Questions to Ask Yourself to Figure Out What You Want

Let’s step back and think about your life and what you really want out of it as you design your business to work with your life. Most people don’t think about designing their life or their business to work best with the life they want to live.


Instead, they generally get training and get an entry-level job or start a business thinking it’s normal to work all the time and still not have anything extra to have fun with or invest in the future with.


The truly empowering and exciting fact is life doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to settle. You can change your life from right now moving forward if you simply understand what you want and figure out how to get what you want from your true starting point using goal setting techniques that require you to act.


  • Why Do You Exist? – This may seem like an essential question but answer it in terms of what you want to do supposedly for the rest of your life. Perhaps you exist to experience hiking every US hiking trail known? How does that tie into your business needs? Well, it means you need a business that allows you the time and resources to go hiking a lot.


  • What Do You Most Want to Achieve in the World? – Do you want to end hunger, stop pet abuse, or something else? It doesn’t have to tie directly into the business you start but sometimes how you earn money can be impacted by what you most want to achieve. It’s okay to make money from your achievements.

Get better

  • What Do You Want to Be Remembered For? – Try writing your obituary to get your mind around how you want to be remembered. Sometimes it can help to design your obit for more than one audience to highlight different aspects of your personality in your heart and mind.


  • What Excites You? – What was the last thing you did in your life that made you forget time and just forget all your worries? Was it that time you wrote a short story in high school? What about that time you learned to build a database? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Love Most? – Is there something out there already that you really love doing? Do you like gaming? Do you like watching movies? Reading books? Spending time with the elderly? Helping the less fortunate? Mountain biking? List all the things you really love doing.


  • Who Do You Want to Be Like? – Is there someone else that you really think has done all the things you wish you could have done? If someone has already achieved what you want, it helps follow them and learn about them.


  • What Do You Dislike? – Sometimes, if you cannot think of what you like, it’s easier to think about what you do not like. Make a list of things you know for a fact you dislike doing or thinking about. Dislike politics? Dislike running? Dislike filing? Dislike talking on the phone? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Know You Do Not Want? – Like writing what you don’t like helps, so will writing what you know you do not want. For example, “I do not want to work more than 20 hours per week earning money.”


  • What’s Your Tag Line? – Create a tagline for your business but also create one for your life. This tag line can be posted prominently so that you can remember what you stand for and let that guide your choices.


  • How Much Time Do You Have? – When you decide on any new goal in life, it’s important to consider how much time you really have to achieve it. If you’re 50 today, that means you have less time than if you’re 20.


  • How Much Free Time Do You Need? – As you’re choosing a business to help fund your ideal life, think about how much free time you really want and need to be happy. Do you like being able to rest on the weekends, reading, watching movies, or do you like having a busier life?


  • Who Do You Wish to Spend Your Time With? – Think about the average day that you’re not working. Who do you like being around? Think about working. If you had to work with others, what type of people do you want to be around? Describe the attitude, morals, values, and principles of the people you want to spend time with.


  • What Do You Like Doing for Fun? – Make a list of activities you like doing for fun and recreation. These activities take time, money, and skill. It’s important for you to have the resources to do them.


  • What Do You Like Spending Money on Without Guilt? – When you spend money, what makes you not think about it? If you spend money on something and you dislike it, consider whether you need to or not. If you don’t mind, consider what type of budget you need for it.


  • What Does Your Ideal Life Look Like in Five Years? – If you started right now with what you have and what you know, what will your life look like in five years, ideally? Describe it using as many descriptive words as you can.


  • Which Famous Quote Defines Your Moral Perspective? – You can have more than one quote that resonates and describes your moral perspective. Collect a few so that you can look at them when you need a reminder.


Answering these questions is just the start. The answers give you insight into the goals you will set for your business and your life. These goals can work together simultaneously to help you build a business that really does work with your life.


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What Resources Do I Need to Live the Good Life?

