HBA Funnel Builder…

The Fastest way to Create Daily Profits.


500 dollar days


Getting Started Freedom Launchpad

Our Freedom Training is Ongoing. No one is left behind

We have training for marketers at every level.

If you are just getting starting here is a good overview of the system.


Click here and join me if you’re ready to create your own side hustle and have a life of Freedom.

If you are interested in starting a Blog post Check out this Post


Call or text me if you have any questions.


P.S. My personal cell if you need to text me questions: 774 259-5176

P.P.S. Connect with me on Facebook here and message me too.

How to Use Lead Generating tools.

laptop lifestyle

Lead Generation Marketing Tools

One of the best skill sets as an online marketer is to master the art of generating sales from your warm market contacts. A warm market is simply people who have already been exposed to your business and marketing plan. It can be described as “breaking the ice” with your potential customers.

The best way to generate a warm market is with lead generation marketing tools.
A marketing tool is a tool that people use to create what we call lead Capture. If you are not using one of the Many lead capture systems,  you are not making money with your online business.

Click the Link below to View Demo on how to use Lead Capture Software and Earn Residual income by becoming an Affiliate.



Funnel Builder
Funnel Builder



With lead generation marketing tools you may decide to create several lead capture pages which are designed to generate interest from prospects on your business.

The pages will contain a place to enter their contact information i.e. (name, telephone number, and email).

In the software You decide if you want to get phone numbers or not.

Hint: the less information you ask for the more likely the reader will fill out the Form.

This is also called a lead capture form.
After the information is filled out on the lead capture form, the individual is redirected to a URL that contains your main site.

This sounds very easy to do, and it is, however when marketing online, most opportunities have a lack of effective lead capture systems and worse, a lack of professional presentations.

The HBA Funnel Builder has many done for you Funnels.

The goal is to seek powerful lead generation marketing tools and presentations that capture leads and allow proper follow-up no matter the opportunity presented.

Seek out professional designers and ad copy writing services that can create professional lead capture pages and the software to manage it all.

Also conduct follow-up marketing with the Auto responder systems that follows up with every lead that fills out your capture page.

Next, search for a robust prospect manager to properly manage your hot-response leads.

Remember, your warm market is created as soon as the prospect enters their information on your lead generation page.

You should experience an increase in sales from using this marketing approach.

Are Baby Boomers working after Retirement

Are Baby Boomers Continuing to Work after they Retire?

Yes, you know that many retirees do continue to work for many years after Retirement Age.

Baby Boomers have a great deal to offer in the world of Entrepreneurship.

So many years of Experience to share.

Baby Boomers Technology

“For Baby Boomers who have been studying the Internet Marketing World but are not quite satisfied with their marketing skills and feel at times overwhelmed by all the different steps needed to make a successful Online Business. Baby Boomers, stay at
home moms or anyone struggling with the task of learning new skills   “I absolutely know how you feel. Nobody was as Frustrated trying to learn the online marketing niche than I was. At times feeling like a total loser, until I realized every day I was learning new and valuable skills and that you can’t compare yourself to some younger person who has been learning technology stuff their whole life.

I struggled in my business until I learned these 6 simple strategies that keep me more focused.

I know the pain. I remember many times I felt like throwing my computer against the wall when I could not figure out how to do a simple thing like adding a picture to my blog or setting up my auto responder. There were many times my husband would beg me to walk away from the computer for a while and try later. My answer would often be “if I stop now I will have to start all over again”.

At times of Frustration I have to remind myself the reasons Why I wanted to start my Business. I have been working in Real Estate for many years and although I do have some flexibility in the hours I choose to work I found out quickly that if you want to make good money you need to put in many hours. I want to be able to have more freedom in my life spending more time with family and friends and traveling where I want and when I want. The real estate business is not scalable. If I want more money I need to work more hours Trading my time for Money. Finally I had to ask myself “Is there a Better Way?”

I remember feeling so dumb because I couldn’t figure out the whole social media thing. It seems like you just start working with one platform like Face Book and then everyone starts saying you need to check out Pinterest or Instagram. It can Drive you crazy.

I heard someone say on a web cast “Do what you Know While you Learn and Grow” and I make that my mission in my daily life. If I suddenly feel overwhelmed I just repeat those words over and over again.

“Do what you know while you learn and Grow”

Here are my Six Steps that Keep me Focused

1. Be Consistent in your daily commitment to building your business.

Being consistent helps to measure your growth, establish your reputation and consistency continues to promote your Message.

2. Read good business building and self help books or materials every day.

Reading daily helps to keep you informed, helps you to set goals and increases your focus.

I agree with Jen Sincero “We need kickass people to be out of struggle and living large and on purpose so they can be an inspiration to others who want to rise up too.”

This is a philosophy I truly believe.

3. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. For some this may be too little but I am talking the person who does not exercise at all. Get up and move It will help keep you energized.

Exercising daily Boost some Crazy Happy Feelings and keeps me energized through the day. “When I walk 1-3 miles daily I find I am happier, less stressed and have more energy to do what is needed for my business.

4. Drink Plenty of water daily.

Keeping hydrated can have a huge impact on overall health… Just do it

5. Celebrate your successes.

Don’t wait for some great Big Goal to be met. As you progress in your overall goals take the time to reward yourself for achieving little milestones in your business plan. This could be 21 successful days of posting on your blog, reaching your first 30 leads per day or reaching a monthly monetary goal you have worked consistently to achieve.

6. Find a Mentor and Accountability Partner

I have many Mentors in my life and before you start thinking I could never afford a mentor (some can be 40K and more) let me make myself clear I don’t think you have start spending a lot money on Mentors but you should be following people who have the lifestyle you want and start modeling what they have done to become successful.

What is your Next step: That really depends on what you want out of your life.

I have been an entrepreneur for years working from home and enjoying a flexible schedule so that I can attend my Grand kids award ceremonies something I could seldom do when my two girls were growing up and I was working in the Corporate world.

I am part of a community who believes in paying it forward and helping others succeed to have a freedom lifestyle.

This unique opportunity but you must be willing to work and follow the steps laid out for you.

If you have a Dream of working from home and having more freedom in your life and are willing to commit to your Success then Click the link below and check out the System Many are using to set themselves Free.

Build a True home based Business and Never Work for anyone Again.

Take the Free  Tour


Barb Genest

“Freedom Visionary”

PS: I am a Real Person and would love to hear from you. Feel free to comment, share or send me a private message.