Five Email Marketing Tips to Boost Sales

Email marketing is the most effective marketing strategy to date. Even compared to social media marketing by nearly 40% more. Industry or niche doesn’t really matter; you will see a high return on investment if you implement the proper email marketing tips and strategies.


These are the five email marketing tips you need to follow to boost your sales and increase your return on investment:


Enhance your Opt-Ins and Acquisition Process

You must generate leads by strengthening your acquisition process or opt-in forms. This is the content used to persuade viewers to subscribe to your email campaigns. Small eBooks, discount codes, or simple newsletters are a great place to start. Make sure the opt-in you use is what your readers want or need, and be sure to execute on that promise as soon as possible. If you know your audience struggles in a certain area, then this is the best place to start when developing opt-in or lead magnet content.


Value Your Subject Lines

While subject lines are short and sweet, you should take the time to craft the most compelling one. In fact, you should create at least two to three for every email you send and test them among different subscribers to pick the one with the best return eventually.


Perfect Your Call-To-Actions

Always include a call-to-action and be sure it is consistent between email and campaign. Don’t add more than one type per email, or you will likely split or confuse your subscribers. Instead, pick one goal and then perfect the call-to-action to optimize your chances of accomplishing it.


Focus on Personalization and Quality Content the Most

A huge benefit to email marketing includes how powerful it can increase your authority, credibility, and trust as a brand. The more personalized, engaging, and valuable the email content, the more likely you will convert your subscribers to paying customers. Valuable and quality content is key to gaining their trust and believing in your word. It’s simple if your target audience doesn’t know you very well, they are less likely to trust you with their money or time.


Create Multiple Landing Pages for Each Campaign

If boosting your sales is your email marketing goal, as it is for many, then you must create landing pages for each campaign you create. Landing pages are sales pages that further describe, entice or invite someone to join or purchase their products. Your call-to-action should lead them right to the landing page.

Work On Your Funnel Each Week And Continue To Branch Out 

Be sure to follow these email marketing tips or use them to audit your email marketing process to ensure you are doing what you need to boost your sales. Working on each part of the email marketing process is your key to success.



10 Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid

Your landing page is an essential tool to help you build your list. If you really want to build a healthy list, you’ll want to find ways to avoid these landing page mistakes. Creating high-converting landing pages will ensure that the right people get your solutions in their hands, and since they will be on your email list, they’ll also find out about your new offers.


  1. Your Page Loads Too Slowly – You have seconds to get and keep your audience’s attention. If your pages load slow, they’ll just go elsewhere. Use software to test how fast your pages load so that you can ensure they work well.


  1. Your Page Isn’t Personalized for The Audience – It may seem like a small thing, but it’s important to create landing pages that are personalized for the audience you’re trying to attract. If you guest post on a blog, make a landing page just for that one audience, so they feel welcomed. You may have more than one landing page for each opt-in due to this in order to target the audience.


  1. There Are Too Many Diversions on The Page – A landing page should be free of distractions so that your audience focuses on the offer at hand. Use very little navigation or sidebar information to help focus their attention.


  1. The Information Included Doesn’t Differentiate Your Offer Enough – A visitor to the landing page needs to understand why your offer is so much better. How you are different or what makes you unique needs to be pointed out to your audience.


  1. The Offer Doesn’t Match Your Marketing – If you notice you are getting a lot of click-throughs but no sign-ups, make sure that your offer matches the marketing and the audience you’re marketing to. Go back to looking at the description of the target audience you created as you made the freebie to get it right.


  1. Using Irrelevant or No Images and Visuals to Help Attract Your Audience – Don’t bore your visitors to death by not making your landing pages and website visually oriented. Most people respond better to images that help advance the meaning of the words on the page. Plus, some imagery provides directional cues to the reader, helping them take advantage of your offers.


  1. Not Paying Attention to Search Engine Optimization – SEO works for all types of content, but it will really help you get more traffic to your offers if you also include the skill on your landing pages. Headlines, keywords, headers, alt text, and more are all important on a landing page too.


  1. Forgetting to Calm Their Fears with Social Proof – Showing that other people trust you and believe in what you say will build trust in your offers. Testimonials, likes, shares, downloads – all show that you can be trusted and will help improve your conversion rate.


  1. Your Landing Page Doesn’t Work on Your Audience’s Device – The days of “optimizing for mobile” are over. If your site doesn’t work first on mobile, then you’re going to miss out on some customers. But do check your demographic information to ensure that you are optimizing each page for the devices most used by your audience.