As you plan your future business and get ready to create your business plan, you need to understand what resources you need to live the good life you want. You don’t want your business to interfere with it. In fact, you want your business to provide the good life you want. It’s not an either-or choice if you think about all this in advance.


What is a resource? A resource can be either internal or external. For example, you have internal resources such as your own knowledge, skills, qualities, habits, techniques, your own funds, and things you’ve learned over time. External sources may include your access to people in the know, books, software, funds, and so forth.


When you look at your vision board and the goals you’ve set for each of the eight areas of life, what resources do you really need? Some resources you come across will be required, and some will be desired but not out and out required.


Let’s remember the eight areas of life and show an example of the possible resources you need for each area. I included some ideas for you to get you started. This is not comprehensive because it’s hard to know what any one person may have or need as this is very individual, so try to answer this for yourself using the example.


Career and Business


Resources I have:

  • Coaching Certification
  • Time Management Skills
  • Networking Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Computer
  • Coaching Software
  • Online Communities
  • Mastermind Group
  • $5000 Start-Up Funding


Resources I need:

  • Programming Skills
  • Email Marketing Software
  • A Website
  • An Office Space
  • Clients


Health and Fitness


Resources I have:

  • A Good Mindset
  • Gym Membership
  • Good Shoes
  • My Best Friend (Motivation)
  • $400 Monthly Budget


Resources I need:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Regular Dental Care
  • Healthy Grocery Budget
  • Full House Water Filter


Relationships and Social Life


Resources I have:

  • A supportive spouse
  • Three great kids
  • Backyard Pool
  • A Healthy Outlook
  • Good Communication Skills


Resources I need:

  • Bigger Dining Room Table
  • A Vacation Home
  • Time




Resources I have:

  • $5000 Startup Cash
  • A Business Idea
  • A Personal Budget


Resources I need:

  • Bookkeeping Software
  • A CPA
  • A Business Plan
  • A Retirement Plan


Personal and Spiritual Development


Resources I have:

  • My church
  • My book club group
  • My community
  • My health


Resources I need:

  • Books
  • Counselor
  • Like-Minded People


Hobbies and Fun


Add what you have and what you need to ensure you can do your hobbies and have fun.


Home and Environment


What do you have already that makes your home environment the way you want it, and what do you need to improve it based on your lifestyle goals?


Community Involvement


The same thing goes here, list all the resources you have and that you need to achieve the results you desire.


Some of the resources you need you may not have yet, or you may not even be sure what they are yet, but as you move along, you’ll discover what is needed, and you can add those to the list of resources you need. Make sure you create your resource list based on what you have available first and then what you need to acquire for each of the areas of life you want to design and improve.


Understanding exactly what you need for success in each of the eight areas of life will help you ensure that you are working toward your goal in a way that makes it possible to succeed. If you don’t have the resource yet, you can use the information you’re gathering to set up a plan to get those resources.

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How to Optimize Your Email Subject Lines

Part of building a profitable email list is keeping the list subscribers happy. The truth is, getting someone to sign up for your list is not the hard part. Maintaining an active email list that is responsive is the challenge that you really have when it comes to getting and keeping your first 1000 or next 1000 subscribers. One way to ensure your subscribers open your email messages is to optimize your email subject lines.


  • Make Them Short – You’ll want to test out different lengths to find out what it looks like in the subject line area when your audience receives their email. In general, a subject line for an email should be no more than 60 characters long.


  • Use Your Real Name or At Least a Familiar Name in The Return Email Name If your name is known among your audience, use that name. This is not the time to be anonymous.


  • Do Not Use No Reply Email Addresses – Just like you don’t want to use a fake name or an unknown name in the return field, you also don’t want to use a no-reply email that goes nowhere. Email your audience only from real addresses that they can reply to easily.


  • Use Smart Personalization – Each autoresponder has different capabilities, but you’ll want to use all the personalization you can based on your audience and the information you’ve collected. The worst thing that could happen is you add personalization for info you did not collect.


