Learn The SMART Goal Making Process

Proper goal setting is one of the most important skills you can learn in terms of how much goodness it’ll add to your life. By learning this goal-setting system, you’ll gain a sense of direction so that you can organize your resources in a way that helps you reach your goals.


When you craft a SMART goal, the way you phrase the goal helps you focus on what’s important so that you can make decisions about the actions you’re taking in a way that impacts your goal. Not only that, but the goal also provides the motivation you need to take the small daily actions toward success.


Example of a SMART Goal: “By Sunday night, I’m going to increase my total weekly word count from 7000 words to 10,000 words a week by adding 427 words a day to my normal daily 1000-word goal.”


  • Specific – The goal you set has to be very precise in order to help the person reading the goal understand and become certain about the expected impact or deliverables. Ask yourself questions to get this right, such as: What am I doing, why am I doing it, what do I need to do it right?


  • Measurable – As you craft the goal, you also need to use numbers that allow you to judge whether or not you’re reaching your objectives. Numbers like time, range, weight, steps, and so forth all make sense.


  • Attainable – Don’t bother setting impossible goals. If you have never walked an hour a day in your life, don’t start with that as your goal. Instead, start with five minutes and then craft a plan to add on a minute a day until you reach your goal of walking an hour a day.


  • Relevant – Also, each goal that you make has an overarching objective you’re trying to accomplish. For example, if you’re trying to write a novel writing the words is just one aspect of the novel publishing goal, but it is directly related.


  • Timely – Never leave a goal timeline open-ended. Even if you have to adjust the timeframe due to reality, the truth is we all fill up the time we give ourselves. If you give yourself three hours to check the mail, you’re going to take three hours. Tighten up your timelines to create a schedule that includes structured action that is easy to habituate – no motivation needed.


As you craft your goals, consider who will do the actions that help you reach the goal and think about what you really want to accomplish. When you do that and create a realistic time frame for it all to be done, you’re more likely actually to achieve the results you want and need.

Better Goal Setting Tips for Maximum Productivity


Daily Habits to Get Smarter: Read Daily For At Least 15 Minutes

One stat about reading you should know is that people who read at least 15 minutes a day are happier, more successful, and of course, they know more. Finding an hour to read might be hard for busy folks, but everyone can find 15 minutes to read. In order to build this habit of reading each day, simply follow these tips.

Invest in More Training and Education

  • Choose Long and Challenging Books – When you incorporate this reading practice, you don’t want to use your 15 minutes of reading articles on the internet. Instead, choose challenging and interesting books for this particular challenge, such as the philosophy greats or something college level you want to learn.


  • Make a List of Books to Read – After you’ve set the criteria for the books you want to read, make a list of them. Put them in order of your interest. It can help to figure out what’s coming up in your life so that you can read things that help you with your current reality, but you don’t have to.


  • Schedule The Reading Time – You’ve read at least once about the importance of scheduling in everything you want to do each day, and reading for 15 minutes is no different. If you schedule a time and make it into a ritual, it’ll become a habit faster than if you just go by the seat of your pants.


  • Create a Comfortable Reading Space – You’ll need a good place to sit so that you can comfortably read the book using good posture. You’ll also need good lighting so you can see the words on the page or tablet. A table to put a drink, a place to put up your feet, good lighting, and temperature-controlled will ensure that you don’t feel tortured while reading.


  • Keep Dictionaries Nearby – You don’t want to interrupt your reading to find the dictionary or other manuscripts that can help you understand, so keep these in your reading area.


  • Keep a Reading Log or Journal – After you’ve finished your 15 minutes of reading, it can also help you log what you read and your thoughts about it. You can just log the time, or you can log your thoughts too. It’s up to you.


  • Get In Extra – Keep a book in your purse or car that you can pull out and read whenever you want to. It doesn’t need to be the same book you’re reading during your 15 minutes of daily reading, but a book you want to read that is easy to leave for a time and come back to, using wait time in a good way.


Choose a list of books to read during your daily 15 minutes that are long, well written, books that are philosophical like The Bible, The Sound and The Fury, by William Faulkner, or Beyond Good and Evil, by Nietzsche. It’s up to you but make them challenging books that need more study beyond the main text for understanding. Not only will you experience more success in life, but you’ll feel happier about it too.

