How to Track Your Influencer Marketing ROI

When you engage an influencer to help you market your product and services, you must track the metrics just like anything else you do in your business. The only way you can be sure that action A causes result C is that you tracked and measured it.


Determine Your Campaign Goals


Before setting a realistic budget, you need to understand your goals for each campaign clearly. You will have different requirements for every goal, which means the costs associated and return on investment for each product will vary. Working with a micro-influencer will fees significantly less than working with a macro influencer, for example.


For example, you may have the goal of getting more subscribers to your e-mail list. If so, what exactly will that require? It’ll require giving the audience a reason to click through and sign up, for one thing. What else? Make sure you know and match all goals with the requirements.


Identify Key Performance Metrics


Your goal needs to be clear and direct for each campaign to determine what key performance metrics to keep track of. This way, you have a more accurate representation of your return on investment. Tracking the wrong indicators like sales volumes when your main goal is brand exposure will provide inconsistent results.


While exposure can translate into more sales, it is better to keep track of your audience growth, engagement rate, or new versus return visitors before, during, and after the campaign. The point is to make sure you are watching the specific metrics that reflect your goal. For sales, keep tracking affiliate links, promotion codes.


Highlight Individual Campaign Expenses


What supporting details or materials do you need to run the campaign? Product costs, travel costs, influencer fees, agency fees, and more. You must first determine the influencer strategy or content you want to create to know what you need to budget for the campaign.


Track, Compare and Evaluate


You should keep track of all data before any campaign starts. If you don’t pull key performance metrics first, you won’t know if the results are really translating into a positive return. The only way to be certain of effectiveness is to check the metrics before, during, and after.


Your return on investment will be as good as your due diligence. Do your research and find the right influencers who offer the best services for the budget you have. The more you work with others in this regard, the more effective you’ll become over time. You’ll be able to use the numbers to figure out what is working and do more of that.




Better Goal Setting Tips for Maximum Productivity

Research shows that setting the right goals increases your success by as much as twenty-five percent. However, you can’t just set any goal. You need to align and refine them to specifically suit your needs and the direction you want your life to go.


Here are the five goal setting tips you need to improve and be more successful in life and business:


First Imagine Your Ideal Life

Block out all distractions, everyone else’s opinions, what you currently have, what career path you’re on, and where your life is presently going, and imagine for a moment your perfect and ideal life. Where would you like to live? What activities would you be enjoying outside of business? How much work would you be doing to get there?


These are all important questions and things you need to evaluate to be sure you are creating the right goals to achieve happiness. Just because something is popular, or you already went to school for something, doesn’t mean you need to keep doing it or can’t change up your plan. Reflect and understand who you really are and what you want.


For example, if you would like free time with your family or enjoy the “four-hour workweek,” then you must do hard work now and set your life up with the right goals and action plan to get there. You can’t expect that kind of life working as a brain surgeon to give you a different perspective.

 Building a Freedom Lifestyle

Think Quarterly, Weekly and Daily

All goals require more goals or action steps to get them done. Think about the big picture or objective you need to achieve. Then break it down into weekly and daily goals that you can get done within 90 days. Research shows that 90 minutes is the perfect amount of time to get big things done while using your time more while avoiding rushing.


Keep Them “SMART” And Prioritize

As stated earlier, picking just any goal isn’t the right strategy. While it still increases your success more than going with the flow, you can get even more out of it by giving it more focus. In other words, a vague goal will produce lackluster results when you could get even more value by working on them a little harder.


A common and successful way to do this is to follow the mnemonic acronym, S.M.A.R.T:


  • Keep them specific and to the point.
  • Make them measurable.
  • They need to be attainable.
  • Keep them relevant and realistic.
  • They must be time-sensitive.


Establish Strict Deadlines

All goals must come with strict deadlines; otherwise, you will continue to permit yourself to use more time than needed for the tasks. Providing a sense of urgency can give you the motivation and inspiration you need to finally get them done and achieve more goals in the long run.


Setting goals are a powerful tool for your business as long as you have the right strategies in mind. Keep them S.M.A.R.T and always remember what you want for your business and life to be more successful.



Get Your Goals into Your Calendar

Accomplishing your goals requires action. Stop waiting for the perfect time. You can create the perfect time. Pick a time relatively soon and realistic to your goal needs and put that goal into your calendar.