  • Make Honest Promises – It should go without saying that a promise should be true but let’s be clear. When you make a promise to your audience, it should be something you know is true and can really happen.


  • Don’t Blow Smoke – While some will tell you that it’s normal to blow smoke or use hyperbole in business, the truth is, people are sick of it. Just be truthful and straightforward about the benefits of your offers.


  • Tell Them Why They Need to Open the Email – Try to let your audience know why they need to open that email with the subject line. The words you use there should answer that why question for them clearly.


  • Send Your Emails at The Right Time and Day – Each audience is different, but you can start with the stats your autoresponder offers regarding the best times to send your messages to your audience.


  • Elicit the Right Emotions – You want them to be curious and want to open the email based on the subject line urgently. That might seem like a lot for a few words, but with practice, you’ll soon see the results of your efforts when you make them feel something.


  • Use Numbers and Lists – The human brain loves lists; this is why when you publish chunky content (like this post), it’s more digestible to your audience. People read online in an F format, scanning down then to the right. Lists are easy to absorb.


  • Ask a Compelling Question – A great way to create a compelling subject line is to ask a compelling question. The question itself can persuade them to open to see the answers and learn more.


  • Puns Are Fine but Don’t Be Too Clever – While some audiences are more conducive to humor than others, be careful about trying to be too clever because it can cause confusion. Best to be straightforward.


  • Don’t Use All Caps – In fact, your titles should use the appropriate case for titles, which is either upper case on the correct words or lower case on all but the first word to make it more readable to your audience.


  • Test More Than One Idea – You have such amazing technology at your fingertips that you can efficiently conduct A B testing using your autoresponder system, and you should do it because that’s what’s going to help you determine what works best with your audience.

12 Tips for Getting the SEO Right for Your Ideal Audience

While you want to start with best practices, use testing to double-check what works and what doesn’t work. Do more of what shows the results you desire and less of what doesn’t, and you will start to see that your subject lines are working better to get more opens. The more your audience opens your email messages, the stronger your email list will become.


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6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

Once you have created your freebie, you’ll want to create an opt-in page. This list of things to include on your freebie opt-in page will help you make one that gets your ideal audience’s attention so that you can help them solve their problems.


A Compelling Headline and Subhead Line


You have to hook your ideal audience in from the moment they land on your opt-in page. If they aren’t compelled to keep reading, you’ll lose them within seconds of their arrival. A good headline speaks directly to the solution’s benefits for the specific person you created it for.

If you know your Goal

A List of Benefits Associated with The Freebie


To get started making a fantastic opt-in page, try writing down a list of the benefits associated with the freebie you’re trying to get them to download. It can sometimes help to list the features from your view and then attach benefits to each feature that you think is important.


The Sign-Up Form That Works


Depending on your goals, you’ll want a sign-up form that is simple and fast to use. Ask for the information you really need to qualify your leads, no more, and no less. For example, if you want to work with companies that hire at least 100 employees every year, you’ll want to include a field asking your audience to tell you how many employees they have before they get to download the freebie. This will ensure you are working with the right audience.


A Call to Action That Speaks to The Right Person


When you create CTAs, think about the exact person you want to sign up and talk to them. A CTA should be action-oriented and benefit-focused on the right people. The right people are your ideal audience members who will be hungry to use your solutions because they need them.


Attractive Visuals That Your Audience Loves


Every audience has different ideas about what looks good. Don’t trust yourself to know. Instead, study your audience and try different types of images and visuals. You’ll want the page to be uncluttered and the reader’s eyes to be directed in the right places for it to work.


Social Proof to Help Build Trust


Don’t forget to add information that helps build trust, such as social proof. Social proof can appear in the form of testimonials, product reviews, and even a simple statement about how many people have downloaded the freebie and seen results.