Learning to Say Yes or No: Always Ask If What You Are Doing Is Really Worth It or Not

One bit of advice that most life coaches will give you regarding living a more balanced life is that you need to say no more often. But sometimes, they aren’t that clear on how you decide if something is a no or a yes. One way to do better than saying no is to learn how to say yes, the right way. Once you learn how to say yes, the right way, it’ll become a habit, and saying no will never be difficult again.

Why Your To-Do Lists Are Failing You

  • Tell Them You’ll Answer by a Certain Time – When anyone asks you to do something unless it’s an enthusiastic “hell yeah,” don’t say yes or no immediately. Tell the person you’ll get back to them by a certain deadline to give them an answer. This gives you time to ensure you really want to do it or not.


  • Check Your Schedule – Think about what it will take to do what you are being asked to do. Will you even have enough time? Even if you want to do it and don’t have the time, it might be best to say no.


  • Will It Be Worth It? – When you think of the results of doing what is being asked of you, what will be the positive results from it? Is it worth everything else that has to be done to lead up to that moment?


  • Does It Fit in With Your Overall Mission in Life or Work? – Sometimes, people ask things of us that no longer fit our life mission. If you know your own principles, morals, values, and what you’re striving to achieve, it will be a lot easier for you to figure out if the ask fits in with your life mission or work before you say yes.


  • Will You Have to Give Up Something to Do It? – There is always an opportunity cost for everything you do or don’t do. Try to figure out what it will cost you if you do it versus the cost if you don’t do it.


  • What Are the Negatives to Saying No? – Make a list of what will happen when you say no. Then, beside each action that may happen, record what response you will offer? Sometimes asking about what the “worst” thing that can happen given this decision can help.


  • What Are the Negatives to saying Yes? – Just like you may miss something when you say no, you may also miss something else when you say yes. Consider the effects of saying yes and how that might look, and what problems might result.


When you take the time to hash out each ask, you’ll end up saying yes or no with purpose.

Saying no just to say no isn’t going to be helpful to you in your life but saying yes with purpose – which sometimes will lead to a no instead of a yes – no matter how much you think you want to say yes – can really pay off.

Being purposeful with your answers, even when it’s yes, will make you feel more motivated to do things when you say yes.

Spend Two Minutes Each Day Unconnected and With Only Yourself and Your Thoughts

Even if you work hard at disconnecting from your notifications and only checking the news twice a day, it’s still important to intentionally disconnect with the world and focus on yourself and your own thoughts each day.


How do you really feel about the project you just completed?


How do you really feel about what’s going on with your daughter?


The way you feel about something may not be clear when clouded by other people’s thoughts and emotions or distractions from the world.


Your thoughts build your reality, and your mind – both conscious and subconscious – is what creates your thoughts. You are in charge of what you allow into your mind based on what you read, consume, and whom you surround yourself with, and the sources you choose in which to educate yourself. It’s all up to you.


Most thoughts are subconscious and not something you are aware of at all times. This is mostly because you cannot actually think of more than one thing at a time, so thoughts will pop in and out of your mind depending on what you are doing but mostly just go on without your realizing it.


For this reason, you must create the habit of tuning out of the world and into your mind at least once a day. You only have to do this for about two minutes a day. It helps if you choose one thing to focus on at a time.


To accomplish this, it’ll be best to tie this mindfulness with something else that you need to do, like make the bed. Making the bed will only take you a couple of minutes, and you can combine it with mindful thought. For example, after you’ve made the bed, you can sit on top of it and meditate and think for two minutes before going on with your day as part of your morning ritual.


But, since it’s only two minutes, you can literally do this any time you can be alone during the day or night. Turn off any notifications and eliminate any way that you’re likely to be interrupted. Finally, allow your mind to wander and think about all the things you ignore the rest of the time.


The good news is that more self-aware people are generally also more empathetic. They know how to notice their own emotional or knowledge blind spots, aren’t afraid to ask for and receive constructive feedback, and are very curious to delve into their own minds and get to know how they are more just as much as they are interested in knowing those who are around them by demonstrating that through their heightened ability to listen more than they talk.

Disconnect Yourself from Distractions and Notifications

Daily Habit to Improve Your Health: Drink Enough Water Every Day

While the average American consumes about 22 percent of their calories in the beverages they drink, over 75 percent of Americans also walk around chronically dehydrated. Problems like fatigue, foggy memory, irritability, and more like slow metabolism are associated with chronic dehydration that you can fix simply by incorporating the daily habit of drinking enough water.

stay hydrated

  • Stop Drinking Other Beverages –To start drinking more water, you’ll want to stop drinking any other beverage but water for the time being. You’ll also want to measure out the amount of water you want to drink each day so that you can see it visually and space out your consumption throughout the entire day.


