get into nature in order to feed your body vitamin D, your lungs fresh air, and give your mind the beauty of nature. Studies show that humans always feel better when they are grounded to nature at least once a day or as often as humanly possible.


  • Study Your Passions – When you have something that interests you before you get involved, go ahead and permit yourself to study your passions. You can’t know what you like without experiencing different things.


  • Act with Kindness – Not only should you seek to be kind to others but also to yourself. For example, if you are struggling with addiction, it’s not kind to feed it, but it’s also not kind to harshly judge yourself or others.


  • Practice Empathy – Putting yourself into someone else’s shoes and feeling what they might be feeling can be hard if you haven’t had the experience. But you can practice by truly listening to others talk about their experiences, read more books, and expose yourself to more people.


  • Be Grateful – Take out time each day to be grateful for whatever is good in your life right now. Even if nothing is perfect, it never will be, you can recognize what is good and right for now.


  • Practice Radical Forgiveness – Not only should you forgive yourself for doing wrong if you are learning from it and changing, but you should do that for others and take it one step further and forgive those who have wronged you who you don’t even talk to. Forgiveness doesn’t mean letting people keep hurting you, but it does mean to let go of trying to fix it so that you can move on.


Self-love and acceptance don’t actually mean that you become selfish and greedy while stepping on others. No, self-love and acceptance are about acting with kindness to yourself and others to advance your overall life mission and to avoid burnout.

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Avoid Burnout: Reach Out and Find Someone to Talk To

The truth is that productivity has zero to do with being busy. You can be ultra-productive without doing a thing yourself. For example, you can pay someone else to build your website while you design your product. You can even pay someone else to design your product, build your website, advertise your product, and pretty much everything that needs to be done – all while you sit at the beach doing nothing but financing it.

Figure out where the Burnout is coming from

Such is the case for numerous people in the investment class. But, if you’re used to being working class, it can be hard to understand that productivity is about the impact you make and not about the energy you personally expend to make that impact. This discrepancy in mindset can cause burnout.


The main reason for this inconsistency is that you’ve been taught, as someone in the working class, to work. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s great to have a good work ethic, but it is a mind shift to move from the idea that being busy is being productive to ensuring that you avoid burnout as a business owner. It can help to talk to someone.


  • Hire a Life Coach – There are many mindset coaches out there that can help you work through this problem in your mind. The more you can accept that investing in help to get more done in less time with less work is the best for your business and your lifestyle, the sooner you’ll get over burnout or avoid it in the first place.


  • Hire a Professional Counselor – Today, you can also work with a professional counselor right online with sites like and others. They will work with you on any issue you want to, much like a life coach but from a mental health aspect.


  • Seek Out a Psychiatrist – If you feel your burnout is advanced – you’ve lost work, you’ve experienced relationship failure, or your health is suffering, finding a certified psychiatrist may be your best option as medication might be in order.


  • Join a Mastermind – If you know your problem is the inability to say no, or being a people pleaser, or just not realizing that you don’t have to be busy all the dang time to be successful, a mastermind focused on changing your mindset from a worker bee to a business owner can be immensely helpful.


  • Participate in a Community – There are numerous communities online today through Facebook and other social media platforms devoted to mindset and mind shifts like avoiding burnout and revising the idea of productivity. If you can’t find one, you can even start your own.


  • Study Mindset or Take a Course – Look at sites like and others for courses about productivity and mindset to help you overcome burnout. You may be surprised at how much you can find already out there to help you overcome or avoid burnout. Plus, you’ll find a community that will talk to you and helps you through it too.


Overcoming burnout and avoiding burn out is an important part of life today. So many people have had enough and don’t know how to overcome it. There are so many pressures on people to work more and be busy all the time. People have confused, busy with productivity. They have monetized their entire life and feel the need to be busy at all times. If you do this and fear you’re heading to burnout, find people to talk to as soon as you can.

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Avoid Burnout: Burnout Signs to Know and Watch For

While forgetfulness, brain fog, and trouble thinking straight can also be signs of serious illness like Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, and dementia, it can also be a major sign of burnout.


If you are experiencing issues with remembering things, can’t keep your thoughts straight, and have a hard time thinking in general or have ruminating thoughts, it’s important to seek professional help even if you think it’s burnout.


Go to your primary care provider for a complete physical and work up to be sure that it’s not chemical or physical. But understand that even if it is depression or burnout that you’re experiencing, your doctor may be able to advise you on treatment.


Mental issues are still treatable by healthcare professionals and are real illnesses. In the meantime, you can watch out for these signs and seek help to keep it from getting worse.


  • Fatigue or Exhaustion – If you feel so tired you can’t function even if you’re sleeping or you’re also not sleeping due to experiencing insomnia it’s important to note that it can be due to burnout. However, the way you feel may also be due to another illness.


  • No Motivation – When you have a lot to do, but you really just can’t be bothered with doing any of it, you’re missing deadlines, you’re not performing up to your skill level, and others are noticing it, you may be burned-out.


  • Can’t Focus – Another sign of burnout is the inability to concentrate, focus, or remember things. This is a sign that is also associated with depression, and frequently situational depression can coincide with burnout.


  • Feel Dread – If you feel dread every time you think of work, go to work, or get home from work, you may be burned out. If you are always fantasizing about getting out of your job or your business, you may be burned out, and that is why this is happening.


  • Ruminating Thoughts – When an issue comes up with your business, work, or relationship (whatever it is that is contributing to your feelings), if you end up having circular thoughts to the point of distraction, you may be burned out.


  • Don’t Care That You Don’t Care – This is a big sign of burnout. If you can barely be bothered to read this blog post about burnout because you feel numb to everything, it’s likely you either are burned out, or you have major depression.