Remember that you need to use your freebie opt-in page or landing page and form to attract a specific portion of your ideal audience. Therefore, use your words, visuals, and information wisely. Know your audience, know your offers, and understand the point of building your list with a hungry audience who wants what you are offering.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Create Landing Pages for Your Freebies

When it comes to lead magnets, you want your landing page to be very focused on the people who need the freebie you’re promoting and the freebie itself. Don’t try to appeal to everyone, and don’t get off topic about the benefits of the solution you’re offering. It can help to use software to create landing pages such as to make it all work seamlessly together.

Use Affiliate Marketing to Boost your Income

Also, follow these tips to create landing pages for your freebies.


  • Hook Your Audience Early – If you want your audience even to notice your freebie, you need to use the right words, images, and information to attract them. Learning all you can about your audience will help you know the right words and information to use.


  • Keep the Focus Narrow and Only About Your Lead Magnet – You know that you have other products you want your visitors to buy from you, but don’t talk about any of that on the landing page or opt-in form for your freebie. Be focused on only what the lead magnet does for them.


  • Speak Directly to Your Target Audience And No One Else – Not only do you have a general audience who needs your offers, but you also have buyers who are in various places on their buying journey. For example, the person in the awareness stage needs a different freebie than someone who is in the decision stage.


  • Highlight the Benefits of Your Offer – Like any sales page, you want to remember to only talk about the features of the offer in terms of the benefits it offers your audience. They need to know what’s in it for them as plainly as you can tell them.


  • Remind Your Audience What They’re Avoiding – Adding information about what the audience segment is avoiding helps too. Some people call this “poking the bear,” but it really just means that you bring up the pain they’re trying to avoid in the sales copy.


  • Include a Call to Action – If you’ve not clued into the fact that you need to include a CTA almost every time you communicate with your audience yet, let me help. Include a CTA on your landing page within the opt-in form that describes the benefits of the solution in a way that resonates with the targeted audience member.


  • Add Social Proof – If you have it, including information that builds trust, that helps too. Testimonials, quotes from others about you and your solutions, and even showcasing the number of people who have downloaded the freebie can help provide that additional push.


  • Keep it Short and Sweet – Your landing page for a freebie doesn’t need to be long-form and should not be long-form. Save that for your paid products and services. Ideally, you want them to see your offer and sign up within just a couple of minutes.


It can help to look at popular examples of landing pages for lead magnets on popular websites. Many of them are in the form of a pop-up or pop-under, not an entire page, and they work great. The shorter the landing page and form, the better for lead magnets because you want them to get the freebie, get on the list, and start using your solution fast so you can move them through your product funnel efficiently.

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5 List-Building Success Tips

There is a lot more to list building than merely offering a sidebar sign up for your “newsletter.” Building a list that includes hungry customers who want your offers requires that you know the audience, understand who you are and that you have a plan that goes further than the freebie. After all, you cannot keep people on the email list if you’re not using it. If you’re not using it, there is no point in doing the work building it.

email marketing

Develop Compelling Lead Magnets


Based on your product funnel, you can create various lead magnets designed to attract and educate your ideal customer at each stage of their buying journey. A well-made lead magnet is laser targeted to a specific individual and solves one problem for them fast.


Build an Easy to Use Opt-In Form


In order to get more list subscribers, they have to have a way to get on the list. The most common way is via an opt-in form on the landing page for the lead magnet. You can also add an opt-in box right under a blog post and anywhere on your page, you want to get people to sign up. The main point is to ensure they find it and that it’s easy to use.


Generate Targeted Traffic for Your Offers


Now that you have a freebie, a landing page, an opt-in form, you can start generating traffic for your offers. Use a combination of content marketing, blogging, advertisements, and affiliate marketing to bring traffic to your offers. The more entry points you can create, the more sign-ups you’re going to receive.


Developing Additional Income Streams


Create an Email Marketing Content Plan


Your email marketing content plan will include the messages you want to send based on your subscribers’ behavior and each freebie, product, or service (virtually every single entry point to your list), as well as the content that you want to use to attract the traffic to your subscribers via your blog and social media.