This means you need to:

  • Pick a start date and time for your ultimate goal
  • Set proper and realistic deadlines
  • Fully understand the tasks needed to reach your goal
  • Then schedule times and deadlines for each task required to reach your ultimate goal.


Adding your goals to your calendar forms a sense of commitment and re-establishes your sense of purpose or direction. It develops healthy routines and habits that inspire you to stay on track and keep you working towards your goals. It’s a great way to create instant motivation. When you can see it, you are more likely to want to get it done.


Essential Things to Keep in Mind When Goal Setting:

  • What is the end or ultimate goal?
  • How much time do you need? Have you timed yourself doing these tasks before? What if you don’t get as much sleep?
  • Are there things that could protentional go wrong or get in your way?
  • Who needs to do it? Can you complete each task or do some things that require help from others?
  • Group similar tasks and utilize technology to work more productively and save you time.
  • Get the most crucial items out of your way but keep in mind that little tasks add up over time.
  • Once you set a time, stick to it and don’t permit yourself to change it.


These are important questions and tips to keep in mind so you can pick the right deadline for your goal. You don’t want to create the opposite reaction and turn your goal into a nightmare because you took on too much work too fast. Slower is better than rushing it and pushing out shoddy quality work or products.


Research shows that more time is better for creativity anyways; however, just like too little time can have the opposite reaction, so can too much time. You must be realistic and take the time to evaluate. On the other hand, get going. Don’t wait or sabotage yourself any longer.

What Methods Work Best to Ensure You Make Your Goals?

The most productive and successful people utilize their calendar any moment they can.

Overall, the number one tip to achieving your goals and improving your time management skill and productivity is setting deadlines, adding them to your calendar, and then sticking to them. The more you schedule, the more you will achieve.

The Only Action That Matters

The only action that matters is action.  Action constitutes the work, the steps, the “action” necessary to reach your goals and aspirations. While planning and creating your vision is a vital step that many fail to account for, it’s hard to fix it.


People often create new plans and ideas repeatedly but never take the necessary first step or action to make it happen. As long as you create a realistic action plan for your business goals, you won’t fall into this trap.

setting goal

Here’s how to create a realistic action plan for your small business:


Start with A Main Objective

What is your company mission or goal in life? Highlight 3 to 5 main objectives and why they are needed to be successful.


Break It Down

Then take each main goal and break it down into two to five smaller actionable steps. This means you should have a different to-do list for each main objective you created earlier. If you started with three main objectives, you now have three new to-do lists.


Put Them In Proper Order

Next, you must put them in a timely order. Start with the most relevant or urgent tasks. Keep in mind your daily schedule or any critical meetings.


Create Hard Deadlines

For each goal, set a hard deadline and don’t give yourself any more time. Please add the steps and tasks you need to do to complete that goal in your calendar and let yourself and other important people know about it. This way, you are sure to follow it and get it done.


Understand Your Limits and Be Focused

While the saying “the sky is your limit” may sound motivational, it can be unrealistic when running a successful business. You need to be laser-focused on your overall goal, and if you believe you can get everything, you may lose focus on what truly matters for your specific business and goals.

Benefits of Creating Processes and Systems

In other words, it’s the difference between staying on a clear road or always scrummaging to “shiny object” syndrome. Shiny objects are leading you down a path of uncertainty and disorganization. Each task you do needs to support your main objective; otherwise, you are putting in more input than is productive for the amount of output generated.


Lower Your Expectations

Especially if you are new to this business or anything, expect less from yourself and others. If you lower your expectations about everything you do in life, you’ll be less frustrated, but you will also know to schedule more time throughout your day in case you need a little extra time as you make mistakes and learn.


Lastly, don’t fear the first step. Stop planning and just get going. Take the first step. Make it so easy that you can’t avoid it. Get your first customer or create an LLC. As you get going, the momentum will give you the confidence and desire to keep going.



How to Identify Over the Top Goals to Make Them Reasonable

Part of learning how to create goals that work is to learn how to make SMART goals. A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.  If a goal is all of these things, it will be a reasonable goal that is possible to attain. During the goal-setting process, though most people will tell you to dream big. That’s great, do dream big, but don’t dream so big that you fail because what you dreamed was not possible for you right now.

Feeling Exhausted

For example, let’s say you want to go to Law School, but you don’t seem able to get a good enough score on the LSAT to get into the school that you want to go to. At first glance, it may seem as if the goal of going to law school itself is impossible and not reasonable, but that’s not true. Instead, you need to step back and attack this goal from a new angle and now set your goal to get a better score on the LSAT.