  • Know-How Much Water You Need – Everyone is slightly different regarding their hydration needs. If you eat a low carbohydrate diet versus a high carbohydrate diet, you may need more water or less water, depending on your diet. Start with the recommended daily amount for average-weight men at 125 ounces and 90 ounces for average-weight women, and work your way up or down depending on how you feel.


  • Set Your Goals – Once you know how much you’re going to drink each day, set the goal and be very specific about how you’re going to do it. A lot of people find success is to start the morning with 8 to 32 ounces of water before consuming anything else. Try adding a squeeze of lemon to make it special.


  • Keep Water with You at All Times – Don’t underestimate how lazy you’re going to be about this. Invest in an eco-friendly, refillable water bottle. Keep the bottle with you full and ready to drink at all times, whether you’re in your office, in the car, or on the sofa.


  • Take Advantage of Triggers – If you normally drink another beverage when reading a book, checking your email, or enjoying a movie, make your water just as special. Buy good-tasting water and beautiful glasses and experiment with fruit-infused ice to make it feel special.


  • Drink One Glass Before Eating – For each meal and snack you’re going to have during the day, give yourself enough time to enjoy one glass of water thirty minutes before the meal or snack. Drink less during your meals and more between your meal to improve digestion. This will create a ritual with the water, which is easier for you to remember and habituate.


When you drink enough water every day, you’re going to notice that your skin texture improves, your eyes become clearer, and your brain fog disappears. Not only that, some people have even suggested they experience less body pain. It’s a wonder more people aren’t working towards this daily goal since it helps with so many issues.

5 Rituals to Boost Your Energy and Productivity


Daily Habit for Success: Manage Your Money

A daily habit that will propel you to success is learning to manage your money. This isn’t really about investing. Although you should definitely set up regular investments and plan for your future, this is more about the idea that you should always know what’s coming in and what’s going out (and from and to whom) any moment of any given day.


To manage your money every day, you’ll want to:


  • Develop Plans for Your Money – What you do today with your money has everything to do with the plans you’ve created for the money you have. If you are not planning for big expenditures, you may overspend, or you might even miss opportunities that you would have taken otherwise.


  • Track Your Spending – Even if you spend a buck on a candy bar at the checkout, you need to track what you spend your money on. If you make it a habit to track every single day, it makes it easier than having to do data entry later after the fact. Use apps to help you automatically track your spending.


  • Track Your Income – It’s also important to track what is coming in on a daily basis. Don’t worry. This is not hard if you’re using a good online bank that offers the ability to categorize your income as it comes in. When you habituate glancing at the results once a day to stay up to date, it becomes easy.


  • Know Your Income Streams – Most wealthy people have about seven income streams on average. Knowing how each of your streams is working out, whether investments or something else daily, is imperative. What you track grows.


  • Create a Realistic Monthly Budget – If you are having issues sticking to your plans, redo your budget. If it’s not realistic, you won’t stick to it. Make your budget work for you by using real numbers and deciding what to do based on reality. For example, if you work until 9 pm, the idea that you’re going to cook from scratch every day is a pipe dream.

3 step plan

  • Pay Your Bills on Time Every Time – Paying your bills late accounts for billions of dollars in income to corporations that charge these fees. Don’t give them more of your hard-earned money for nothing. Instead, set up automatic payments and then double-check by using text alerts when the money comes out of your account so you don’t ever miss a payment.


  • Kept Consumer Dept Reasonable – The fewer payments you need to make, the less work you’ll have to do keeping track. Consumer debt has a place, but it should be used to buy appreciating assets over depreciating assets and kept to a minimum.


  • Track and Manage Recurring Payments – Everyone has recurring payments set up these days, but it’s important to be mindful of them and not just ignore the money coming out. Please pay attention to it coming out of your account so you can check whether you really need that item or not based on how you feel about the payment in comparison to the value you receive.


  • Save For Emergencies – Having fast cash available in case of an emergency, whether something tragic or an exciting opportunity, is a great way to cut down on decision paralysis. Try to have at least six to nine months of emergency money available in cash at all times.


  • Build Your Future Long-Term Savings and Investments – Using many automation methods, start investing in your long-term future using automatic payments or benefits to clubs or cards, or jobs.