Create an Email Monetization Plan


Plus, you have to monetize your email if you want to make it worthwhile. The way you do that is you include calls to action on every message you send to them via email. Tell your audience what to do, and they’re more likely to do it. You’ll need a series for each freebie, product, or service that capitalizes on the behavior of each.


Don’t just build a list without using the list. There is no point in doing that because people will forget you exist if you don’t keep sending emails to them. Some people are afraid to send too many emails to their list because people may unsubscribe. If you’re sending targeted information to your list and they unsubscribe, that is a good thing because it’ll ensure a list full of hungry customers who want the information you offer.

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Get More Subscribers: Use This Autoresponder Sequence to Keep Your List Engaged

You may wonder what your autoresponder sequence has to do with getting more subscribers. After all, you’re building the list before anyone sees what type of emails they’ll receive. What happens once your ideal customer joins your email list is just as important as what happens before. You want to keep engaged members on your list in order to build a robust list of hungry customers, and the type of messages you send can help.

content creation

First, you need to know the goal of the list. You may have goals such as keeping contact with your subscribers, promoting other products and services (yours or an affiliate’s), and providing more content to your subscribers. Not only that, you can use your list to bring people back to your content on your website so that they can see your offers.


The best way to choose a goal is to go with the goal of the opt-in you create. So, if you have an opt-in designed to build your list and promote your signature product, it’s a lot easier to figure out what needs to be said once you attract a subscriber. Who is the person who wanted that opt-in, and why did they want it, and what do they hope will be accomplished by acquiring it?


The order of operations looks like this.


Marketing Content


This content markets the lead magnet or opt-in. This can be a landing page, a blog post, social media posts, and more. In fact, the more points of entry you can create to lead to the opt-in, the better. Always create a landing page for each lead magnet just like you do for each product or service you sell.


Opt-In or Lead Magnet


The freebie you’re offering will need to be created before you start anything. The freebie itself is going to help you choose the messages to follow the opt-in. For example, a Yoga instructor might offer a freebie PDF download with drawings of 5 daily poses that help lower back pain, or perhaps you might want to offer a download that is a guided meditation to help reduce anxiety.


Whatever it is, the problem you want to solve with this freebie is essential to understand in order to create the follow-up autoresponder series. From there, you can better understand how each email will help guide your subscribers to take future actions such as reading more of your content, buying your signature product, or using products you recommend.


  • Welcome Email – The welcome email should be particular based on how the new subscriber has signed up. If it’s due to the freebie, you need to mention that freebie. If it’s due to a product, they purchased that should be mentioned too. Whatever it is, mention it by name and explain to your subscribers what to expect from you going forward from the first email.


  • Download Page – You can include a link to the download page in your welcome email, or you can tell them in the welcome email to be on the lookout for the download link for their freebie or product. However, it’s always best to send them to a download page instead of attaching the freebie. You can use automation to deliver it immediately, too, if you use software like, for example.


  • Content – Send them some information about their problem, or the product that they downloaded and the ways in which it can help them. Ensure that the information you send is relevant based on how they got on your list.


  • Content – Send more content related to the reasons they downloaded or received the freebie. For example, a blog post with tips regarding relaxing to reduce anxiety that goes along with the freebie and helps them get the most from the freebie.


  • Related Promotion – After you’ve warmed them up, you can send related promotions of products and services you have created or that others have created as an affiliate marketer. For example, you might want to send them a link to that awesome app you are using that helps you stay mindful all day.


  • Content – Do the same thing. Keep sending them related content, articles, news reports, blog posts, and tips related to the initial issue you wanted to help them solve while tipping them off on the next problem you can solve.


  • Content – Keep teaching, informing, and engaging with your subscribers by sending only relevant information via email. Keep the emails clear. You want to avoid being long-winded in email. Use subject lines that make them curious but are straightforward. Cross-promote your social media platforms to help your audience engage with you more.


  • Related Promotion – Every couple of regular emails that you send, you’ll want to send a promotion for a product or service that you recommend whether you’ve created it or not. Remember to set up your autoresponder service to automatically tag or segment the list members based on their behavior.