This may require that you take a year off to take a course and study your heart out, but if you don’t give up, you will eventually pass. It’s not really impossible, just not probable for you to succeed until you’ve spent more time studying.


But let’s say you have a goal of being six feet tall, but you’re 35 years old, and you’re only five foot two. Guess what, you can be six feet tall in the right shoes, but you may look ridiculous. The truth is, you’re never really going to be six feet tall. It’s vital to differentiate dreams from possibilities that can become your goals.


When you are in the goal-setting process, you’ll want to ensure that your goals are reasonable and not over the top and, therefore, impossible or not probable for you to succeed now.


Maybe you don’t have enough capital to invest in the idea right now, so you need to step back and find that money. Perhaps you just don’t have the skillset, so you’ll need to step back and get that skill. Whatever the reason is that you cannot reasonably reach that goal yet step back and set a smaller target at the level previous to the harder, more improbable goal.


Write down all the things that have to happen for the goal to happen. Can you do those things? Do you need to go back to an even earlier step and goal before that one? If you cannot see a way to reach the goal realistically and reasonably that meets your personal timeline and life, no matter how much you step back, you’ll need to adjust the goal.


The old saying that you cannot swim until you learn to tread water applies here. There is no reason to burn yourself out, trying to reach for something that is never going to happen. At the same time, don’t limit your potential either. Go through the goals you’ve set and create a step-by-step path to achieve them even if you have to step back several paces to make it work.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


Signs of Burnout to Watch Out For

The best way to protect yourself against burnout is to understand the signs to watch out for.


Many high achievers experience burnout, whether they work for themselves or others.

The thing is burnout can be prevented if one understands what to watch for and what to avoid.

Do you Experience Burnout

First, understand that burnout is essentially a state of chronic bad stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, detachment and cynicism and feelings that you aren’t accomplishing anything and that everything you do is ineffective and doesn’t matter.


While, at the same time, feeling irreplaceable and unable to say no to anything. It’s kind of like feeling as if you’re on a mouse wheel. Working harder and harder but never going anyplace. You’re tired, overworked, and not accomplishing your goals. In all the chaos, you may not even have goals to check.


Any one or more of the following signs can signal either outright burnout or the potential to experience burnout if mitigation methods aren’t imposed.


  • Chronic Fatigue and Insomnia – If you are always tired, or you can’t sleep, or both, primarily due to circular thoughts about the work you’re doing, it can be due to burnout or approaching burnout. It’s often one of the first signs.


  • Forgetfulness, Lack of Productivity and Poor Performance – When you can’t sleep well or concentrate, it is natural that you may forget things, not work fast as you did before, and do things poorly.


  • Inattentiveness and Detachment – It’s hard to focus and pay attention when you’re suffering from burnout, and it can look like detachment and even inattentiveness. If you have been accused of this by someone else, pay attention.


  • Isolation, Apathy, and Hopelessness – When burnout gets really bad, it can turn into wanting to pull away from others due to not caring about anything. If you feel like your actions don’t matter, it can lead to hopelessness.


  • Illness and Physical Symptoms – Your feelings can end up manifesting as an actual illness. You can become more susceptible to colds and infections when you’re not eating right. Plus, due to not taking care of yourself, you may end up more likely to get a diet-related illness like diabetes if you’re not taking care of yourself.


  • Lack of Appetite or Poor Diet – All the feelings you’re experiencing can cause you to either not eat at all or eat very poorly. It might not seem apparent immediately but eating a diet high in nutrition is one of the ways to avoid burnout and adverse health outcomes.


  • Anxiety and Depression – Mental illness can also rear it’s head as you are experiencing burnout. Sometimes it’s due to nutritional imbalances, or chemical imbalances, but sometimes it’s situational.


  • Anger, Pessimism, and Loss of Enjoyment – When you are experiencing the brunt of burnout, you may act out with hostility due to being disillusioned about business and life. If you aren’t enjoying it and feel like you never will, that will affect you severely.


If you aren’t enjoying your business or your life and the feelings of discontentment are intruding on your ability to move forward, you may be experiencing burnout. If you think you are, it’s a good idea to start right now, today, creating a plan that will work better for you as an entrepreneur. After all, you deserve all the good things in life, including security, satisfaction, and joy.

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