When you know what you have coming in and going out, it’s a lot easier to make judgment calls when opportunity knocks. Paying close attention every day to your expenditures and keeping track of savings as you plan for your future will ensure your success in the future.

How to Be Realistic About Time

Daily Habit to End Clutter: Throw Stuff Away

The daily habit of getting rid of things you’re not going to use will help you cut down on clutter, ensure you think twice before buying something new, and make you feel light and free. Holding on to old stuff just because you hate to get rid of it is just clogging up your home with dust magnets, making your office look cluttered, and it might even be causing brain fog which cuts down on your productivity.


It really doesn’t matter what any guru or so-called expert says, if your 1000 book collection brings you joy, even though you have to dust it, and you rarely read the books again – it’s not wrong to keep them. However, don’t let an illogical attachment to stuff keep you trapped in an environment that is not conducive to reaching the goals you’ve set for yourself.


So, if you read this title and thought, “Not another lecture on minimalism,” don’t worry, it’s not. In many ways, the ability to even call oneself a minimalist is pretty privileged to start with, and minimize is really in the eye of the beholder. This is more about keeping your spaces less cluttered and doing it by simply making it a habit to clean up right away. Practice throwing away, giving away, and ending clutter on a schedule to help turn it into a habit.


  • Set Up a System – Everyone has paperwork and mail coming in. The best way to handle this is to set up a system. Try only to touch the paperwork once. Get the mail, open it by the trash and organize each piece. Every year when you do taxes, toss out the tax year that no longer needs to be saved per your accountant’s advice.


  • Trash, Process, or File – If you got a medical bill you need to pay, process it, and file it. If you got a letter from your congress person, you could throw it away; if you got a letter from the IRS and there is no need to do something, file it. The idea is when you do what needs to be done immediately, you have less clutter around.


  • Get Rid of Those Clothes – If you have clothing you’ve not worn for a season, socks with holes, and other things you never use, don’t save them. All they are doing is attracting dust and taking up space. Make this easy by keeping a donate bag in your closet that you fill over time and donate when full.


  • Throw Away Old Electronics – You may need to find a safe way to dispose of these through your city offices, but there is no reason to keep old electronics forever collecting dust and taking up space. Instead, find a place to donate them and make it a habit to do so yearly.


Keeping these things causes dust and clutter in your home or office, but studies show that physical clutter in your space causes anxiety and even depression. People who keep their environment less cluttered tend to get more done and report feeling more successful. You don’t have to be perfect but make it a habit to toss things you’re not using every single day.


Stay More Focused with These Five Simple Steps

Organize your Environment for Success!

When it comes to daily habits that breed success, being organized can’t be understated. Getting your environment organized and keeping it that way will pay off in big ways.


Some people experience issues with being organized isn’t due to having some organizational block, but it’s more about not really understanding that there are better ways to get organized for success than just putting things away and being uncluttered.

Your Lack of Focus Is Getting in Your Way

Here are some ways to think about organization so that your entire environment is set up to make success easy for you, whether at home or work.


  • Use Your Planner – Whether you use electronic or paper versions, you can’t beat incorporating the habit of using a planner into your daily life to help you be more successful. When you have it all in one place, you can easily look at your days, weeks, months, and years and make the best use of that time. Don’t rely on memory. Write everything down you want to do and block out the time to do it.

If you know your Goal

  • Set Goals Properly – Make it a habit to set up your goals properly to what steps are necessary to be successful and how long it will take to do them. For example, if you want to start making money from your podcast, don’t just start podcasting; take the time to plan your podcast, plan your marketing, and plan each action you need to take to make it all work.


  • Make Daily Lists – From your planner the night before take a look and make a list of actions you will take tomorrow to achieve what’s in your planner. Organize the list with the top 3 priorities on the top and be willing to move anything after three to the next day.


  • Create Activity Zones – Whether home or office, the best way to organize is to set up activity zones. Putting everything away every time is a roadblock that will stop you from doing more. If you want to bake cookies, you shouldn’t have to redo your entire kitchen for an hour, and you should be able to go over to the baking zone and start within five minutes. The same thing if you’re writing a novel, if you have a writing area set up and ready to go, you can simply move to that writing zone and get it done during the block of time you set aside to do it.


  • Have a Place for Everything – Spending time creating the right storage and space to do the things you want to do will help a lot. It’s hard to get motivated to do much when the tools you’re using aren’t right, or the space you’re doing it in isn’t set up right. Spend the time and money investing in setting up your space to do what you want to do in it.