Create a new sequence like this for each product, service, or behavior you want your subscribers to perform.


For example, if you ask them to read a blog post and they click through, your email marketing software can allow you to tag that person differently from someone who did not click through, which can enable your system to automatically send even more messages to them designed to move them through their buying journey and your product funnel.


The reason this works is that the more engaged your subscribers are, the longer they stick around, the bigger and stronger you can build your email list, earning that first 1000 subscribers or next 1000 subscribers in no time.


Create and Set Up Email Autoresponder Messages

Once you have created your freebie, you need to create and set up autoresponder messages based on that freebie and based on the goals you have for the people who downloaded that freebie. You can use these ideas to get started with ideas for your autoresponder series.


  • Thank You Email – Once your target fills out the form to get the freebie, they should receive an email right off that thanks them and gives them a link to the download page. If you have a good system that delivers the download right away, that is even better, but you still want to send the thank you page with another link to the download.


  • Get to Know Me Email – Once they’ve gotten on the list, it’s your chance to tell them more about you. Tell them about what you do, why you do it, who you do it for, and invite them to get to know you more by sharing your books, your blog, or other platforms where they can find you.


  • Get This Offer While It Lasts Email – Set up another message for the next day or in a day or two that gives them another offer based on what they downloaded. For example, if they’re trying your free trial, you may want to give them a chance to sign up now for a discount.


  • How’s It Going Email – You want to find out how they liked the freebie, so send an email asking them how it’s going and ask if they need any additional assistance. Invite them to a group of others who are using your advice to get more help. Ask your list member to reply to the email directly to get more help.


  • Here’s a New Blog Post Email – If you have blog posts relevant to the freebie, set up a message sending them to the relevant blog posts and information.


  • Do You Need Additional Help Email? – When they’ve had enough time to consume and use the freebie and form an opinion about it, send them an email offering additional help. Ask them for feedback. You can send an email or a survey for this one.


  • Cross Promotional Email – Let your subscribers know where you are on social media, what books you’ve written, or where you guest post, and so forth. The more information that you can provide about what you’re doing, the more they’re going to trust you.


  • The Next Offer Email – Don’t be afraid to make offers in email based on your list member’s behavior. The next offer in your product funnel is a good option, as are other affiliate products that relate or complement what you do.


  • A Great Product or Resource Email – Send your subscribers an email telling them about the products and services they need to be successful based on your niche. Use affiliate links to monetize this email and list. Hint: You can make this a stand-alone page on your site and just send them the link.


  • An I Want to Know More About You Email – Don’t forget to send an email asking them about themselves. You can ask one question, or you can send them a survey to get to know them more.


  • My Resource List Email – Send them an email telling them about your sources of products and services and so forth if it relates to them. For example, if you teach others to build an email list, send them a resource list of all the products you use with affiliate links to build your email list.


  • A Reminder Email – Send an email reminding them of why they downloaded the freebie, and where to get more information about their issues, and how they can solve their problems.


  • An Upsell Email – Make them an offer for the next level product or service you have in your funnel.


  • A Down Sell Email – If they don’t take you up on the bigger product or service, offer them something smaller.


The main thing is to send emails at least every day but make sure the emails are worthwhile and useful. If you send information to them that is not relevant, they are going to be trained not to open your emails. Make each email worthwhile to open, and soon they’ll be opening all your emails.

More info: What you need to make it all Work

Choose Your Email Marketing Technology Carefully

Once you know who your audience is, fully understand your reason for being, and know-how the products and services you recommend benefit your ideal customer, then you can work on choosing the right email marketing technology that will work for you today and into the future as your business grows.

It has been proven time and time again email marketing does work.


To choose the right technology, ask yourself the following questions:


Does the Solution Fit My Budget?


It’s hard to budget until you explore the various offerings regarding email autoresponder and email marketing technology. However, when you set your budget, understand that this is an investment in your business and an important one.