  1. You Include Weak CTAs – Saying things like “download now” is not a good enough CTA to use these days. You need to be more specific about the benefit of the download as well as who needs it in your CTA.


Developing a landing page that gets results takes time and practice. The first one you make might not work as well as the tenth one you make. But take heart in knowing that you can improve through testing over time until you create an opt-in page that works for your audience to build your list fast.

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6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

Once you have created your freebie, you’ll want to create an opt-in page. This list of things to include on your freebie opt-in page will help you make one that gets your ideal audience’s attention so that you can help them solve their problems.


A Compelling Headline and Subhead Line


You have to hook your ideal audience in from the moment they land on your opt-in page. If they aren’t compelled to keep reading, you’ll lose them within seconds of their arrival. A good headline speaks directly to the solution’s benefits for the specific person you created it for.

If you know your Goal

A List of Benefits Associated with The Freebie


To get started making a fantastic opt-in page, try writing down a list of the benefits associated with the freebie you’re trying to get them to download. It can sometimes help to list the features from your view and then attach benefits to each feature that you think is important.


The Sign-Up Form That Works


Depending on your goals, you’ll want a sign-up form that is simple and fast to use. Ask for the information you really need to qualify your leads, no more, and no less. For example, if you want to work with companies that hire at least 100 employees every year, you’ll want to include a field asking your audience to tell you how many employees they have before they get to download the freebie. This will ensure you are working with the right audience.


A Call to Action That Speaks to The Right Person


When you create CTAs, think about the exact person you want to sign up and talk to them. A CTA should be action-oriented and benefit-focused on the right people. The right people are your ideal audience members who will be hungry to use your solutions because they need them.


Attractive Visuals That Your Audience Loves


Every audience has different ideas about what looks good. Don’t trust yourself to know. Instead, study your audience and try different types of images and visuals. You’ll want the page to be uncluttered and the reader’s eyes to be directed in the right places for it to work.


Social Proof to Help Build Trust


Don’t forget to add information that helps build trust, such as social proof. Social proof can appear in the form of testimonials, product reviews, and even a simple statement about how many people have downloaded the freebie and seen results.


Remember that you need to use your freebie opt-in page or landing page and form to attract a specific portion of your ideal audience. Therefore, use your words, visuals, and information wisely. Know your audience, know your offers, and understand the point of building your list with a hungry audience who wants what you are offering.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Lead Magnet Ideas You Can Use

An effective lead magnet must solve a real problem quickly for your ideal customer. They are usually very specific, easy to digest, and are considered to be high value. Plus, they demonstrate your expertise exceptionally well without risk to your ideal customer. The following lead magnet ideas can work for almost any niche.

downloadable ebook

Teach Your Audience Something


This is likely the simplest way to come up with a lead magnet if you don’t sell a product or software but works with those niches too. Set up a course in email that runs your ideal customer through education about their problem and the solutions that exist. A course can be in many formats. You can deliver it by email, put it on a platform like, or turn it into a PDF download.


Provide Your Audience a Useful Tool


A really fun freebie to offer your audience are tools that help them. For example, if you have a food-related website, you can create and offer a recipe app. If you help people lose weight and get healthy, you can create and offer an app that tracks food intake and exercise.


Build Your Community


This freebie idea is a big winner with socially based businesses. Set up a free group on a platform like Facebook Groups or and then only invite people to the group who ask after downloading the freebie or via automation due to them downloading the freebie.


Inspire and Entertain Your Audience


A perfect freebie excites your audience and makes them want to take the next step. It can be entertaining. For example, why not use an old talk you gave to a group or workshop as your freebie? Or give priority access to some users to private information that only they get to see?


Re-segment Your Current List Members


If you already have a dead list or a list that you don’t use much, sending them a freebie offer via email is a great way to segment your list further and reactivate the list members. For example, if someone joined your list due to a freebie you made, but they’ve not moved to a customer, try sending them a new one that is more targeted.


Cause Prospects to Become Customers


To move your audience from leads to prospects to customers, you need to provide the right content that captures their attention continually. Knowing where they are in their buying journey can inform the type of freebie you make for them. You should definitely consider making more than one freebie so that you can offer one to people at every stage of their buying journey.


Lead magnets can be PDFs, videos, webinars, reports, software, apps, transcripts, and more. You can use any of the content that you’ve already created to develop a lead magnet, or you can buy new content in PLR form to use. As long as the freebie addresses the targeted person and solves a problem for them quickly and efficiently, you will build your list better.

Design and Create Compelling Lead Magnets

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