  • Be Consistent – No one wants to spend four hours cleaning a cluttered room and area on Saturday. Instead, make it a habit to consistently pick up and clean as you go so that you never have to do that. If you set up routines for each time of day where you habitually do certain behaviors, you won’t need any willpower. Check out com for some prewritten cleaning and organizing routines you can copy.


If you make it a habit to clear up right away and set up things for the next time, right away – you’ll experience a lot less procrastination and get a lot more done. Your productivity will increase exponentially just by simple organizational practices each day. The great thing is that most of it will become a habit quickly because the payoff is fast.



Start Investing in Experiences

As we embark on careers to earn money, most of us don’t consider what really makes people happy or successful? Do things make people happy, or do experiences make people happy? According to science, experiences make people happier than possessions because experiences make us who we are.


Don’t worry, all the things you experience don’t have to cost a lot of money. Still, for those things that carry a higher price, you should start planning for them now by putting a little money aside so that on a future planned date, you can enjoy the experience without going into debt.


Experiences are important because:


  • Your Experiences Make You Who You Are – The compilation of experiences you have throughout your life makes you who you are in terms of your personalities and perception of the world. We all see things from the lens of our own life experiences, and the more experiences you can have, the more open your world view will become and the more well-rounded you will become.


  • You’ll Broaden Your Perspective – When you do more outside of your comfort zone, like travel to other countries, volunteer to help people in your community, take a class or do things that give you a point of view you may not have considered, before that experience.


  • You’ll Build Fabulous Memories – When you do more things and have more experiences, it gives you more memories to draw on to help you feel happy and satisfied. When you get together with family and friends, do you really show off your new expensive furniture, or do you show off your memories?


  • You Can Learn New Skills – When you buy experiences, you can learn new things to draw on in other aspects of your life. For example, hiking Mt. Everest is more than a fitness challenge. It’s also a challenge to push yourself out of your comfort zone and work with others in a team. All of which will help you in other aspects of your life.


  • Find Your Life Purpose – If you never leave your comfort zone, it may be hard ever to feel successful. Most people never travel away from their hometown, so they just don’t know what else is out there that might better define their purpose than what they’ve been exposed to so far.

The price of Greatness

When you live a life of purpose and new happenings, you’ll be happy to rise each day because of the joy you feel in the experiences you share with others. Even if the experience is going to the zoo instead of climbing Mt. Everest, you’ll still get more out of it than if you bought a new thingamacallit instead. You’ll have things to look forward to each day when you make it a habit to do things and have more experiences in your daily schedule.

Invest in More Training and Education

Exercise For 5 Minutes Each Morning

An important habit to incorporate into your day is to move your body more. Sitting and being sedentary is worse for your health than even being a cigarette smoker, assuming the smoker is physically active.


Short Term High-Intensity Exercise Benefits Health


According to a 2018 study at an Australian University, two minutes of exercise at a high intensity in the morning may be just as good for you as 30 minutes of exercise. Plus, moving boosts your serotonin levels and puts you in a happy mood the rest of the day, not to mention you’ll jump-start your metabolism and thus maintain a healthier weight easier.


Morning Exercise Eliminates the Need for Willpower


Most of us have good intentions to move more, but we often allow an entire day to go by without ever doing the intentional exercise we planned. This ends up backfiring and causing us to be less healthy and less productive due to increased fatigue and brain fog that happens when you’re sedentary.


Make It a Habit


From this day forward, right after you get up, as soon as you can move well, do a three-minute warm-up plus two minutes of high-intensity movements until it becomes a habit for you within thirty minutes of rising each day. Since it’s just five minutes, you don’t have to prepare as much as if you were going on a bike ride or a longer run.


Mix Up Your Movements or Just Do the Same Thing


Some ideas are jumping jacks, jump roping, pushups, jogging in place, jogging down your driveway, squats, running up and down your stairs. Whatever it is that you do, do it at full intensity for just two minutes. You can exercise more later, but this is just something you do upon rising each day before you have your coffee or get ready for the day.


The benefits of working out like this each morning are that you’ll feel more energetic all day long, you’ll be more alert, focus better, and due to all that, be a lot more effective in whatever you need to do. Making the workout only five minutes long, including warm-up and the high-intensity two-minute workout, helps eliminate any excuses because you don’t need any equipment, gym, or set up to do this fast workout. But, one thing is clear, it will set you up for a much more successful day.

Avoid Burnout: How to Exercise and Sleep More