As they say, “the money is in the list,” and with a 38 to 42 dollar return for every dollar you spend, this is not a joke. Set a reasonable budget but realize that this is going to be one of your biggest income earners too.


What Reputation Does the Software Have with Users and Others?


Always check the standing of the software company before using it. Just because it exists doesn’t make it useful. It’s also best to choose a well-loved software that’s been around for a while to avoid having to deal with bugs and issues. If many people in your industry and niche use it, it’s probably a good choice.


What Is the Deliverability Rate Advertised?


The email marketing provider you choose is vital because it’s a trusted system by your customer’s email providers. If they cannot get your emails or they all go to spam folders, you won’t get very far.


Can I Integrate the Software with My Current Technology?


If you already have a website and other technology that is important for your business, can this technology be used with what you already have? It’s important to understand what it works with so that you can get the most from the solution.


Does the Software Allow for Audience Segmentation?


This criterion is something you cannot get by without. You need to be able to automatically segment your audience based on when they sign up, what they sign up for, or where they sign up for your list.


email marketing


Can I Set Up Automation Based on Subscriber Behavior?


In addition to segmentation based on what the customer downloaded or consumed, you should also segment your subscribers based on their behaviors. For example, did you send a survey to your email list? The people who answered should be segmented from those who didn’t.


Are the Terms of Service Compatible with My Business Model?


I realize the terms of service are probably long, but you need to know if it’s within the rules to use this software the way you intend to use it. For example, if you recommend any products you did not create via a unique coded affiliate link, some providers don’t allow it. It would suck to do all that work, build a responsive list, and then get kicked off the platform.


Will This Choice Grow with My Business?


You may not need all the features of the technology when you first get started but trust me, you’ll need many of the features later as your business grows. You want to choose the best system you can based on the ultimate goal of your business growth, not where you are now, because switching systems isn’t as easy as you may think, and you’ll lose list members in the process.


Can I Figure Out How to Use It?


The final issue is, can you figure out how to use it enough to use it now? You can hire an expert in the product to run it for you, but it’s always a good idea to understand it a little bit. The trials can help you determine if you can figure it out enough to get started.


Don’t be afraid to try a few low-cost or free trails but keep in mind that they can be limited until you get the full version. Using free versions for business is not recommended, no matter how long they let you do it. Invest in your business, and others will be willing to invest in you

Engage with customers

Stay in touch with your customers and potential clients with targeted online communication that converts.

Develop and Create a Mission Statement for Your Business

One way you can connect with your audience and ultimately build an email list full of potential customers who need your solutions – is to be very clear about what your real mission is. If you’re unsure what your mission is, it won’t be easy to communicate it to your audience.

Purpose of Life

Therefore, before you get started creating and building your email list, you need to take the time to understand your purpose. It helps consumers separate you from the competition at a glance. Because remember, you want subscribers who want what you’re offering, and the key to that is to know what you stand for.


Your mission statement explains what you do, who you do it for, and why you exist, what makes you different. The elements of your mission statement include the value you offer to your customers (and even your team), explain who they are, and let them know why you and how you are different from the competition.


The mission statement should be to the point. You only need a few concise sentences to get your point across. However, you do want to think long term and include your big ideas so that your mission statement is not just relevant now but in the future. However, it’s always OK to improve your mission statement over time as you learn more.


Let’s look at a few mission statement examples you may already be familiar with to help you get your creative juices flowing.


  • LG: Life is Good: To spread the power of optimism


  • Patagonia: Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.


  • Chick-Fil-A: Be America’s best quick-service restaurant. To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us.


  • TED: Spread ideas.


As you can see, a well-crafted mission statement not only focuses on the direction you want to go with your business, but it helps provide boundaries that help you make good decisions. For example, if you are offered something or are creating a new product or service, you can look to your mission statement to ensure that it fits with your business or not.


To ensure that your mission statement does what you need it to do, remember to include your target audience, the product or service results, and why this product or service is the right one over the others. As you work through creating it, you can cut extra words and perfect it as you go.

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