It’s imperative to remember that being burned out doesn’t mean you don’t want to keep your business, or your job, or even your marriage—if that’s what is causing you the dread, lack of motivation, and exhaustion—it might be the way you’re doing it that is causing your burnout. Therefore, it will help to identify the reasons you’re experiencing these problems so that you can fix it and avoid it in the future.

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Avoid Burnout: How to Exercise and Sleep More

Sleeping enough each night is an essential component of ensuring that you live a life that will help you avoid burnout. If you are well-rested, you are going to perform at a higher level every single day, thus making you more productive. If you are tired due to a lack of sleep, problems will seem more prominent and less surmountable. The thing is, exercising every day is a big key to sleeping better every night.


Know Your Body


It’s okay to be a night owl going to bed later and sleeping later. This is not really a big problem in terms of causing burn out. The main thing is that you need to sleep when your body wants to sleep and wake when your body wants to wake so you can do various tasks when your body is most efficient.


Schedule Your Life Based on Your Priorities


When you look at your priorities, there are obviously going to be sometimes that you cannot go by your own internal clock but someone else’s clock. Even when you have to do that, it’s okay to priorities your life based on what you want to accomplish most. If it’s important for you to sleep 9 hours a night to be most productive during the day, then you need to set up your lifestyle to ensure you can do that.


Do the Minimum to Maximize Your Life


Remember that productivity is about the results and not how hard you worked to get there. When you schedule your day, remember that you should seek to do the minimum workload to achieve the most results. For example, to maintain good health, most doctors say you need to exercise moderately at least 150 minutes a week. That’s not really that much. What would happen if you did that minimum? Do it, record the results, and adjust as needed to reach your goals doing only what is necessary to make the goal.


Exercise is One Key to Good Sleep and Health

Balance, exercise, sleep

Remember that if you have problems sleeping at night due to being restless, either mentally or physically, that exercise can help. Try exercising aerobically for 20 to 30 minutes, at least once a day before 6 in the evening. Studies show most people get the most benefit exercising this way within a couple of hours of waking.


Set Up Your Space for Success


No matter what it is that you want to accomplish where you are doing it is important. If you want to sleep well every night, make sure your bedroom is an oasis made for sleeping. Keep the room temperature cool and make sure you have the best bed you can afford. Keep technology out of your bedroom and create a sleeping haven for yourself. Likewise, if you want to work out every morning, set up your workout schedule to make it easy to get ready and do the exercise you want to do without much thought.


While it’s okay to be a night owl, understand that exercising soon after waking is more effective than doing it later in the day when it comes to helping you sleep. However, everyone is different, so feel free to test out the ideas to see what works best for you.

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10 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Avoiding burnout is really a matter of being aware that it can happen so that you take the steps to design your life in a way that keeps you from burning out and ensures that you thrive as you think about ways you can set up your life to avoid burnout figure out what you can implement right now to affect the most change as soon as possible.




  1. Be Mindful – Almost every person alive has an internal conversation with themselves, but most are not really that self-aware. You probably have thoughts that you ignore and then wish you didn’t. Try to be more mindful about your brain chatter because sometimes it can be a warning of things to come.


  1. Take Lots of Breaks – Work many breaks into your schedule. The idea that you have to be busy all the time to be productive is a lie. You don’t need to work yourself into the ground to be successful. Work breaks into your day and also vacations into your life where you truly take a break and stop doing work or anything stressful in a bad way.


  1. Be as Healthy as Possible – How you take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually is vital to being a healthy person that can avoid problems with burnout. Eat right, exercise, see your doctor on schedule. Talk to a mental health professional or your religious leader if you need help dealing with something.


  1. Learn to Schedule Properly for You – One of the keys to success in life and avoiding burnout is to learn how to make a reasonable and realistic schedule. Try various methods until something clicks for you. One of the best methods to help you avoid burnout is the block schedule. Another is using the Pomodoro Technique to get your tasks completed.

Check out this post on Goal setting:


  1. Harmony is More Realistic Than Balance – Many people, especially mothers, tend to talk in terms of having a balanced life. The problem is this is an unrealistic ideal to shoot for in today’s world. However, you can seek to have harmony, which means if you have to spend a lot of time on one thing, you need to ensure you schedule a lot of time for the other thing, too, but maybe at a later date.


  1. Find Joy in Your Day – The best way to avoid burnout is to help yourself feel happier and more satisfied. One way to accomplish that is to keep a gratitude journal so that you can remember that sunrise you saw or your grandchild’s laughter on any given day.


  1. Pay for More Experiences and Less Stuff – One thing that can cause burnout is the continuous seeking of material possessions. Remember to use your money to experience things too. Experiences are always seen as much more satisfying and happier than things.


  1. Let Yourself Get Bored Sometimes – One problem with today’s always-on society besides rampant burnout is that no one is bored. Being bored is a significant catalyst for invention. Spend an hour in a hammock without your phone, go on a walk with your five-year-old. Spend a day fishing. It’s okay to do nothing.


  1. Practice Positive Self-Talk – When you’re mindful, you’ll start to notice your internal monologue more often. If it’s negative, it can be a sign of impending burnout. Try to turn those thoughts around to positive thoughts. At the very least, try to make the thoughts more neutral.


  1. Unplug Every Day Early – It might get old for night owls to hear this but turning off your technology a few hours before bed is essential for a better night’s sleep. Sleeping well improves your health in every way, especially mentally, giving you the strength to avoid burnout.


Avoiding burnout is very much like wearing a seat belt to help reduce damage if you get into a collision. It’s not going to stop everything bad from happening, but it will certainly reduce the damage to your life if you have a plan in place.


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